REM Run this script via double click. REM Create a link and add cmd.exe /k in the preferences in front of the mingw.bat call to prevent closing the cmd window. ::echo off REM Install Qt from set PATH=C:\Qt\Qt5.12.5\5.12.5\msvc2017\bin;%PATH% set LYX_SOURCE=%~DP0..\.. set LYX_BUILD=%LYX_SOURCE%\..\build-result-5-2017 echo LyX source: %LYX_SOURCE% echo LyX build : %LYX_BUILD% REM first remove an existing compilation to assure a clean version mkdir %LYX_BUILD% del /s/q %LYX_BUILD%\* rmdir /s/q %LYX_BUILD%\LYX_INSTALLED REM Download REM Extract on the same level as LyX sources set GNUWIN32_DIR=D:\LyXGit\Master\lyx-windows-deps-msvc2017 REM MSVC 2017 tools call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86 cd %LYX_BUILD% cmake %LYX_SOURCE% -G"NMake Makefiles" -DLYX_USE_QT=QT5 -DLYX_MERGE_FILES=1 -DLYX_NLS=1 -DLYX_INSTALL=1 -DLYX_RELEASE=1 -DLYX_CONSOLE=OFF nmake doc nmake translations nmake nmake install goto :eof :eof REM go back to the dir where the script was called from cd /D %CALLED_FROM%