// -*- c++ -*- /* * Copyright 1999 Karl Nelson * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef SIGCXX_THREAD_H #define SIGCXX_THREAD_H #include #ifdef SIGC_PTHREADS #ifdef SIGC_THREAD_IMPL #include #else #include #endif #ifdef SIGC_CXX_NAMESPACES namespace SigC { namespace Threads { #else #define Threads #endif #ifdef SIGC_THREAD_IMPL #ifdef SIGC_PTHREAD_DCE struct CondAttr { pthread_condattr_t impl_;}; struct MutexAttr { pthread_mutexattr_t impl_;}; struct ThreadAttr { pthread_attr_t impl_;}; #else struct CondAttr { pthread_condattr_t* impl_;}; struct MutexAttr { pthread_mutexattr_t* impl_;}; struct ThreadAttr { pthread_attr_t* impl_;}; #endif typedef pthread_mutex_t MutexImpl; typedef pthread_cond_t CondImpl; typedef pthread_key_t KeyImpl; typedef pthread_t ThreadImpl; #else class CondAttr {unsigned char dummy[SIGC_PTHREAD_COND_ATTR];}; class CondImpl {unsigned char dummy[SIGC_PTHREAD_COND_IMPL];}; class MutexAttr {unsigned char dummy[SIGC_PTHREAD_MUTEX_ATTR];}; class MutexImpl {unsigned char dummy[SIGC_PTHREAD_MUTEX_IMPL];}; class ThreadAttr {unsigned char dummy[SIGC_PTHREAD_THREAD_ATTR];}; class ThreadImpl {unsigned char dummy[SIGC_PTHREAD_THREAD_IMPL];}; class KeyImpl {unsigned char dummy[SIGC_PTHREAD_KEY_IMPL];}; #endif // Mutual Exclusion class Mutex { typedef MutexImpl Impl; private: Impl mutex_; int destroy(); public: static MutexAttr Default; #ifdef SIGC_THREAD_IMPL operator Impl* () {return (Impl*)(&mutex_);} #endif Mutex(const MutexAttr attr=Default); // (needs work) ~Mutex(); int lock(); int trylock(); int unlock(); }; // A lazy way to unlock at end of scope struct MLock { Mutex &mutex_; MLock(Mutex& mutex):mutex_(mutex) {mutex_.lock();} ~MLock() {mutex_.unlock();} }; // Condition Variable struct Condition { typedef CondImpl Impl; private: Impl cond_; int destroy(); public: static CondAttr Default; #ifdef SIGC_THREAD_IMPL operator Impl* () {return (Impl*)(&cond_);} #endif Condition(const CondAttr &attr=Default); ~Condition(); // restarts exactly one thread hung on condition int signal(); // restarts all threads waiting on condition int broadcast(); // unlocks a mutex while waiting on a condition, then reaquires lock. int wait(Mutex &m); // unlocks a mutex while waiting on a condition, then reaquires lock // with a fixed maximum duration. int wait(Mutex &m,struct timespec* spec); }; // Integer Semaphore struct Semaphore { int value_; Condition sig_; Mutex access_; void up(); void down(); Semaphore(int value=1); ~Semaphore(); }; struct Private_ { KeyImpl key_; void* get(); void set(void *value); void create(void (*dtor)(void*)); void destroy(); }; // Private is a thread split static. template class Private : private Private_ { private: static void dtor(void* v) { T* obj=(T*)v; delete obj; } public: T& operator =(const T& t) {return (((T&)*this)=t);} operator T& () { T *value=(T*)get(); if (!value) set((void*)(value=new T())); return *(value); } Private() { create(&dtor); } ~Private() { destroy(); } }; // int needs to initialized template <> class Private : private Private_ { private: static void dtor(void* v) { int* obj=(int*)v; delete obj; } public: int& operator =(const int& t) {return (((int&)*this)=t);} operator int& (); //{ // int *value=(int*)get(); // if (!value) // set((void*)(value=new int(0))); // return *(value); //} Private() { create(&dtor); } ~Private() { destroy(); } }; struct Thread { protected: typedef ThreadImpl Impl; Impl thread_; void* arg_; ThreadAttr attr_; static void* call_main_(void* obj); public: #ifdef SIGC_THREAD_IMPL operator Impl* () {return &thread_;} #endif virtual void* main(void*)=0; int detach(); static ThreadAttr Default; // arg is for passing extra data to main, but never pass a // local variable or address of local variable. Arg must // be available throughout life of program. int start(void* arg=0); Thread(const ThreadAttr &attr=Default); virtual ~Thread(); }; #ifdef SIGC_CXX_NAMESPACES } /* namespace Threads */ } /* namespace SigC */ #endif #endif /* SIGC_PTHREADS */ #endif /* SIGCXX_THREAD_H */