#LyX 1.2 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/ \lyxformat 220 \textclass IEEEtran \language english \inputencoding default \fontscheme default \graphics default \float_placement hbt \paperfontsize default \spacing single \papersize Default \paperpackage a4 \use_geometry 0 \use_amsmath 0 \use_natbib 0 \use_numerical_citations 0 \paperorientation portrait \secnumdepth 3 \tocdepth 3 \paragraph_separation indent \defskip medskip \quotes_language english \quotes_times 2 \papercolumns 2 \papersides 1 \paperpagestyle default \layout Title Your Title: And maybe a bit extra \layout Author \begin_inset Note collapsed true \layout Standard Remember that initial submissions don't show the authors \layout Standard names so you'll need to make this a 'Comment'. \end_inset Your Name, Your Co-Author \begin_inset Foot collapsed true \layout Standard Your name is with xyz Department\SpecialChar \ldots{} \end_inset \layout Abstract This paper presents a simple template for IEEEtran documents. \layout Keywords simplicity, beauty, elegance \layout MarkBoth This is for left pages \begin_inset ERT status Collapsed \layout Standard }{ \end_inset and this is for right pages \layout Section Introduction \begin_inset Note collapsed true \layout Standard Don't panic the section numbering may look different in \layout Standard LyX but LaTeX uses the correct Roman numerals and \layout Standard Alpha for section counters. \layout Standard It's just that LyX doesn't handle counters other than arabic \layout Standard numerals. \end_inset \layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status Collapsed \layout Standard \backslash PARstart{T}{here} \end_inset is a need for a little Evil Red Text in the first paragraph. Refer to the IEEEtran documentation (sample document) for more details. \layout Section Previous Work \layout Standard This is only a template remember. \layout Section Methodology \layout Theorem \begin_inset ERT status Collapsed \layout Standard [ \end_inset Theorem name \begin_inset ERT status Collapsed \layout Standard ] \end_inset For a named theorem or theorem-like environment you need to use a little evil red text (LaTeX mode) around the name. \layout Lemma If you don't want a theorem or lemma name don't add one. \layout Proof And here's the proof! \layout Section Results \layout Standard \begin_inset Float figure placement htbp wide false collapsed false \layout Standard \align center \family sans A single column figure goes here \layout Caption Captions go \emph on under \emph default the figure \end_inset \begin_inset Float table placement htbp wide false collapsed false \layout Caption Table captions go \emph on above \emph default the table \layout Standard \align center \begin_inset Tabular <lyxtabular version="3" rows="2" columns="2"> <features> <column alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="true" width="0pt"> <column alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" width="0pt"> <row topline="true" bottomline="true"> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none"> \begin_inset Text \layout Standard delete \end_inset </cell> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none"> \begin_inset Text \layout Standard this \end_inset </cell> </row> <row topline="true" bottomline="true"> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none"> \begin_inset Text \layout Standard example \end_inset </cell> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none"> \begin_inset Text \layout Standard table \end_inset </cell> </row> </lyxtabular> \end_inset \end_inset \layout Section Conclusions \layout Comment \begin_inset Note collapsed true \layout Standard Change this paragraphs style to 'Standard' to enable \layout Standard BibTeX bibliography generation. \layout Standard Remember though that your final submission is supposed to have \layout Standard all the bibliography entries embedded in the latex file. This means \layout Standard you eventually have to copy the .bbl file into the latex file and \layout Standard remove the bibtex lines. \end_inset \begin_inset LatexCommand \BibTeX[IEEEbib]{your_biblio_file} \end_inset \layout Biography \begin_inset ERT status Collapsed \layout Standard { \end_inset Your Name \begin_inset ERT status Collapsed \layout Standard } \end_inset All about you and the what your interests are. Don't forget to put your name in between a pair of {}'s that are set as raw TeX. \layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status Collapsed \layout Standard % This LaTeX comment is needed to force LyX to generate two separate environments \newline \end_inset \layout Biography \begin_inset ERT status Collapsed \layout Standard { \end_inset Coauthor \begin_inset ERT status Collapsed \layout Standard } \end_inset Same again for the co-author. \the_end