/** * \file QListings.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Bo Peng * \author Jürgen Spitzmüller * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "QListings.h" #include "Qt2BC.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "controllers/ControlListings.h" #include "insets/InsetListingsParams.h" #include "debug.h" #include "support/convert.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include #include #include #include #include using std::string; using std::vector; using lyx::support::findToken; using lyx::support::getVectorFromString; using lyx::support::getStringFromVector; using lyx::support::prefixIs; using lyx::support::contains; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // QListingsDialog // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char const * languages[] = { "no language", "BAP", "ACSL", "Ada", "ALGOL", "C", "C++", "Caml", "Clean", "Cobol", "Comal 80", "csh", "Delphi", "Eiffel", "Elan", "Euphoria", "Fortran", "Haskell", "HTML", "IDL", "Java", "Lisp", "Logo", "make", "Mathematica", "Matlab", "Mercury", "Miranda", "ML", "Modula-2", "Oberon-2", "OCL", "Pascal", "Perl", "PHP", "PL/I", "POV", "Python", "Prolog", "R", "S", "SAS", "SHELXL", "Simula", "tcl", "SQL", "TeX", "VBScript", "VHDL", "XML", "" }; char const * languages_gui[] = { N_("No language"), "BAP", "ACSL", "Ada", "ALGOL", "C", "C++", "Caml", "Clean", "Cobol", "Comal 80", "csh", "Delphi", "Eiffel", "Elan", "Euphoria", "Fortran", "Haskell", "HTML", "IDL", "Java", "Lisp", "Logo", "make", "Mathematica", "Matlab", "Mercury", "Miranda", "ML", "Modula-2", "Oberon-2", "OCL", "Pascal", "Perl", "PHP", "PL/I", "POV", "Python", "Prolog", "R", "S", "SAS", "SHELXL", "Simula", "tcl", "SQL", "TeX", "VBScript", "VHDL", "XML", "" }; char const * font_sizes[] = { "default", "tiny", "scriptsize", "footnotesize", "small", "normalsize", "large", "Large", "" }; char const * font_sizes_gui[] = { N_("Default"), N_("Tiny"), N_("Smallest"), N_("Smaller"), N_("Small"), N_("Normal"), N_("Large"), N_("Larger"), "" }; char const * font_styles[] = { "default", "rmfamily", "ttfamily", "sffamily", "" }; char const * font_styles_gui[] = { N_("Default"), N_("Roman"), N_("Typewriter"), N_("Sans Serif"), "" }; QListingsDialog::QListingsDialog(QListings * form) : form_(form) { setupUi(this); connect(okPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), form, SLOT(slotOK())); connect(applyPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), form_, SLOT(slotApply())); connect(closePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), form, SLOT(slotClose())); connect(languageCO, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(inlineCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(floatCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(placementLE, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(numberSideCO, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(numberStepLE, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(numberFontSizeCO, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(firstlineLE, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(lastlineLE, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(fontsizeCO, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(fontstyleCO, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(breaklinesCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(spaceCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(extendedcharsCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(listingsED, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(listingsED, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(validate_listings_params())); for (int n = 0; languages[n][0]; ++n) languageCO->addItem(languages_gui[n]); for (int n = 0; font_styles[n][0]; ++n) fontstyleCO->addItem(font_styles_gui[n]); for (int n = 0; font_sizes[n][0]; ++n) { QString font = toqstr(font_sizes_gui[n]); fontsizeCO->addItem(font); numberFontSizeCO->addItem(font); } // set validators numberStepLE->setValidator(new QIntValidator(0, 1000000, this)); firstlineLE->setValidator(new QIntValidator(0, 1000000, this)); lastlineLE->setValidator(new QIntValidator(0, 1000000, this)); placementLE->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(QRegExp("[tbph]*"), this)); } void QListingsDialog::closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e) { form_->slotWMHide(); e->accept(); } void QListingsDialog::change_adaptor() { form_->changed(); } string QListingsDialog::construct_params() { string language = languages[languageCO->currentIndex()]; bool float_ = floatCB->isChecked(); string placement; if (placementLE->isEnabled()) placement = fromqstr(placementLE->text()); string numberSide; switch (numberSideCO->currentIndex()) { case 0: numberSide = "none"; break; case 1: numberSide = "left"; break; case 2: numberSide = "right"; break; default: numberSide = "none"; break; } string stepnumber = fromqstr(numberStepLE->text()); string numberfontsize = font_sizes[numberFontSizeCO->currentIndex()]; string firstline = fromqstr(firstlineLE->text()); string lastline = fromqstr(lastlineLE->text()); string fontsize = font_sizes[fontsizeCO->currentIndex()]; string fontstyle = font_styles[fontstyleCO->currentIndex()]; string basicstyle; if (fontsize != "default") basicstyle = "\\" + fontsize; if (fontstyle != "default") basicstyle += "\\" + fontstyle; bool breakline = breaklinesCB->isChecked(); bool space = spaceCB->isChecked(); bool extendedchars = extendedcharsCB->isChecked(); string extra = fromqstr(listingsED->toPlainText()); // compose a string InsetListingsParams par; if (language != "no language") par.addParam("language", language); if (float_) par.addParam("float", ""); if (!placement.empty()) par.addParam("floatplacement", placement); if (numberSide != "none") par.addParam("numbers", numberSide); if (numberfontsize != "default" && numberSide != "none") par.addParam("numberstyle", "\\" + numberfontsize); if (!stepnumber.empty() && numberSide != "none") par.addParam("stepnumber", stepnumber); if (!firstline.empty()) par.addParam("firstline", firstline); if (!lastline.empty()) par.addParam("lastline", lastline); if (!basicstyle.empty()) par.addParam("basicstyle", basicstyle); if (breakline) par.addParam("breaklines", "true"); if (space) par.addParam("showspaces", "true"); if (extendedchars) par.addParam("extendedchars", "true"); par.addParams(extra); return par.params(); } void QListingsDialog::validate_listings_params() { static bool isOK = true; try { InsetListingsParams par(construct_params()); if (!isOK) { isOK = true; listingsTB->setPlainText( qt_("Input listings parameters on the right. Enter ? for a list of parameters.")); okPB->setEnabled(true); } } catch (invalidParam & e) { isOK = false; listingsTB->setPlainText(e.what()); okPB->setEnabled(false); } } void QListingsDialog::on_floatCB_stateChanged(int state) { if (state == Qt::Checked) { inlineCB->setChecked(false); placementLE->setEnabled(true); } else placementLE->setEnabled(false); } void QListingsDialog::on_inlineCB_stateChanged(int state) { if (state == Qt::Checked) { floatCB->setChecked(false); placementLE->setEnabled(false); } } void QListingsDialog::on_numberSideCO_currentIndexChanged(int index) { numberStepLE->setEnabled(index > 0); numberFontSizeCO->setEnabled(index > 0); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // QListings // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef QController > listings_wrap_base_class; QListings::QListings(Dialog & parent) : listings_wrap_base_class(parent, _("Program Listings Settings")) { } void QListings::build_dialog() { dialog_.reset(new QListingsDialog(this)); bcview().setOK(dialog_->okPB); bcview().setApply(dialog_->applyPB); bcview().setCancel(dialog_->closePB); dialog_->listingsTB->setPlainText( qt_("Input listings parameters on the right. Enter ? for a list of parameters.")); update_contents(); } void QListings::apply() { InsetListingsParams & params = controller().params(); params.setInline(dialog_->inlineCB->isChecked()); params.setParams(dialog_->construct_params()); controller().setParams(params); } void QListings::update_contents() { // set default values dialog_->listingsTB->setPlainText( qt_("Input listings parameters on the right. Enter ? for a list of parameters.")); dialog_->languageCO->setCurrentIndex(findToken(languages, "no language")); dialog_->floatCB->setChecked(false); dialog_->placementLE->clear(); dialog_->numberSideCO->setCurrentIndex(0); dialog_->numberStepLE->clear(); dialog_->numberFontSizeCO->setCurrentIndex(findToken(font_sizes, "default")); dialog_->firstlineLE->clear(); dialog_->lastlineLE->clear(); dialog_->fontstyleCO->setCurrentIndex(findToken(font_styles, "default")); dialog_->fontsizeCO->setCurrentIndex(findToken(font_sizes, "default")); dialog_->breaklinesCB->setChecked(false); dialog_->spaceCB->setChecked(false); dialog_->extendedcharsCB->setChecked(false); // set values from param string InsetListingsParams & params = controller().params(); dialog_->inlineCB->setChecked(params.isInline()); if (params.isInline()) { dialog_->floatCB->setChecked(false); dialog_->placementLE->setEnabled(false); } // break other parameters and set values vector pars = getVectorFromString(params.separatedParams(), "\n"); // process each of them for (vector::iterator it = pars.begin(); it != pars.end(); ++it) { if (prefixIs(*it, "language=")) { int n = findToken(languages, it->substr(9)); dialog_->languageCO->setCurrentIndex(n); *it = ""; } else if (prefixIs(*it, "floatplacement=")) { dialog_->floatCB->setChecked(true); dialog_->placementLE->setEnabled(true); dialog_->placementLE->setText(toqstr(it->substr(15))); dialog_->inlineCB->setChecked(false); *it = ""; } else if (prefixIs(*it, "float")) { dialog_->floatCB->setChecked(true); dialog_->inlineCB->setChecked(false); dialog_->placementLE->setEnabled(true); if (prefixIs(*it, "float=")) dialog_->placementLE->setText(toqstr(it->substr(6))); *it = ""; } else if (prefixIs(*it, "numbers=")) { string s = it->substr(8); int n = 0; if (s == "left") n = 1; else if (s == "right") n = 2; dialog_->numberSideCO->setCurrentIndex(n); *it = ""; } else if (prefixIs(*it, "stepnumber=")) { dialog_->numberStepLE->setText(toqstr(it->substr(11))); *it = ""; } else if (prefixIs(*it, "numberstyle=")) { int n = findToken(font_sizes, it->substr(13)); dialog_->numberFontSizeCO->setCurrentIndex(n); *it = ""; } else if (prefixIs(*it, "firstline=")) { dialog_->firstlineLE->setText(toqstr(it->substr(10))); *it = ""; } else if (prefixIs(*it, "lastline=")) { dialog_->lastlineLE->setText(toqstr(it->substr(9))); *it = ""; } else if (prefixIs(*it, "basicstyle=")) { string style; string size; for (int n = 0; font_styles[n][0]; ++n) { string const s = font_styles[n]; if (contains(*it, "\\" + s)) { style = "\\" + s; break; } } for (int n = 0; font_sizes[n][0]; ++n) { string const s = font_sizes[n]; if (contains(*it, "\\" + s)) { size = "\\" + s; break; } } if (it->substr(11) == style + size || it->substr(11) == size + style) { if (!style.empty()) dialog_->fontstyleCO->setCurrentIndex( findToken(font_styles, style.substr(1))); if (!size.empty()) dialog_->fontsizeCO->setCurrentIndex( findToken(font_sizes, size.substr(1))); *it = ""; } } else if (prefixIs(*it, "breaklines=")) { dialog_->breaklinesCB->setChecked(contains(*it, "true")); *it = ""; } else if (prefixIs(*it, "showspaces=")) { dialog_->spaceCB->setChecked(contains(*it, "true")); *it = ""; } else if (prefixIs(*it, "extendedchars=")) { dialog_->extendedcharsCB->setChecked(contains(*it, "true")); *it = ""; } } dialog_->numberStepLE->setEnabled(dialog_->numberSideCO->currentIndex() > 0); dialog_->numberFontSizeCO->setEnabled(dialog_->numberSideCO->currentIndex() > 0); // parameters that can be handled by widgets are cleared // the rest is put to the extra edit box. string extra = getStringFromVector(pars); dialog_->listingsED->setPlainText(toqstr(InsetListingsParams(extra).separatedParams())); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "QListings_moc.cpp"