/** * \file rowpainter.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author various * \author John Levon * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS */ #include #include #include "frontends/Painter.h" #include "frontends/screen.h" #include "frontends/font_metrics.h" #include "support/LAssert.h" #include "paragraph.h" #include "support/textutils.h" #include "insets/insettext.h" #include "ParagraphParameters.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "language.h" #include "encoding.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "lyxrow.h" #include "rowpainter.h" #include "lyxrc.h" using std::max; using lyx::pos_type; extern int PAPER_MARGIN; extern int CHANGEBAR_MARGIN; extern int LEFT_MARGIN; namespace { // "temporary". We'll never get to use more // references until we start adding hacks like // these until other places catch up. BufferView * perv(BufferView const & bv) { return const_cast(&bv); } } // namespace anon RowPainter::RowPainter(BufferView const & bv, LyXText const & text, Row const & row) : bv_(bv), pain_(bv_.painter()), text_(text), row_(row), par_(*row.par()) { } /// "temporary" LyXFont const RowPainter::getFont(pos_type pos) const { Paragraph * perverted_par = const_cast(&par_); return text_.getFont(bv_.buffer(), perverted_par, pos); } int RowPainter::singleWidth(lyx::pos_type pos) const { BufferView * bv(perv(bv_)); Paragraph * par(const_cast(&par_)); return text_.singleWidth(bv, par, pos); } int RowPainter::singleWidth(lyx::pos_type pos, char c) const { BufferView * bv(perv(bv_)); Paragraph * par(const_cast(&par_)); return text_.singleWidth(bv, par, pos, c); } LyXFont const RowPainter::getLabelFont() const { Paragraph * par(const_cast(&par_)); return text_.getLabelFont(bv_.buffer(), par); } char const RowPainter::transformChar(char c, lyx::pos_type pos) const { Paragraph * par(const_cast(&par_)); return text_.transformChar(c, par, pos); } int RowPainter::leftMargin() const { BufferView * bv(perv(bv_)); Row * row(const_cast(&row_)); return text_.leftMargin(bv, row); } bool RowPainter::paintInset(pos_type const pos) { Inset * inset = const_cast(par_.getInset(pos)); lyx::Assert(inset); LyXFont const & font = getFont(pos); inset->update(perv(bv_), font, false); inset->draw(perv(bv_), font, yo_ + row_.baseline(), x_, cleared_); // return true if something changed when we drew an inset return (!text_.need_break_row && !text_.isInInset() && bv_.text->status() == LyXText::CHANGED_IN_DRAW); } void RowPainter::paintHebrewComposeChar(pos_type & vpos) { pos_type pos = text_.vis2log(vpos); string str; // first char char c = par_.getChar(pos); str += c; ++vpos; LyXFont const & font = getFont(pos); int const width = font_metrics::width(c, font); int dx = 0; for (pos_type i = pos - 1; i >= 0; --i) { c = par_.getChar(i); if (!Encodings::IsComposeChar_hebrew(c)) { if (IsPrintableNonspace(c)) { int const width2 = singleWidth(i, c); // dalet / resh dx = (c == 'ø' || c == 'ã') ? width2 - width : (width2 - width) / 2; } break; } } // Draw nikud pain_.text(int(x_) + dx, yo_ + row_.baseline(), str, font); } void RowPainter::paintArabicComposeChar(pos_type & vpos) { pos_type pos = text_.vis2log(vpos); string str; // first char char c = par_.getChar(pos); c = transformChar(c, pos); str +=c; ++vpos; LyXFont const & font = getFont(pos); int const width = font_metrics::width(c, font); int dx = 0; for (pos_type i = pos-1; i >= 0; --i) { c = par_.getChar(i); if (!Encodings::IsComposeChar_arabic(c)) { if (IsPrintableNonspace(c)) { int const width2 = singleWidth(i, c); dx = (width2 - width) / 2; } break; } } // Draw nikud pain_.text(int(x_) + dx, yo_ + row_.baseline(), str, font); } void RowPainter::paintChars(pos_type & vpos, bool hebrew, bool arabic) { pos_type pos = text_.vis2log(vpos); pos_type const last = row_.lastPrintablePos(); LyXFont orig_font(getFont(pos)); // first character string str; str += par_.getChar(pos); if (arabic) { unsigned char c = str[0]; str[0] = transformChar(c, pos); } bool prev_struckout(isDeletedText(par_, pos)); bool prev_newtext(isInsertedText(par_, pos)); ++vpos; // collect as much similar chars as we can while (vpos <= last && (pos = text_.vis2log(vpos)) >= 0) { char c = par_.getChar(pos); if (!IsPrintableNonspace(c)) break; if (prev_struckout != isDeletedText(par_, pos)) break; if (prev_newtext != isInsertedText(par_, pos)) break; if (arabic && Encodings::IsComposeChar_arabic(c)) break; if (hebrew && Encodings::IsComposeChar_hebrew(c)) break; if (orig_font != getFont(pos)) break; if (arabic) c = transformChar(c, pos); str += c; ++vpos; } if (prev_struckout) { orig_font.setColor(LColor::strikeout); } else if (prev_newtext) { orig_font.setColor(LColor::newtext); } // Draw text and set the new x position pain_.text(int(x_), yo_ + row_.baseline(), str, orig_font); x_ += font_metrics::width(str, orig_font); } void RowPainter::paintForeignMark(float const orig_x, LyXFont const & orig_font) { if (!lyxrc.mark_foreign_language) return; if (orig_font.language() == latex_language) return; if (orig_font.language() == bv_.buffer()->params.language) return; int const y = yo_ + row_.baseline() + 1; pain_.line(int(orig_x), y, int(x_), y, LColor::language); } bool RowPainter::paintFromPos(pos_type & vpos) { pos_type const pos = text_.vis2log(vpos); LyXFont const & orig_font = getFont(pos); float const orig_x = x_; char const c = par_.getChar(pos); if (IsInsetChar(c)) { if (paintInset(pos)) return true; ++vpos; paintForeignMark(orig_x, orig_font); return false; } // usual characters, no insets // special case languages bool const hebrew = (orig_font.language()->lang() == "hebrew"); bool const arabic = orig_font.language()->lang() == "arabic" && (lyxrc.font_norm_type == LyXRC::ISO_8859_6_8 || lyxrc.font_norm_type == LyXRC::ISO_10646_1); // draw as many chars as we can if ((!hebrew && !arabic) || (hebrew && !Encodings::IsComposeChar_hebrew(c)) || (arabic && !Encodings::IsComposeChar_arabic(c))) { paintChars(vpos, hebrew, arabic); } else if (hebrew) { paintHebrewComposeChar(vpos); } else if (arabic) { paintArabicComposeChar(vpos); } paintForeignMark(orig_x, orig_font); return false; } bool RowPainter::paintBackground() { pos_type const last = row_.lastPrintablePos(); bool clear_area = true; Inset const * inset = 0; if (!bv_.screen().forceClear() && last == row_.pos() && par_.isInset(row_.pos())) { inset = par_.getInset(row_.pos()); clear_area = inset->doClearArea(); } if (cleared_) { return true; } if (clear_area) { int const x = xo_; int const y = yo_ < 0 ? 0 : yo_; int const h = yo_ < 0 ? row_.height() + yo_ : row_.height(); pain_.fillRectangle(x, y, width_, h, text_.backgroundColor()); return true; } if (!inset) return false; LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_SANE); // FIXME BufferView * bv = perv(bv_); int h = row_.baseline() - inset->ascent(bv, font); // first clear the whole row above the inset! if (h > 0) { pain_.fillRectangle(xo_, yo_, width_, h, text_.backgroundColor()); } // clear the space below the inset! h += inset->ascent(bv, font) + inset->descent(bv, font); if ((row_.height() - h) > 0) { pain_.fillRectangle(xo_, yo_ + h, width_, row_.height() - h, text_.backgroundColor()); } // clear the space behind the inset, if needed if (!inset->display() && !inset->needFullRow()) { int const xp = int(x_) + inset->width(bv, font); if (width_ - xp > 0) { pain_.fillRectangle(xp, yo_, width_ - xp, row_.height(), text_.backgroundColor()); } } return false; } void RowPainter::paintSelection() { bool const is_rtl = par_.isRightToLeftPar(bv_.buffer()->params); // the current selection int const startx = text_.selection.start.x(); int const endx = text_.selection.end.x(); int const starty = text_.selection.start.y(); int const endy = text_.selection.end.y(); Row const * startrow = text_.selection.start.row(); Row const * endrow = text_.selection.end.row(); // Bleh. Row const * row = &row_; if (text_.bidi_same_direction) { int x; int y = yo_; int w; int h = row_.height(); if (startrow == row && endrow == row) { if (startx < endx) { x = xo_ + startx; w = endx - startx; pain_.fillRectangle(x, y, w, h, LColor::selection); } else { x = xo_ + endx; w = startx - endx; pain_.fillRectangle(x, y, w, h, LColor::selection); } } else if (startrow == row) { int const x = (is_rtl) ? xo_ : (xo_ + startx); int const w = (is_rtl) ? startx : (width_ - startx); pain_.fillRectangle(x, y, w, h, LColor::selection); } else if (endrow == row) { int const x = (is_rtl) ? (xo_ + endx) : xo_; int const w = (is_rtl) ? (width_ - endx) : endx; pain_.fillRectangle(x, y, w, h, LColor::selection); } else if (y_ > starty && y_ < endy) { pain_.fillRectangle(xo_, y, width_, h, LColor::selection); } return; } else if (startrow != row && endrow != row) { if (y_ > starty && y_ < endy) { int w = width_; int h = row_.height(); pain_.fillRectangle(xo_, yo_, w, h, LColor::selection); } return; } if ((startrow != row && !is_rtl) || (endrow != row && is_rtl)) pain_.fillRectangle(xo_, yo_, int(x_), row_.height(), LColor::selection); pos_type const body_pos = par_.beginningOfBody(); pos_type const last = row_.lastPrintablePos(); float tmpx = x_; for (pos_type vpos = row_.pos(); vpos <= last; ++vpos) { pos_type pos = text_.vis2log(vpos); float const old_tmpx = tmpx; if (body_pos > 0 && pos == body_pos - 1) { LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = par_.layout(); LyXFont const lfont = getLabelFont(); tmpx += label_hfill_ + font_metrics::width(layout->labelsep, lfont); if (par_.isLineSeparator(body_pos - 1)) tmpx -= singleWidth(body_pos - 1); } if (row_.hfillExpansion(pos)) { tmpx += singleWidth(pos); if (pos >= body_pos) tmpx += hfill_; else tmpx += label_hfill_; } else if (par_.isSeparator(pos)) { tmpx += singleWidth(pos); if (pos >= body_pos) tmpx += separator_; } else { tmpx += singleWidth(pos); } if ((startrow != row || text_.selection.start.pos() <= pos) && (endrow != row || pos < text_.selection.end.pos())) { // Here we do not use x_ as xo_ was added to x_. pain_.fillRectangle(int(old_tmpx), yo_, int(tmpx - old_tmpx + 1), row_.height(), LColor::selection); } } if ((startrow != row && is_rtl) || (endrow != row && !is_rtl)) { pain_.fillRectangle(xo_ + int(tmpx), yo_, int(bv_.workWidth() - tmpx), row_.height(), LColor::selection); } } void RowPainter::paintChangeBar() { pos_type const start = row_.pos(); pos_type const end = row_.lastPrintablePos(); if (!par_.isChanged(start, end)) return; int const height = (row_.next() ? row_.height() + row_.next()->top_of_text() : row_.baseline()); pain_.fillRectangle(4, yo_, 5, height, LColor::changebar); } void RowPainter::paintAppendix() { // FIXME: can be just width_ ? int const ww = bv_.workWidth(); if (par_.params().appendix()) { pain_.line(1, yo_, 1, yo_ + row_.height(), LColor::appendixline); pain_.line(ww - 2, yo_, ww - 2, yo_ + row_.height(), LColor::appendixline); } } void RowPainter::paintDepthBar() { Paragraph::depth_type const depth = par_.getDepth(); if (depth <= 0) return; Paragraph::depth_type prev_depth = 0; if (row_.previous()) prev_depth = row_.previous()->par()->getDepth(); Paragraph::depth_type next_depth = 0; if (row_.next()) next_depth = row_.next()->par()->getDepth(); for (Paragraph::depth_type i = 1; i <= depth; ++i) { int x = (PAPER_MARGIN / 5) * i + xo_; // only consider the changebar space if we're drawing outer left if (!xo_) x += CHANGEBAR_MARGIN; int const h = yo_ + row_.height() - 1 - (i - next_depth - 1) * 3; pain_.line(x, yo_, x, h, LColor::depthbar); int const w = PAPER_MARGIN / 5; if (i > prev_depth) { pain_.fillRectangle(x, yo_, w, 2, LColor::depthbar); } if (i > next_depth) { pain_.fillRectangle(x, h, w, 2, LColor::depthbar); } } } int getLengthMarkerHeight(BufferView const & bv, VSpace const & vsp) { if (vsp.kind() == VSpace::NONE) return 0; int const arrow_size = 4; int const space_size = int(vsp.inPixels(bv)); LyXFont font; font.decSize(); int const min_size = max(3 * arrow_size, font_metrics::maxAscent(font) + font_metrics::maxDescent(font)); if (vsp.length().len().value() < 0.0) return min_size; else return max(min_size, space_size); } int RowPainter::paintLengthMarker(string const & prefix, VSpace const & vsp, int start) { if (vsp.kind() == VSpace::NONE) return 0; int const arrow_size = 4; int const size = getLengthMarkerHeight(bv_, vsp); int const end = start + size; // the label to display (if any) string str; // y-values for top arrow int ty1, ty2; // y-values for bottom arrow int by1, by2; str = prefix + " (" + vsp.asLyXCommand() + ")"; if (vsp.kind() == VSpace::VFILL) { ty1 = ty2 = start; by1 = by2 = end; } else { // adding or removing space bool const added = vsp.kind() != VSpace::LENGTH || vsp.length().len().value() > 0.0; ty1 = added ? (start + arrow_size) : start; ty2 = added ? start : (start + arrow_size); by1 = added ? (end - arrow_size) : end; by2 = added ? end : (end - arrow_size); } int const leftx = xo_ + leftMargin(); int const midx = leftx + arrow_size; int const rightx = midx + arrow_size; // first the string int w = 0; int a = 0; int d = 0; LyXFont font; font.setColor(LColor::added_space).decSize().decSize(); font_metrics::rectText(str, font, w, a, d); pain_.rectText(leftx + 2 * arrow_size + 5, start + ((end - start) / 2) + d, str, font); // top arrow pain_.line(leftx, ty1, midx, ty2, LColor::added_space); pain_.line(midx, ty2, rightx, ty1, LColor::added_space); // bottom arrow pain_.line(leftx, by1, midx, by2, LColor::added_space); pain_.line(midx, by2, rightx, by1, LColor::added_space); // joining line pain_.line(midx, ty2, midx, by2, LColor::added_space); return size; } int RowPainter::paintPageBreak(string const & label, int y) { LyXFont pb_font; pb_font.setColor(LColor::pagebreak).decSize(); int w = 0; int a = 0; int d = 0; font_metrics::rectText(label, pb_font, w, a, d); int const text_start = xo_ + ((width_ - w) / 2); int const text_end = text_start + w; pain_.rectText(text_start, y + d, label, pb_font); pain_.line(xo_, y, text_start, y, LColor::pagebreak, Painter::line_onoffdash); pain_.line(text_end, y, xo_ + width_, y, LColor::pagebreak, Painter::line_onoffdash); return 3 * defaultRowHeight(); } void RowPainter::paintFirst() { ParagraphParameters const & parparams = par_.params(); // start of appendix? if (parparams.startOfAppendix()) { pain_.line(1, yo_, width_ - 2, yo_, LColor::appendixline); } int y_top = 0; // the top margin if (!row_.previous() && text_.isTopLevel()) y_top += PAPER_MARGIN; // draw a top pagebreak if (parparams.pagebreakTop()) { y_top += paintPageBreak(_("Page Break (top)"), yo_ + y_top + 2 * defaultRowHeight()); } // draw the additional space if needed: y_top += paintLengthMarker(_("Space above"), parparams.spaceTop(), yo_ + y_top); Buffer const * buffer = bv_.buffer(); LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = par_.layout(); if (buffer->params.paragraph_separation == BufferParams::PARSEP_SKIP) { if (par_.previous()) { if (layout->latextype == LATEX_PARAGRAPH && !par_.getDepth()) { y_top += buffer->params.getDefSkip().inPixels(bv_); } else { LyXLayout_ptr const & playout = par_.previous()->layout(); if (playout->latextype == LATEX_PARAGRAPH && !par_.previous()->getDepth()) { // is it right to use defskip here, too? (AS) y_top += buffer->params.getDefSkip().inPixels(bv_); } } } } int const ww = bv_.workWidth(); // draw a top line if (parparams.lineTop()) { LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_SANE); int const asc = font_metrics::ascent('x', getFont(0)); y_top += asc; int const w = (text_.isInInset() ? text_.inset_owner->width(perv(bv_), font) : ww); int const xp = static_cast(text_.isInInset() ? xo_ : 0); pain_.line(xp, yo_ + y_top, xp + w, yo_ + y_top, LColor::topline, Painter::line_solid, Painter::line_thick); y_top += asc; } bool const is_rtl = par_.isRightToLeftPar(bv_.buffer()->params); // should we print a label? if (layout->labeltype >= LABEL_STATIC && (layout->labeltype != LABEL_STATIC || layout->latextype != LATEX_ENVIRONMENT || par_.isFirstInSequence())) { LyXFont font = getLabelFont(); if (!par_.getLabelstring().empty()) { float x = x_; string const str = par_.getLabelstring(); // this is special code for the chapter layout. This is // printed in an extra row and has a pagebreak at // the top. if (layout->labeltype == LABEL_COUNTER_CHAPTER) { if (buffer->params.secnumdepth >= 0) { float spacing_val = 1.0; if (!parparams.spacing().isDefault()) { spacing_val = parparams.spacing().getValue(); } else { spacing_val = buffer->params.spacing.getValue(); } int const maxdesc = int(font_metrics::maxDescent(font) * layout->spacing.getValue() * spacing_val) + int(layout->parsep) * defaultRowHeight(); if (is_rtl) { x = ww - leftMargin() - font_metrics::width(str, font); } pain_.text(int(x), yo_ + row_.baseline() - row_.ascent_of_text() - maxdesc, str, font); } } else { if (is_rtl) { x = ww - leftMargin() + font_metrics::width(layout->labelsep, font); } else { x = x_ - font_metrics::width(layout->labelsep, font) - font_metrics::width(str, font); } pain_.text(int(x), yo_ + row_.baseline(), str, font); } } // the labels at the top of an environment. // More or less for bibliography } else if (par_.isFirstInSequence() && (layout->labeltype == LABEL_TOP_ENVIRONMENT || layout->labeltype == LABEL_BIBLIO || layout->labeltype == LABEL_CENTERED_TOP_ENVIRONMENT)) { LyXFont font = getLabelFont(); if (!par_.getLabelstring().empty()) { string const str = par_.getLabelstring(); float spacing_val = 1.0; if (!parparams.spacing().isDefault()) { spacing_val = parparams.spacing().getValue(); } else { spacing_val = buffer->params.spacing.getValue(); } int maxdesc = int(font_metrics::maxDescent(font) * layout->spacing.getValue() * spacing_val + (layout->labelbottomsep * defaultRowHeight())); float x = x_; if (layout->labeltype == LABEL_CENTERED_TOP_ENVIRONMENT) { x = ((is_rtl ? leftMargin() : x_) + ww - text_.rightMargin(*bv_.buffer(), row_)) / 2; x -= font_metrics::width(str, font) / 2; } else if (is_rtl) { x = ww - leftMargin() - font_metrics::width(str, font); } pain_.text(int(x), yo_ + row_.baseline() - row_.ascent_of_text() - maxdesc, str, font); } } } void RowPainter::paintLast() { ParagraphParameters const & parparams = par_.params(); int y_bottom = row_.height() - 1; // the bottom margin if (!row_.next() && text_.isTopLevel()) y_bottom -= PAPER_MARGIN; int const ww = bv_.workWidth(); // draw a bottom pagebreak if (parparams.pagebreakBottom()) { y_bottom -= paintPageBreak(_("Page Break (bottom)"), yo_ + y_bottom - 2 * defaultRowHeight()); } // draw the additional space if needed: int const height = getLengthMarkerHeight(bv_, parparams.spaceBottom()); y_bottom -= paintLengthMarker(_("Space below"), parparams.spaceBottom(), yo_ + y_bottom - height); // draw a bottom line if (parparams.lineBottom()) { LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_SANE); int const asc = font_metrics::ascent('x', getFont(max(pos_type(0), par_.size() - 1))); y_bottom -= asc; int const w = (text_.isInInset() ? text_.inset_owner->width(perv(bv_), font) : ww); int const xp = static_cast(text_.isInInset() ? xo_ : 0); int const y = yo_ + y_bottom; pain_.line(xp, y, xp + w, y, LColor::topline, Painter::line_solid, Painter::line_thick); y_bottom -= asc; } bool const is_rtl = par_.isRightToLeftPar(bv_.buffer()->params); int const endlabel = par_.getEndLabel(); // draw an endlabel switch (endlabel) { case END_LABEL_BOX: case END_LABEL_FILLED_BOX: { LyXFont const font = getLabelFont(); int const size = int(0.75 * font_metrics::maxAscent(font)); int const y = (yo_ + row_.baseline()) - size; int x = is_rtl ? LEFT_MARGIN : ww - PAPER_MARGIN - size; if (row_.fill() <= size) x += (size - row_.fill() + 1) * (is_rtl ? -1 : 1); if (endlabel == END_LABEL_BOX) { pain_.rectangle(x, y, size, size, LColor::eolmarker); } else { pain_.fillRectangle(x, y, size, size, LColor::eolmarker); } break; } case END_LABEL_STATIC: { #if 0 LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_SANE); font = getLabelFont(); #else LyXFont font = getLabelFont(); #endif string const & str = par_.layout()->endlabelstring(); int const x = is_rtl ? int(x_) - font_metrics::width(str, font) : ww - text_.rightMargin(*bv_.buffer(), row_) - row_.fill(); pain_.text(x, yo_ + row_.baseline(), str, font); break; } case END_LABEL_NO_LABEL: break; } } bool RowPainter::paintText() { pos_type const last = row_.lastPrintablePos(); pos_type body_pos = par_.beginningOfBody(); if (body_pos > 0 && (body_pos - 1 > last || !par_.isLineSeparator(body_pos - 1))) { body_pos = 0; } LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = par_.layout(); bool running_strikeout = false; bool is_struckout = false; float last_strikeout_x = 0.0; pos_type vpos = row_.pos(); while (vpos <= last) { if (x_ > bv_.workWidth()) break; pos_type pos = text_.vis2log(vpos); if (x_ + singleWidth(pos) < 0) { x_ += singleWidth(pos); ++vpos; continue; } is_struckout = isDeletedText(par_, pos); if (is_struckout && !running_strikeout) { running_strikeout = true; last_strikeout_x = x_; } bool const highly_editable_inset = par_.isInset(pos) && isHighlyEditableInset(par_.getInset(pos)); // if we reach the end of a struck out range, paint it // we also don't paint across things like tables if (running_strikeout && (highly_editable_inset || !is_struckout)) { int const middle = yo_ + row_.top_of_text() + ((row_.baseline() - row_.top_of_text()) / 2); pain_.line(int(last_strikeout_x), middle, int(x_), middle, LColor::strikeout, Painter::line_solid, Painter::line_thin); running_strikeout = false; } if (body_pos > 0 && pos == body_pos - 1) { int const lwidth = font_metrics::width(layout->labelsep, getLabelFont()); x_ += label_hfill_ + lwidth - singleWidth(body_pos - 1); } if (par_.isHfill(pos)) { x_ += 1; int const y0 = yo_ + row_.baseline(); int const y1 = y0 - defaultRowHeight() / 2; pain_.line(int(x_), y1, int(x_), y0, LColor::added_space); if (row_.hfillExpansion(pos)) { int const y2 = (y0 + y1) / 2; if (pos >= body_pos) { pain_.line(int(x_), y2, int(x_ + hfill_), y2, LColor::added_space, Painter::line_onoffdash); x_ += hfill_; } else { pain_.line(int(x_), y2, int(x_ + label_hfill_), y2, LColor::added_space, Painter::line_onoffdash); x_ += label_hfill_; } pain_.line(int(x_), y1, int(x_), y0, LColor::added_space); } x_ += 2; ++vpos; } else if (par_.isSeparator(pos)) { x_ += singleWidth(pos); if (pos >= body_pos) x_ += separator_; ++vpos; } else { if (paintFromPos(vpos)) return true; } } // if we reach the end of a struck out range, paint it if (running_strikeout) { int const middle = yo_ + row_.top_of_text() + ((row_.baseline() - row_.top_of_text()) / 2); pain_.line(int(last_strikeout_x), middle, int(x_), middle, LColor::strikeout, Painter::line_solid, Painter::line_thin); running_strikeout = false; } return false; } bool RowPainter::paint(int y_offset, int x_offset, int y, bool cleared) { xo_ = x_offset; yo_ = y_offset; y_ = y; cleared_ = cleared; width_ = text_.isInInset() ? text_.inset_owner->textWidth(perv(bv_), true) : bv_.workWidth(); // FIXME: must be a cleaner way here. Aren't these calculations // belonging to row metrics ? BufferView * bv(const_cast(&bv_)); Row * row(const_cast(&row_)); text_.prepareToPrint(bv, row, x_, separator_, hfill_, label_hfill_); // FIXME: what is this fixing ? if (text_.isInInset() && (x_ < 0)) x_ = 0; x_ += xo_; // clear to background if necessary cleared_ = paintBackground(); // paint the selection background if (text_.selection.set()) { paintSelection(); } // vertical lines for appendix paintAppendix(); // environment depth brackets paintDepthBar(); // changebar paintChangeBar(); if (row_.isParStart()) { paintFirst(); } if (row_.isParEnd()) { paintLast(); } // paint text return paintText(); }