/** * \file TexRow.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Matthias Ettrich * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author John Levon * \author Guillaume Munch * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "Cursor.h" #include "Paragraph.h" #include "TexRow.h" #include "mathed/InsetMath.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/docstring_list.h" #include "support/lassert.h" #include #include using namespace std; namespace lyx { bool TexRow::RowEntryList::addEntry(RowEntry entry) { if (!entry.is_math) { if (!isNone(text_entry_)) return false; else text_entry_ = entry.text; } forceAddEntry(entry); return true; } void TexRow::RowEntryList::forceAddEntry(RowEntry entry) { if (v_.empty() || !(v_.back() == entry)) v_.push_back(entry); } TextEntry TexRow::RowEntryList::getTextEntry() const { if (!isNone(text_entry_)) return text_entry_; return TexRow::text_none; } void TexRow::RowEntryList::append(RowEntryList row) { if (isNone(text_entry_)) text_entry_ = row.text_entry_; move(row.begin(), row.end(), back_inserter(v_)); } TexRow::TexRow(bool enable) { reset(enable); } TextEntry const TexRow::text_none = { -1, 0 }; RowEntry const TexRow::row_none = { false, { TexRow::text_none } }; //static bool TexRow::isNone(TextEntry t) { return t.id < 0; } //static bool TexRow::isNone(RowEntry r) { return !r.is_math && isNone(r.text); } void TexRow::reset(bool enable) { rowlist_.clear(); enabled_ = enable; newline(); } TexRow::RowEntryList & TexRow::currentRow() { return rowlist_.back(); } //static RowEntry TexRow::textEntry(int id, int pos) { RowEntry entry; entry.is_math = false; entry.text.pos = pos; entry.text.id = id; return entry; } //static RowEntry TexRow::mathEntry(uid_type id, idx_type cell) { RowEntry entry; entry.is_math = true; entry.math.cell = cell; entry.math.id = id; return entry; } bool operator==(RowEntry entry1, RowEntry entry2) { return entry1.is_math == entry2.is_math && (entry1.is_math ? (entry1.math.id == entry2.math.id && entry1.math.cell == entry2.math.cell) : (entry1.text.id == entry2.text.id && entry1.text.pos == entry2.text.pos)); } bool TexRow::start(RowEntry entry) { if (!enabled_) return false; return currentRow().addEntry(entry); } bool TexRow::start(int id, int pos) { return start(textEntry(id,pos)); } void TexRow::forceStart(int id, int pos) { if (!enabled_) return; return currentRow().forceAddEntry(textEntry(id,pos)); } void TexRow::startMath(uid_type id, idx_type cell) { start(mathEntry(id,cell)); } void TexRow::newline() { if (!enabled_) return; rowlist_.push_back(RowEntryList()); } void TexRow::newlines(size_t num_lines) { while (num_lines--) newline(); } void TexRow::append(TexRow other) { if (!enabled_ || !other.enabled_) return; RowList::iterator it = other.rowlist_.begin(); RowList::iterator const end = other.rowlist_.end(); LASSERT(it != end, return); currentRow().append(move(*it++)); move(it, end, back_inserter(rowlist_)); } bool TexRow::getIdFromRow(int row, int & id, int & pos) const { LYXERR(Debug::LATEX, "getIdFromRow: row " << row << " requested"); TextEntry t = text_none; if (row <= int(rowlist_.size())) while (row > 0 && isNone(t = rowlist_[row - 1].getTextEntry())) --row; id = t.id; pos = t.pos; return !isNone(t); } //static RowEntry TexRow::rowEntryFromCursorSlice(CursorSlice const & slice) { RowEntry entry; InsetMath * insetMath = slice.asInsetMath(); if (insetMath) { entry.is_math = 1; entry.math.id = insetMath->id(); entry.math.cell = slice.idx(); } else if (slice.text()) { entry.is_math = 0; entry.text.id = slice.paragraph().id(); entry.text.pos = slice.pos(); } else LASSERT(false, return row_none); return entry; } //static bool TexRow::sameParOrInsetMath(RowEntry entry1, RowEntry entry2) { return entry1.is_math == entry2.is_math && (entry1.is_math ? (entry1.math.id == entry2.math.id) : (entry1.text.id == entry2.text.id)); } //static int TexRow::comparePos(RowEntry entry1, RowEntry entry2) { // assume it is sameParOrInsetMath if (entry1.is_math) return entry2.math.cell - entry1.math.cell; else return entry2.text.pos - entry1.text.pos; } // An iterator on RowList that goes top-down, left-right // // We assume that the end of RowList does not change, which makes things simpler // // Records a pair of iterators on the RowEntryList (row_it_, row_end_) and a // pair of iterators on the current row (it_, it_end_). // // it_ always points to a valid position unless row_it_ == row_end_. // // We could turn this into a proper bidirectional iterator, but we don't need as // much. // class TexRow::RowListIterator { public: RowListIterator(RowList::const_iterator r, RowList::const_iterator r_end) : row_it_(r), row_end_(r_end), it_(r == r_end ? RowEntryList::const_iterator() : r->begin()), it_end_(r == r_end ? RowEntryList::const_iterator() : r->end()) { normalize(); } RowListIterator() : row_it_(RowList::const_iterator()), row_end_(RowList::const_iterator()), it_(RowEntryList::const_iterator()), it_end_(RowEntryList::const_iterator()) { } RowEntry const & operator*() { return *it_; } RowListIterator & operator++() { ++it_; normalize(); return *this; } bool atEnd() const { return row_it_ == row_end_; } bool operator==(RowListIterator const & a) const { return row_it_ == a.row_it_ && ((atEnd() && a.atEnd()) || it_ == a.it_); } bool operator!=(RowListIterator const & a) const { return !operator==(a); } // Current row. RowList::const_iterator const & row() const { return row_it_; } private: // ensures that it_ points to a valid value unless row_it_ == row_end_ void normalize() { if (row_it_ == row_end_) return; while (it_ == it_end_) { ++row_it_; if (row_it_ != row_end_) { it_ = row_it_->begin(); it_end_ = row_it_->end(); } else return; } } // RowList::const_iterator row_it_; // RowList::const_iterator row_end_; // RowEntryList::const_iterator it_; // RowEntryList::const_iterator it_end_; }; TexRow::RowListIterator TexRow::begin() const { return RowListIterator(rowlist_.begin(), rowlist_.end()); } TexRow::RowListIterator TexRow::end() const { return RowListIterator(rowlist_.end(), rowlist_.end()); } pair TexRow::rowFromDocIterator(DocIterator const & dit) const { bool beg_found = false; bool end_is_next = true; int end_offset = 1; size_t best_slice = 0; RowEntry best_entry = row_none; size_t const n = dit.depth(); // this loop finds a pair (best_beg_row,best_end_row) where best_beg_row is // the first row of the topmost possible CursorSlice, and best_end_row is // the one just before the first row matching the next CursorSlice. RowListIterator const begin = this->begin();//necessary disambiguation RowListIterator const end = this->end(); RowListIterator best_beg_entry; //best last entry with same pos as the beg_entry, or first entry with pos //immediately following the beg_entry RowListIterator best_end_entry; RowListIterator it = begin; for (; it != end; ++it) { // Compute the best end row. if (beg_found && (!sameParOrInsetMath(*it, *best_end_entry) || comparePos(*it, *best_end_entry) <= 0) && sameParOrInsetMath(*it, best_entry)) { switch (comparePos(*it, best_entry)) { case 0: // Either it is the last one that matches pos... best_end_entry = it; end_is_next = false; end_offset = 1; break; case -1: { // ...or it is the row preceding the first that matches pos+1 if (!end_is_next) { end_is_next = true; if (it.row() != best_end_entry.row()) end_offset = 0; best_end_entry = it; } break; } } } // Compute the best begin row. It is better than the previous one if it // matches either at a deeper level, or at the same level but not // before. for (size_t i = best_slice; i < n; ++i) { RowEntry entry_i = rowEntryFromCursorSlice(dit[i]); if (sameParOrInsetMath(*it, entry_i)) { if (comparePos(*it, entry_i) >= 0 && (i > best_slice || !beg_found || !sameParOrInsetMath(*it, *best_beg_entry) || (comparePos(*it, *best_beg_entry) <= 0 && comparePos(entry_i, *best_beg_entry) != 0) ) ) { beg_found = true; end_is_next = false; end_offset = 1; best_slice = i; best_entry = entry_i; best_beg_entry = best_end_entry = it; } //found CursorSlice break; } } } if (!beg_found) return make_pair(-1,-1); int const best_beg_row = distance(rowlist_.begin(), best_beg_entry.row()) + 1; int const best_end_row = distance(rowlist_.begin(), best_end_entry.row()) + end_offset; return make_pair(best_beg_row, best_end_row); } pair TexRow::rowFromCursor(Cursor const & cur) const { DocIterator beg = cur.selectionBegin(); pair beg_rows = rowFromDocIterator(beg); if (cur.selection()) { DocIterator end = cur.selectionEnd(); if (!cur.selIsMultiCell() // backwardPos asserts without the following test, IMO it's not my // duty to check this. && (end.top().pit() != 0 || end.top().idx() != 0 || end.top().pos() != 0)) end.top().backwardPos(); pair end_rows = rowFromDocIterator(end); return make_pair(min(beg_rows.first, end_rows.first), max(beg_rows.second, end_rows.second)); } else return make_pair(beg_rows.first, beg_rows.second); } int TexRow::rows() const { return rowlist_.size(); } // debugging functions /// docstring TexRow::asString(RowEntry entry) { odocstringstream os; if (entry.is_math) os << "(1," << entry.math.id << "," << entry.math.cell << ")"; else os << "(0," << entry.text.id << "," << entry.text.pos << ")"; return os.str(); } ///prepends the texrow to the source given by tex, for debugging purpose void TexRow::prepend(docstring_list & tex) const { size_type const prefix_length = 25; if (tex.size() < rowlist_.size()) tex.resize(rowlist_.size()); auto it = rowlist_.cbegin(); auto const beg = rowlist_.cbegin(); auto const end = rowlist_.cend(); for (; it < end; ++it) { docstring entry; for (RowEntry const & e : *it) entry += asString(e); if (entry.length() < prefix_length) entry = entry + docstring(prefix_length - entry.length(), ' '); ptrdiff_t i = it - beg; tex[i] = entry + " " + tex[i]; } } LyXErr & operator<<(LyXErr & l, TexRow const & texrow) { if (l.enabled()) { for (int i = 0; i < texrow.rows(); i++) { int id,pos; if (texrow.getIdFromRow(i+1,id,pos) && id>0) l << i+1 << ":" << id << ":" << pos << "\n"; } } return l; } } // namespace lyx