/** * \file GuiCharacter.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Angus Leeming * \author Edwin Leuven * \author John Levon * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "GuiCharacter.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "Font.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "Language.h" #include using namespace std; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { static vector const getShapeData() { vector shape(6); ShapePair pr; pr.first = qt_("No change"); pr.second = IGNORE_SHAPE; shape[0] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Upright"); pr.second = UP_SHAPE; shape[1] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Italic"); pr.second = ITALIC_SHAPE; shape[2] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Slanted"); pr.second = SLANTED_SHAPE; shape[3] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Small Caps"); pr.second = SMALLCAPS_SHAPE; shape[4] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Reset"); pr.second = INHERIT_SHAPE; shape[5] = pr; return shape; } static vector const getSizeData() { vector size(14); SizePair pr; pr.first = qt_("No change"); pr.second = FONT_SIZE_IGNORE; size[0] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Tiny"); pr.second = FONT_SIZE_TINY; size[1] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Smallest"); pr.second = FONT_SIZE_SCRIPT; size[2] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Smaller"); pr.second = FONT_SIZE_FOOTNOTE; size[3] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Small"); pr.second = FONT_SIZE_SMALL; size[4] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Normal"); pr.second = FONT_SIZE_NORMAL; size[5] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Large"); pr.second = FONT_SIZE_LARGE; size[6] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Larger"); pr.second = FONT_SIZE_LARGER; size[7] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Largest"); pr.second = FONT_SIZE_LARGEST; size[8] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Huge"); pr.second = FONT_SIZE_HUGE; size[9] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Huger"); pr.second = FONT_SIZE_HUGER; size[10] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Increase"); pr.second = FONT_SIZE_INCREASE; size[11] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Decrease"); pr.second = FONT_SIZE_DECREASE; size[12] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Reset"); pr.second = FONT_SIZE_INHERIT; size[13] = pr; return size; } static vector const getBarData() { vector bar(5); BarPair pr; pr.first = qt_("No change"); pr.second = IGNORE; bar[0] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Emph"); pr.second = EMPH_TOGGLE; bar[1] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Underbar"); pr.second = UNDERBAR_TOGGLE; bar[2] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Noun"); pr.second = NOUN_TOGGLE; bar[3] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Reset"); pr.second = INHERIT; bar[4] = pr; return bar; } static vector const getColorData() { vector color(11); ColorPair pr; pr.first = qt_("No change"); pr.second = Color_ignore; color[0] = pr; pr.first = qt_("No color"); pr.second = Color_none; color[1] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Black"); pr.second = Color_black; color[2] = pr; pr.first = qt_("White"); pr.second = Color_white; color[3] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Red"); pr.second = Color_red; color[4] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Green"); pr.second = Color_green; color[5] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Blue"); pr.second = Color_blue; color[6] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Cyan"); pr.second = Color_cyan; color[7] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Magenta"); pr.second = Color_magenta; color[8] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Yellow"); pr.second = Color_yellow; color[9] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Reset"); pr.second = Color_inherit; color[10] = pr; return color; } static vector const getSeriesData() { vector series(4); SeriesPair pr; pr.first = qt_("No change"); pr.second = IGNORE_SERIES; series[0] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Medium"); pr.second = MEDIUM_SERIES; series[1] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Bold"); pr.second = BOLD_SERIES; series[2] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Reset"); pr.second = INHERIT_SERIES; series[3] = pr; return series; } static vector const getFamilyData() { vector family(5); FamilyPair pr; pr.first = qt_("No change"); pr.second = IGNORE_FAMILY; family[0] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Roman"); pr.second = ROMAN_FAMILY; family[1] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Sans Serif"); pr.second = SANS_FAMILY; family[2] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Typewriter"); pr.second = TYPEWRITER_FAMILY; family[3] = pr; pr.first = qt_("Reset"); pr.second = INHERIT_FAMILY; family[4] = pr; return family; } GuiCharacter::GuiCharacter(GuiView & lv) : GuiDialog(lv, "character"), font_(ignore_font), toggleall_(false), reset_lang_(false) { setupUi(this); setViewTitle(_("Text Style")); connect(okPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotOK())); connect(applyPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotApply())); connect(closePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotClose())); connect(miscCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(sizeCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(familyCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(seriesCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(shapeCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(colorCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(langCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(toggleallCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); family = getFamilyData(); series = getSeriesData(); shape = getShapeData(); size = getSizeData(); bar = getBarData(); color = getColorData(); language = getLanguageData(true); for (vector::const_iterator cit = family.begin(); cit != family.end(); ++cit) { familyCO->addItem(cit->first); } for (vector::const_iterator cit = series.begin(); cit != series.end(); ++cit) { seriesCO->addItem(cit->first); } for (vector::const_iterator cit = shape.begin(); cit != shape.end(); ++cit) { shapeCO->addItem(cit->first); } for (vector::const_iterator cit = size.begin(); cit != size.end(); ++cit) { sizeCO->addItem(cit->first); } for (vector::const_iterator cit = bar.begin(); cit != bar.end(); ++cit) { miscCO->addItem(cit->first); } for (vector::const_iterator cit = color.begin(); cit != color.end(); ++cit) { colorCO->addItem(cit->first); } for (vector::const_iterator cit = language.begin(); cit != language.end(); ++cit) { langCO->addItem(toqstr(cit->first)); } bc().setPolicy(ButtonPolicy::OkApplyCancelReadOnlyPolicy); bc().setOK(okPB); bc().setApply(applyPB); bc().setCancel(closePB); bc().addReadOnly(familyCO); bc().addReadOnly(seriesCO); bc().addReadOnly(sizeCO); bc().addReadOnly(shapeCO); bc().addReadOnly(miscCO); bc().addReadOnly(langCO); bc().addReadOnly(colorCO); bc().addReadOnly(toggleallCB); bc().addReadOnly(autoapplyCB); // FIXME: hack to work around resizing bug in Qt >= 4.2 // bug verified with Qt 4.2.{0-3} (JSpitzm) #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040200 // qt resizes the comboboxes only after show(), so ... QDialog::show(); #endif } void GuiCharacter::change_adaptor() { changed(); if (!autoapplyCB->isChecked()) return; // to be really good here, we should set the combos to the values of // the current text, and make it appear as "no change" if the values // stay the same between applys. Might be difficult though wrt to a // moved cursor - jbl slotApply(); familyCO->setCurrentIndex(0); seriesCO->setCurrentIndex(0); sizeCO->setCurrentIndex(0); shapeCO->setCurrentIndex(0); miscCO->setCurrentIndex(0); langCO->setCurrentIndex(0); colorCO->setCurrentIndex(0); } void GuiCharacter::closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e) { slotClose(); GuiDialog::closeEvent(e); } template static int findPos2nd(vector > const & vec, B const & val) { typedef typename vector >::const_iterator const_iterator; for (const_iterator cit = vec.begin(); cit != vec.end(); ++cit) if (cit->second == val) return int(cit - vec.begin()); return 0; } void GuiCharacter::updateContents() { familyCO->setCurrentIndex(findPos2nd(family, getFamily())); seriesCO->setCurrentIndex(findPos2nd(series, getSeries())); shapeCO->setCurrentIndex(findPos2nd(shape, getShape())); sizeCO->setCurrentIndex(findPos2nd(size, getSize())); miscCO->setCurrentIndex(findPos2nd(bar, getBar())); colorCO->setCurrentIndex(findPos2nd(color, getColor())); langCO->setCurrentIndex(findPos2nd(language, getLanguage())); toggleallCB->setChecked(toggleall_); } void GuiCharacter::applyView() { setFamily(family[familyCO->currentIndex()].second); setSeries(series[seriesCO->currentIndex()].second); setShape(shape[shapeCO->currentIndex()].second); setSize(size[sizeCO->currentIndex()].second); setBar(bar[miscCO->currentIndex()].second); setColor(color[colorCO->currentIndex()].second); setLanguage(language[langCO->currentIndex()].second); toggleall_ = toggleallCB->isChecked(); } bool GuiCharacter::initialiseParams(string const &) { // so that the user can press Ok if (getFamily() != IGNORE_FAMILY || getSeries() != IGNORE_SERIES || getShape() != IGNORE_SHAPE || getSize() != FONT_SIZE_IGNORE || getBar() != IGNORE || getColor() != Color_ignore || font_.language() != ignore_language) setButtonsValid(true); return true; } void GuiCharacter::dispatchParams() { dispatch(FuncRequest(getLfun(), font_.toString(toggleall_))); } FontFamily GuiCharacter::getFamily() const { return font_.fontInfo().family(); } void GuiCharacter::setFamily(FontFamily val) { font_.fontInfo().setFamily(val); } FontSeries GuiCharacter::getSeries() const { return font_.fontInfo().series(); } void GuiCharacter::setSeries(FontSeries val) { font_.fontInfo().setSeries(val); } FontShape GuiCharacter::getShape() const { return font_.fontInfo().shape(); } void GuiCharacter::setShape(FontShape val) { font_.fontInfo().setShape(val); } FontSize GuiCharacter::getSize() const { return font_.fontInfo().size(); } void GuiCharacter::setSize(FontSize val) { font_.fontInfo().setSize(val); } FontState GuiCharacter::getBar() const { if (font_.fontInfo().emph() == FONT_TOGGLE) return EMPH_TOGGLE; if (font_.fontInfo().underbar() == FONT_TOGGLE) return UNDERBAR_TOGGLE; if (font_.fontInfo().noun() == FONT_TOGGLE) return NOUN_TOGGLE; if (font_.fontInfo().emph() == FONT_IGNORE && font_.fontInfo().underbar() == FONT_IGNORE && font_.fontInfo().noun() == FONT_IGNORE) return IGNORE; return INHERIT; } void GuiCharacter::setBar(FontState val) { switch (val) { case IGNORE: font_.fontInfo().setEmph(FONT_IGNORE); font_.fontInfo().setUnderbar(FONT_IGNORE); font_.fontInfo().setNoun(FONT_IGNORE); break; case EMPH_TOGGLE: font_.fontInfo().setEmph(FONT_TOGGLE); break; case UNDERBAR_TOGGLE: font_.fontInfo().setUnderbar(FONT_TOGGLE); break; case NOUN_TOGGLE: font_.fontInfo().setNoun(FONT_TOGGLE); break; case INHERIT: font_.fontInfo().setEmph(FONT_INHERIT); font_.fontInfo().setUnderbar(FONT_INHERIT); font_.fontInfo().setNoun(FONT_INHERIT); break; } } ColorCode GuiCharacter::getColor() const { return font_.fontInfo().color(); } void GuiCharacter::setColor(ColorCode val) { switch (val) { case Color_ignore: case Color_none: case Color_black: case Color_white: case Color_red: case Color_green: case Color_blue: case Color_cyan: case Color_magenta: case Color_yellow: case Color_inherit: font_.fontInfo().setColor(val); break; default: break; } } string GuiCharacter::getLanguage() const { if (reset_lang_) return "reset"; if (font_.language()) return font_.language()->lang(); return "ignore"; } void GuiCharacter::setLanguage(string const & val) { if (val == "ignore") font_.setLanguage(ignore_language); else if (val == "reset") { reset_lang_ = true; // Ignored in getLanguage, but needed for dispatchParams font_.setLanguage(buffer().params().language); } else { font_.setLanguage(languages.getLanguage(val)); } } Dialog * createGuiCharacter(GuiView & lv) { return new GuiCharacter(lv); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "GuiCharacter_moc.cpp"