README file for OS/2 version of LyX 1.0.1 by Shigeru Miyata modified by Arnd Hanses ############################################################## - This README.OS2 addresses experienced users of XFree86 and LyX on OS/2 and covers in very short form the steps for updating (installing) LyX. - For general information on LyX please refer to the generic README. For generic compiling instructions refer to INSTALL. - For a more detailed step by step guide on installing (or compiling) LyX and other related useful (or even necessary) optional programs on OS/2 please refer to INSTALL.OS2. If you are not already an experienced user of LyX an OS/2 you are advised to read it. - For a description of the binary distribution and any necessary support libraries please refer to README.bin, which comes with the binary distribution. LyX has been ported to OS/2 with XFree86 by Shigeru Miyata and has been installed and used successfully by many people. Unfortunately there is yet no easy to install and complete distribu- tion of XFree86-related software for OS/2. Despite increasing popula- rity of X on OS/2, extensive printed documentation about XFree/2 and related programs like LyX is still not available. So you will have to study the available documentation (man pages, READMEs, faq, etc.) thoroughly to avoid unnecessary grief for you and for other people, trying to help you on the net. Nevertheless, there are existing tutorials and manuals covering X on UNIX family operating systems, which do contain some valuable information even for X on OS/2. [A hint as a starting point for users speaking German:]. This release is considered to be stable for general use, but - like any other piece of software - certainly is not bug free. So take the usual precautions like adopting a regular backup policy. Standard disclaimers of non liability apply. As this is a voluntary project with a large number of contributions by many people, hints and bug fixes to the program and/or the documentation are always appreciated and thoroughly considered. If you have the necessary skills (or want to take the chance to acquire them) for programming in LaTeX or C++ you can become a LyX developer. You can support further development by making a donation, if you feel that LyX made your live a bit easier or you want to support open source software. Please refer to the links at for details. ============================================================== A. Quick Update: ------------ 0) Only for update: If you are upgrading from LyX v. 0.12.0, any old documentation files in %HOME%/.lyx/doc/ and %X11ROOT%/XFree86/lib/X11/lyx/doc should be removed before unpacking (since they are read only). You might wish to make a backup, if you want to keep old docs. 1) Unpack the archive at %X11ROOT%. 2) Run lyx and let the program copy configuration files to %HOME%\.lyx\. 3) If you don't have %HOME%\.lyx\lyxrc then move %X11ROOT%\XFree86\lyxrc.example to %HOME%\.lyx\lyxrc. If updating, make a backup of old version, if you want. Read README and WHATSNEW about updating and run Options->Reconfigure as indicated. 4) Verify if LYX is able to find the programs mentioned in %HOME%\.lyx\lyxrc and in %HOME%\.lyx\lyxrc.defaults; if not, change name and path as required. Note: Remember to repeat the check after any 'Reconfigure'! 5) In config.sys SET LANG and LANGUAGE according to your preferences. Beware: All programs supporting local languages will be affected, e.g.: SET LANG=de_DE rem german helpfiles will be used SET LANGUAGE=de_DE rem german menus and messages 6) Restart OS/2 and run LyX. Have fun! B. Help/Problems: ------------- * Please refer to the manpage (type 'man lyx' on the command line or use 'xman') * If you encounter apparently OS/2 specific bugs, (i.e. bugs not already mentioned in the documentation or the buglist) you can report them to the XFree86/OS2 mailing list as well as to the LyX developer mailing list. * For any questions on using LyX please subscribe to the the LyX user mailing list. - To subscribe to the XFree86 mailing list send mail to with "subscribe" as the subject. To contribute to the mailing list, mail to - For subscription to lyx-user list (general help on LyX) go to and search for subscription info. * Hints: ----- 1. To prevent 'file not found' with EmTeX and some non-US versions of Warp, I recommend: 1) In filenames use only A-Z, a-z, 1-9. 2) Use a recent LaTeX package inputenc.sty. Select Layout->Document->Encoding:latin1, so that LyX adds the LaTeX command '\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}'. 2. LaTeX import occasionally produces buggy *.lyx files. LyX tries to save data in case of problems (and does a good job here), but I recommend: To import LaTeX close down and restart LyX (or close all documents, you are working on) and try the import, so that in case of any problems none of your existing documents will be affected. 3. Inline preview of inline images sometimes does not show the image: If you want to preview the image, just click on it and select fullscreen preview. 4. Some XFree/2 programs (as ported from UNIX) expect a sh.exe in \bin directory: I recommend to install sh.exe of in x:\bin (x: drive of %X11ROOT%). To work around problems you can try the commands set EMXSHELL=x:\bin\sh.exe before starting the programs. As far as I know, LyX runs without problems in this way. Some suggestions in case of problems: ------------------------------------ 1) Please check, if your x:\xfree86\lib does appear correctly in libpath. 2) Please check against the file list, if you did install all files of the distribution. 3) Remove all installed files and %.home%/.lyx/ and perform a chkdsk /f and a consistency check of your lyx binary package (unzip -tv 4) Reinstall the complete package and check out if everything appears, no truncated files, no crc errors, etc. 5) Run lyx -dbg 1026 >lyxerrors.log 2>&1 or, if you have tee.exe, lyx -dbg 1026 2>&1|tee lyxerrors.log and watch out for any error messages. Report any remaining problems. As this is a completely voluntary project, everybody involved will be grateful for user efforts like detailed bug reports, suggestions, fixes, additions to the documentation, etc. 6) Have fun! (I'm sure). C. Tips for Advanced Users: ----------------------- * You can start LyX automatically by adding 'start/min/n xconsole.exe' 'set EMXSHELL=x:\bin\sh.exe' 'start/min/n lyx >/dev/console$ 2>&1' to xinitrc.cmd before the line that invokes the window manager, so that LyX' messages appear in the console window and LyX appears in the pm-task list. * You can start LyX automatically by adding 'detach xconsole.exe' 'detach lyx >/dev/console$ 2>&1' to xinitrc.cmd before the line that invokes the window manager, so that LyX' messages appear in the console window and LyX does not appear in the PM task list.