/** * \file Biblio.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Angus Leeming * \author Herbert Voß * \author Richard Heck (re-write of BibTeX representation) * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include "Biblio.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "InsetIterator.h" #include "Paragraph.h" #include "insets/Inset.h" #include "insets/InsetBibitem.h" #include "insets/InsetBibtex.h" #include "insets/InsetInclude.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" using std::string; using std::vector; using std::pair; using std::endl; namespace lyx { using support::ascii_lowercase; using support::bformat; using support::compare_ascii_no_case; using support::contains; using support::getVectorFromString; using support::ltrim; using support::prefixIs; using support::rtrim; using support::split; using support::subst; using support::token; using support::trim; namespace biblio { namespace { vector const init_possible_cite_commands() { char const * const pos[] = { "cite", "citet", "citep", "citealt", "citealp", "citeauthor", "citeyear", "citeyearpar", "citet*", "citep*", "citealt*", "citealp*", "citeauthor*", "Citet", "Citep", "Citealt", "Citealp", "Citeauthor", "Citet*", "Citep*", "Citealt*", "Citealp*", "Citeauthor*", "fullcite", "footcite", "footcitet", "footcitep", "footcitealt", "footcitealp", "footciteauthor", "footciteyear", "footciteyearpar", "citefield", "citetitle", "cite*" }; size_t const size_pos = sizeof(pos) / sizeof(pos[0]); return vector(pos, pos + size_pos); } vector const & possible_cite_commands() { static vector const pos = init_possible_cite_commands(); return pos; } bool is_possible_cite_command(string const & input) { vector const & possibles = possible_cite_commands(); vector::const_iterator const end = possibles.end(); return std::find(possibles.begin(), end, input) != end; } string const default_cite_command(CiteEngine engine) { string str; switch (engine) { case ENGINE_BASIC: str = "cite"; break; case ENGINE_NATBIB_AUTHORYEAR: str = "citet"; break; case ENGINE_NATBIB_NUMERICAL: str = "citep"; break; case ENGINE_JURABIB: str = "cite"; break; } return str; } } // namespace anon const docstring TheBibliographyRef(from_ascii("TheBibliographyRef")); string const asValidLatexCommand(string const & input, CiteEngine const engine) { string const default_str = default_cite_command(engine); if (!is_possible_cite_command(input)) return default_str; string output; switch (engine) { case ENGINE_BASIC: output = default_str; break; case ENGINE_NATBIB_AUTHORYEAR: case ENGINE_NATBIB_NUMERICAL: if (input == "cite" || input == "citefield" || input == "citetitle" || input == "cite*") output = default_str; else if (prefixIs(input, "foot")) output = input.substr(4); else output = input; break; case ENGINE_JURABIB: { // Jurabib does not support the 'uppercase' natbib style. if (input[0] == 'C') output = string(1, 'c') + input.substr(1); else output = input; // Jurabib does not support the 'full' natbib style. string::size_type const n = output.size() - 1; if (output != "cite*" && output[n] == '*') output = output.substr(0, n); break; } } return output; } docstring const familyName(docstring const & name) { if (name.empty()) return docstring(); // Very simple parser docstring fname = name; // possible authorname combinations are: // "Surname, FirstName" // "Surname, F." // "FirstName Surname" // "F. Surname" docstring::size_type idx = fname.find(','); if (idx != docstring::npos) return ltrim(fname.substr(0, idx)); idx = fname.rfind('.'); if (idx != docstring::npos && idx + 1 < fname.size()) fname = ltrim(fname.substr(idx + 1)); // test if we have a LaTeX Space in front if (fname[0] == '\\') return fname.substr(2); return rtrim(fname); } docstring const getAbbreviatedAuthor(InfoMap const & map, string const & key) { BOOST_ASSERT(!map.empty()); InfoMap::const_iterator it = map.find(key); if (it == map.end()) return docstring(); docstring const & data = it->second; // Is the entry a BibTeX one or one from lyx-layout "bibliography"? docstring::size_type const pos = data.find(TheBibliographyRef); if (pos != docstring::npos) { if (pos <= 2) { return docstring(); } docstring const opt = trim(data.substr(0, pos - 1)); if (opt.empty()) return docstring(); docstring authors; split(opt, authors, '('); return authors; } docstring author = parseBibTeX(data, "author"); if (author.empty()) author = parseBibTeX(data, "editor"); if (author.empty()) { author = parseBibTeX(data, "key"); if (author.empty()) // FIXME UNICODE return from_utf8(key); return author; } vector const authors = getVectorFromString(author, from_ascii(" and ")); if (authors.empty()) return author; if (authors.size() == 2) return bformat(_("%1$s and %2$s"), familyName(authors[0]), familyName(authors[1])); if (authors.size() > 2) return bformat(_("%1$s et al."), familyName(authors[0])); return familyName(authors[0]); } docstring const getYear(InfoMap const & map, string const & key) { BOOST_ASSERT(!map.empty()); InfoMap::const_iterator it = map.find(key); if (it == map.end()) return docstring(); docstring const & data = it->second; // Is the entry a BibTeX one or one from lyx-layout "bibliography"? docstring::size_type const pos = data.find(TheBibliographyRef); if (pos != docstring::npos) { if (pos <= 2) { return docstring(); } docstring const opt = trim(data.substr(0, pos - 1)); if (opt.empty()) return docstring(); docstring authors; docstring const tmp = split(opt, authors, '('); docstring year; split(tmp, year, ')'); return year; } docstring year = parseBibTeX(data, "year"); if (year.empty()) year = _("No year"); return year; } namespace { // A functor for use with std::sort, leading to case insensitive sorting class compareNoCase: public std::binary_function { public: bool operator()(string const & s1, string const & s2) const { return compare_ascii_no_case(s1, s2) < 0; } }; } // namespace anon vector const getKeys(InfoMap const & map) { vector bibkeys; InfoMap::const_iterator it = map.begin(); InfoMap::const_iterator end = map.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { bibkeys.push_back(it->first); } std::sort(bibkeys.begin(), bibkeys.end(), compareNoCase()); return bibkeys; } docstring const getInfo(InfoMap const & map, string const & key) { BOOST_ASSERT(!map.empty()); InfoMap::const_iterator it = map.find(key); if (it == map.end()) return docstring(); docstring const & data = it->second; // is the entry a BibTeX one or one from lyx-layout "bibliography"? docstring::size_type const pos = data.find(TheBibliographyRef); if (pos != docstring::npos) { docstring::size_type const pos2 = pos + TheBibliographyRef.size(); docstring const info = trim(data.substr(pos2)); return info; } // Search for all possible "required" keys docstring author = parseBibTeX(data, "author"); if (author.empty()) author = parseBibTeX(data, "editor"); docstring year = parseBibTeX(data, "year"); docstring title = parseBibTeX(data, "title"); docstring booktitle = parseBibTeX(data, "booktitle"); docstring chapter = parseBibTeX(data, "chapter"); docstring number = parseBibTeX(data, "number"); docstring volume = parseBibTeX(data, "volume"); docstring pages = parseBibTeX(data, "pages"); docstring annote = parseBibTeX(data, "annote"); docstring media = parseBibTeX(data, "journal"); if (media.empty()) media = parseBibTeX(data, "publisher"); if (media.empty()) media = parseBibTeX(data, "school"); if (media.empty()) media = parseBibTeX(data, "institution"); odocstringstream result; if (!author.empty()) result << author << ", "; if (!title.empty()) result << title; if (!booktitle.empty()) result << ", in " << booktitle; if (!chapter.empty()) result << ", Ch. " << chapter; if (!media.empty()) result << ", " << media; if (!volume.empty()) result << ", vol. " << volume; if (!number.empty()) result << ", no. " << number; if (!pages.empty()) result << ", pp. " << pages; if (!year.empty()) result << ", " << year; if (!annote.empty()) result << "\n\n" << annote; docstring const result_str = rtrim(result.str()); if (!result_str.empty()) return result_str; // This should never happen (or at least be very unusual!) return data; } namespace { // Escape special chars. // All characters are literals except: '.|*?+(){}[]^$\' // These characters are literals when preceded by a "\", which is done here // @todo: This function should be moved to support, and then the test in tests // should be moved there as well. string const escape_special_chars(string const & expr) { // Search for all chars '.|*?+(){}[^$]\' // Note that '[' and '\' must be escaped. // This is a limitation of boost::regex, but all other chars in BREs // are assumed literal. boost::regex reg("[].|*?+(){}^$\\[\\\\]"); // $& is a perl-like expression that expands to all // of the current match // The '$' must be prefixed with the escape character '\' for // boost to treat it as a literal. // Thus, to prefix a matched expression with '\', we use: return boost::regex_replace(expr, reg, "\\\\$&"); } // A functor for use with std::find_if, used to ascertain whether a // data entry matches the required regex_ // @throws: boost::regex_error if the supplied regex pattern is not valid // @todo: This function should be moved to support. class RegexMatch : public std::unary_function { public: // re and icase are used to construct an instance of boost::RegEx. // if icase is true, then matching is insensitive to case RegexMatch(InfoMap const & m, string const & re, bool icase) : map_(m), regex_(re, icase) {} bool operator()(string const & key) const { // the data searched is the key + its associated BibTeX/biblio // fields string data = key; InfoMap::const_iterator info = map_.find(key); if (info != map_.end()) // FIXME UNICODE data += ' ' + to_utf8(info->second); // Attempts to find a match for the current RE // somewhere in data. return boost::regex_search(data, regex_); } private: InfoMap const map_; mutable boost::regex regex_; }; } // namespace anon vector::const_iterator searchKeys(InfoMap const & theMap, vector const & keys, string const & search_expr, vector::const_iterator start, Search type, Direction dir, bool caseSensitive) { // Preliminary checks if (start < keys.begin() || start >= keys.end()) return keys.end(); string expr = trim(search_expr); if (expr.empty()) return keys.end(); if (type == SIMPLE) // We must escape special chars in the search_expr so that // it is treated as a simple string by boost::regex. expr = escape_special_chars(expr); try { // Build the functor that will be passed to find_if. RegexMatch const match(theMap, expr, !caseSensitive); // Search the vector of 'keys' from 'start' for one // that matches the predicate 'match'. Searching can // be forward or backward from start. if (dir == FORWARD) return std::find_if(start, keys.end(), match); vector::const_reverse_iterator rit(start); vector::const_reverse_iterator rend = keys.rend(); rit = std::find_if(rit, rend, match); if (rit == rend) return keys.end(); // This is correct and always safe. // (See Meyer's Effective STL, Item 28.) return (++rit).base(); } catch (boost::regex_error &) { return keys.end(); } } docstring const parseBibTeX(docstring data, string const & findkey) { // at first we delete all characters right of '%' and // replace tabs through a space and remove leading spaces // we read the data line by line so that the \n are // ignored, too. docstring data_; int Entries = 0; docstring dummy = token(data,'\n', Entries); while (!dummy.empty()) { // no tabs dummy = subst(dummy, '\t', ' '); // no leading spaces dummy = ltrim(dummy); // ignore lines with a beginning '%' or ignore all right of % docstring::size_type const idx = dummy.empty() ? docstring::npos : dummy.find('%'); if (idx != docstring::npos) // Check if this is really a comment or just "\%" if (idx == 0 || dummy[idx - 1] != '\\') dummy.erase(idx, docstring::npos); else // This is "\%", so just erase the '\' dummy.erase(idx - 1, 1); // do we have a new token or a new line of // the same one? In the first case we ignore // the \n and in the second we replace it // with a space if (!dummy.empty()) { if (!contains(dummy, '=')) data_ += ' ' + dummy; else data_ += dummy; } dummy = token(data, '\n', ++Entries); } //end while // replace double commas with "" for easy scanning data = subst(data_, from_ascii(",,"), from_ascii("\"\"")); // unlikely! if (data.empty()) return docstring(); // now get only the important line of the bibtex entry. // all entries are devided by ',' except the last one. data += ','; // now we have same behaviour for all entries because the last one // is "blah ... }" Entries = 0; bool found = false; // parsing of title and booktitle is different from the // others, because booktitle contains title do { dummy = token(data, ',', Entries++); if (!dummy.empty()) { found = contains(ascii_lowercase(dummy), from_ascii(findkey)); if (findkey == "title" && contains(ascii_lowercase(dummy), from_ascii("booktitle"))) found = false; } } while (!found && !dummy.empty()); if (dummy.empty()) // no such keyword return docstring(); // we are not sure, if we get all, because "key= "blah, blah" is // allowed. // Therefore we read all until the next "=" character, which follows a // new keyword docstring keyvalue = dummy; dummy = token(data, ',', Entries++); while (!contains(dummy, '=') && !dummy.empty()) { keyvalue += ',' + dummy; dummy = token(data, ',', Entries++); } // replace double "" with originals ,, (two commas) // leaving us with the all-important line data = subst(keyvalue, from_ascii("\"\""), from_ascii(",,")); // Clean-up. // 1. Spaces data = rtrim(data); // 2. if there is no opening '{' then a closing '{' is probably cruft. if (!contains(data, '{')) data = rtrim(data, "}"); // happens, when last keyword docstring::size_type const idx = !data.empty() ? data.find('=') : docstring::npos; if (idx == docstring::npos) return docstring(); data = trim(data.substr(idx)); // a valid entry? if (data.length() < 2 || data[0] != '=') return docstring(); else { // delete '=' and the following spaces data = ltrim(data, " ="); if (data.length() < 2) { // not long enough to find delimiters return data; } else { docstring::size_type keypos = 1; char_type enclosing; if (data[0] == '{') { enclosing = '}'; } else if (data[0] == '"') { enclosing = '"'; } else { // no {} and no "", pure data but with a // possible ',' at the end return rtrim(data, ","); } docstring tmp = data.substr(keypos); while (tmp.find('{') != docstring::npos && tmp.find('}') != docstring::npos && tmp.find('{') < tmp.find('}') && tmp.find('{') < tmp.find(enclosing)) { keypos += tmp.find('{') + 1; tmp = data.substr(keypos); keypos += tmp.find('}') + 1; tmp = data.substr(keypos); } if (tmp.find(enclosing) == docstring::npos) return data; else { keypos += tmp.find(enclosing); return data.substr(1, keypos - 1); } } } } namespace { char const * const citeCommands[] = { "cite", "citet", "citep", "citealt", "citealp", "citeauthor", "citeyear", "citeyearpar" }; unsigned int const nCiteCommands = sizeof(citeCommands) / sizeof(char *); CiteStyle const citeStyles[] = { CITE, CITET, CITEP, CITEALT, CITEALP, CITEAUTHOR, CITEYEAR, CITEYEARPAR }; unsigned int const nCiteStyles = sizeof(citeStyles) / sizeof(CiteStyle); CiteStyle const citeStylesFull[] = { CITET, CITEP, CITEALT, CITEALP, CITEAUTHOR }; unsigned int const nCiteStylesFull = sizeof(citeStylesFull) / sizeof(CiteStyle); CiteStyle const citeStylesUCase[] = { CITET, CITEP, CITEALT, CITEALP, CITEAUTHOR }; unsigned int const nCiteStylesUCase = sizeof(citeStylesUCase) / sizeof(CiteStyle); } // namespace anon CitationStyle::CitationStyle(string const & command) : style(CITE), full(false), forceUCase(false) { if (command.empty()) return; string cmd = command; if (cmd[0] == 'C') { forceUCase = true; cmd[0] = 'c'; } string::size_type const n = cmd.size() - 1; if (cmd != "cite" && cmd[n] == '*') { full = true; cmd = cmd.substr(0,n); } char const * const * const last = citeCommands + nCiteCommands; char const * const * const ptr = std::find(citeCommands, last, cmd); if (ptr != last) { size_t idx = ptr - citeCommands; style = citeStyles[idx]; } } string const CitationStyle::asLatexStr() const { string cite = citeCommands[style]; if (full) { CiteStyle const * last = citeStylesFull + nCiteStylesFull; if (std::find(citeStylesFull, last, style) != last) cite += '*'; } if (forceUCase) { CiteStyle const * last = citeStylesUCase + nCiteStylesUCase; if (std::find(citeStylesUCase, last, style) != last) cite[0] = 'C'; } return cite; } vector const getCiteStyles(CiteEngine const engine) { unsigned int nStyles = 0; unsigned int start = 0; switch (engine) { case ENGINE_BASIC: nStyles = 1; start = 0; break; case ENGINE_NATBIB_AUTHORYEAR: case ENGINE_NATBIB_NUMERICAL: nStyles = nCiteStyles - 1; start = 1; break; case ENGINE_JURABIB: nStyles = nCiteStyles; start = 0; break; } typedef vector cite_vec; cite_vec styles(nStyles); cite_vec::size_type i = 0; int j = start; for (; i != styles.size(); ++i, ++j) styles[i] = citeStyles[j]; return styles; } vector const getNumericalStrings(string const & key, InfoMap const & map, vector const & styles) { if (map.empty()) return vector(); docstring const author = getAbbreviatedAuthor(map, key); docstring const year = getYear(map, key); if (author.empty() || year.empty()) return vector(); vector vec(styles.size()); for (vector::size_type i = 0; i != vec.size(); ++i) { docstring str; switch (styles[i]) { case CITE: case CITEP: str = from_ascii("[#ID]"); break; case CITET: str = author + " [#ID]"; break; case CITEALT: str = author + " #ID"; break; case CITEALP: str = from_ascii("#ID"); break; case CITEAUTHOR: str = author; break; case CITEYEAR: str = year; break; case CITEYEARPAR: str = '(' + year + ')'; break; } vec[i] = str; } return vec; } vector const getAuthorYearStrings(string const & key, InfoMap const & map, vector const & styles) { if (map.empty()) return vector(); docstring const author = getAbbreviatedAuthor(map, key); docstring const year = getYear(map, key); if (author.empty() || year.empty()) return vector(); vector vec(styles.size()); for (vector::size_type i = 0; i != vec.size(); ++i) { docstring str; switch (styles[i]) { case CITE: // jurabib only: Author/Annotator // (i.e. the "before" field, 2nd opt arg) str = author + "/<" + _("before") + '>'; break; case CITET: str = author + " (" + year + ')'; break; case CITEP: str = '(' + author + ", " + year + ')'; break; case CITEALT: str = author + ' ' + year ; break; case CITEALP: str = author + ", " + year ; break; case CITEAUTHOR: str = author; break; case CITEYEAR: str = year; break; case CITEYEARPAR: str = '(' + year + ')'; break; } vec[i] = str; } return vec; } void fillWithBibKeys(Buffer const * const buf, vector > & keys) { /// if this is a child document and the parent is already loaded /// use the parent's list instead [ale990412] Buffer const * const tmp = buf->getMasterBuffer(); BOOST_ASSERT(tmp); if (tmp != buf) { fillWithBibKeys(tmp, keys); return; } for (InsetIterator it = inset_iterator_begin(buf->inset()); it; ++it) it->fillWithBibKeys(*buf, keys, it); } } // namespace biblio } // namespace lyx