/** * \file MathData.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author André Pönitz * \author Stefan Schimanski * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "MathData.h" #include "InsetMathBrace.h" #include "InsetMathFont.h" #include "InsetMathMacro.h" #include "InsetMathScript.h" #include "MacroTable.h" #include "MathRow.h" #include "MathStream.h" #include "MathSupport.h" #include "MetricsInfo.h" #include "ReplaceData.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "CoordCache.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "Dimension.h" #include "mathed/InsetMathUnknown.h" #include "frontends/FontMetrics.h" #include "frontends/Painter.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/docstream.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lassert.h" #include using namespace std; namespace lyx { MathData::MathData(Buffer * buf, const_iterator from, const_iterator to) : base_type(from, to), buffer_(buf) {} void MathData::setBuffer(Buffer & b) { buffer_ = &b; for (MathAtom & at : *this) at.nucleus()->setBuffer(b); } MathAtom & MathData::operator[](pos_type pos) { LBUFERR(pos < size()); return base_type::operator[](pos); } MathAtom const & MathData::operator[](pos_type pos) const { LBUFERR(pos < size()); return base_type::operator[](pos); } void MathData::insert(size_type pos, MathAtom const & t) { LBUFERR(pos <= size()); base_type::insert(begin() + pos, t); } void MathData::insert(size_type pos, MathData const & ar) { LBUFERR(pos <= size()); base_type::insert(begin() + pos, ar.begin(), ar.end()); } void MathData::append(MathData const & ar) { insert(size(), ar); } void MathData::erase(size_type pos) { if (pos < size()) erase(pos, pos + 1); } void MathData::erase(iterator pos1, iterator pos2) { base_type::erase(pos1, pos2); } void MathData::erase(iterator pos) { base_type::erase(pos); } void MathData::erase(size_type pos1, size_type pos2) { base_type::erase(begin() + pos1, begin() + pos2); } void MathData::dump2() const { odocstringstream os; NormalStream ns(os); for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) ns << *it << ' '; lyxerr << to_utf8(os.str()); } void MathData::dump() const { odocstringstream os; NormalStream ns(os); for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) ns << '<' << *it << '>'; lyxerr << to_utf8(os.str()); } void MathData::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) (*it)->validate(features); } bool MathData::match(MathData const & ar) const { return size() == ar.size() && matchpart(ar, 0); } bool MathData::matchpart(MathData const & ar, pos_type pos) const { if (size() < ar.size() + pos) return false; const_iterator it = begin() + pos; for (const_iterator jt = ar.begin(); jt != ar.end(); ++jt, ++it) if (asString(*it) != asString(*jt)) return false; return true; } void MathData::replace(ReplaceData & rep) { for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i) { if (find1(rep.from, i)) { // match found lyxerr << "match found!" << endl; erase(i, i + rep.from.size()); insert(i, rep.to); } } // FIXME: temporarily disabled // for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) // it->nucleus()->replace(rep); } bool MathData::find1(MathData const & ar, size_type pos) const { lyxerr << "finding '" << ar << "' in '" << *this << "'" << endl; for (size_type i = 0, n = ar.size(); i < n; ++i) if (asString(operator[](pos + i)) != asString(ar[i])) return false; return true; } MathData::size_type MathData::find(MathData const & ar) const { for (int i = 0, last = size() - ar.size(); i < last; ++i) if (find1(ar, i)) return i; return size(); } MathData::size_type MathData::find_last(MathData const & ar) const { for (int i = size() - ar.size(); i >= 0; --i) if (find1(ar, i)) return i; return size(); } bool MathData::contains(MathData const & ar) const { if (find(ar) != size()) return true; for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) if ((*it)->contains(ar)) return true; return false; } bool MathData::addToMathRow(MathRow & mrow, MetricsInfo & mi) const { bool has_contents = false; BufferView * bv = mi.base.bv; display_style_ = mi.base.font.style() == DISPLAY_STYLE; MathData * ar = const_cast(this); ar->updateMacros(&bv->cursor(), mi.macrocontext, InternalUpdate, mi.base.macro_nesting); // FIXME: for completion, try to insert the relevant data in the // mathrow (like is done for text rows). We could add a pair of // InsetMathColor inset, but these come with extra spacing of // their own. DocIterator const & inlineCompletionPos = bv->inlineCompletionPos(); bool const has_completion = inlineCompletionPos.inMathed() && &inlineCompletionPos.cell() == this; size_t const compl_pos = has_completion ? inlineCompletionPos.pos() : 0; for (size_t i = 0 ; i < size() ; ++i) { has_contents |= (*this)[i]->addToMathRow(mrow, mi); if (i + 1 == compl_pos) { mrow.back().compl_text = bv->inlineCompletion(); mrow.back().compl_unique_to = bv->inlineCompletionUniqueChars(); } } return has_contents; } #if 0 namespace { bool isInside(DocIterator const & it, MathData const & ar, pos_type p1, pos_type p2) { for (size_t i = 0; i != it.depth(); ++i) { CursorSlice const & sl = it[i]; if (sl.inset().inMathed() && &sl.cell() == &ar) return p1 <= sl.pos() && sl.pos() < p2; } return false; } } #endif void MathData::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim, bool tight) const { frontend::FontMetrics const & fm = theFontMetrics(mi.base.font); BufferView * bv = mi.base.bv; int const Iascent = fm.dimension('I').ascent(); int xascent = fm.xHeight(); if (xascent >= Iascent) xascent = (2 * Iascent) / 3; minasc_ = xascent; mindes_ = (3 * xascent) / 4; slevel_ = (4 * xascent) / 5; sshift_ = xascent / 4; MathRow mrow(mi, this); mrow.metrics(mi, dim); // Set a minimal ascent/descent for the cell if (tight) // FIXME: this is the minimal ascent seen empirically, check // what the TeXbook says. dim.asc = max(dim.asc, fm.xHeight()); else { dim.asc = max(dim.asc, fm.maxAscent()); dim.des = max(dim.des, fm.maxDescent()); } // This is one of the the few points where the drawing font is known, // so that we can set the caret vertical dimensions. mrow.caret_dim.asc = min(dim.asc, fm.maxAscent()); mrow.caret_dim.des = min(dim.des, fm.maxDescent()); mrow.caret_dim.wid = fm.lineWidth(); /// do the same for math cells linearized in the row MathRow caret_row = MathRow(mrow.caret_dim); for (auto const & e : mrow) if (e.type == MathRow::BEGIN && e.ar) bv->setMathRow(e.ar, caret_row); // Cache row and dimension. bv->setMathRow(this, mrow); bv->coordCache().arrays().add(this, dim); } void MathData::drawSelection(PainterInfo & pi, int const x, int const y) const { BufferView const * bv = pi.base.bv; Cursor const & cur = bv->cursor(); InsetMath const * inset = cur.inset().asInsetMath(); if (!cur.selection() || !inset || inset->nargs() == 0) return; CursorSlice const s1 = cur.selBegin(); CursorSlice const s2 = cur.selEnd(); MathData const & c1 = inset->cell(s1.idx()); if (s1.idx() == s2.idx() && &c1 == this) { // selection inside cell Dimension const dim = bv->coordCache().getArrays().dim(&c1); int const beg = c1.pos2x(bv, s1.pos()); int const end = c1.pos2x(bv, s2.pos()); pi.pain.fillRectangle(x + beg, y - dim.ascent(), end - beg, dim.height(), Color_selection); } else { for (idx_type i = 0; i < inset->nargs(); ++i) { MathData const & c = inset->cell(i); if (&c == this && inset->idxBetween(i, s1.idx(), s2.idx())) { // The whole cell is selected Dimension const dim = bv->coordCache().getArrays().dim(&c); pi.pain.fillRectangle(x, y - dim.ascent(), dim.width(), dim.height(), Color_selection); } } } } void MathData::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int const x, int const y) const { //lyxerr << "MathData::draw: x: " << x << " y: " << y << endl; setXY(*pi.base.bv, x, y); drawSelection(pi, x, y); MathRow const & mrow = pi.base.bv->mathRow(this); mrow.draw(pi, x, y); } void MathData::metricsT(TextMetricsInfo const & mi, Dimension & dim) const { dim.clear(); Dimension d; for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { (*it)->metricsT(mi, d); dim += d; } } void MathData::drawT(TextPainter & pain, int x, int y) const { //lyxerr << "x: " << x << " y: " << y << ' ' << pain.workAreaHeight() << endl; // FIXME: Abdel 16/10/2006 // This drawT() method is never used, this is dead code. for (auto const & it : *this) { it->drawT(pain, x, y); //x += it->width_; x += 2; } } int MathData::kerning(BufferView const * bv) const { return bv->mathRow(this).kerning(bv); } void MathData::updateBuffer(ParIterator const & it, UpdateType utype, bool const deleted) { // pass down for (size_t i = 0, n = size(); i != n; ++i) { MathAtom & at = operator[](i); at.nucleus()->updateBuffer(it, utype, deleted); } } void MathData::updateMacros(Cursor * cur, MacroContext const & mc, UpdateType utype, int nesting) { // If we are editing a macro, we cannot update it immediately, // otherwise wrong undo steps will be recorded (bug 6208). InsetMath const * inmath = cur ? cur->inset().asInsetMath() : 0; InsetMathMacro const * inmacro = inmath ? inmath->asMacro() : 0; docstring const edited_name = inmacro ? inmacro->name() : docstring(); // go over the array and look for macros for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) { InsetMathMacro * macroInset = operator[](i).nucleus()->asMacro(); if (!macroInset || macroInset->macroName().empty() || macroInset->macroName()[0] == '^' || macroInset->macroName()[0] == '_' || (macroInset->name() == edited_name && macroInset->displayMode() == InsetMathMacro::DISPLAY_UNFOLDED)) continue; // get macro macroInset->updateMacro(mc); size_t macroNumArgs = 0; size_t macroOptionals = 0; MacroData const * macro = macroInset->macro(); if (macro) { macroNumArgs = macro->numargs(); macroOptionals = macro->optionals(); } // store old and compute new display mode InsetMathMacro::DisplayMode newDisplayMode; InsetMathMacro::DisplayMode oldDisplayMode = macroInset->displayMode(); newDisplayMode = macroInset->computeDisplayMode(); // arity changed or other reason to detach? if (oldDisplayMode == InsetMathMacro::DISPLAY_NORMAL && (macroInset->arity() != macroNumArgs || macroInset->optionals() != macroOptionals || newDisplayMode == InsetMathMacro::DISPLAY_UNFOLDED)) detachMacroParameters(cur, i); // the macro could have been copied while resizing this macroInset = operator[](i).nucleus()->asMacro(); // Cursor in \label? if (newDisplayMode != InsetMathMacro::DISPLAY_UNFOLDED && oldDisplayMode == InsetMathMacro::DISPLAY_UNFOLDED) { // put cursor in front of macro if (cur) { int macroSlice = cur->find(macroInset); if (macroSlice != -1) cur->cutOff(macroSlice - 1); } } // update the display mode size_t appetite = macroInset->appetite(); macroInset->setDisplayMode(newDisplayMode); // arity changed? if (newDisplayMode == InsetMathMacro::DISPLAY_NORMAL && (macroInset->arity() != macroNumArgs || macroInset->optionals() != macroOptionals)) { // is it a virgin macro which was never attached to parameters? bool fromInitToNormalMode = (oldDisplayMode == InsetMathMacro::DISPLAY_INIT || oldDisplayMode == InsetMathMacro::DISPLAY_INTERACTIVE_INIT) && newDisplayMode == InsetMathMacro::DISPLAY_NORMAL; // if the macro was entered interactively (i.e. not by paste or during // loading), it should not be greedy, but the cursor should // automatically jump into the macro when behind bool interactive = (oldDisplayMode == InsetMathMacro::DISPLAY_INTERACTIVE_INIT); // attach parameters attachMacroParameters(cur, i, macroNumArgs, macroOptionals, fromInitToNormalMode, interactive, appetite); if (cur) cur->updateInsets(&cur->bottom().inset()); } // Give macro the chance to adapt to new situation. // The macroInset could be invalid now because it was put into a script // inset and therefore "deep" copied. So get it again from the MathData. InsetMath * inset = operator[](i).nucleus(); if (inset->asScriptInset()) inset = inset->asScriptInset()->nuc()[0].nucleus(); LASSERT(inset->asMacro(), continue); inset->asMacro()->updateRepresentation(cur, mc, utype, nesting + 1); } } void MathData::detachMacroParameters(DocIterator * cur, const size_type macroPos) { InsetMathMacro * macroInset = operator[](macroPos).nucleus()->asMacro(); // We store this now, because the inset pointer will be invalidated in the scond loop below size_t const optionals = macroInset->optionals(); // detach all arguments vector detachedArgs; if (macroPos + 1 == size()) // strip arguments if we are at the MathData end macroInset->detachArguments(detachedArgs, true); else macroInset->detachArguments(detachedArgs, false); // find cursor slice int curMacroSlice = -1; if (cur) curMacroSlice = cur->find(macroInset); idx_type curMacroIdx = -1; pos_type curMacroPos = -1; vector argSlices; if (curMacroSlice != -1) { curMacroPos = (*cur)[curMacroSlice].pos(); curMacroIdx = (*cur)[curMacroSlice].idx(); cur->cutOff(curMacroSlice, argSlices); cur->pop_back(); } // only [] after the last non-empty argument can be dropped later size_t lastNonEmptyOptional = 0; for (size_t l = 0; l < detachedArgs.size() && l < optionals; ++l) { if (!detachedArgs[l].empty()) lastNonEmptyOptional = l; } // optional arguments to be put back? pos_type p = macroPos + 1; size_t j = 0; // We do not want to use macroInset below, the insert() call in // the loop will invalidate it. macroInset = 0; for (; j < detachedArgs.size() && j < optionals; ++j) { // another non-empty parameter follows? bool canDropEmptyOptional = j >= lastNonEmptyOptional; // then we can drop empty optional parameters if (detachedArgs[j].empty() && canDropEmptyOptional) { if (curMacroIdx == j) (*cur)[curMacroSlice - 1].pos() = macroPos + 1; continue; } // Otherwise we don't drop an empty optional, put it back normally MathData optarg; asArray(from_ascii("[]"), optarg); MathData & arg = detachedArgs[j]; // look for "]", i.e. put a brace around? InsetMathBrace * brace = 0; for (size_t q = 0; q < arg.size(); ++q) { if (arg[q]->getChar() == ']') { // put brace brace = new InsetMathBrace(buffer_); break; } } // put arg between [] if (brace) { brace->cell(0) = arg; optarg.insert(1, MathAtom(brace)); } else optarg.insert(1, arg); // insert it into the array insert(p, optarg); p += optarg.size(); // cursor in macro? if (curMacroSlice == -1) continue; // cursor in optional argument of macro? if (curMacroIdx == j) { if (brace) { cur->append(0, curMacroPos); (*cur)[curMacroSlice - 1].pos() = macroPos + 2; } else (*cur)[curMacroSlice - 1].pos() = macroPos + 2 + curMacroPos; cur->append(argSlices); } else if ((*cur)[curMacroSlice - 1].pos() >= int(p)) // cursor right of macro (*cur)[curMacroSlice - 1].pos() += optarg.size(); } // put them back into the MathData for (; j < detachedArgs.size(); ++j, ++p) { MathData const & arg = detachedArgs[j]; if (arg.size() == 1 && !arg[0]->asScriptInset() && !(arg[0]->asMacro() && arg[0]->asMacro()->arity() > 0)) insert(p, arg[0]); else insert(p, MathAtom(new InsetMathBrace(arg))); // cursor in macro? if (curMacroSlice == -1) continue; // cursor in j-th argument of macro? if (curMacroIdx == j) { if (operator[](p).nucleus()->asBraceInset()) { (*cur)[curMacroSlice - 1].pos() = p; cur->append(0, curMacroPos); cur->append(argSlices); } else { (*cur)[curMacroSlice - 1].pos() = p; // + macroPos; cur->append(argSlices); } } else if ((*cur)[curMacroSlice - 1].pos() >= int(p)) ++(*cur)[curMacroSlice - 1].pos(); } if (cur) cur->updateInsets(&cur->bottom().inset()); } void MathData::attachMacroParameters(Cursor * cur, const size_type macroPos, const size_type macroNumArgs, const int macroOptionals, const bool fromInitToNormalMode, const bool interactiveInit, const size_t appetite) { InsetMathMacro * macroInset = operator[](macroPos).nucleus()->asMacro(); // start at atom behind the macro again, maybe with some new arguments // from the detach phase above, to add them back into the macro inset size_t p = macroPos + 1; vector detachedArgs; MathAtom scriptToPutAround; // find cursor slice again of this MathData int thisSlice = -1; if (cur) thisSlice = cur->find(*this); int thisPos = -1; if (thisSlice != -1) thisPos = (*cur)[thisSlice].pos(); // find arguments behind the macro if (!interactiveInit) { collectOptionalParameters(cur, macroOptionals, detachedArgs, p, scriptToPutAround, macroPos, thisPos, thisSlice); } collectParameters(cur, macroNumArgs, detachedArgs, p, scriptToPutAround, macroPos, thisPos, thisSlice, appetite); // attach arguments back to macro inset macroInset->attachArguments(detachedArgs, macroNumArgs, macroOptionals); // found tail script? E.g. \foo{a}b^x if (scriptToPutAround.nucleus()) { InsetMathScript * scriptInset = scriptToPutAround.nucleus()->asScriptInset(); // In the math parser we remove empty braces in the base // of a script inset, but we have to restore them here. if (scriptInset->nuc().empty()) { MathData ar; scriptInset->nuc().push_back( MathAtom(new InsetMathBrace(ar))); } // put macro into a script inset scriptInset->nuc()[0] = operator[](macroPos); operator[](macroPos) = scriptToPutAround; // go into the script inset nucleus if (cur && thisPos == int(macroPos)) cur->append(0, 0); // get pointer to "deep" copied macro inset scriptInset = operator[](macroPos).nucleus()->asScriptInset(); macroInset = scriptInset->nuc()[0].nucleus()->asMacro(); } // remove them from the MathData erase(macroPos + 1, p); // cursor outside this MathData? if (thisSlice == -1) return; // fix cursor if right of p if (thisPos >= int(p)) (*cur)[thisSlice].pos() -= p - (macroPos + 1); // was the macro inset just inserted interactively and was now folded // and the cursor is just behind? if ((*cur)[thisSlice].pos() == int(macroPos + 1) && interactiveInit && fromInitToNormalMode && macroInset->arity() > 0 && thisSlice + 1 == int(cur->depth())) { // then enter it if the cursor was just behind (*cur)[thisSlice].pos() = macroPos; cur->push_back(CursorSlice(*macroInset)); macroInset->idxFirst(*cur); } } void MathData::collectOptionalParameters(Cursor * cur, const size_type numOptionalParams, vector & params, size_t & pos, MathAtom & scriptToPutAround, const pos_type macroPos, const int thisPos, const int thisSlice) { Buffer * buf = cur ? cur->buffer() : 0; // insert optional arguments? while (params.size() < numOptionalParams && pos < size() && !scriptToPutAround.nucleus()) { // is a [] block following which could be an optional parameter? if (operator[](pos)->getChar() != '[') break; // found possible optional argument, look for pairing "]" int count = 1; size_t right = pos + 1; for (; right < size(); ++right) { MathAtom & cell = operator[](right); if (cell->getChar() == '[') ++count; else if (cell->getChar() == ']' && --count == 0) // found right end break; // maybe "]" with a script around? InsetMathScript * script = cell.nucleus()->asScriptInset(); if (!script) continue; if (script->nuc().size() != 1) continue; if (script->nuc()[0]->getChar() == ']') { // script will be put around the macro later scriptToPutAround = cell; break; } } // found? if (right >= size()) { // no ] found, so it's not an optional argument break; } // add everything between [ and ] as optional argument MathData optarg(buf, begin() + pos + 1, begin() + right); // a brace? bool brace = false; if (optarg.size() == 1 && optarg[0]->asBraceInset()) { brace = true; params.push_back(optarg[0]->asBraceInset()->cell(0)); } else params.push_back(optarg); // place cursor in optional argument of macro // Note: The two expressions on the first line are equivalent // (see caller), but making this explicit pleases coverity. if (cur && thisSlice != -1 && thisPos >= int(pos) && thisPos <= int(right)) { int paramPos = max(0, thisPos - int(pos) - 1); vector x; cur->cutOff(thisSlice, x); (*cur)[thisSlice].pos() = macroPos; if (brace) { paramPos = x[0].pos(); x.erase(x.begin()); } cur->append(0, paramPos); cur->append(x); } pos = right + 1; } // fill up empty optional parameters while (params.size() < numOptionalParams) params.push_back(MathData()); } void MathData::collectParameters(Cursor * cur, const size_type numParams, vector & params, size_t & pos, MathAtom & scriptToPutAround, const pos_type macroPos, const int thisPos, const int thisSlice, const size_t appetite) { size_t startSize = params.size(); // insert normal arguments while (params.size() < numParams && params.size() - startSize < appetite && pos < size() && !scriptToPutAround.nucleus()) { MathAtom & cell = operator[](pos); // fix cursor vector argSlices; int argPos = 0; // Note: The two expressions on the first line are equivalent // (see caller), but making this explicit pleases coverity. if (cur && thisSlice != -1 && thisPos == int(pos)) cur->cutOff(thisSlice, argSlices); // which kind of parameter is it? In {}? With index x^n? InsetMathBrace const * brace = cell->asBraceInset(); if (brace) { // found brace, convert into argument params.push_back(brace->cell(0)); // cursor inside of the brace or just in front of? if (thisPos == int(pos) && !argSlices.empty()) { argPos = argSlices[0].pos(); argSlices.erase(argSlices.begin()); } } else if (cell->asScriptInset() && params.size() + 1 == numParams) { // last inset with scripts without braces // -> they belong to the macro, not the argument InsetMathScript * script = cell.nucleus()->asScriptInset(); if (script->nuc().size() == 1 && script->nuc()[0]->asBraceInset()) // nucleus in brace? Unpack! params.push_back(script->nuc()[0]->asBraceInset()->cell(0)); else params.push_back(script->nuc()); // script will be put around below scriptToPutAround = cell; // this should only happen after loading, so make cursor handling simple if (thisPos >= int(macroPos) && thisPos <= int(macroPos + numParams)) { argSlices.clear(); if (cur) cur->append(0, 0); } } else { // the simplest case: plain inset MathData array; array.insert(0, cell); params.push_back(array); } // put cursor in argument again // Note: The first two expressions on the first line are // equivalent (see caller), but making this explicit pleases // coverity. if (cur && thisSlice != -1 && thisPos == int(pos)) { cur->append(params.size() - 1, argPos); cur->append(argSlices); (*cur)[thisSlice].pos() = macroPos; } ++pos; } } int MathData::pos2x(BufferView const * bv, size_type pos) const { int x = 0; size_type target = min(pos, size()); CoordCache::Insets const & coords = bv->coordCache().getInsets(); for (size_type i = 0; i < target; ++i) { const_iterator it = begin() + i; //lyxerr << "char: " << (*it)->getChar() // << "width: " << (*it)->width() << endl; x += coords.dim((*it).nucleus()).wid; } return x; } MathData::size_type MathData::x2pos(BufferView const * bv, int targetx) const { const_iterator it = begin(); int lastx = 0; int currx = 0; CoordCache::Insets const & coords = bv->coordCache().getInsets(); // find first position after targetx for (; currx < targetx && it != end(); ++it) { lastx = currx; currx += coords.dim((*it).nucleus()).wid; } /** * If we are not at the beginning of the array, go to the left * of the inset if one of the following two condition holds: * - the current inset is editable (so that the cursor tip is * deeper than us): in this case, we want all intermediate * cursor slices to be before insets; * - the mouse is closer to the left side of the inset than to * the right one. * See bug 1918 for details. **/ if (it != begin() && currx >= targetx && ((*prev(it, 1))->asNestInset() || abs(lastx - targetx) < abs(currx - targetx))) { --it; } return it - begin(); } int MathData::dist(BufferView const & bv, int x, int y) const { return bv.coordCache().getArrays().squareDistance(this, x, y); } void MathData::setXY(BufferView & bv, int x, int y) const { //lyxerr << "setting position cache for MathData " << this << endl; bv.coordCache().arrays().add(this, x, y); } Dimension const & MathData::dimension(BufferView const & bv) const { return bv.coordCache().getArrays().dim(this); } int MathData::xm(BufferView const & bv) const { Geometry const & g = bv.coordCache().getArrays().geometry(this); return g.pos.x_ + g.dim.wid / 2; } int MathData::ym(BufferView const & bv) const { Geometry const & g = bv.coordCache().getArrays().geometry(this); return g.pos.y_ + (g.dim.des - g.dim.asc) / 2; } int MathData::xo(BufferView const & bv) const { return bv.coordCache().getArrays().x(this); } int MathData::yo(BufferView const & bv) const { return bv.coordCache().getArrays().y(this); } MathClass MathData::mathClass() const { MathClass res = MC_UNKNOWN; for (MathAtom const & at : *this) { MathClass mc = at->mathClass(); if (res == MC_UNKNOWN) res = mc; else if (mc != MC_UNKNOWN && res != mc) return MC_ORD; } return res == MC_UNKNOWN ? MC_ORD : res; } MathClass MathData::lastMathClass() const { MathClass res = MC_ORD; for (MathAtom const & at : *this) { MathClass mc = at->mathClass(); if (mc != MC_UNKNOWN) res = mc; } return res; } ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, MathData const & ar) { odocstringstream oss; NormalStream ns(oss); ns << ar; return os << to_utf8(oss.str()); } odocstream & operator<<(odocstream & os, MathData const & ar) { NormalStream ns(os); ns << ar; return os; } } // namespace lyx