// -*- C++ -*- #ifndef FONT_H #define FONT_H #include #include "LString.h" class LyXFont; //namespace lyx { //namespace font { struct lyxfont { static int maxAscent(LyXFont const & f); static int maxDescent(LyXFont const & f); static int ascent(char c, LyXFont const & f); static int descent(char c, LyXFont const & f); static int lbearing(char c, LyXFont const & f); static int rbearing(char c, LyXFont const & f); static int width(char c, LyXFont const & f); static int width(char const * s, int n, LyXFont const & f); static int width(string const & s, LyXFont const & f) { if (s.empty()) return 0; return width(s.c_str(), s.length(), f); } static int width(char const * s, LyXFont const & f) { return width(s, strlen(s), f); } static int signedWidth(string const & s, LyXFont const & f); static int XTextWidth(LyXFont const & f, char * str, int count); static void XSetFont(Display * display, GC gc, LyXFont const & f); }; //} // end of namespace font // import into namespace lyx //using font::maxAscent; //using font::maxDescent; //using font::ascent; //using font::descent; //using font::lbearing; //using font::rbearing; //using font::width; //using font::signedWidth; //using font::XTextWidth; //using font::XSetFont; //} // end of namespace lyx #endif