#\DeclareLyXModule{Variable-width Minipages}
# Adds a 'Minipage (Var. Width)' inset using the varwidth LaTeX package.
# The varwidth package provides a variable-width minipage, whose resulting
# width is the width of its contents (if this does not exceed the specified
# maximum width).
# The inset has two optional arguments: vertical adjustment (c|t|b) and
# maximum width (defaults to \linewidth).
# See example in varwidth-floats-side-by-side.lyx.
# Authors: Guillaume Munch <gm@lyx.org>
# 	   Jürgen Spitzmüller <spitz@lyx.org>

Format 80

InsetLayout Flex:Minipage_(Var._Width)
  LyXType     		custom
  LabelString 		"Minipage (var.)"
  LatexType		Environment
  LatexName		varwidth
  Decoration  		Classic
  MultiPar              true
  CustomPars  		true
  ResetsFont 		true
    Color               foreground
    Size                Small
  Argument 1
    LabelString 	"Vert. Adjustment"
    Tooltip 		"Vertical adjustment: c (center), t (top) or b (bottom)"
  Argument 2
    LabelString 	"Max. Width"
    Tooltip 		"Maximum width (default: \linewidth)"
    DefaultArg 		"\linewidth"
    Mandatory 		1
  Requires		varwidth