/** * \file Text3.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Asger Alstrup * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author Alfredo Braunstein * \author Angus Leeming * \author John Levon * \author André Pönitz * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "Text.h" #include "Bidi.h" #include "BranchList.h" #include "FloatList.h" #include "FuncStatus.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "buffer_funcs.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "Changes.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "CutAndPaste.h" #include "DispatchResult.h" #include "ErrorList.h" #include "factory.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "InsetList.h" #include "Intl.h" #include "Language.h" #include "Layout.h" #include "LyXAction.h" #include "LyXFunc.h" #include "Lexer.h" #include "LyXRC.h" #include "Paragraph.h" #include "paragraph_funcs.h" #include "ParagraphParameters.h" #include "TextClass.h" #include "TextMetrics.h" #include "VSpace.h" #include "frontends/Application.h" #include "frontends/Clipboard.h" #include "frontends/LyXView.h" #include "frontends/Selection.h" #include "frontends/WorkArea.h" #include "insets/InsetCollapsable.h" #include "insets/InsetCommand.h" #include "insets/InsetExternal.h" #include "insets/InsetFloat.h" #include "insets/InsetFloatList.h" #include "insets/InsetGraphics.h" #include "insets/InsetGraphicsParams.h" #include "insets/InsetNewline.h" #include "insets/InsetQuotes.h" #include "insets/InsetSpecialChar.h" #include "insets/InsetText.h" #include "insets/InsetWrap.h" #include "support/convert.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/lyxtime.h" #include "support/os.h" #include "mathed/InsetMathHull.h" #include "mathed/MathMacroTemplate.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { using cap::copySelection; using cap::cutSelection; using cap::pasteFromStack; using cap::pasteClipboardText; using cap::pasteClipboardGraphics; using cap::replaceSelection; using cap::grabAndEraseSelection; using cap::selClearOrDel; // globals... static Font freefont(ignore_font, ignore_language); static bool toggleall = false; static void toggleAndShow(Cursor & cur, Text * text, Font const & font, bool toggleall = true) { text->toggleFree(cur, font, toggleall); if (font.language() != ignore_language || font.fontInfo().number() != FONT_IGNORE) { TextMetrics const & tm = cur.bv().textMetrics(text); if (cur.boundary() != tm.isRTLBoundary(cur.pit(), cur.pos(), cur.real_current_font)) text->setCursor(cur, cur.pit(), cur.pos(), false, !cur.boundary()); } } static void moveCursor(Cursor & cur, bool selecting) { if (selecting || cur.mark()) cur.setSelection(); } static void finishChange(Cursor & cur, bool selecting) { cur.finishUndo(); moveCursor(cur, selecting); } static void mathDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd, bool display) { cur.recordUndo(); docstring sel = cur.selectionAsString(false); // It may happen that sel is empty but there is a selection replaceSelection(cur); // Is this a valid formula? bool valid = true; if (sel.empty()) { #ifdef ENABLE_ASSERTIONS const int old_pos = cur.pos(); #endif cur.insert(new InsetMathHull(hullSimple)); #ifdef ENABLE_ASSERTIONS LASSERT(old_pos == cur.pos(), /**/); #endif cur.nextInset()->edit(cur, true); // don't do that also for LFUN_MATH_MODE // unless you want end up with always changing // to mathrm when opening an inlined inset -- // I really hate "LyXfunc overloading"... if (display) cur.dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_MATH_DISPLAY)); // Avoid an unnecessary undo step if cmd.argument // is empty if (!cmd.argument().empty()) cur.dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_MATH_INSERT, cmd.argument())); } else { // create a macro if we see "\\newcommand" // somewhere, and an ordinary formula // otherwise if (sel.find(from_ascii("\\newcommand")) == string::npos && sel.find(from_ascii("\\newlyxcommand")) == string::npos && sel.find(from_ascii("\\def")) == string::npos) { InsetMathHull * formula = new InsetMathHull; string const selstr = to_utf8(sel); istringstream is(selstr); Lexer lex; lex.setStream(is); if (!formula->readQuiet(lex)) { // No valid formula, let's try with delims is.str("$" + selstr + "$"); lex.setStream(is); if (!formula->readQuiet(lex)) { // Still not valid, leave it as is valid = false; delete formula; cur.insert(sel); } else cur.insert(formula); } else cur.insert(formula); } else { cur.insert(new MathMacroTemplate(sel)); } } if (valid) cur.message(from_utf8(N_("Math editor mode"))); else cur.message(from_utf8(N_("No valid math formula"))); } void regexpDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd) { BOOST_ASSERT(cmd.action == LFUN_REGEXP_MODE); if (cur.inRegexped()) { cur.message(_("Already in regexp mode")); return; } cur.recordUndo(); docstring const save_selection = grabAndEraseSelection(cur); selClearOrDel(cur); // replaceSelection(cur); cur.insert(new InsetMathHull(hullRegexp)); cur.nextInset()->edit(cur, true); cur.niceInsert(save_selection); cur.message(_("Regexp editor mode")); } static void specialChar(Cursor & cur, InsetSpecialChar::Kind kind) { cur.recordUndo(); cap::replaceSelection(cur); cur.insert(new InsetSpecialChar(kind)); cur.posForward(); } static bool doInsertInset(Cursor & cur, Text * text, FuncRequest const & cmd, bool edit, bool pastesel) { Buffer & buffer = cur.bv().buffer(); BufferParams const & bparams = buffer.params(); Inset * inset = createInset(buffer, cmd); if (!inset) return false; if (InsetCollapsable * ci = inset->asInsetCollapsable()) ci->setButtonLabel(); cur.recordUndo(); if (cmd.action == LFUN_INDEX_INSERT) { docstring ds = subst(text->getStringToIndex(cur), '\n', ' '); text->insertInset(cur, inset); if (edit) inset->edit(cur, true); // Now put this into inset cur.text()->insertStringAsLines(cur, ds, cur.current_font); cur.leaveInset(*inset); return true; } bool gotsel = false; if (cur.selection()) { cutSelection(cur, false, pastesel); cur.clearSelection(); gotsel = true; } text->insertInset(cur, inset); if (edit) inset->edit(cur, true); if (!gotsel || !pastesel) return true; pasteFromStack(cur, cur.buffer()->errorList("Paste"), 0); cur.buffer()->errors("Paste"); cur.clearSelection(); // bug 393 cur.finishUndo(); InsetText * insetText = dynamic_cast(inset); if (insetText && (!insetText->allowMultiPar() || cur.lastpit() == 0)) { // reset first par to default cur.text()->paragraphs().begin() ->setPlainOrDefaultLayout(bparams.documentClass()); cur.pos() = 0; cur.pit() = 0; // Merge multiple paragraphs -- hack while (cur.lastpit() > 0) mergeParagraph(bparams, cur.text()->paragraphs(), 0); cur.leaveInset(*inset); } else { cur.leaveInset(*inset); // reset surrounding par to default DocumentClass const & dc = bparams.documentClass(); docstring const layoutname = inset->usePlainLayout() ? dc.plainLayoutName() : dc.defaultLayoutName(); text->setLayout(cur, layoutname); } return true; } string const freefont2string() { return freefont.toString(toggleall); } static void dragMove(Cursor & cur, int moveid, int movetoid) { // Create pointers to buffers Buffer & buf_move = *cur.buffer(); DocIterator dit_move = buf_move.getParFromID(moveid); DocIterator dit_dest = buf_move.getParFromID(movetoid); pit_type & pit_move = dit_move.pit(); pit_type & pit_dest = dit_dest.pit(); ParagraphList & pars = dit_move.text()->paragraphs(); // Create references to the paragraphs to be moved ParagraphList::iterator const bgn = pars.begin(); ParagraphList::iterator dest_start = boost::next(bgn, pit_dest); // The first paragraph of the area to be copied: ParagraphList::iterator start = boost::next(bgn, pit_move); // The final paragraph of area to be copied: ParagraphList::iterator finish = start; ParagraphList::iterator const end = pars.end(); // Move out (down) from this section header if (finish != end) ++finish; // Seek the one (on same level) below int const thistoclevel = start->layout().toclevel; for (; finish != end; ++finish) { int const toclevel = finish->layout().toclevel; if (toclevel != Layout::NOT_IN_TOC && toclevel <= thistoclevel) break; } if (start == pars.begin() || start == dest_start) // Nothing to move return; pars.insert(dest_start, start, finish); pars.erase(start, finish); // FIXME: This only really needs doing for the newly // introduced paragraphs. Something like: // pit_type const numpars = distance(start, finish); // start = boost::next(bgn, pit); // finish = boost::next(start, numpars); // for (; start != finish; ++start) // start->setBuffer(buf); // But while this seems to work, it is kind of fragile. buf_move.inset().setBuffer(buf_move); } /// the type of outline operation enum OutlineOp { OutlineUp, // Move this header with text down OutlineDown, // Move this header with text up OutlineIn, // Make this header deeper OutlineOut // Make this header shallower }; static void outline(OutlineOp mode, Cursor & cur) { Buffer & buf = *cur.buffer(); pit_type & pit = cur.pit(); ParagraphList & pars = buf.text().paragraphs(); ParagraphList::iterator const bgn = pars.begin(); // The first paragraph of the area to be copied: ParagraphList::iterator start = boost::next(bgn, pit); // The final paragraph of area to be copied: ParagraphList::iterator finish = start; ParagraphList::iterator const end = pars.end(); DocumentClass const & tc = buf.params().documentClass(); int const thistoclevel = start->layout().toclevel; int toclevel; // Move out (down) from this section header if (finish != end) ++finish; // Seek the one (on same level) below for (; finish != end; ++finish) { toclevel = finish->layout().toclevel; if (toclevel != Layout::NOT_IN_TOC && toclevel <= thistoclevel) break; } // Do we need to set insets' buffer_ members, because we copied // some stuff? We'll assume we do and reset it otherwise. bool set_buffers = true; switch (mode) { case OutlineUp: { if (start == pars.begin()) // Nothing to move. return; ParagraphList::iterator dest = start; // Move out (up) from this header if (dest == bgn) return; // Search previous same-level header above do { --dest; toclevel = dest->layout().toclevel; } while(dest != bgn && (toclevel == Layout::NOT_IN_TOC || toclevel > thistoclevel)); // Not found; do nothing if (toclevel == Layout::NOT_IN_TOC || toclevel > thistoclevel) return; pit_type const newpit = distance(bgn, dest); pit_type const len = distance(start, finish); pit_type const deletepit = pit + len; buf.undo().recordUndo(cur, ATOMIC_UNDO, newpit, deletepit - 1); pars.insert(dest, start, finish); start = boost::next(pars.begin(), deletepit); pit = newpit; pars.erase(start, finish); break; } case OutlineDown: { if (finish == end) // Nothing to move. return; // Go one down from *this* header: ParagraphList::iterator dest = boost::next(finish, 1); // Go further down to find header to insert in front of: for (; dest != end; ++dest) { toclevel = dest->layout().toclevel; if (toclevel != Layout::NOT_IN_TOC && toclevel <= thistoclevel) break; } // One such was found: pit_type newpit = distance(bgn, dest); pit_type const len = distance(start, finish); buf.undo().recordUndo(cur, ATOMIC_UNDO, pit, newpit - 1); pars.insert(dest, start, finish); start = boost::next(bgn, pit); pit = newpit - len; pars.erase(start, finish); break; } case OutlineIn: { pit_type const len = distance(start, finish); buf.undo().recordUndo(cur, ATOMIC_UNDO, pit, pit + len - 1); for (; start != finish; ++start) { toclevel = start->layout().toclevel; if (toclevel == Layout::NOT_IN_TOC) continue; DocumentClass::const_iterator lit = tc.begin(); DocumentClass::const_iterator len = tc.end(); for (; lit != len; ++lit) { if (lit->toclevel == toclevel + 1 && start->layout().labeltype == lit->labeltype) { start->setLayout(*lit); break; } } } set_buffers = false; break; } case OutlineOut: { pit_type const len = distance(start, finish); buf.undo().recordUndo(cur, ATOMIC_UNDO, pit, pit + len - 1); for (; start != finish; ++start) { toclevel = start->layout().toclevel; if (toclevel == Layout::NOT_IN_TOC) continue; DocumentClass::const_iterator lit = tc.begin(); DocumentClass::const_iterator len = tc.end(); for (; lit != len; ++lit) { if (lit->toclevel == toclevel - 1 && start->layout().labeltype == lit->labeltype) { start->setLayout(*lit); break; } } } set_buffers = false; break; } } if (set_buffers) // FIXME This only really needs doing for the newly introduced // paragraphs. Something like: // pit_type const numpars = distance(start, finish); // start = boost::next(bgn, pit); // finish = boost::next(start, numpars); // for (; start != finish; ++start) // start->setBuffer(buf); // But while this seems to work, it is kind of fragile. buf.inset().setBuffer(buf); } void Text::number(Cursor & cur) { FontInfo font = ignore_font; font.setNumber(FONT_TOGGLE); toggleAndShow(cur, this, Font(font, ignore_language)); } bool Text::isRTL(Paragraph const & par) const { Buffer const & buffer = owner_->buffer(); return par.isRTL(buffer.params()); } void Text::dispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { LYXERR(Debug::ACTION, "Text::dispatch: cmd: " << cmd); // Dispatch if the cursor is inside the text. It is not the // case for context menus (bug 5797). if (cur.text() != this) { cur.undispatched(); return; } BufferView * bv = &cur.bv(); TextMetrics * tm = &bv->textMetrics(this); if (!tm->contains(cur.pit())) { lyx::dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_SCREEN_SHOW_CURSOR)); tm = &bv->textMetrics(this); } // FIXME: We use the update flag to indicates wether a singlePar or a // full screen update is needed. We reset it here but shall we restore it // at the end? cur.noUpdate(); LASSERT(cur.text() == this, /**/); CursorSlice oldTopSlice = cur.top(); bool oldBoundary = cur.boundary(); bool sel = cur.selection(); // Signals that, even if needsUpdate == false, an update of the // cursor paragraph is required bool singleParUpdate = lyxaction.funcHasFlag(cmd.action, LyXAction::SingleParUpdate); // Signals that a full-screen update is required bool needsUpdate = !(lyxaction.funcHasFlag(cmd.action, LyXAction::NoUpdate) || singleParUpdate); switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_MOVE_DOWN: { pit_type const pit = cur.pit(); recUndo(cur, pit, pit + 1); cur.finishUndo(); swap(pars_[pit], pars_[pit + 1]); cur.buffer()->updateLabels(); needsUpdate = true; ++cur.pit(); break; } case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_MOVE_UP: { pit_type const pit = cur.pit(); recUndo(cur, pit - 1, pit); cur.finishUndo(); swap(pars_[pit], pars_[pit - 1]); cur.buffer()->updateLabels(); --cur.pit(); needsUpdate = true; break; } case LFUN_APPENDIX: { Paragraph & par = cur.paragraph(); bool start = !par.params().startOfAppendix(); // FIXME: The code below only makes sense at top level. // Should LFUN_APPENDIX be restricted to top-level paragraphs? // ensure that we have only one start_of_appendix in this document // FIXME: this don't work for multipart document! for (pit_type tmp = 0, end = pars_.size(); tmp != end; ++tmp) { if (pars_[tmp].params().startOfAppendix()) { recUndo(cur, tmp); pars_[tmp].params().startOfAppendix(false); break; } } cur.recordUndo(); par.params().startOfAppendix(start); // we can set the refreshing parameters now cur.buffer()->updateLabels(); break; } case LFUN_WORD_DELETE_FORWARD: if (cur.selection()) cutSelection(cur, true, false); else deleteWordForward(cur); finishChange(cur, false); break; case LFUN_WORD_DELETE_BACKWARD: if (cur.selection()) cutSelection(cur, true, false); else deleteWordBackward(cur); finishChange(cur, false); break; case LFUN_LINE_DELETE: if (cur.selection()) cutSelection(cur, true, false); else tm->deleteLineForward(cur); finishChange(cur, false); break; case LFUN_BUFFER_BEGIN: case LFUN_BUFFER_BEGIN_SELECT: needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_BUFFER_BEGIN_SELECT); if (cur.depth() == 1) needsUpdate |= cursorTop(cur); else cur.undispatched(); cur.updateFlags(Update::FitCursor); break; case LFUN_BUFFER_END: case LFUN_BUFFER_END_SELECT: needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_BUFFER_END_SELECT); if (cur.depth() == 1) needsUpdate |= cursorBottom(cur); else cur.undispatched(); cur.updateFlags(Update::FitCursor); break; case LFUN_INSET_BEGIN: case LFUN_INSET_BEGIN_SELECT: needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_INSET_BEGIN_SELECT); if (cur.depth() == 1 || cur.pos() > 0) needsUpdate |= cursorTop(cur); else cur.undispatched(); cur.updateFlags(Update::FitCursor); break; case LFUN_INSET_END: case LFUN_INSET_END_SELECT: needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_INSET_END_SELECT); if (cur.depth() == 1 || cur.pos() < cur.lastpos()) needsUpdate |= cursorBottom(cur); else cur.undispatched(); cur.updateFlags(Update::FitCursor); break; case LFUN_CHAR_FORWARD: case LFUN_CHAR_FORWARD_SELECT: //LYXERR0(" LFUN_CHAR_FORWARD[SEL]:\n" << cur); needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_CHAR_FORWARD_SELECT); needsUpdate |= cursorForward(cur); if (!needsUpdate && oldTopSlice == cur.top() && cur.boundary() == oldBoundary) { cur.undispatched(); cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_FORWARD); // we will probably be moving out the inset, so we should execute // the depm-mechanism, but only when the cursor has a place to // go outside this inset, i.e. in a slice above. if (cur.depth() > 1 && cur.pos() == cur.lastpos() && cur.pit() == cur.lastpit()) { // The cursor hasn't changed yet. To give the // DEPM the possibility of doing something we must // provide it with two different cursors. Cursor dummy = cur; dummy.pos() = dummy.pit() = 0; cur.bv().checkDepm(dummy, cur); } } break; case LFUN_CHAR_BACKWARD: case LFUN_CHAR_BACKWARD_SELECT: //lyxerr << "handle LFUN_CHAR_BACKWARD[_SELECT]:\n" << cur << endl; needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_CHAR_BACKWARD_SELECT); needsUpdate |= cursorBackward(cur); if (!needsUpdate && oldTopSlice == cur.top() && cur.boundary() == oldBoundary) { cur.undispatched(); cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_BACKWARD); // we will probably be moving out the inset, so we should execute // the depm-mechanism, but only when the cursor has a place to // go outside this inset, i.e. in a slice above. if (cur.depth() > 1 && cur.pos() == 0 && cur.pit() == 0) { // The cursor hasn't changed yet. To give the // DEPM the possibility of doing something we must // provide it with two different cursors. Cursor dummy = cur; dummy.pos() = cur.lastpos(); dummy.pit() = cur.lastpit(); cur.bv().checkDepm(dummy, cur); } } break; case LFUN_CHAR_LEFT: case LFUN_CHAR_LEFT_SELECT: if (lyxrc.visual_cursor) { needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_CHAR_LEFT_SELECT); needsUpdate |= cursorVisLeft(cur); if (!needsUpdate && oldTopSlice == cur.top() && cur.boundary() == oldBoundary) { cur.undispatched(); cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_LEFT); } } else { if (reverseDirectionNeeded(cur)) { cmd.action = cmd.action == LFUN_CHAR_LEFT_SELECT ? LFUN_CHAR_FORWARD_SELECT : LFUN_CHAR_FORWARD; } else { cmd.action = cmd.action == LFUN_CHAR_LEFT_SELECT ? LFUN_CHAR_BACKWARD_SELECT : LFUN_CHAR_BACKWARD; } dispatch(cur, cmd); return; } break; case LFUN_CHAR_RIGHT: case LFUN_CHAR_RIGHT_SELECT: if (lyxrc.visual_cursor) { needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_CHAR_RIGHT_SELECT); needsUpdate |= cursorVisRight(cur); if (!needsUpdate && oldTopSlice == cur.top() && cur.boundary() == oldBoundary) { cur.undispatched(); cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_RIGHT); } } else { if (reverseDirectionNeeded(cur)) { cmd.action = cmd.action == LFUN_CHAR_RIGHT_SELECT ? LFUN_CHAR_BACKWARD_SELECT : LFUN_CHAR_BACKWARD; } else { cmd.action = cmd.action == LFUN_CHAR_RIGHT_SELECT ? LFUN_CHAR_FORWARD_SELECT : LFUN_CHAR_FORWARD; } dispatch(cur, cmd); return; } break; case LFUN_UP_SELECT: case LFUN_DOWN_SELECT: case LFUN_UP: case LFUN_DOWN: { // stop/start the selection bool select = cmd.action == LFUN_DOWN_SELECT || cmd.action == LFUN_UP_SELECT; // move cursor up/down bool up = cmd.action == LFUN_UP_SELECT || cmd.action == LFUN_UP; bool const atFirstOrLastRow = cur.atFirstOrLastRow(up); if (!atFirstOrLastRow) { needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(select); cur.selHandle(select); cur.upDownInText(up, needsUpdate); needsUpdate |= cur.beforeDispatchCursor().inMathed(); } else { // if the cursor cannot be moved up or down do not remove // the selection right now, but wait for the next dispatch. if (select) needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(select); cur.upDownInText(up, needsUpdate); cur.undispatched(); } break; } case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_UP: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_UP_SELECT: needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_PARAGRAPH_UP_SELECT); needsUpdate |= cursorUpParagraph(cur); break; case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_DOWN: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_DOWN_SELECT: needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_PARAGRAPH_DOWN_SELECT); needsUpdate |= cursorDownParagraph(cur); break; case LFUN_LINE_BEGIN: case LFUN_LINE_BEGIN_SELECT: needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_LINE_BEGIN_SELECT); needsUpdate |= tm->cursorHome(cur); break; case LFUN_LINE_END: case LFUN_LINE_END_SELECT: needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_LINE_END_SELECT); needsUpdate |= tm->cursorEnd(cur); break; case LFUN_SECTION_SELECT: { Buffer const & buf = *cur.buffer(); pit_type const pit = cur.pit(); ParagraphList & pars = buf.text().paragraphs(); ParagraphList::iterator bgn = pars.begin(); // The first paragraph of the area to be selected: ParagraphList::iterator start = boost::next(bgn, pit); // The final paragraph of area to be selected: ParagraphList::iterator finish = start; ParagraphList::iterator end = pars.end(); int const thistoclevel = start->layout().toclevel; if (thistoclevel == Layout::NOT_IN_TOC) break; cur.pos() = 0; Cursor const old_cur = cur; needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(true); // Move out (down) from this section header if (finish != end) ++finish; // Seek the one (on same level) below for (; finish != end; ++finish, ++cur.pit()) { int const toclevel = finish->layout().toclevel; if (toclevel != Layout::NOT_IN_TOC && toclevel <= thistoclevel) break; } cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); needsUpdate |= cur != old_cur; break; } case LFUN_WORD_RIGHT: case LFUN_WORD_RIGHT_SELECT: if (lyxrc.visual_cursor) { needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_WORD_RIGHT_SELECT); needsUpdate |= cursorVisRightOneWord(cur); if (!needsUpdate && oldTopSlice == cur.top() && cur.boundary() == oldBoundary) { cur.undispatched(); cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_RIGHT); } } else { if (reverseDirectionNeeded(cur)) { cmd.action = cmd.action == LFUN_WORD_RIGHT_SELECT ? LFUN_WORD_BACKWARD_SELECT : LFUN_WORD_BACKWARD; } else { cmd.action = cmd.action == LFUN_WORD_RIGHT_SELECT ? LFUN_WORD_FORWARD_SELECT : LFUN_WORD_FORWARD; } dispatch(cur, cmd); return; } break; case LFUN_WORD_FORWARD: case LFUN_WORD_FORWARD_SELECT: needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_WORD_FORWARD_SELECT); needsUpdate |= cursorForwardOneWord(cur); break; case LFUN_WORD_LEFT: case LFUN_WORD_LEFT_SELECT: if (lyxrc.visual_cursor) { needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_WORD_LEFT_SELECT); needsUpdate |= cursorVisLeftOneWord(cur); if (!needsUpdate && oldTopSlice == cur.top() && cur.boundary() == oldBoundary) { cur.undispatched(); cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_LEFT); } } else { if (reverseDirectionNeeded(cur)) { cmd.action = cmd.action == LFUN_WORD_LEFT_SELECT ? LFUN_WORD_FORWARD_SELECT : LFUN_WORD_FORWARD; } else { cmd.action = cmd.action == LFUN_WORD_LEFT_SELECT ? LFUN_WORD_BACKWARD_SELECT : LFUN_WORD_BACKWARD; } dispatch(cur, cmd); return; } break; case LFUN_WORD_BACKWARD: case LFUN_WORD_BACKWARD_SELECT: needsUpdate |= cur.selHandle(cmd.action == LFUN_WORD_BACKWARD_SELECT); needsUpdate |= cursorBackwardOneWord(cur); break; case LFUN_WORD_SELECT: { selectWord(cur, WHOLE_WORD); finishChange(cur, true); break; } case LFUN_NEWLINE_INSERT: { InsetNewlineParams inp; docstring arg = cmd.argument(); // this avoids a double undo // FIXME: should not be needed, ideally if (!cur.selection()) cur.recordUndo(); cap::replaceSelection(cur); if (arg == "linebreak") inp.kind = InsetNewlineParams::LINEBREAK; else inp.kind = InsetNewlineParams::NEWLINE; cur.insert(new InsetNewline(inp)); cur.posForward(); moveCursor(cur, false); break; } case LFUN_TAB_INSERT: { bool const multi_par_selection = cur.selection() && cur.selBegin().pit() != cur.selEnd().pit(); if (multi_par_selection) { // If there is a multi-paragraph selection, a tab is inserted // at the beginning of each paragraph. cur.recordUndoSelection(); pit_type const pit_end = cur.selEnd().pit(); for (pit_type pit = cur.selBegin().pit(); pit <= pit_end; pit++) { pars_[pit].insertChar(0, '\t', bv->buffer().params().trackChanges); // Update the selection pos to make sure the selection does not // change as the inserted tab will increase the logical pos. if (cur.anchor_.pit() == pit) cur.anchor_.forwardPos(); if (cur.pit() == pit) cur.forwardPos(); } cur.finishUndo(); } else { // Maybe we shouldn't allow tabs within a line, because they // are not (yet) aligned as one might do expect. FuncRequest cmd(LFUN_SELF_INSERT, from_ascii("\t")); dispatch(cur, cmd); } break; } case LFUN_TAB_DELETE: { bool const tc = bv->buffer().params().trackChanges; if (cur.selection()) { // If there is a selection, a tab (if present) is removed from // the beginning of each paragraph. cur.recordUndoSelection(); pit_type const pit_end = cur.selEnd().pit(); for (pit_type pit = cur.selBegin().pit(); pit <= pit_end; pit++) { Paragraph & par = paragraphs()[pit]; if (par.getChar(0) == '\t') { if (cur.pit() == pit) cur.posBackward(); if (cur.anchor_.pit() == pit && cur.anchor_.pos() > 0 ) cur.anchor_.backwardPos(); par.eraseChar(0, tc); } else // If no tab was present, try to remove up to four spaces. for (int n_spaces = 0; par.getChar(0) == ' ' && n_spaces < 4; ++n_spaces) { if (cur.pit() == pit) cur.posBackward(); if (cur.anchor_.pit() == pit && cur.anchor_.pos() > 0 ) cur.anchor_.backwardPos(); par.eraseChar(0, tc); } } cur.finishUndo(); } else { // If there is no selection, try to remove a tab or some spaces // before the position of the cursor. Paragraph & par = paragraphs()[cur.pit()]; pos_type const pos = cur.pos(); if (pos == 0) break; char_type const c = par.getChar(pos - 1); cur.recordUndo(); if (c == '\t') { cur.posBackward(); par.eraseChar(cur.pos(), tc); } else for (int n_spaces = 0; cur.pos() > 0 && par.getChar(cur.pos() - 1) == ' ' && n_spaces < 4; ++n_spaces) { cur.posBackward(); par.eraseChar(cur.pos(), tc); } cur.finishUndo(); } break; } case LFUN_CHAR_DELETE_FORWARD: if (!cur.selection()) { if (cur.pos() == cur.paragraph().size()) // Par boundary, force full-screen update singleParUpdate = false; needsUpdate |= erase(cur); cur.resetAnchor(); // It is possible to make it a lot faster still // just comment out the line below... } else { cutSelection(cur, true, false); singleParUpdate = false; } moveCursor(cur, false); break; case LFUN_CHAR_DELETE_BACKWARD: if (!cur.selection()) { if (bv->getIntl().getTransManager().backspace()) { // Par boundary, full-screen update if (cur.pos() == 0) singleParUpdate = false; needsUpdate |= backspace(cur); cur.resetAnchor(); // It is possible to make it a lot faster still // just comment out the line below... } } else { cutSelection(cur, true, false); singleParUpdate = false; } break; case LFUN_BREAK_PARAGRAPH: cap::replaceSelection(cur); breakParagraph(cur, cmd.argument() == "inverse"); cur.resetAnchor(); break; case LFUN_INSET_INSERT: { cur.recordUndo(); // We have to avoid triggering InstantPreview loading // before inserting into the document. See bug #5626. bool loaded = bv->buffer().isFullyLoaded(); bv->buffer().setFullyLoaded(false); Inset * inset = createInset(bv->buffer(), cmd); bv->buffer().setFullyLoaded(loaded); if (inset) { // FIXME (Abdel 01/02/2006): // What follows would be a partial fix for bug 2154: // http://bugzilla.lyx.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2154 // This automatically put the label inset _after_ a // numbered section. It should be possible to extend the mechanism // to any kind of LateX environement. // The correct way to fix that bug would be at LateX generation. // I'll let the code here for reference as it could be used for some // other feature like "automatic labelling". /* Paragraph & par = pars_[cur.pit()]; if (inset->lyxCode() == LABEL_CODE && par.layout().labeltype == LABEL_COUNTER) { // Go to the end of the paragraph // Warning: Because of Change-Tracking, the last // position is 'size()' and not 'size()-1': cur.pos() = par.size(); // Insert a new paragraph FuncRequest fr(LFUN_BREAK_PARAGRAPH); dispatch(cur, fr); } */ if (cur.selection()) cutSelection(cur, true, false); cur.insert(inset); cur.posForward(); // trigger InstantPreview now if (inset->lyxCode() == EXTERNAL_CODE) { InsetExternal & ins = static_cast(*inset); ins.updatePreview(); } } break; } case LFUN_INSET_DISSOLVE: { // first, try if there's an inset at cursor // FIXME: this first part should be moved to // a LFUN_NEXT_INSET_DISSOLVE, or be called via // some generic "next-inset inset-dissolve" Inset * inset = cur.nextInset(); if (inset && inset->isActive()) { Cursor tmpcur = cur; tmpcur.pushBackward(*inset); inset->dispatch(tmpcur, cmd); if (tmpcur.result().dispatched()) { cur.dispatched(); break; } } // if it did not work, try the underlying inset if (dissolveInset(cur)) { needsUpdate = true; break; } // if it did not work, do nothing. break; } case LFUN_SET_GRAPHICS_GROUP: { InsetGraphics * ins = graphics::getCurrentGraphicsInset(cur); if (!ins) break; cur.recordUndo(); string id = to_utf8(cmd.argument()); string grp = graphics::getGroupParams(bv->buffer(), id); InsetGraphicsParams tmp, inspar = ins->getParams(); if (id.empty()) inspar.groupId = to_utf8(cmd.argument()); else { InsetGraphics::string2params(grp, bv->buffer(), tmp); tmp.filename = inspar.filename; inspar = tmp; } ins->setParams(inspar); } case LFUN_SPACE_INSERT: if (cur.paragraph().layout().free_spacing) insertChar(cur, ' '); else { doInsertInset(cur, this, cmd, false, false); cur.posForward(); } moveCursor(cur, false); break; case LFUN_SPECIALCHAR_INSERT: { string const name = to_utf8(cmd.argument()); if (name == "hyphenation") specialChar(cur, InsetSpecialChar::HYPHENATION); else if (name == "ligature-break") specialChar(cur, InsetSpecialChar::LIGATURE_BREAK); else if (name == "slash") specialChar(cur, InsetSpecialChar::SLASH); else if (name == "nobreakdash") specialChar(cur, InsetSpecialChar::NOBREAKDASH); else if (name == "dots") specialChar(cur, InsetSpecialChar::LDOTS); else if (name == "end-of-sentence") specialChar(cur, InsetSpecialChar::END_OF_SENTENCE); else if (name == "menu-separator") specialChar(cur, InsetSpecialChar::MENU_SEPARATOR); else if (name.empty()) lyxerr << "LyX function 'specialchar-insert' needs an argument." << endl; else lyxerr << "Wrong argument for LyX function 'specialchar-insert'." << endl; break; } case LFUN_WORD_UPCASE: changeCase(cur, text_uppercase); break; case LFUN_WORD_LOWCASE: changeCase(cur, text_lowercase); break; case LFUN_WORD_CAPITALIZE: changeCase(cur, text_capitalization); break; case LFUN_CHARS_TRANSPOSE: charsTranspose(cur); break; case LFUN_PASTE: { cur.message(_("Paste")); LASSERT(cur.selBegin().idx() == cur.selEnd().idx(), /**/); cap::replaceSelection(cur); // without argument? string const arg = to_utf8(cmd.argument()); if (arg.empty()) { if (theClipboard().isInternal()) pasteFromStack(cur, bv->buffer().errorList("Paste"), 0); else if (theClipboard().hasGraphicsContents() && !theClipboard().hasTextContents()) pasteClipboardGraphics(cur, bv->buffer().errorList("Paste")); else pasteClipboardText(cur, bv->buffer().errorList("Paste")); } else if (isStrUnsignedInt(arg)) { // we have a numerical argument pasteFromStack(cur, bv->buffer().errorList("Paste"), convert(arg)); } else { Clipboard::GraphicsType type = Clipboard::AnyGraphicsType; if (arg == "pdf") type = Clipboard::PdfGraphicsType; else if (arg == "png") type = Clipboard::PngGraphicsType; else if (arg == "jpeg") type = Clipboard::JpegGraphicsType; else if (arg == "linkback") type = Clipboard::LinkBackGraphicsType; else if (arg == "emf") type = Clipboard::EmfGraphicsType; else if (arg == "wmf") type = Clipboard::WmfGraphicsType; else LASSERT(false, /**/); pasteClipboardGraphics(cur, bv->buffer().errorList("Paste"), type); } bv->buffer().errors("Paste"); cur.clearSelection(); // bug 393 cur.finishUndo(); break; } case LFUN_CUT: cutSelection(cur, true, true); cur.message(_("Cut")); break; case LFUN_COPY: copySelection(cur); cur.message(_("Copy")); break; case LFUN_SERVER_GET_XY: cur.message(from_utf8( convert(tm->cursorX(cur.top(), cur.boundary())) + ' ' + convert(tm->cursorY(cur.top(), cur.boundary())))); break; case LFUN_SERVER_SET_XY: { int x = 0; int y = 0; istringstream is(to_utf8(cmd.argument())); is >> x >> y; if (!is) lyxerr << "SETXY: Could not parse coordinates in '" << to_utf8(cmd.argument()) << endl; else tm->setCursorFromCoordinates(cur, x, y); break; } case LFUN_SERVER_GET_LAYOUT: cur.message(cur.paragraph().layout().name()); break; case LFUN_LAYOUT: { docstring layout = cmd.argument(); LYXERR(Debug::INFO, "LFUN_LAYOUT: (arg) " << to_utf8(layout)); Paragraph const & para = cur.paragraph(); docstring const old_layout = para.layout().name(); DocumentClass const & tclass = bv->buffer().params().documentClass(); if (layout.empty()) layout = tclass.defaultLayoutName(); if (owner_->forcePlainLayout()) // in this case only the empty layout is allowed layout = tclass.plainLayoutName(); else if (para.usePlainLayout()) { // in this case, default layout maps to empty layout if (layout == tclass.defaultLayoutName()) layout = tclass.plainLayoutName(); } else { // otherwise, the empty layout maps to the default if (layout == tclass.plainLayoutName()) layout = tclass.defaultLayoutName(); } bool hasLayout = tclass.hasLayout(layout); // If the entry is obsolete, use the new one instead. if (hasLayout) { docstring const & obs = tclass[layout].obsoleted_by(); if (!obs.empty()) layout = obs; } if (!hasLayout) { cur.errorMessage(from_utf8(N_("Layout ")) + cmd.argument() + from_utf8(N_(" not known"))); break; } bool change_layout = (old_layout != layout); if (!change_layout && cur.selection() && cur.selBegin().pit() != cur.selEnd().pit()) { pit_type spit = cur.selBegin().pit(); pit_type epit = cur.selEnd().pit() + 1; while (spit != epit) { if (pars_[spit].layout().name() != old_layout) { change_layout = true; break; } ++spit; } } if (change_layout) setLayout(cur, layout); break; } case LFUN_CLIPBOARD_PASTE: cur.clearSelection(); pasteClipboardText(cur, bv->buffer().errorList("Paste"), cmd.argument() == "paragraph"); bv->buffer().errors("Paste"); break; case LFUN_PRIMARY_SELECTION_PASTE: pasteString(cur, theSelection().get(), cmd.argument() == "paragraph"); break; case LFUN_SELECTION_PASTE: // Copy the selection buffer to the clipboard stack, // because we want it to appear in the "Edit->Paste // recent" menu. cap::copySelectionToStack(); cap::pasteSelection(bv->cursor(), bv->buffer().errorList("Paste")); bv->buffer().errors("Paste"); break; case LFUN_UNICODE_INSERT: { if (cmd.argument().empty()) break; docstring hexstring = cmd.argument(); if (isHex(hexstring)) { char_type c = hexToInt(hexstring); if (c >= 32 && c < 0x10ffff) { lyxerr << "Inserting c: " << c << endl; docstring s = docstring(1, c); lyx::dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_SELF_INSERT, s)); } } break; } case LFUN_QUOTE_INSERT: { Paragraph & par = cur.paragraph(); pos_type pos = cur.pos(); BufferParams const & bufparams = bv->buffer().params(); Layout const & style = par.layout(); InsetLayout const & ilayout = cur.inset().getLayout(); if (!style.pass_thru && !ilayout.isPassThru() && par.getFontSettings(bufparams, pos).language()->lang() != "hebrew") { // this avoids a double undo // FIXME: should not be needed, ideally if (!cur.selection()) cur.recordUndo(); cap::replaceSelection(cur); pos = cur.pos(); char_type c; if (pos == 0) c = ' '; else if (cur.prevInset() && cur.prevInset()->isSpace()) c = ' '; else c = par.getChar(pos - 1); string arg = to_utf8(cmd.argument()); cur.insert(new InsetQuotes(bv->buffer(), c, (arg == "single") ? InsetQuotes::SingleQuotes : InsetQuotes::DoubleQuotes)); cur.posForward(); } else lyx::dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_SELF_INSERT, "\"")); break; } case LFUN_DATE_INSERT: { string const format = cmd.argument().empty() ? lyxrc.date_insert_format : to_utf8(cmd.argument()); string const time = formatted_time(current_time(), format); lyx::dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_SELF_INSERT, time)); break; } case LFUN_MOUSE_TRIPLE: if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button1) { tm->cursorHome(cur); cur.resetAnchor(); tm->cursorEnd(cur); cur.setSelection(); bv->cursor() = cur; } break; case LFUN_MOUSE_DOUBLE: if (cmd.button() == mouse_button::button1) { selectWord(cur, WHOLE_WORD_STRICT); bv->cursor() = cur; } break; // Single-click on work area case LFUN_MOUSE_PRESS: // We are not marking a selection with the keyboard in any case. cur.bv().cursor().setMark(false); switch (cmd.button()) { case mouse_button::button1: // Set the cursor if (!bv->mouseSetCursor(cur, cmd.argument() == "region-select")) cur.updateFlags(Update::SinglePar | Update::FitCursor); break; case mouse_button::button2: // Middle mouse pasting. bv->mouseSetCursor(cur); lyx::dispatch( FuncRequest(LFUN_COMMAND_ALTERNATIVES, "selection-paste ; primary-selection-paste paragraph")); cur.noUpdate(); break; case mouse_button::button3: { Cursor const & bvcur = cur.bv().cursor(); // Don't do anything if we right-click a // selection, a context menu will popup. if (bvcur.selection() && cur >= bvcur.selectionBegin() && cur < bvcur.selectionEnd()) { cur.noUpdate(); return; } if (!bv->mouseSetCursor(cur, false)) cur.updateFlags(Update::SinglePar | Update::FitCursor); break; } default: break; } // switch (cmd.button()) break; case LFUN_MOUSE_MOTION: { // Mouse motion with right or middle mouse do nothing for now. if (cmd.button() != mouse_button::button1) { cur.noUpdate(); return; } // ignore motions deeper nested than the real anchor Cursor & bvcur = cur.bv().cursor(); if (!bvcur.anchor_.hasPart(cur)) { cur.undispatched(); break; } CursorSlice old = bvcur.top(); int const wh = bv->workHeight(); int const y = max(0, min(wh - 1, cmd.y)); tm->setCursorFromCoordinates(cur, cmd.x, y); cur.setTargetX(cmd.x); if (cmd.y >= wh) lyx::dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_DOWN_SELECT)); else if (cmd.y < 0) lyx::dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_UP_SELECT)); // This is to allow jumping over large insets if (cur.top() == old) { if (cmd.y >= wh) lyx::dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_DOWN_SELECT)); else if (cmd.y < 0) lyx::dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_UP_SELECT)); } // We continue with our existing selection or start a new one, so don't // reset the anchor. bvcur.setCursor(cur); bvcur.setSelection(true); if (cur.top() == old) { // We didn't move one iota, so no need to update the screen. cur.updateFlags(Update::SinglePar | Update::FitCursor); //cur.noUpdate(); return; } break; } case LFUN_MOUSE_RELEASE: switch (cmd.button()) { case mouse_button::button1: // Cursor was set at LFUN_MOUSE_PRESS or LFUN_MOUSE_MOTION time. // If there is a new selection, update persistent selection; // otherwise, single click does not clear persistent selection // buffer. if (cur.selection()) { // Finish selection. If double click, // cur is moved to the end of word by // selectWord but bvcur is current // mouse position. cur.bv().cursor().setSelection(); // We might have removed an empty but drawn selection // (probably a margin) cur.updateFlags(Update::SinglePar | Update::FitCursor); } else cur.noUpdate(); // FIXME: We could try to handle drag and drop of selection here. return; case mouse_button::button2: // Middle mouse pasting is handled at mouse press time, // see LFUN_MOUSE_PRESS. cur.noUpdate(); return; case mouse_button::button3: // Cursor was set at LFUN_MOUSE_PRESS time. // FIXME: If there is a selection we could try to handle a special // drag & drop context menu. cur.noUpdate(); return; case mouse_button::none: case mouse_button::button4: case mouse_button::button5: break; } // switch (cmd.button()) break; case LFUN_SELF_INSERT: { if (cmd.argument().empty()) break; // Automatically delete the currently selected // text and replace it with what is being // typed in now. Depends on lyxrc settings // "auto_region_delete", which defaults to // true (on). if (lyxrc.auto_region_delete && cur.selection()) cutSelection(cur, false, false); cur.clearSelection(); docstring::const_iterator cit = cmd.argument().begin(); docstring::const_iterator const end = cmd.argument().end(); for (; cit != end; ++cit) bv->translateAndInsert(*cit, this, cur); cur.resetAnchor(); moveCursor(cur, false); bv->bookmarkEditPosition(); break; } case LFUN_HYPERLINK_INSERT: { InsetCommandParams p(HYPERLINK_CODE); docstring content; if (cur.selection()) { content = cur.selectionAsString(false); cutSelection(cur, true, false); } p["target"] = (cmd.argument().empty()) ? content : cmd.argument(); string const data = InsetCommand::params2string("href", p); if (p["target"].empty()) { bv->showDialog("href", data); } else { FuncRequest fr(LFUN_INSET_INSERT, data); dispatch(cur, fr); } break; } case LFUN_LABEL_INSERT: { InsetCommandParams p(LABEL_CODE); // Try to generate a valid label p["name"] = (cmd.argument().empty()) ? cur.getPossibleLabel() : cmd.argument(); string const data = InsetCommand::params2string("label", p); if (cmd.argument().empty()) { bv->showDialog("label", data); } else { FuncRequest fr(LFUN_INSET_INSERT, data); dispatch(cur, fr); } break; } case LFUN_INFO_INSERT: { Inset * inset; if (cmd.argument().empty() && cur.selection()) { // if command argument is empty use current selection as parameter. docstring ds = cur.selectionAsString(false); cutSelection(cur, true, false); FuncRequest cmd0(cmd, ds); inset = createInset(cur.bv().buffer(), cmd0); } else { inset = createInset(cur.bv().buffer(), cmd); } if (!inset) break; cur.recordUndo(); insertInset(cur, inset); cur.posForward(); break; } case LFUN_CAPTION_INSERT: case LFUN_FOOTNOTE_INSERT: case LFUN_NOTE_INSERT: case LFUN_FLEX_INSERT: case LFUN_BOX_INSERT: case LFUN_BRANCH_INSERT: case LFUN_PHANTOM_INSERT: case LFUN_ERT_INSERT: case LFUN_LISTING_INSERT: case LFUN_MARGINALNOTE_INSERT: case LFUN_OPTIONAL_INSERT: case LFUN_INDEX_INSERT: // Open the inset, and move the current selection // inside it. doInsertInset(cur, this, cmd, true, true); cur.posForward(); // Some insets are numbered, others are shown in the outline pane so // let's update the labels and the toc backend. bv->buffer().updateLabels(); break; case LFUN_TABULAR_INSERT: // if there were no arguments, just open the dialog if (doInsertInset(cur, this, cmd, false, true)) cur.posForward(); else bv->showDialog("tabularcreate"); break; case LFUN_FLOAT_INSERT: case LFUN_FLOAT_WIDE_INSERT: case LFUN_WRAP_INSERT: { // will some text be moved into the inset? bool content = cur.selection(); doInsertInset(cur, this, cmd, true, true); cur.posForward(); // If some text is moved into the inset, doInsertInset // puts the cursor outside the inset. To insert the // caption we put it back into the inset. if (content) cur.backwardPos(); ParagraphList & pars = cur.text()->paragraphs(); DocumentClass const & tclass = bv->buffer().params().documentClass(); // add a separate paragraph for the caption inset pars.push_back(Paragraph()); pars.back().setInsetOwner(&pars[0].inInset()); pars.back().setPlainOrDefaultLayout(tclass); int cap_pit = pars.size() - 1; // if an empty inset was created, we create an additional empty // paragraph at the bottom so that the user can choose where to put // the graphics (or table). if (!content) { pars.push_back(Paragraph()); pars.back().setInsetOwner(&pars[0].inInset()); pars.back().setPlainOrDefaultLayout(tclass); } // reposition the cursor to the caption cur.pit() = cap_pit; cur.pos() = 0; // FIXME: This Text/Cursor dispatch handling is a mess! // We cannot use Cursor::dispatch here it needs access to up to // date metrics. FuncRequest cmd_caption(LFUN_CAPTION_INSERT); doInsertInset(cur, cur.text(), cmd_caption, true, false); bv->buffer().updateLabels(); cur.updateFlags(Update::Force); // FIXME: When leaving the Float (or Wrap) inset we should // delete any empty paragraph left above or below the // caption. break; } case LFUN_NOMENCL_INSERT: { InsetCommandParams p(NOMENCL_CODE); if (cmd.argument().empty()) p["symbol"] = bv->cursor().innerText()->getStringToIndex(bv->cursor()); else p["symbol"] = cmd.argument(); string const data = InsetCommand::params2string("nomenclature", p); bv->showDialog("nomenclature", data); break; } case LFUN_INDEX_PRINT: { InsetCommandParams p(INDEX_PRINT_CODE); if (cmd.argument().empty()) p["type"] = from_ascii("idx"); else p["type"] = cmd.argument(); string const data = InsetCommand::params2string("index_print", p); FuncRequest fr(LFUN_INSET_INSERT, data); dispatch(cur, fr); break; } case LFUN_NOMENCL_PRINT: case LFUN_TOC_INSERT: case LFUN_LINE_INSERT: case LFUN_NEWPAGE_INSERT: // do nothing fancy doInsertInset(cur, this, cmd, false, false); cur.posForward(); break; case LFUN_DEPTH_DECREMENT: changeDepth(cur, DEC_DEPTH); break; case LFUN_DEPTH_INCREMENT: changeDepth(cur, INC_DEPTH); break; case LFUN_MATH_DISPLAY: mathDispatch(cur, cmd, true); break; case LFUN_REGEXP_MODE: regexpDispatch(cur, cmd); break; case LFUN_MATH_MODE: if (cmd.argument() == "on") // don't pass "on" as argument mathDispatch(cur, FuncRequest(LFUN_MATH_MODE), false); else mathDispatch(cur, cmd, false); break; case LFUN_MATH_MACRO: if (cmd.argument().empty()) cur.errorMessage(from_utf8(N_("Missing argument"))); else { string s = to_utf8(cmd.argument()); string const s1 = token(s, ' ', 1); int const nargs = s1.empty() ? 0 : convert(s1); string const s2 = token(s, ' ', 2); MacroType type = MacroTypeNewcommand; if (s2 == "def") type = MacroTypeDef; MathMacroTemplate * inset = new MathMacroTemplate(from_utf8(token(s, ' ', 0)), nargs, false, type); inset->setBuffer(bv->buffer()); insertInset(cur, inset); // enter macro inset and select the name cur.push(*inset); cur.top().pos() = cur.top().lastpos(); cur.resetAnchor(); cur.setSelection(true); cur.top().pos() = 0; } break; // passthrough hat and underscore outside mathed: case LFUN_MATH_SUBSCRIPT: mathDispatch(cur, FuncRequest(LFUN_SELF_INSERT, "_"), false); break; case LFUN_MATH_SUPERSCRIPT: mathDispatch(cur, FuncRequest(LFUN_SELF_INSERT, "^"), false); break; case LFUN_MATH_INSERT: case LFUN_MATH_AMS_MATRIX: case LFUN_MATH_MATRIX: case LFUN_MATH_DELIM: case LFUN_MATH_BIGDELIM: { cur.recordUndo(); cap::replaceSelection(cur); cur.insert(new InsetMathHull(hullSimple)); checkAndActivateInset(cur, true); LASSERT(cur.inMathed(), /**/); cur.dispatch(cmd); break; } case LFUN_FONT_EMPH: { Font font(ignore_font, ignore_language); font.fontInfo().setEmph(FONT_TOGGLE); toggleAndShow(cur, this, font); break; } case LFUN_FONT_ITAL: { Font font(ignore_font, ignore_language); font.fontInfo().setShape(ITALIC_SHAPE); toggleAndShow(cur, this, font); break; } case LFUN_FONT_BOLD: case LFUN_FONT_BOLDSYMBOL: { Font font(ignore_font, ignore_language); font.fontInfo().setSeries(BOLD_SERIES); toggleAndShow(cur, this, font); break; } case LFUN_FONT_NOUN: { Font font(ignore_font, ignore_language); font.fontInfo().setNoun(FONT_TOGGLE); toggleAndShow(cur, this, font); break; } case LFUN_FONT_TYPEWRITER: { Font font(ignore_font, ignore_language); font.fontInfo().setFamily(TYPEWRITER_FAMILY); // no good toggleAndShow(cur, this, font); break; } case LFUN_FONT_SANS: { Font font(ignore_font, ignore_language); font.fontInfo().setFamily(SANS_FAMILY); toggleAndShow(cur, this, font); break; } case LFUN_FONT_ROMAN: { Font font(ignore_font, ignore_language); font.fontInfo().setFamily(ROMAN_FAMILY); toggleAndShow(cur, this, font); break; } case LFUN_FONT_DEFAULT: { Font font(inherit_font, ignore_language); toggleAndShow(cur, this, font); break; } case LFUN_FONT_STRIKEOUT: { Font font(ignore_font, ignore_language); font.fontInfo().setStrikeout(FONT_TOGGLE); toggleAndShow(cur, this, font); break; } case LFUN_FONT_UULINE: { Font font(ignore_font, ignore_language); font.fontInfo().setUuline(FONT_TOGGLE); toggleAndShow(cur, this, font); break; } case LFUN_FONT_UWAVE: { Font font(ignore_font, ignore_language); font.fontInfo().setUwave(FONT_TOGGLE); toggleAndShow(cur, this, font); break; } case LFUN_FONT_UNDERLINE: { Font font(ignore_font, ignore_language); font.fontInfo().setUnderbar(FONT_TOGGLE); toggleAndShow(cur, this, font); break; } case LFUN_FONT_SIZE: { Font font(ignore_font, ignore_language); setLyXSize(to_utf8(cmd.argument()), font.fontInfo()); toggleAndShow(cur, this, font); break; } case LFUN_LANGUAGE: { Language const * lang = languages.getLanguage(to_utf8(cmd.argument())); if (!lang) break; Font font(ignore_font, lang); toggleAndShow(cur, this, font); break; } case LFUN_TEXTSTYLE_APPLY: toggleAndShow(cur, this, freefont, toggleall); cur.message(_("Character set")); break; // Set the freefont using the contents of \param data dispatched from // the frontends and apply it at the current cursor location. case LFUN_TEXTSTYLE_UPDATE: { Font font; bool toggle; if (font.fromString(to_utf8(cmd.argument()), toggle)) { freefont = font; toggleall = toggle; toggleAndShow(cur, this, freefont, toggleall); cur.message(_("Character set")); } else { lyxerr << "Argument not ok"; } break; } case LFUN_FINISHED_LEFT: LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG, "handle LFUN_FINISHED_LEFT:\n" << cur); // We're leaving an inset, going left. If the inset is LTR, we're // leaving from the front, so we should not move (remain at --- but // not in --- the inset). If the inset is RTL, move left, without // entering the inset itself; i.e., move to after the inset. if (cur.paragraph().getFontSettings( cur.bv().buffer().params(), cur.pos()).isRightToLeft()) cursorVisLeft(cur, true); break; case LFUN_FINISHED_RIGHT: LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG, "handle LFUN_FINISHED_RIGHT:\n" << cur); // We're leaving an inset, going right. If the inset is RTL, we're // leaving from the front, so we should not move (remain at --- but // not in --- the inset). If the inset is LTR, move right, without // entering the inset itself; i.e., move to after the inset. if (!cur.paragraph().getFontSettings( cur.bv().buffer().params(), cur.pos()).isRightToLeft()) cursorVisRight(cur, true); break; case LFUN_FINISHED_BACKWARD: LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG, "handle LFUN_FINISHED_BACKWARD:\n" << cur); break; case LFUN_FINISHED_FORWARD: LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG, "handle LFUN_FINISHED_FORWARD:\n" << cur); ++cur.pos(); cur.setCurrentFont(); break; case LFUN_LAYOUT_PARAGRAPH: { string data; params2string(cur.paragraph(), data); data = "show\n" + data; bv->showDialog("paragraph", data); break; } case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_UPDATE: { string data; params2string(cur.paragraph(), data); // Will the paragraph accept changes from the dialog? bool const accept = cur.inset().allowParagraphCustomization(cur.idx()); data = "update " + convert(accept) + '\n' + data; bv->updateDialog("paragraph", data); break; } case LFUN_ACCENT_UMLAUT: case LFUN_ACCENT_CIRCUMFLEX: case LFUN_ACCENT_GRAVE: case LFUN_ACCENT_ACUTE: case LFUN_ACCENT_TILDE: case LFUN_ACCENT_CEDILLA: case LFUN_ACCENT_MACRON: case LFUN_ACCENT_DOT: case LFUN_ACCENT_UNDERDOT: case LFUN_ACCENT_UNDERBAR: case LFUN_ACCENT_CARON: case LFUN_ACCENT_BREVE: case LFUN_ACCENT_TIE: case LFUN_ACCENT_HUNGARIAN_UMLAUT: case LFUN_ACCENT_CIRCLE: case LFUN_ACCENT_OGONEK: theLyXFunc().handleKeyFunc(cmd.action); if (!cmd.argument().empty()) // FIXME: Are all these characters encoded in one byte in utf8? bv->translateAndInsert(cmd.argument()[0], this, cur); break; case LFUN_FLOAT_LIST_INSERT: { DocumentClass const & tclass = bv->buffer().params().documentClass(); if (tclass.floats().typeExist(to_utf8(cmd.argument()))) { cur.recordUndo(); if (cur.selection()) cutSelection(cur, true, false); breakParagraph(cur); if (cur.lastpos() != 0) { cursorBackward(cur); breakParagraph(cur); } docstring const laystr = cur.inset().usePlainLayout() ? tclass.plainLayoutName() : tclass.defaultLayoutName(); setLayout(cur, laystr); ParagraphParameters p; // FIXME If this call were replaced with one to clearParagraphParams(), // then we could get rid of this method altogether. setParagraphs(cur, p); // FIXME This should be simplified when InsetFloatList takes a // Buffer in its constructor. InsetFloatList * ifl = new InsetFloatList(to_utf8(cmd.argument())); ifl->setBuffer(bv->buffer()); insertInset(cur, ifl); cur.posForward(); } else { lyxerr << "Non-existent float type: " << to_utf8(cmd.argument()) << endl; } break; } case LFUN_CHANGE_ACCEPT: { acceptOrRejectChanges(cur, ACCEPT); break; } case LFUN_CHANGE_REJECT: { acceptOrRejectChanges(cur, REJECT); break; } case LFUN_THESAURUS_ENTRY: { docstring arg = cmd.argument(); if (arg.empty()) { arg = cur.selectionAsString(false); // FIXME if (arg.size() > 100 || arg.empty()) { // Get word or selection selectWordWhenUnderCursor(cur, WHOLE_WORD); arg = cur.selectionAsString(false); arg += " lang=" + from_ascii(cur.getFont().language()->lang()); } } bv->showDialog("thesaurus", to_utf8(arg)); break; } case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_PARAMS_APPLY: { // Given data, an encoding of the ParagraphParameters // generated in the Paragraph dialog, this function sets // the current paragraph, or currently selected paragraphs, // appropriately. // NOTE: This function overrides all existing settings. setParagraphs(cur, cmd.argument()); cur.message(_("Paragraph layout set")); break; } case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_PARAMS: { // Given data, an encoding of the ParagraphParameters as we'd // find them in a LyX file, this function modifies the current paragraph, // or currently selected paragraphs. // NOTE: This function only modifies, and does not override, existing // settings. setParagraphs(cur, cmd.argument(), true); cur.message(_("Paragraph layout set")); break; } case LFUN_ESCAPE: if (cur.selection()) { cur.setSelection(false); } else { cur.undispatched(); // This used to be LFUN_FINISHED_RIGHT, I think FORWARD is more // correct, but I'm not 100% sure -- dov, 071019 cmd = FuncRequest(LFUN_FINISHED_FORWARD); } break; case LFUN_OUTLINE_UP: outline(OutlineUp, cur); setCursor(cur, cur.pit(), 0); cur.buffer()->updateLabels(); needsUpdate = true; break; case LFUN_OUTLINE_DOWN: outline(OutlineDown, cur); setCursor(cur, cur.pit(), 0); cur.buffer()->updateLabels(); needsUpdate = true; break; case LFUN_OUTLINE_IN: outline(OutlineIn, cur); cur.buffer()->updateLabels(); needsUpdate = true; break; case LFUN_OUTLINE_OUT: outline(OutlineOut, cur); cur.buffer()->updateLabels(); needsUpdate = true; break; case LFUN_OUTLINE_DRAGMOVE: { int const move_id = convert(cmd.getArg(0)); int const move_to_id = convert(cmd.getArg(1)); dragMove(cur, move_id, move_to_id); setCursor(cur, cur.pit(), 0); cur.buffer()->updateLabels(); needsUpdate = true; break; } default: LYXERR(Debug::ACTION, "Command " << cmd << " not DISPATCHED by Text"); cur.undispatched(); break; } if (lyxrc.spellcheck_continuously && cur.inTexted()) // Take this opportunity to spellcheck current word. cur.paragraph().isMisspelled(cur.pos()); needsUpdate |= (cur.pos() != cur.lastpos()) && cur.selection(); // FIXME: The cursor flag is reset two lines below // so we need to check here if some of the LFUN did touch that. // for now only Text::erase() and Text::backspace() do that. // The plan is to verify all the LFUNs and then to remove this // singleParUpdate boolean altogether. if (cur.result().update() & Update::Force) { singleParUpdate = false; needsUpdate = true; } // FIXME: the following code should go in favor of fine grained // update flag treatment. if (singleParUpdate) { // Inserting characters does not change par height in general. So, try // to update _only_ this paragraph. BufferView will detect if a full // metrics update is needed anyway. cur.updateFlags(Update::SinglePar | Update::FitCursor); return; } if (!needsUpdate && &oldTopSlice.inset() == &cur.inset() && oldTopSlice.idx() == cur.idx() && !sel // sel is a backup of cur.selection() at the beginning of the function. && !cur.selection()) // FIXME: it would be better if we could just do this // //if (cur.result().update() != Update::FitCursor) // cur.noUpdate(); // // But some LFUNs do not set Update::FitCursor when needed, so we // do it for all. This is not very harmfull as FitCursor will provoke // a full redraw only if needed but still, a proper review of all LFUN // should be done and this needsUpdate boolean can then be removed. cur.updateFlags(Update::FitCursor); else cur.updateFlags(Update::Force | Update::FitCursor); } bool Text::getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd, FuncStatus & flag) const { LASSERT(cur.text() == this, /**/); FontInfo const & fontinfo = cur.real_current_font.fontInfo(); bool enable = true; InsetCode code = NO_CODE; switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_DEPTH_DECREMENT: enable = changeDepthAllowed(cur, DEC_DEPTH); break; case LFUN_DEPTH_INCREMENT: enable = changeDepthAllowed(cur, INC_DEPTH); break; case LFUN_APPENDIX: flag.setOnOff(cur.paragraph().params().startOfAppendix()); break; case LFUN_DIALOG_SHOW_NEW_INSET: if (cmd.argument() == "bibitem") code = BIBITEM_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "bibtex") { code = BIBTEX_CODE; // not allowed in description items enable = !inDescriptionItem(cur); } else if (cmd.argument() == "box") code = BOX_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "branch") code = BRANCH_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "citation") code = CITE_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "ert") code = ERT_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "external") code = EXTERNAL_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "float") code = FLOAT_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "graphics") code = GRAPHICS_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "href") code = HYPERLINK_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "include") code = INCLUDE_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "index") code = INDEX_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "index_print") code = INDEX_PRINT_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "nomenclature") code = NOMENCL_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "nomencl_print") code = NOMENCL_PRINT_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "label") code = LABEL_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "note") code = NOTE_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "phantom") code = PHANTOM_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "ref") code = REF_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "space") code = SPACE_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "toc") code = TOC_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "vspace") code = VSPACE_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "wrap") code = WRAP_CODE; else if (cmd.argument() == "listings") code = LISTINGS_CODE; break; case LFUN_ERT_INSERT: code = ERT_CODE; break; case LFUN_LISTING_INSERT: code = LISTINGS_CODE; // not allowed in description items enable = !inDescriptionItem(cur); break; case LFUN_FOOTNOTE_INSERT: code = FOOT_CODE; break; case LFUN_TABULAR_INSERT: code = TABULAR_CODE; break; case LFUN_MARGINALNOTE_INSERT: code = MARGIN_CODE; break; case LFUN_FLOAT_INSERT: case LFUN_FLOAT_WIDE_INSERT: // FIXME: If there is a selection, we should check whether there // are floats in the selection, but this has performance issues, see // LFUN_CHANGE_ACCEPT/REJECT. code = FLOAT_CODE; if (inDescriptionItem(cur)) // not allowed in description items enable = false; else { InsetCode const inset_code = cur.inset().lyxCode(); // algorithm floats cannot be put in another float if (to_utf8(cmd.argument()) == "algorithm") { enable = inset_code != WRAP_CODE && inset_code != FLOAT_CODE; break; } // for figures and tables: only allow in another // float or wrap if it is of the same type and // not a subfloat already if(cur.inset().lyxCode() == code) { InsetFloat const & ins = static_cast(cur.inset()); enable = ins.params().type == to_utf8(cmd.argument()) && !ins.params().subfloat; } else if(cur.inset().lyxCode() == WRAP_CODE) { InsetWrap const & ins = static_cast(cur.inset()); enable = ins.params().type == to_utf8(cmd.argument()); } } break; case LFUN_WRAP_INSERT: code = WRAP_CODE; // not allowed in description items enable = !inDescriptionItem(cur); break; case LFUN_FLOAT_LIST_INSERT: code = FLOAT_LIST_CODE; // not allowed in description items enable = !inDescriptionItem(cur); break; case LFUN_CAPTION_INSERT: code = CAPTION_CODE; // not allowed in description items enable = !inDescriptionItem(cur); break; case LFUN_NOTE_INSERT: code = NOTE_CODE; // in commands (sections etc.) and description items, // only Notes are allowed enable = (cmd.argument().empty() || cmd.getArg(0) == "Note" || (!cur.paragraph().layout().isCommand() && !inDescriptionItem(cur))); break; case LFUN_FLEX_INSERT: { code = FLEX_CODE; string s = cmd.getArg(0); InsetLayout il = cur.buffer()->params().documentClass().insetLayout(from_utf8(s)); if (il.lyxtype() != InsetLayout::CHARSTYLE && il.lyxtype() != InsetLayout::CUSTOM && il.lyxtype() != InsetLayout::ELEMENT && il.lyxtype ()!= InsetLayout::STANDARD) enable = false; break; } case LFUN_BOX_INSERT: code = BOX_CODE; break; case LFUN_BRANCH_INSERT: code = BRANCH_CODE; if (cur.buffer()->masterBuffer()->params().branchlist().empty() && cur.buffer()->params().branchlist().empty()) enable = false; break; case LFUN_PHANTOM_INSERT: code = PHANTOM_CODE; break; case LFUN_LABEL_INSERT: code = LABEL_CODE; break; case LFUN_LINE_INSERT: code = LINE_CODE; break; case LFUN_INFO_INSERT: code = INFO_CODE; break; case LFUN_OPTIONAL_INSERT: code = OPTARG_CODE; enable = cur.paragraph().insetList().count(OPTARG_CODE) < cur.paragraph().layout().optionalargs; break; case LFUN_INDEX_INSERT: code = INDEX_CODE; break; case LFUN_INDEX_PRINT: code = INDEX_PRINT_CODE; // not allowed in description items enable = !inDescriptionItem(cur); break; case LFUN_NOMENCL_INSERT: if (cur.selIsMultiCell() || cur.selIsMultiLine()) { enable = false; break; } code = NOMENCL_CODE; break; case LFUN_NOMENCL_PRINT: code = NOMENCL_PRINT_CODE; // not allowed in description items enable = !inDescriptionItem(cur); break; case LFUN_TOC_INSERT: code = TOC_CODE; // not allowed in description items enable = !inDescriptionItem(cur); break; case LFUN_HYPERLINK_INSERT: if (cur.selIsMultiCell() || cur.selIsMultiLine()) { enable = false; break; } code = HYPERLINK_CODE; break; case LFUN_QUOTE_INSERT: // always allow this, since we will inset a raw quote // if an inset is not allowed. break; case LFUN_SPECIALCHAR_INSERT: code = SPECIALCHAR_CODE; break; case LFUN_SPACE_INSERT: // slight hack: we know this is allowed in math mode if (cur.inTexted()) code = SPACE_CODE; break; case LFUN_MATH_INSERT: case LFUN_MATH_AMS_MATRIX: case LFUN_MATH_MATRIX: case LFUN_MATH_DELIM: case LFUN_MATH_BIGDELIM: case LFUN_MATH_DISPLAY: case LFUN_MATH_MODE: case LFUN_MATH_MACRO: case LFUN_MATH_SUBSCRIPT: case LFUN_MATH_SUPERSCRIPT: code = MATH_HULL_CODE; break; case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: // We need to disable this, because we may get called for a // tabular cell via // InsetTabular::getStatus() -> InsetText::getStatus() // and we don't handle LFUN_INSET_MODIFY. enable = false; break; case LFUN_FONT_EMPH: flag.setOnOff(fontinfo.emph() == FONT_ON); break; case LFUN_FONT_ITAL: flag.setOnOff(fontinfo.shape() == ITALIC_SHAPE); break; case LFUN_FONT_NOUN: flag.setOnOff(fontinfo.noun() == FONT_ON); break; case LFUN_FONT_BOLD: case LFUN_FONT_BOLDSYMBOL: flag.setOnOff(fontinfo.series() == BOLD_SERIES); break; case LFUN_FONT_SANS: flag.setOnOff(fontinfo.family() == SANS_FAMILY); break; case LFUN_FONT_ROMAN: flag.setOnOff(fontinfo.family() == ROMAN_FAMILY); break; case LFUN_FONT_TYPEWRITER: flag.setOnOff(fontinfo.family() == TYPEWRITER_FAMILY); break; case LFUN_CUT: case LFUN_COPY: enable = cur.selection(); break; case LFUN_PASTE: { if (cmd.argument().empty()) { if (theClipboard().isInternal()) enable = cap::numberOfSelections() > 0; else enable = !theClipboard().empty(); break; } // we have an argument string const arg = to_utf8(cmd.argument()); if (isStrUnsignedInt(arg)) { // it's a number and therefore means the internal stack unsigned int n = convert(arg); enable = cap::numberOfSelections() > n; break; } // explicit graphics type? Clipboard::GraphicsType type = Clipboard::AnyGraphicsType; if ((arg == "pdf" && (type = Clipboard::PdfGraphicsType)) || (arg == "png" && (type = Clipboard::PngGraphicsType)) || (arg == "jpeg" && (type = Clipboard::JpegGraphicsType)) || (arg == "linkback" && (type = Clipboard::LinkBackGraphicsType)) || (arg == "emf" && (type = Clipboard::EmfGraphicsType)) || (arg == "wmf" && (type = Clipboard::WmfGraphicsType))) { enable = theClipboard().hasGraphicsContents(type); break; } // unknown argument enable = false; break; } case LFUN_CLIPBOARD_PASTE: enable = !theClipboard().empty(); break; case LFUN_PRIMARY_SELECTION_PASTE: enable = cur.selection() || !theSelection().empty(); break; case LFUN_SELECTION_PASTE: enable = cap::selection(); break; case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_MOVE_UP: enable = cur.pit() > 0 && !cur.selection(); break; case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_MOVE_DOWN: enable = cur.pit() < cur.lastpit() && !cur.selection(); break; case LFUN_INSET_DISSOLVE: if (!cmd.argument().empty()) { InsetLayout const & il = cur.inset().getLayout(); InsetLayout::InsetLyXType const type = translateLyXType(to_utf8(cmd.argument())); enable = cur.inset().lyxCode() == FLEX_CODE && il.lyxtype() == type; } else { enable = ((!isMainText() && cur.inset().nargs() == 1) || (cur.nextInset() && cur.nextInset()->nargs() == 1)); } break; case LFUN_CHANGE_ACCEPT: case LFUN_CHANGE_REJECT: // In principle, these LFUNs should only be enabled if there // is a change at the current position/in the current selection. // However, without proper optimizations, this will inevitably // result in unacceptable performance - just imagine a user who // wants to select the complete content of a long document. if (!cur.selection()) enable = cur.paragraph().isChanged(cur.pos()); else // TODO: context-sensitive enabling of LFUN_CHANGE_ACCEPT/REJECT // for selections. enable = true; break; case LFUN_OUTLINE_UP: case LFUN_OUTLINE_DOWN: case LFUN_OUTLINE_IN: case LFUN_OUTLINE_OUT: case LFUN_OUTLINE_DRAGMOVE: // FIXME: LyX is not ready for outlining within inset. enable = isMainText() && cur.paragraph().layout().toclevel != Layout::NOT_IN_TOC; break; case LFUN_NEWLINE_INSERT: // LaTeX restrictions (labels or empty par) enable = (cur.pos() > cur.paragraph().beginOfBody()); break; case LFUN_TAB_INSERT: case LFUN_TAB_DELETE: enable = cur.inset().getLayout().isPassThru(); break; case LFUN_SET_GRAPHICS_GROUP: { InsetGraphics * ins = graphics::getCurrentGraphicsInset(cur); if (!ins) enable = false; else flag.setOnOff(to_utf8(cmd.argument()) == ins->getParams().groupId); break; } case LFUN_NEWPAGE_INSERT: // not allowed in description items code = NEWPAGE_CODE; enable = !inDescriptionItem(cur); break; case LFUN_DATE_INSERT: { string const format = cmd.argument().empty() ? lyxrc.date_insert_format : to_utf8(cmd.argument()); enable = support::os::is_valid_strftime(format); break; } case LFUN_LANGUAGE: enable = !cur.inset().getLayout().isPassThru(); case LFUN_BREAK_PARAGRAPH: enable = cur.inset().getLayout().isMultiPar(); case LFUN_WORD_DELETE_FORWARD: case LFUN_WORD_DELETE_BACKWARD: case LFUN_LINE_DELETE: case LFUN_WORD_FORWARD: case LFUN_WORD_BACKWARD: case LFUN_WORD_RIGHT: case LFUN_WORD_LEFT: case LFUN_CHAR_FORWARD: case LFUN_CHAR_FORWARD_SELECT: case LFUN_CHAR_BACKWARD: case LFUN_CHAR_BACKWARD_SELECT: case LFUN_CHAR_LEFT: case LFUN_CHAR_LEFT_SELECT: case LFUN_CHAR_RIGHT: case LFUN_CHAR_RIGHT_SELECT: case LFUN_UP: case LFUN_UP_SELECT: case LFUN_DOWN: case LFUN_DOWN_SELECT: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_UP_SELECT: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_DOWN_SELECT: case LFUN_LINE_BEGIN_SELECT: case LFUN_LINE_END_SELECT: case LFUN_WORD_FORWARD_SELECT: case LFUN_WORD_BACKWARD_SELECT: case LFUN_WORD_RIGHT_SELECT: case LFUN_WORD_LEFT_SELECT: case LFUN_WORD_SELECT: case LFUN_SECTION_SELECT: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_UP: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_DOWN: case LFUN_LINE_BEGIN: case LFUN_LINE_END: case LFUN_CHAR_DELETE_FORWARD: case LFUN_CHAR_DELETE_BACKWARD: case LFUN_INSET_INSERT: case LFUN_WORD_UPCASE: case LFUN_WORD_LOWCASE: case LFUN_WORD_CAPITALIZE: case LFUN_CHARS_TRANSPOSE: case LFUN_SERVER_GET_XY: case LFUN_SERVER_SET_XY: case LFUN_SERVER_GET_LAYOUT: case LFUN_LAYOUT: case LFUN_SELF_INSERT: case LFUN_FONT_DEFAULT: case LFUN_FONT_UNDERLINE: case LFUN_FONT_STRIKEOUT: case LFUN_FONT_UULINE: case LFUN_FONT_UWAVE: case LFUN_FONT_SIZE: case LFUN_TEXTSTYLE_APPLY: case LFUN_TEXTSTYLE_UPDATE: case LFUN_LAYOUT_PARAGRAPH: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_UPDATE: case LFUN_ACCENT_UMLAUT: case LFUN_ACCENT_CIRCUMFLEX: case LFUN_ACCENT_GRAVE: case LFUN_ACCENT_ACUTE: case LFUN_ACCENT_TILDE: case LFUN_ACCENT_CEDILLA: case LFUN_ACCENT_MACRON: case LFUN_ACCENT_DOT: case LFUN_ACCENT_UNDERDOT: case LFUN_ACCENT_UNDERBAR: case LFUN_ACCENT_CARON: case LFUN_ACCENT_BREVE: case LFUN_ACCENT_TIE: case LFUN_ACCENT_HUNGARIAN_UMLAUT: case LFUN_ACCENT_CIRCLE: case LFUN_ACCENT_OGONEK: case LFUN_THESAURUS_ENTRY: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_PARAMS_APPLY: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_PARAMS: case LFUN_ESCAPE: case LFUN_BUFFER_BEGIN: case LFUN_BUFFER_END: case LFUN_BUFFER_BEGIN_SELECT: case LFUN_BUFFER_END_SELECT: case LFUN_INSET_BEGIN: case LFUN_INSET_END: case LFUN_INSET_BEGIN_SELECT: case LFUN_INSET_END_SELECT: case LFUN_UNICODE_INSERT: // these are handled in our dispatch() enable = true; break; default: return false; } if (code != NO_CODE && (cur.empty() || !cur.inset().insetAllowed(code) || cur.paragraph().layout().pass_thru)) enable = false; switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_ACCENT_ACUTE: case LFUN_ACCENT_BREVE: case LFUN_ACCENT_CARON: case LFUN_ACCENT_CEDILLA: case LFUN_ACCENT_CIRCLE: case LFUN_ACCENT_CIRCUMFLEX: case LFUN_ACCENT_DOT: case LFUN_ACCENT_GRAVE: case LFUN_ACCENT_HUNGARIAN_UMLAUT: case LFUN_ACCENT_MACRON: case LFUN_ACCENT_OGONEK: case LFUN_ACCENT_TIE: case LFUN_ACCENT_TILDE: case LFUN_ACCENT_UMLAUT: case LFUN_ACCENT_UNDERBAR: case LFUN_ACCENT_UNDERDOT: case LFUN_APPENDIX: case LFUN_DEPTH_DECREMENT: case LFUN_DEPTH_INCREMENT: case LFUN_FILE_INSERT: case LFUN_FONT_BOLD: case LFUN_FONT_BOLDSYMBOL: case LFUN_FONT_TYPEWRITER: case LFUN_FONT_DEFAULT: case LFUN_FONT_EMPH: case LFUN_FONT_NOUN: case LFUN_FONT_ROMAN: case LFUN_FONT_SANS: case LFUN_FONT_FRAK: case LFUN_FONT_ITAL: case LFUN_FONT_SIZE: case LFUN_FONT_STATE: case LFUN_FONT_UNDERLINE: case LFUN_FONT_STRIKEOUT: case LFUN_FONT_UULINE: case LFUN_FONT_UWAVE: case LFUN_LABEL_GOTO: case LFUN_LAYOUT_TABULAR: case LFUN_MENU_OPEN: case LFUN_NOACTION: case LFUN_NOTE_NEXT: case LFUN_REFERENCE_NEXT: case LFUN_SERVER_GOTO_FILE_ROW: case LFUN_SERVER_NOTIFY: case LFUN_SERVER_SET_XY: case LFUN_TEXTSTYLE_APPLY: case LFUN_TEXTSTYLE_UPDATE: if (cur.inset().getLayout().isPassThru()) enable = false; break; default: break; } flag.setEnabled(enable); return true; } void Text::pasteString(Cursor & cur, docstring const & clip, bool asParagraphs) { cur.clearSelection(); if (!clip.empty()) { cur.recordUndo(); if (asParagraphs) insertStringAsParagraphs(cur, clip, cur.current_font); else insertStringAsLines(cur, clip, cur.current_font); } } // FIXME: an item inset would make things much easier. bool Text::inDescriptionItem(Cursor & cur) const { Paragraph & par = cur.paragraph(); pos_type const pos = cur.pos(); pos_type const body_pos = par.beginOfBody(); if (par.layout().latextype != LATEX_LIST_ENVIRONMENT && (par.layout().latextype != LATEX_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT || par.layout().margintype != MARGIN_FIRST_DYNAMIC)) return false; return (pos < body_pos || (pos == body_pos && (pos == 0 || par.getChar(pos - 1) != ' '))); } } // namespace lyx