/** * \file InsetRef.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author José Matos * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "InsetRef.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "DispatchResult.h" #include "InsetLabel.h" #include "Language.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "LyX.h" #include "OutputParams.h" #include "output_xhtml.h" #include "ParIterator.h" #include "sgml.h" #include "texstream.h" #include "TocBackend.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/docstream.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/textutils.h" using namespace lyx::support; using namespace std; namespace lyx { InsetRef::InsetRef(Buffer * buf, InsetCommandParams const & p) : InsetCommand(buf, p), broken_(false) {} InsetRef::InsetRef(InsetRef const & ir) : InsetCommand(ir), broken_(false) {} bool InsetRef::isCompatibleCommand(string const & s) { //FIXME This is likely not the best way to handle this. //But this stuff is hardcoded elsewhere already. return s == "ref" || s == "pageref" || s == "vref" || s == "vpageref" || s == "formatted" || s == "eqref" || s == "nameref" || s == "labelonly"; } ParamInfo const & InsetRef::findInfo(string const & /* cmdName */) { static ParamInfo param_info_; if (param_info_.empty()) { param_info_.add("name", ParamInfo::LATEX_OPTIONAL); param_info_.add("reference", ParamInfo::LATEX_REQUIRED, ParamInfo::HANDLING_ESCAPE); param_info_.add("plural", ParamInfo::LYX_INTERNAL); param_info_.add("caps", ParamInfo::LYX_INTERNAL); param_info_.add("noprefix", ParamInfo::LYX_INTERNAL); } return param_info_; } namespace { void capitalize(docstring & s) { char_type t = uppercase(s[0]); s[0] = t; } } // namespace // the ref argument is the label name we are referencing. // we expect ref to be in the form: pfx:suffix. // // if it isn't, then we can't produce a formatted reference, // so we return "\ref" and put ref into label. // // for refstyle, we return "\pfxcmd", and put suffix into // label and pfx into prefix. this is because refstyle expects // the command: \pfxcmd{suffix}. // // for prettyref, we return "\prettyref" and put ref into label // and pfx into prefix. this is because prettyref uses the whole // label, thus: \prettyref{pfx:suffix}. // docstring InsetRef::getFormattedCmd(docstring const & ref, docstring & label, docstring & prefix, docstring const & caps) const { static docstring const defcmd = from_ascii("\\ref"); static docstring const prtcmd = from_ascii("\\prettyref"); label = split(ref, prefix, ':'); // we have to have xxx:xxxxx... if (label.empty()) { LYXERR0("Label `" << ref << "' contains no `:' separator."); label = ref; prefix = from_ascii(""); return defcmd; } if (prefix.empty()) { // we have ":xxxx" label = ref; return defcmd; } if (!buffer().params().use_refstyle) { // \prettyref uses the whole label label = ref; return prtcmd; } // make sure the prefix is legal for a latex command int const len = prefix.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char_type const c = prefix[i]; if (!isAlphaASCII(c)) { LYXERR0("Prefix `" << prefix << "' is invalid for LaTeX."); // restore the label label = ref; return defcmd; } } if (caps == "true") { capitalize(prefix); } return from_ascii("\\") + prefix + from_ascii("ref"); } docstring InsetRef::getEscapedLabel(OutputParams const & rp) const { InsetCommandParams const & p = params(); ParamInfo const & pi = p.info(); ParamInfo::ParamData const & pd = pi["reference"]; return p.prepareCommand(rp, getParam("reference"), pd.handling()); } void InsetRef::latex(otexstream & os, OutputParams const & rp) const { string const & cmd = getCmdName(); docstring const & data = getEscapedLabel(rp); if (rp.inulemcmd > 0) os << "\\mbox{"; if (cmd == "eqref" && buffer().params().use_refstyle) { // we advertise this as printing "(n)", so we'll do that, at least // for refstyle, since refstlye's own \eqref prints, by default, // "equation n". if one wants \eqref, one can get it by using a // formatted label in this case. os << '(' << from_ascii("\\ref{") << data << from_ascii("})"); } else if (cmd == "formatted") { docstring label; docstring prefix; docstring const fcmd = getFormattedCmd(data, label, prefix, getParam("caps")); os << fcmd; if (buffer().params().use_refstyle && getParam("plural") == "true") os << "[s]"; os << '{' << label << '}'; } else if (cmd == "labelonly") { docstring const & ref = getParam("reference"); if (getParam("noprefix") != "true") os << ref; else { docstring prefix; docstring suffix = split(ref, prefix, ':'); if (suffix.empty()) { LYXERR0("Label `" << ref << "' contains no `:' separator."); os << ref; } else { os << suffix; } } } else { // We don't want to output p_["name"], since that is only used // in docbook. So we construct new params, without it, and use that. InsetCommandParams p(REF_CODE, cmd); docstring const ref = getParam("reference"); p["reference"] = ref; os << p.getCommand(rp); } if (rp.inulemcmd > 0) os << "}"; } int InsetRef::plaintext(odocstringstream & os, OutputParams const &, size_t) const { docstring const str = getParam("reference"); os << '[' << str << ']'; return 2 + str.size(); } int InsetRef::docbook(odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { docstring const & name = getParam("name"); if (name.empty()) { if (runparams.flavor == OutputParams::XML) { os << ""; } else { os << ""; } } else { os << "" << getParam("name") << ""; } return 0; } docstring InsetRef::xhtml(XHTMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & op) const { docstring const & ref = getParam("reference"); InsetLabel const * il = buffer().insetLabel(ref); string const & cmd = params().getCmdName(); docstring display_string; if (il && !il->counterValue().empty()) { // Try to construct a label from the InsetLabel we reference. docstring const & value = il->counterValue(); if (cmd == "ref") display_string = value; else if (cmd == "vref") // normally, would be "ref on page #", but we have no pages display_string = value; else if (cmd == "pageref" || cmd == "vpageref") // normally would be "on page #", but we have no pages. display_string = translateIfPossible(from_ascii("elsewhere"), op.local_font->language()->lang()); else if (cmd == "eqref") display_string = '(' + value + ')'; else if (cmd == "formatted") { display_string = il->prettyCounter(); if (buffer().params().use_refstyle && getParam("caps") == "true") capitalize(display_string); // it is hard to see what to do about plurals... } else if (cmd == "nameref") // FIXME We don't really have the ability to handle these // properly in XHTML output yet (bug #8599). // It might not be that hard to do. We have the InsetLabel, // and we can presumably find its paragraph using the TOC. // But the label might be referencing a section, yet not be // in that section. So this is not trivial. display_string = il->prettyCounter(); } else display_string = ref; // FIXME What we'd really like to do is to be able to output some // appropriate sort of text here. But to do that, we need to associate // some sort of counter with the label, and we don't have that yet. docstring const attr = "href=\"#" + html::cleanAttr(ref) + '"'; xs << html::StartTag("a", to_utf8(attr)); xs << display_string; xs << html::EndTag("a"); return docstring(); } void InsetRef::toString(odocstream & os) const { odocstringstream ods; plaintext(ods, OutputParams(0)); os << ods.str(); } void InsetRef::forOutliner(docstring & os, size_t const, bool const) const { // There's no need for details in the TOC, and a long label // will just get in the way. os += '#'; } void InsetRef::updateBuffer(ParIterator const & it, UpdateType) { docstring const & ref = getParam("reference"); // register this inset into the buffer reference cache. buffer().addReference(ref, this, it); docstring label; string const & cmd = getCmdName(); for (int i = 0; !types[i].latex_name.empty(); ++i) { if (cmd == types[i].latex_name) { label = _(types[i].short_gui_name); break; } } if (cmd != "labelonly") label += ref; else { if (getParam("noprefix") != "true") label += ref; else { docstring prefix; docstring suffix = split(ref, prefix, ':'); if (suffix.empty()) { label += ref; } else { label += suffix; } } } if (!buffer().params().isLatex() && !getParam("name").empty()) { label += "||"; label += getParam("name"); } unsigned int const maxLabelChars = 24; if (label.size() > maxLabelChars) { tooltip_ = label; support::truncateWithEllipsis(label, maxLabelChars); } else tooltip_ = from_ascii(""); screen_label_ = label; broken_ = false; } docstring InsetRef::screenLabel() const { return (broken_ ? _("BROKEN: ") : docstring()) + screen_label_; } void InsetRef::addToToc(DocIterator const & cpit, bool output_active, UpdateType, TocBackend & backend) const { docstring const & label = getParam("reference"); if (buffer().insetLabel(label)) // This InsetRef has already been taken care of in InsetLabel::addToToc(). return; // It seems that this reference does not point to any valid label. broken_ = true; shared_ptr toc = backend.toc("label"); toc->push_back(TocItem(cpit, 0, screenLabel(), output_active)); } void InsetRef::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { string const cmd = getCmdName(); if (cmd == "vref" || cmd == "vpageref") features.require("varioref"); else if (cmd == "formatted") { docstring const data = getEscapedLabel(features.runparams()); docstring label; docstring prefix; docstring const fcmd = getFormattedCmd(data, label, prefix, getParam("caps")); if (buffer().params().use_refstyle) { features.require("refstyle"); if (prefix == "cha") features.addPreambleSnippet(from_ascii("\\let\\charef=\\chapref")); else if (!prefix.empty()) { docstring lcmd = "\\AtBeginDocument{\\providecommand" + fcmd + "[1]{\\ref{" + prefix + ":#1}}}"; features.addPreambleSnippet(lcmd); } } else { features.require("prettyref"); // prettyref uses "cha" for chapters, so we provide a kind of // translation. if (prefix == "chap") features.addPreambleSnippet(from_ascii("\\let\\pr@chap=\\pr@cha")); } } else if (cmd == "eqref" && !buffer().params().use_refstyle) // with refstyle, we simply output "(\ref{label})" features.require("amsmath"); else if (cmd == "nameref") features.require("nameref"); } InsetRef::type_info const InsetRef::types[] = { { "ref", N_("Standard"), N_("Ref: ")}, { "eqref", N_("Equation"), N_("EqRef: ")}, { "pageref", N_("Page Number"), N_("Page: ")}, { "vpageref", N_("Textual Page Number"), N_("TextPage: ")}, { "vref", N_("Standard+Textual Page"), N_("Ref+Text: ")}, { "formatted", N_("Formatted"), N_("Format: ")}, { "nameref", N_("Reference to Name"), N_("NameRef: ")}, { "labelonly", N_("Label Only"), N_("Label: ")}, { "", "", "" } }; int InsetRef::getType(string const & name) { for (int i = 0; !types[i].latex_name.empty(); ++i) if (name == types[i].latex_name) return i; return 0; } string const & InsetRef::getName(int type) { return types[type].latex_name; } docstring InsetRef::getTOCString() const { return tooltip_.empty() ? screenLabel() : tooltip_; } } // namespace lyx