/** * \file src/TextMetrics.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Asger Alstrup * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes * \author John Levon * \author André Pönitz * \author Dekel Tsur * \author Jürgen Vigna * \author Abdelrazak Younes * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "TextMetrics.h" #include "Bidi.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "buffer_funcs.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "CoordCache.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "CutAndPaste.h" #include "debug.h" #include "FontIterator.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "InsetList.h" #include "Layout.h" #include "Length.h" #include "LyXRC.h" #include "MetricsInfo.h" #include "paragraph_funcs.h" #include "ParagraphParameters.h" #include "ParIterator.h" #include "rowpainter.h" #include "Text.h" #include "VSpace.h" #include "mathed/MacroTable.h" #include "mathed/MathMacroTemplate.h" #include "frontends/FontMetrics.h" #include "frontends/Painter.h" #include using std::make_pair; using std::max; using std::min; using std::endl; using std::pair; namespace lyx { using frontend::FontMetrics; namespace { int numberOfSeparators(Paragraph const & par, Row const & row) { pos_type const first = max(row.pos(), par.beginOfBody()); pos_type const last = row.endpos() - 1; int n = 0; for (pos_type p = first; p < last; ++p) { if (par.isSeparator(p)) ++n; } return n; } int numberOfLabelHfills(Paragraph const & par, Row const & row) { pos_type last = row.endpos() - 1; pos_type first = row.pos(); // hfill *DO* count at the beginning of paragraphs! if (first) { while (first < last && par.isHfill(first)) ++first; } last = min(last, par.beginOfBody()); int n = 0; for (pos_type p = first; p < last; ++p) { if (par.isHfill(p)) ++n; } return n; } int numberOfHfills(Paragraph const & par, Row const & row) { pos_type const last = row.endpos(); pos_type first = row.pos(); // hfill *DO* count at the beginning of paragraphs! if (first) { while (first < last && par.isHfill(first)) ++first; } first = max(first, par.beginOfBody()); int n = 0; for (pos_type p = first; p < last; ++p) { if (par.isHfill(p)) ++n; } return n; } } // namespace anon TextMetrics::TextMetrics(BufferView * bv, Text * text) : bv_(bv), text_(text) { BOOST_ASSERT(bv_); max_width_ = bv_->workWidth(); dim_.wid = max_width_; dim_.asc = 10; dim_.des = 10; //text_->updateLabels(bv->buffer()); } bool TextMetrics::has(pit_type pit) const { return par_metrics_.find(pit) != par_metrics_.end(); } ParagraphMetrics const & TextMetrics::parMetrics(pit_type pit) const { return const_cast(this)->parMetrics(pit, true); } pair TextMetrics::first() const { ParMetricsCache::const_iterator it = par_metrics_.begin(); return make_pair(it->first, &it->second); } pair TextMetrics::last() const { ParMetricsCache::const_reverse_iterator it = par_metrics_.rbegin(); return make_pair(it->first, &it->second); } ParagraphMetrics & TextMetrics::parMetrics(pit_type pit, bool redo) { ParMetricsCache::iterator pmc_it = par_metrics_.find(pit); if (pmc_it == par_metrics_.end()) { pmc_it = par_metrics_.insert( make_pair(pit, ParagraphMetrics(text_->getPar(pit)))).first; } if (pmc_it->second.rows().empty() && redo) redoParagraph(pit); return pmc_it->second; } int TextMetrics::parPosition(pit_type pit) const { if (pit < par_metrics_.begin()->first) return -1000000; if (pit > par_metrics_.rbegin()->first) return +1000000; return par_metrics_[pit].position(); } bool TextMetrics::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim, int min_width) { BOOST_ASSERT(mi.base.textwidth); max_width_ = mi.base.textwidth; // backup old dimension. Dimension const old_dim = dim_; // reset dimension. dim_ = Dimension(); dim_.wid = min_width; pit_type const npar = text_->paragraphs().size(); if (npar > 1) // If there is more than one row, expand the text to // the full allowable width. dim_.wid = max_width_; //lyxerr << "TextMetrics::metrics: width: " << mi.base.textwidth // << " maxWidth: " << max_width_ << "\nfont: " << mi.base.font << endl; bool changed = false; unsigned int h = 0; for (pit_type pit = 0; pit != npar; ++pit) { changed |= redoParagraph(pit); ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[pit]; h += pm.height(); if (dim_.wid < pm.width()) dim_.wid = pm.width(); } dim_.asc = par_metrics_[0].ascent(); dim_.des = h - dim_.asc; //lyxerr << "dim_.wid " << dim_.wid << endl; //lyxerr << "dim_.asc " << dim_.asc << endl; //lyxerr << "dim_.des " << dim_.des << endl; changed |= dim_ != old_dim; dim = dim_; return changed; } int TextMetrics::rightMargin(ParagraphMetrics const & pm) const { return main_text_? pm.rightMargin(bv_->buffer()) : 0; } int TextMetrics::rightMargin(pit_type const pit) const { return main_text_? par_metrics_[pit].rightMargin(bv_->buffer()) : 0; } void TextMetrics::applyOuterFont(Font & font) const { Font lf(font_); lf.fontInfo().reduce(bv_->buffer().params().getFont().fontInfo()); lf.fontInfo().realize(font.fontInfo()); lf.setLanguage(font.language()); font = lf; } Font TextMetrics::getDisplayFont(pit_type pit, pos_type pos) const { BOOST_ASSERT(pos >= 0); ParagraphList const & pars = text_->paragraphs(); Paragraph const & par = pars[pit]; LayoutPtr const & layout = par.layout(); Buffer const & buffer = bv_->buffer(); // FIXME: broken? BufferParams const & params = buffer.params(); pos_type const body_pos = par.beginOfBody(); // We specialize the 95% common case: if (!par.getDepth()) { Font f = par.getFontSettings(params, pos); if (!text_->isMainText(buffer)) applyOuterFont(f); bool lab = layout->labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL && pos < body_pos; FontInfo const & lf = lab ? layout->labelfont : layout->font; FontInfo rlf = lab ? layout->reslabelfont : layout->resfont; // In case the default family has been customized if (lf.family() == INHERIT_FAMILY) rlf.setFamily(params.getFont().fontInfo().family()); f.fontInfo().realize(rlf); return f; } // The uncommon case need not be optimized as much FontInfo const & layoutfont = pos < body_pos ? layout->labelfont : layout->font; Font font = par.getFontSettings(params, pos); font.fontInfo().realize(layoutfont); if (!text_->isMainText(buffer)) applyOuterFont(font); // Realize against environment font information // NOTE: the cast to pit_type should be removed when pit_type // changes to a unsigned integer. if (pit < pit_type(pars.size())) font.fontInfo().realize(outerFont(pit, pars).fontInfo()); // Realize with the fonts of lesser depth. font.fontInfo().realize(params.getFont().fontInfo()); return font; } bool TextMetrics::isRTL(CursorSlice const & sl, bool boundary) const { if (!lyxrc.rtl_support || !sl.text()) return false; int correction = 0; if (boundary && sl.pos() > 0) correction = -1; return getDisplayFont(sl.pit(), sl.pos() + correction).isVisibleRightToLeft(); } bool TextMetrics::isRTLBoundary(pit_type pit, pos_type pos) const { if (!lyxrc.rtl_support) return false; // no RTL boundary at line start if (pos == 0) return false; Paragraph const & par = text_->getPar(pit); bool left = getDisplayFont(pit, pos - 1).isVisibleRightToLeft(); bool right; if (pos == par.size()) right = par.isRTL(bv_->buffer().params()); else right = getDisplayFont(pit, pos).isVisibleRightToLeft(); return left != right; } bool TextMetrics::isRTLBoundary(pit_type pit, pos_type pos, Font const & font) const { if (!lyxrc.rtl_support) return false; Paragraph const & par = text_->getPar(pit); bool left = font.isVisibleRightToLeft(); bool right; if (pos == par.size()) right = par.isRTL(bv_->buffer().params()); else right = getDisplayFont(pit, pos).isVisibleRightToLeft(); return left != right; } bool TextMetrics::redoParagraph(pit_type const pit) { Paragraph & par = text_->getPar(pit); // IMPORTANT NOTE: We pass 'false' explicitely in order to not call // redoParagraph() recursively inside parMetrics. Dimension old_dim = parMetrics(pit, false).dim(); ParagraphMetrics & pm = par_metrics_[pit]; pm.reset(par); Buffer & buffer = bv_->buffer(); BufferParams const & bparams = buffer.params(); main_text_ = (text_ == &buffer.text()); bool changed = false; // FIXME This check ought to be done somewhere else. It is the reason // why text_ is not const. But then, where else to do it? // Well, how can you end up with either (a) a biblio environment that // has no InsetBibitem or (b) a biblio environment with more than one // InsetBibitem? I think the answer is: when paragraphs are merged; // when layout is set; when material is pasted. int const moveCursor = par.checkBiblio(buffer.params().trackChanges); if (moveCursor > 0) const_cast(bv_->cursor()).posForward(); else if (moveCursor < 0) { Cursor & cursor = const_cast(bv_->cursor()); if (cursor.pos() >= -moveCursor) cursor.posBackward(); } // Optimisation: this is used in the next two loops // so better to calculate that once here. int const right_margin = rightMargin(pm); // redo insets // FIXME: We should always use getFont(), see documentation of // noFontChange() in Inset.h. Font const bufferfont = buffer.params().getFont(); MacroContext mc(buffer, par); InsetList::const_iterator ii = par.insetList().begin(); InsetList::const_iterator iend = par.insetList().end(); for (; ii != iend; ++ii) { // the macro must come here, _before_ the metric call, because // the macro should see itself to detect recursions. To find out // whether the macro definition is a redefinition it will look // at the MacroData::redefinition_. So it doesn't get confused // by the already existing macro definition of itself in the // macro context. if (ii->inset->lyxCode() == MATHMACRO_CODE) { // get macro data MathMacroTemplate const & macroTemplate = static_cast(*ii->inset); // valid? if (macroTemplate.validMacro()) { MacroData macro = macroTemplate.asMacroData(); // redefinition? macro.setRedefinition(mc.has(macroTemplate.name())); // register macro (possibly overwrite the previous one of this paragraph) mc.insert(macroTemplate.name(), macro); } } // do the metric calculation Dimension dim; int const w = max_width_ - leftMargin(max_width_, pit, ii->pos) - right_margin; Font const & font = ii->inset->noFontChange() ? bufferfont : getDisplayFont(pit, ii->pos); MetricsInfo mi(bv_, font.fontInfo(), w, mc); ii->inset->metrics(mi, dim); Dimension const old_dim = pm.insetDimension(ii->inset); pm.setInsetDimension(ii->inset, dim); changed |= (old_dim != dim); } Cursor const & cur = bv_->cursor(); DocIterator sel_beg = cur.selectionBegin(); DocIterator sel_end = cur.selectionEnd(); bool selection = cur.selection() // This is out text. && cur.text() == text_ // if the anchor is outside, this is not our selection && cur.anchor().text() == text_ && pit >= sel_beg.pit() && pit <= sel_end.pit(); // We care only about visible selection. if (selection) { if (pit != sel_beg.pit()) { sel_beg.pit() = pit; sel_beg.pos() = 0; } if (pit != sel_end.pit()) { sel_end.pit() = pit; sel_end.pos() = sel_end.lastpos(); } } par.setBeginOfBody(); pos_type first = 0; size_t row_index = 0; // maximum pixel width of a row int width = max_width_ - right_margin; // - leftMargin(max_width_, pit, row); do { Dimension dim; pos_type end = rowBreakPoint(width, pit, first); if (row_index || end < par.size()) // If there is more than one row, expand the text to // the full allowable width. This setting here is needed // for the computeRowMetrics() below. dim_.wid = max_width_; dim = rowHeight(pit, first, end); dim.wid = rowWidth(right_margin, pit, first, end); if (row_index == pm.rows().size()) pm.rows().push_back(Row()); Row & row = pm.rows()[row_index]; row.setChanged(false); row.pos(first); row.endpos(end); if (selection) row.setSelection(sel_beg.pos(), sel_end.pos()); else row.setSelection(-1, -1); row.setDimension(dim); int const max_row_width = max(dim_.wid, dim.wid); computeRowMetrics(pit, row, max_row_width); pm.computeRowSignature(row, bparams); first = end; ++row_index; pm.dim().wid = std::max(pm.dim().wid, dim.wid); pm.dim().des += dim.height(); } while (first < par.size()); if (row_index < pm.rows().size()) pm.rows().resize(row_index); // Make sure that if a par ends in newline, there is one more row // under it if (first > 0 && par.isNewline(first - 1)) { Dimension dim = rowHeight(pit, first, first); dim.wid = rowWidth(right_margin, pit, first, first); if (row_index == pm.rows().size()) pm.rows().push_back(Row()); Row & row = pm.rows()[row_index]; row.setChanged(false); row.pos(first); row.endpos(first); row.setDimension(dim); int const max_row_width = max(dim_.wid, dim.wid); computeRowMetrics(pit, row, max_row_width); pm.computeRowSignature(row, bparams); pm.dim().des += dim.height(); } pm.dim().asc += pm.rows()[0].ascent(); pm.dim().des -= pm.rows()[0].ascent(); changed |= old_dim.height() != pm.dim().height(); return changed; } void TextMetrics::computeRowMetrics(pit_type const pit, Row & row, int width) const { row.label_hfill = 0; row.hfill = 0; row.separator = 0; Buffer & buffer = bv_->buffer(); Paragraph const & par = text_->getPar(pit); double w = width - row.width(); // FIXME: put back this assertion when the crash on new doc is solved. //BOOST_ASSERT(w >= 0); //lyxerr << "\ndim_.wid " << dim_.wid << endl; //lyxerr << "row.width() " << row.width() << endl; //lyxerr << "w " << w << endl; bool const is_rtl = text_->isRTL(buffer, par); if (is_rtl) row.x = rightMargin(pit); else row.x = leftMargin(max_width_, pit, row.pos()); // is there a manual margin with a manual label LayoutPtr const & layout = par.layout(); if (layout->margintype == MARGIN_MANUAL && layout->labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL) { /// We might have real hfills in the label part int nlh = numberOfLabelHfills(par, row); // A manual label par (e.g. List) has an auto-hfill // between the label text and the body of the // paragraph too. // But we don't want to do this auto hfill if the par // is empty. if (!par.empty()) ++nlh; if (nlh && !par.getLabelWidthString().empty()) row.label_hfill = labelFill(pit, row) / double(nlh); } // are there any hfills in the row? int const nh = numberOfHfills(par, row); if (nh) { if (w > 0) row.hfill = w / nh; // we don't have to look at the alignment if it is ALIGN_LEFT and // if the row is already larger then the permitted width as then // we force the LEFT_ALIGN'edness! } else if (int(row.width()) < max_width_) { // is it block, flushleft or flushright? // set x how you need it int align; if (par.params().align() == LYX_ALIGN_LAYOUT) align = layout->align; else align = par.params().align(); // Display-style insets should always be on a centred row // The test on par.size() is to catch zero-size pars, which // would trigger the assert in Paragraph::getInset(). //inset = par.size() ? par.getInset(row.pos()) : 0; if (row.pos() < par.size() && par.isInset(row.pos())) { switch(par.getInset(row.pos())->display()) { case Inset::AlignLeft: align = LYX_ALIGN_BLOCK; break; case Inset::AlignCenter: align = LYX_ALIGN_CENTER; break; case Inset::Inline: case Inset::AlignRight: // unchanged (use align) break; } } switch (align) { case LYX_ALIGN_BLOCK: { int const ns = numberOfSeparators(par, row); bool disp_inset = false; if (row.endpos() < par.size()) { Inset const * in = par.getInset(row.endpos()); if (in) disp_inset = in->display(); } // If we have separators, this is not the last row of a // par, does not end in newline, and is not row above a // display inset... then stretch it if (ns && row.endpos() < par.size() && !par.isNewline(row.endpos() - 1) && !disp_inset ) { row.separator = w / ns; //lyxerr << "row.separator " << row.separator << endl; //lyxerr << "ns " << ns << endl; } else if (is_rtl) { row.x += w; } break; } case LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT: row.x += w; break; case LYX_ALIGN_CENTER: row.x += w / 2; break; } } if (is_rtl) { pos_type body_pos = par.beginOfBody(); pos_type end = row.endpos(); if (body_pos > 0 && (body_pos > end || !par.isLineSeparator(body_pos - 1))) { row.x += theFontMetrics(text_->getLabelFont(buffer, par)). width(layout->labelsep); if (body_pos <= end) row.x += row.label_hfill; } } } int TextMetrics::labelFill(pit_type const pit, Row const & row) const { Buffer & buffer = bv_->buffer(); Paragraph const & par = text_->getPar(pit); pos_type last = par.beginOfBody(); BOOST_ASSERT(last > 0); // -1 because a label ends with a space that is in the label --last; // a separator at this end does not count if (par.isLineSeparator(last)) --last; int w = 0; for (pos_type i = row.pos(); i <= last; ++i) w += singleWidth(pit, i); docstring const & label = par.params().labelWidthString(); if (label.empty()) return 0; FontMetrics const & fm = theFontMetrics(text_->getLabelFont(buffer, par)); return max(0, fm.width(label) - w); } // this needs special handling - only newlines count as a break point static pos_type addressBreakPoint(pos_type i, Paragraph const & par) { pos_type const end = par.size(); for (; i < end; ++i) if (par.isNewline(i)) return i + 1; return end; } int TextMetrics::labelEnd(pit_type const pit) const { // labelEnd is only needed if the layout fills a flushleft label. if (text_->getPar(pit).layout()->margintype != MARGIN_MANUAL) return 0; // return the beginning of the body return leftMargin(max_width_, pit); } pit_type TextMetrics::rowBreakPoint(int width, pit_type const pit, pit_type pos) const { Buffer & buffer = bv_->buffer(); ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[pit]; Paragraph const & par = text_->getPar(pit); pos_type const end = par.size(); if (pos == end || width < 0) return end; LayoutPtr const & layout = par.layout(); if (layout->margintype == MARGIN_RIGHT_ADDRESS_BOX) return addressBreakPoint(pos, par); pos_type const body_pos = par.beginOfBody(); // Now we iterate through until we reach the right margin // or the end of the par, then choose the possible break // nearest that. int label_end = labelEnd(pit); int const left = leftMargin(max_width_, pit, pos); int x = left; // pixel width since last breakpoint int chunkwidth = 0; FontIterator fi = FontIterator(*this, par, pit, pos); pos_type point = end; pos_type i = pos; for ( ; i < end; ++i, ++fi) { int thiswidth = pm.singleWidth(i, *fi); // add the auto-hfill from label end to the body if (body_pos && i == body_pos) { FontMetrics const & fm = theFontMetrics( text_->getLabelFont(buffer, par)); int add = fm.width(layout->labelsep); if (par.isLineSeparator(i - 1)) add -= singleWidth(pit, i - 1); add = std::max(add, label_end - x); thiswidth += add; } x += thiswidth; chunkwidth += thiswidth; // break before a character that will fall off // the right of the row if (x >= width) { // if no break before, break here if (point == end || chunkwidth >= width - left) { if (i > pos) point = i; else point = i + 1; } // exit on last registered breakpoint: break; } if (par.isNewline(i)) { point = i + 1; break; } // Break before... if (i + 1 < end) { if (par.isInset(i + 1) && par.getInset(i + 1)->display()) { point = i + 1; break; } // ...and after. if (par.isInset(i) && par.getInset(i)->display()) { point = i + 1; break; } } if (!par.isInset(i) || par.getInset(i)->isChar()) { // some insets are line separators too if (par.isLineSeparator(i)) { // register breakpoint: point = i + 1; chunkwidth = 0; } } } // maybe found one, but the par is short enough. if (i == end && x < width) point = end; // manual labels cannot be broken in LaTeX. But we // want to make our on-screen rendering of footnotes // etc. still break if (body_pos && point < body_pos) point = body_pos; return point; } int TextMetrics::rowWidth(int right_margin, pit_type const pit, pos_type const first, pos_type const end) const { Buffer & buffer = bv_->buffer(); // get the pure distance ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[pit]; Paragraph const & par = text_->getPar(pit); int w = leftMargin(max_width_, pit, first); int label_end = labelEnd(pit); pos_type const body_pos = par.beginOfBody(); pos_type i = first; if (i < end) { FontIterator fi = FontIterator(*this, par, pit, i); for ( ; i < end; ++i, ++fi) { if (body_pos > 0 && i == body_pos) { FontMetrics const & fm = theFontMetrics( text_->getLabelFont(buffer, par)); w += fm.width(par.layout()->labelsep); if (par.isLineSeparator(i - 1)) w -= singleWidth(pit, i - 1); w = max(w, label_end); } w += pm.singleWidth(i, *fi); } } if (body_pos > 0 && body_pos >= end) { FontMetrics const & fm = theFontMetrics( text_->getLabelFont(buffer, par)); w += fm.width(par.layout()->labelsep); if (end > 0 && par.isLineSeparator(end - 1)) w -= singleWidth(pit, end - 1); w = max(w, label_end); } return w + right_margin; } Dimension TextMetrics::rowHeight(pit_type const pit, pos_type const first, pos_type const end) const { Paragraph const & par = text_->getPar(pit); // get the maximum ascent and the maximum descent double layoutasc = 0; double layoutdesc = 0; double const dh = defaultRowHeight(); // ok, let us initialize the maxasc and maxdesc value. // Only the fontsize count. The other properties // are taken from the layoutfont. Nicer on the screen :) LayoutPtr const & layout = par.layout(); // as max get the first character of this row then it can // increase but not decrease the height. Just some point to // start with so we don't have to do the assignment below too // often. Buffer const & buffer = bv_->buffer(); Font font = getDisplayFont(pit, first); FontSize const tmpsize = font.fontInfo().size(); font.fontInfo() = text_->getLayoutFont(buffer, pit); FontSize const size = font.fontInfo().size(); font.fontInfo().setSize(tmpsize); FontInfo labelfont = text_->getLabelFont(buffer, par); FontMetrics const & labelfont_metrics = theFontMetrics(labelfont); FontMetrics const & fontmetrics = theFontMetrics(font); // these are minimum values double const spacing_val = layout->spacing.getValue() * text_->spacing(buffer, par); //lyxerr << "spacing_val = " << spacing_val << endl; int maxasc = int(fontmetrics.maxAscent() * spacing_val); int maxdesc = int(fontmetrics.maxDescent() * spacing_val); // insets may be taller ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[pit]; InsetList::const_iterator ii = par.insetList().begin(); InsetList::const_iterator iend = par.insetList().end(); for ( ; ii != iend; ++ii) { Dimension const & dim = pm.insetDimension(ii->inset); if (ii->pos >= first && ii->pos < end) { maxasc = max(maxasc, dim.ascent()); maxdesc = max(maxdesc, dim.descent()); } } // Check if any custom fonts are larger (Asger) // This is not completely correct, but we can live with the small, // cosmetic error for now. int labeladdon = 0; FontSize maxsize = par.highestFontInRange(first, end, size); if (maxsize > font.fontInfo().size()) { // use standard paragraph font with the maximal size FontInfo maxfont = font.fontInfo(); maxfont.setSize(maxsize); FontMetrics const & maxfontmetrics = theFontMetrics(maxfont); maxasc = max(maxasc, maxfontmetrics.maxAscent()); maxdesc = max(maxdesc, maxfontmetrics.maxDescent()); } // This is nicer with box insets: ++maxasc; ++maxdesc; ParagraphList const & pars = text_->paragraphs(); // is it a top line? if (first == 0) { BufferParams const & bufparams = buffer.params(); // some parskips VERY EASY IMPLEMENTATION if (bufparams.paragraph_separation == BufferParams::PARSEP_SKIP && par.ownerCode() != ERT_CODE && par.ownerCode() != LISTINGS_CODE && pit > 0 && ((layout->isParagraph() && par.getDepth() == 0) || (pars[pit - 1].layout()->isParagraph() && pars[pit - 1].getDepth() == 0))) { maxasc += bufparams.getDefSkip().inPixels(*bv_); } if (par.params().startOfAppendix()) maxasc += int(3 * dh); // This is special code for the chapter, since the label of this // layout is printed in an extra row if (layout->counter == "chapter" && !par.params().labelString().empty()) { labeladdon = int(labelfont_metrics.maxHeight() * layout->spacing.getValue() * text_->spacing(buffer, par)); } // special code for the top label if ((layout->labeltype == LABEL_TOP_ENVIRONMENT || layout->labeltype == LABEL_BIBLIO || layout->labeltype == LABEL_CENTERED_TOP_ENVIRONMENT) && isFirstInSequence(pit, pars) && !par.getLabelstring().empty()) { labeladdon = int( labelfont_metrics.maxHeight() * layout->spacing.getValue() * text_->spacing(buffer, par) + (layout->topsep + layout->labelbottomsep) * dh); } // Add the layout spaces, for example before and after // a section, or between the items of a itemize or enumerate // environment. pit_type prev = depthHook(pit, pars, par.getDepth()); Paragraph const & prevpar = pars[prev]; if (prev != pit && prevpar.layout() == layout && prevpar.getDepth() == par.getDepth() && prevpar.getLabelWidthString() == par.getLabelWidthString()) { layoutasc = layout->itemsep * dh; } else if (pit != 0 || first != 0) { if (layout->topsep > 0) layoutasc = layout->topsep * dh; } prev = outerHook(pit, pars); if (prev != pit_type(pars.size())) { maxasc += int(pars[prev].layout()->parsep * dh); } else if (pit != 0) { Paragraph const & prevpar = pars[pit - 1]; if (prevpar.getDepth() != 0 || prevpar.layout() == layout) { maxasc += int(layout->parsep * dh); } } } // is it a bottom line? if (end >= par.size()) { // add the layout spaces, for example before and after // a section, or between the items of a itemize or enumerate // environment pit_type nextpit = pit + 1; if (nextpit != pit_type(pars.size())) { pit_type cpit = pit; double usual = 0; double unusual = 0; if (pars[cpit].getDepth() > pars[nextpit].getDepth()) { usual = pars[cpit].layout()->bottomsep * dh; cpit = depthHook(cpit, pars, pars[nextpit].getDepth()); if (pars[cpit].layout() != pars[nextpit].layout() || pars[nextpit].getLabelWidthString() != pars[cpit].getLabelWidthString()) { unusual = pars[cpit].layout()->bottomsep * dh; } layoutdesc = max(unusual, usual); } else if (pars[cpit].getDepth() == pars[nextpit].getDepth()) { if (pars[cpit].layout() != pars[nextpit].layout() || pars[nextpit].getLabelWidthString() != pars[cpit].getLabelWidthString()) layoutdesc = int(pars[cpit].layout()->bottomsep * dh); } } } // incalculate the layout spaces maxasc += int(layoutasc * 2 / (2 + pars[pit].getDepth())); maxdesc += int(layoutdesc * 2 / (2 + pars[pit].getDepth())); // FIXME: the correct way is to do the following is to move the // following code in another method specially tailored for the // main Text. The following test is thus bogus. // Top and bottom margin of the document (only at top-level) if (main_text_) { if (pit == 0 && first == 0) maxasc += 20; if (pit + 1 == pit_type(pars.size()) && end == par.size() && !(end > 0 && par.isNewline(end - 1))) maxdesc += 20; } return Dimension(0, maxasc + labeladdon, maxdesc); } // x is an absolute screen coord // returns the column near the specified x-coordinate of the row // x is set to the real beginning of this column pos_type TextMetrics::getColumnNearX(pit_type const pit, Row const & row, int & x, bool & boundary) const { Buffer const & buffer = bv_->buffer(); /// For the main Text, it is possible that this pit is not /// yet in the CoordCache when moving cursor up. /// x Paragraph coordinate is always 0 for main text anyway. int const xo = origin_.x_; x -= xo; Paragraph const & par = text_->getPar(pit); ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[pit]; Bidi bidi; bidi.computeTables(par, buffer, row); pos_type vc = row.pos(); pos_type end = row.endpos(); pos_type c = 0; LayoutPtr const & layout = par.layout(); bool left_side = false; pos_type body_pos = par.beginOfBody(); double tmpx = row.x; double last_tmpx = tmpx; if (body_pos > 0 && (body_pos > end || !par.isLineSeparator(body_pos - 1))) body_pos = 0; // check for empty row if (vc == end) { x = int(tmpx) + xo; return 0; } while (vc < end && tmpx <= x) { c = bidi.vis2log(vc); last_tmpx = tmpx; if (body_pos > 0 && c == body_pos - 1) { FontMetrics const & fm = theFontMetrics( text_->getLabelFont(buffer, par)); tmpx += row.label_hfill + fm.width(layout->labelsep); if (par.isLineSeparator(body_pos - 1)) tmpx -= singleWidth(pit, body_pos - 1); } if (pm.hfillExpansion(row, c)) { tmpx += singleWidth(pit, c); if (c >= body_pos) tmpx += row.hfill; else tmpx += row.label_hfill; } else if (par.isSeparator(c)) { tmpx += singleWidth(pit, c); if (c >= body_pos) tmpx += row.separator; } else { tmpx += singleWidth(pit, c); } ++vc; } if ((tmpx + last_tmpx) / 2 > x) { tmpx = last_tmpx; left_side = true; } BOOST_ASSERT(vc <= end); // This shouldn't happen. boundary = false; // This (rtl_support test) is not needed, but gives // some speedup if rtl_support == false bool const lastrow = lyxrc.rtl_support && row.endpos() == par.size(); // If lastrow is false, we don't need to compute // the value of rtl. bool const rtl = lastrow ? text_->isRTL(buffer, par) : false; if (lastrow && ((rtl && left_side && vc == row.pos() && x < tmpx - 5) || (!rtl && !left_side && vc == end && x > tmpx + 5))) c = end; else if (vc == row.pos()) { c = bidi.vis2log(vc); if (bidi.level(c) % 2 == 1) ++c; } else { c = bidi.vis2log(vc - 1); bool const rtl = (bidi.level(c) % 2 == 1); if (left_side == rtl) { ++c; boundary = isRTLBoundary(pit, c); } } // I believe this code is not needed anymore (Jug 20050717) #if 0 // The following code is necessary because the cursor position past // the last char in a row is logically equivalent to that before // the first char in the next row. That's why insets causing row // divisions -- Newline and display-style insets -- must be treated // specially, so cursor up/down doesn't get stuck in an air gap -- MV // Newline inset, air gap below: if (row.pos() < end && c >= end && par.isNewline(end - 1)) { if (bidi.level(end -1) % 2 == 0) tmpx -= singleWidth(pit, end - 1); else tmpx += singleWidth(pit, end - 1); c = end - 1; } // Air gap above display inset: if (row.pos() < end && c >= end && end < par.size() && par.isInset(end) && par.getInset(end)->display()) { c = end - 1; } // Air gap below display inset: if (row.pos() < end && c >= end && par.isInset(end - 1) && par.getInset(end - 1)->display()) { c = end - 1; } #endif x = int(tmpx) + xo; pos_type const col = c - row.pos(); if (!c || end == par.size()) return col; if (c==end && !par.isLineSeparator(c-1) && !par.isNewline(c-1)) { boundary = true; return col; } return min(col, end - 1 - row.pos()); } pos_type TextMetrics::x2pos(pit_type pit, int row, int x) const { // We play safe and use parMetrics(pit) to make sure the // ParagraphMetrics will be redone and OK to use if needed. // Otherwise we would use an empty ParagraphMetrics in // upDownInText() while in selection mode. ParagraphMetrics const & pm = parMetrics(pit); BOOST_ASSERT(row < int(pm.rows().size())); bool bound = false; Row const & r = pm.rows()[row]; return r.pos() + getColumnNearX(pit, r, x, bound); } void TextMetrics::newParMetricsDown() { pair const & last = *par_metrics_.rbegin(); pit_type const pit = last.first + 1; if (pit == int(text_->paragraphs().size())) return; // do it and update its position. redoParagraph(pit); par_metrics_[pit].setPosition(last.second.position() + last.second.descent()); } void TextMetrics::newParMetricsUp() { pair const & first = *par_metrics_.begin(); if (first.first == 0) return; pit_type const pit = first.first - 1; // do it and update its position. redoParagraph(pit); par_metrics_[pit].setPosition(first.second.position() - first.second.ascent()); } // y is screen coordinate pit_type TextMetrics::getPitNearY(int y) { BOOST_ASSERT(!text_->paragraphs().empty()); LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG) << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": y: " << y << " cache size: " << par_metrics_.size() << endl; // look for highest numbered paragraph with y coordinate less than given y pit_type pit = 0; int yy = -1; ParMetricsCache::const_iterator it = par_metrics_.begin(); ParMetricsCache::const_iterator et = par_metrics_.end(); ParMetricsCache::const_iterator last = et; last--; ParagraphMetrics const & pm = it->second; // If we are off-screen (before the visible part) if (y < 0 // and even before the first paragraph in the cache. && y < it->second.position() - int(pm.ascent())) { // and we are not at the first paragraph in the inset. if (it->first == 0) return 0; // then this is the paragraph we are looking for. pit = it->first - 1; // rebreak it and update the CoordCache. redoParagraph(pit); par_metrics_[pit].setPosition(it->second.position() - pm.descent()); return pit; } ParagraphMetrics const & pm_last = par_metrics_[last->first]; // If we are off-screen (after the visible part) if (y > bv_->workHeight() // and even after the first paragraph in the cache. && y >= last->second.position() + int(pm_last.descent())) { pit = last->first + 1; // and we are not at the last paragraph in the inset. if (pit == int(text_->paragraphs().size())) return last->first; // then this is the paragraph we are looking for. // rebreak it and update the CoordCache. redoParagraph(pit); par_metrics_[pit].setPosition(last->second.position() + pm_last.ascent()); return pit; } for (; it != et; ++it) { LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG) << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << " examining: pit: " << it->first << " y: " << it->second.position() << endl; ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[it->first]; if (it->first >= pit && int(it->second.position()) - int(pm.ascent()) <= y) { pit = it->first; yy = it->second.position(); } } LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG) << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": found best y: " << yy << " for pit: " << pit << endl; return pit; } Row const & TextMetrics::getRowNearY(int y, pit_type pit) const { ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[pit]; int yy = pm.position() - pm.ascent(); BOOST_ASSERT(!pm.rows().empty()); RowList::const_iterator rit = pm.rows().begin(); RowList::const_iterator rlast = pm.rows().end(); --rlast; for (; rit != rlast; yy += rit->height(), ++rit) if (yy + rit->height() > y) break; return *rit; } // x,y are absolute screen coordinates // sets cursor recursively descending into nested editable insets Inset * TextMetrics::editXY(Cursor & cur, int x, int y) { if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::WORKAREA)) { lyxerr << "TextMetrics::editXY(cur, " << x << ", " << y << ")" << std::endl; cur.bv().coordCache().dump(); } pit_type pit = getPitNearY(y); BOOST_ASSERT(pit != -1); Row const & row = getRowNearY(y, pit); bool bound = false; int xx = x; // is modified by getColumnNearX pos_type const pos = row.pos() + getColumnNearX(pit, row, xx, bound); cur.pit() = pit; cur.pos() = pos; cur.boundary(bound); cur.setTargetX(x); // try to descend into nested insets Inset * inset = checkInsetHit(x, y); //lyxerr << "inset " << inset << " hit at x: " << x << " y: " << y << endl; if (!inset) { // Either we deconst editXY or better we move current_font // and real_current_font to Cursor // FIXME: what is needed now that current_font and real_current_font // are transferred? cur.setCurrentFont(); return 0; } ParagraphList const & pars = text_->paragraphs(); Inset const * insetBefore = pos? pars[pit].getInset(pos - 1): 0; //Inset * insetBehind = pars[pit].getInset(pos); // This should be just before or just behind the // cursor position set above. BOOST_ASSERT((pos != 0 && inset == insetBefore) || inset == pars[pit].getInset(pos)); // Make sure the cursor points to the position before // this inset. if (inset == insetBefore) { --cur.pos(); cur.boundary(false); } // Try to descend recursively inside the inset. inset = inset->editXY(cur, x, y); if (cur.top().text() == text_) cur.setCurrentFont(); return inset; } void TextMetrics::setCursorFromCoordinates(Cursor & cur, int const x, int const y) { BOOST_ASSERT(text_ == cur.text()); pit_type pit = getPitNearY(y); ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[pit]; int yy = pm.position() - pm.ascent(); LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG) << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": x: " << x << " y: " << y << " pit: " << pit << " yy: " << yy << endl; int r = 0; BOOST_ASSERT(pm.rows().size()); for (; r < int(pm.rows().size()) - 1; ++r) { Row const & row = pm.rows()[r]; if (int(yy + row.height()) > y) break; yy += row.height(); } Row const & row = pm.rows()[r]; LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG) << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": row " << r << " from pos: " << row.pos() << endl; bool bound = false; int xx = x; pos_type const pos = row.pos() + getColumnNearX(pit, row, xx, bound); LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG) << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": setting cursor pit: " << pit << " pos: " << pos << endl; text_->setCursor(cur, pit, pos, true, bound); // remember new position. cur.setTargetX(); } //takes screen x,y coordinates Inset * TextMetrics::checkInsetHit(int x, int y) { pit_type pit = getPitNearY(y); BOOST_ASSERT(pit != -1); Paragraph const & par = text_->paragraphs()[pit]; ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[pit]; LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG) << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": x: " << x << " y: " << y << " pit: " << pit << endl; InsetList::const_iterator iit = par.insetList().begin(); InsetList::const_iterator iend = par.insetList().end(); for (; iit != iend; ++iit) { Inset * inset = iit->inset; LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG) << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": examining inset " << inset << endl; if (!bv_->coordCache().getInsets().has(inset)) { LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG) << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": inset has no cached position" << endl; return 0; } Dimension const & dim = pm.insetDimension(inset); Point p = bv_->coordCache().getInsets().xy(inset); LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG) << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": xo: " << p.x_ << "..." << p.x_ + dim.wid << " yo: " << p.y_ - dim.asc << "..." << p.y_ + dim.des << endl; if (x >= p.x_ && x <= p.x_ + dim.wid && y >= p.y_ - dim.asc && y <= p.y_ + dim.des) { LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG) << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": Hit inset: " << inset << endl; return inset; } } LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG) << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": No inset hit. " << endl; return 0; } int TextMetrics::cursorX(CursorSlice const & sl, bool boundary) const { BOOST_ASSERT(sl.text() == text_); pit_type const pit = sl.pit(); Paragraph const & par = text_->paragraphs()[pit]; ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[pit]; if (pm.rows().empty()) return 0; pos_type ppos = sl.pos(); // Correct position in front of big insets bool const boundary_correction = ppos != 0 && boundary; if (boundary_correction) --ppos; Row const & row = pm.getRow(sl.pos(), boundary); pos_type cursor_vpos = 0; Buffer const & buffer = bv_->buffer(); double x = row.x; Bidi bidi; bidi.computeTables(par, buffer, row); pos_type const row_pos = row.pos(); pos_type const end = row.endpos(); // Spaces at logical line breaks in bidi text must be skipped during // cursor positioning. However, they may appear visually in the middle // of a row; they must be skipped, wherever they are... // * logically "abc_[HEBREW_\nHEBREW]" // * visually "abc_[_WERBEH\nWERBEH]" pos_type skipped_sep_vpos = -1; if (end <= row_pos) cursor_vpos = row_pos; else if (ppos >= end) cursor_vpos = text_->isRTL(buffer, par) ? row_pos : end; else if (ppos > row_pos && ppos >= end) // Place cursor after char at (logical) position pos - 1 cursor_vpos = (bidi.level(ppos - 1) % 2 == 0) ? bidi.log2vis(ppos - 1) + 1 : bidi.log2vis(ppos - 1); else // Place cursor before char at (logical) position ppos cursor_vpos = (bidi.level(ppos) % 2 == 0) ? bidi.log2vis(ppos) : bidi.log2vis(ppos) + 1; pos_type body_pos = par.beginOfBody(); if (body_pos > 0 && (body_pos > end || !par.isLineSeparator(body_pos - 1))) body_pos = 0; // Use font span to speed things up, see below FontSpan font_span; Font font; // If the last logical character is a separator, skip it, unless // it's in the last row of a paragraph; see skipped_sep_vpos declaration if (end > 0 && end < par.size() && par.isSeparator(end - 1)) skipped_sep_vpos = bidi.log2vis(end - 1); for (pos_type vpos = row_pos; vpos < cursor_vpos; ++vpos) { // Skip the separator which is at the logical end of the row if (vpos == skipped_sep_vpos) continue; pos_type pos = bidi.vis2log(vpos); if (body_pos > 0 && pos == body_pos - 1) { FontMetrics const & labelfm = theFontMetrics( text_->getLabelFont(buffer, par)); x += row.label_hfill + labelfm.width(par.layout()->labelsep); if (par.isLineSeparator(body_pos - 1)) x -= singleWidth(pit, body_pos - 1); } // Use font span to speed things up, see above if (pos < font_span.first || pos > font_span.last) { font_span = par.fontSpan(pos); font = getDisplayFont(pit, pos); } x += pm.singleWidth(pos, font); if (pm.hfillExpansion(row, pos)) x += (pos >= body_pos) ? row.hfill : row.label_hfill; else if (par.isSeparator(pos) && pos >= body_pos) x += row.separator; } // see correction above if (boundary_correction) { if (isRTL(sl, boundary)) x -= singleWidth(pit, ppos); else x += singleWidth(pit, ppos); } return int(x); } int TextMetrics::cursorY(CursorSlice const & sl, bool boundary) const { //lyxerr << "TextMetrics::cursorY: boundary: " << boundary << std::endl; ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[sl.pit()]; if (pm.rows().empty()) return 0; int h = 0; h -= par_metrics_[0].rows()[0].ascent(); for (pit_type pit = 0; pit < sl.pit(); ++pit) { h += par_metrics_[pit].height(); } int pos = sl.pos(); if (pos && boundary) --pos; size_t const rend = pm.pos2row(pos); for (size_t rit = 0; rit != rend; ++rit) h += pm.rows()[rit].height(); h += pm.rows()[rend].ascent(); return h; } void TextMetrics::cursorPrevious(Cursor & cur) { pos_type cpos = cur.pos(); pit_type cpar = cur.pit(); int x = cur.x_target(); setCursorFromCoordinates(cur, x, 0); cur.dispatch(FuncRequest(cur.selection()? LFUN_UP_SELECT: LFUN_UP)); if (cpar == cur.pit() && cpos == cur.pos()) // we have a row which is taller than the workarea. The // simplest solution is to move to the previous row instead. cur.dispatch(FuncRequest(cur.selection()? LFUN_UP_SELECT: LFUN_UP)); cur.finishUndo(); cur.updateFlags(Update::Force | Update::FitCursor); } void TextMetrics::cursorNext(Cursor & cur) { pos_type cpos = cur.pos(); pit_type cpar = cur.pit(); int x = cur.x_target(); setCursorFromCoordinates(cur, x, cur.bv().workHeight() - 1); cur.dispatch(FuncRequest(cur.selection()? LFUN_DOWN_SELECT: LFUN_DOWN)); if (cpar == cur.pit() && cpos == cur.pos()) // we have a row which is taller than the workarea. The // simplest solution is to move to the next row instead. cur.dispatch( FuncRequest(cur.selection()? LFUN_DOWN_SELECT: LFUN_DOWN)); cur.finishUndo(); cur.updateFlags(Update::Force | Update::FitCursor); } // the cursor set functions have a special mechanism. When they // realize you left an empty paragraph, they will delete it. bool TextMetrics::cursorHome(Cursor & cur) { BOOST_ASSERT(text_ == cur.text()); ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[cur.pit()]; Row const & row = pm.getRow(cur.pos(),cur.boundary()); return text_->setCursor(cur, cur.pit(), row.pos()); } bool TextMetrics::cursorEnd(Cursor & cur) { BOOST_ASSERT(text_ == cur.text()); // if not on the last row of the par, put the cursor before // the final space exept if I have a spanning inset or one string // is so long that we force a break. pos_type end = cur.textRow().endpos(); if (end == 0) // empty text, end-1 is no valid position return false; bool boundary = false; if (end != cur.lastpos()) { if (!cur.paragraph().isLineSeparator(end-1) && !cur.paragraph().isNewline(end-1)) boundary = true; else --end; } return text_->setCursor(cur, cur.pit(), end, true, boundary); } void TextMetrics::deleteLineForward(Cursor & cur) { BOOST_ASSERT(text_ == cur.text()); if (cur.lastpos() == 0) { // Paragraph is empty, so we just go forward text_->cursorForward(cur); } else { cur.resetAnchor(); cur.selection() = true; // to avoid deletion cursorEnd(cur); cur.setSelection(); // What is this test for ??? (JMarc) if (!cur.selection()) text_->deleteWordForward(cur); else cap::cutSelection(cur, true, false); checkBufferStructure(cur.buffer(), cur); } } bool TextMetrics::isLastRow(pit_type pit, Row const & row) const { ParagraphList const & pars = text_->paragraphs(); return row.endpos() >= pars[pit].size() && pit + 1 == pit_type(pars.size()); } bool TextMetrics::isFirstRow(pit_type pit, Row const & row) const { return row.pos() == 0 && pit == 0; } int TextMetrics::leftMargin(int max_width, pit_type pit) const { BOOST_ASSERT(pit >= 0); BOOST_ASSERT(pit < int(text_->paragraphs().size())); return leftMargin(max_width, pit, text_->paragraphs()[pit].size()); } int TextMetrics::leftMargin(int max_width, pit_type const pit, pos_type const pos) const { ParagraphList const & pars = text_->paragraphs(); BOOST_ASSERT(pit >= 0); BOOST_ASSERT(pit < int(pars.size())); Paragraph const & par = pars[pit]; BOOST_ASSERT(pos >= 0); BOOST_ASSERT(pos <= par.size()); Buffer const & buffer = bv_->buffer(); //lyxerr << "TextMetrics::leftMargin: pit: " << pit << " pos: " << pos << endl; TextClass const & tclass = buffer.params().getTextClass(); LayoutPtr const & layout = par.layout(); docstring parindent = layout->parindent; int l_margin = 0; if (text_->isMainText(buffer)) l_margin += changebarMargin(); l_margin += theFontMetrics(buffer.params().getFont()).signedWidth( tclass.leftmargin()); if (par.getDepth() != 0) { // find the next level paragraph pit_type newpar = outerHook(pit, pars); if (newpar != pit_type(pars.size())) { if (pars[newpar].layout()->isEnvironment()) { l_margin = leftMargin(max_width, newpar); } if (par.layout() == tclass.defaultLayout()) { if (pars[newpar].params().noindent()) parindent.erase(); else parindent = pars[newpar].layout()->parindent; } } } // This happens after sections in standard classes. The 1.3.x // code compared depths too, but it does not seem necessary // (JMarc) if (par.layout() == tclass.defaultLayout() && pit > 0 && pars[pit - 1].layout()->nextnoindent) parindent.erase(); FontInfo const labelfont = text_->getLabelFont(buffer, par); FontMetrics const & labelfont_metrics = theFontMetrics(labelfont); switch (layout->margintype) { case MARGIN_DYNAMIC: if (!layout->leftmargin.empty()) { l_margin += theFontMetrics(buffer.params().getFont()).signedWidth( layout->leftmargin); } if (!par.getLabelstring().empty()) { l_margin += labelfont_metrics.signedWidth(layout->labelindent); l_margin += labelfont_metrics.width(par.getLabelstring()); l_margin += labelfont_metrics.width(layout->labelsep); } break; case MARGIN_MANUAL: { l_margin += labelfont_metrics.signedWidth(layout->labelindent); // The width of an empty par, even with manual label, should be 0 if (!par.empty() && pos >= par.beginOfBody()) { if (!par.getLabelWidthString().empty()) { docstring labstr = par.getLabelWidthString(); l_margin += labelfont_metrics.width(labstr); l_margin += labelfont_metrics.width(layout->labelsep); } } break; } case MARGIN_STATIC: { l_margin += theFontMetrics(buffer.params().getFont()). signedWidth(layout->leftmargin) * 4 / (par.getDepth() + 4); break; } case MARGIN_FIRST_DYNAMIC: if (layout->labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL) { if (pos >= par.beginOfBody()) { l_margin += labelfont_metrics.signedWidth(layout->leftmargin); } else { l_margin += labelfont_metrics.signedWidth(layout->labelindent); } } else if (pos != 0 // Special case to fix problems with // theorems (JMarc) || (layout->labeltype == LABEL_STATIC && layout->latextype == LATEX_ENVIRONMENT && !isFirstInSequence(pit, pars))) { l_margin += labelfont_metrics.signedWidth(layout->leftmargin); } else if (layout->labeltype != LABEL_TOP_ENVIRONMENT && layout->labeltype != LABEL_BIBLIO && layout->labeltype != LABEL_CENTERED_TOP_ENVIRONMENT) { l_margin += labelfont_metrics.signedWidth(layout->labelindent); l_margin += labelfont_metrics.width(layout->labelsep); l_margin += labelfont_metrics.width(par.getLabelstring()); } break; case MARGIN_RIGHT_ADDRESS_BOX: { #if 0 // ok, a terrible hack. The left margin depends on the widest // row in this paragraph. RowList::iterator rit = par.rows().begin(); RowList::iterator end = par.rows().end(); // FIXME: This is wrong. int minfill = max_width; for ( ; rit != end; ++rit) if (rit->fill() < minfill) minfill = rit->fill(); l_margin += theFontMetrics(params.getFont()).signedWidth(layout->leftmargin); l_margin += minfill; #endif // also wrong, but much shorter. l_margin += max_width / 2; break; } } if (!par.params().leftIndent().zero()) l_margin += par.params().leftIndent().inPixels(max_width); LyXAlignment align; if (par.params().align() == LYX_ALIGN_LAYOUT) align = layout->align; else align = par.params().align(); // set the correct parindent if (pos == 0 && (layout->labeltype == LABEL_NO_LABEL || layout->labeltype == LABEL_TOP_ENVIRONMENT || layout->labeltype == LABEL_CENTERED_TOP_ENVIRONMENT || (layout->labeltype == LABEL_STATIC && layout->latextype == LATEX_ENVIRONMENT && !isFirstInSequence(pit, pars))) && align == LYX_ALIGN_BLOCK && !par.params().noindent() // in some insets, paragraphs are never indented && !(par.inInset() && par.inInset()->neverIndent(buffer)) // display style insets are always centered, omit indentation && !(!par.empty() && par.isInset(pos) && par.getInset(pos)->display()) && (par.layout() != tclass.defaultLayout() || buffer.params().paragraph_separation == BufferParams::PARSEP_INDENT)) { l_margin += theFontMetrics(buffer.params().getFont()).signedWidth( parindent); } return l_margin; } int TextMetrics::singleWidth(pit_type pit, pos_type pos) const { ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[pit]; return pm.singleWidth(pos, getDisplayFont(pit, pos)); } // only used for inset right now. should also be used for main text void TextMetrics::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { if (par_metrics_.empty()) return; origin_.x_ = x; origin_.y_ = y; ParMetricsCache::iterator it = par_metrics_.begin(); ParMetricsCache::iterator const pm_end = par_metrics_.end(); y -= it->second.ascent(); for (; it != pm_end; ++it) { ParagraphMetrics const & pmi = it->second; y += pmi.ascent(); pit_type const pit = it->first; // Save the paragraph position in the cache. it->second.setPosition(y); drawParagraph(pi, pit, x, y); y += pmi.descent(); } } void TextMetrics::drawParagraph(PainterInfo & pi, pit_type pit, int x, int y) const { // lyxerr << " paintPar: pit: " << pit << " at y: " << y << endl; int const ww = bv_->workHeight(); ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[pit]; if (pm.rows().empty()) return; RowList::const_iterator const rb = pm.rows().begin(); RowList::const_iterator const re = pm.rows().end(); Bidi bidi; bool const original_drawing_state = pi.pain.isDrawingEnabled(); y -= rb->ascent(); for (RowList::const_iterator rit = rb; rit != re; ++rit) { y += rit->ascent(); bool const inside = (y + rit->descent() >= 0 && y - rit->ascent() < ww); // it is not needed to draw on screen if we are not inside. pi.pain.setDrawingEnabled(inside && original_drawing_state); RowPainter rp(pi, *text_, pit, *rit, bidi, x, y); // Row signature; has row changed since last paint? bool row_has_changed = rit->changed(); bool row_selection = rit->sel_beg != -1 && rit->sel_end != -1; if (!row_selection && !pi.full_repaint && !row_has_changed) { // Paint the only the insets if the text itself is // unchanged. rp.paintOnlyInsets(); y += rit->descent(); continue; } // Paint the row if a full repaint has been requested or it has // changed. // Clear background of this row // (if paragraph background was not cleared) if (row_selection || (!pi.full_repaint && row_has_changed)) { pi.pain.fillRectangle(x, y - rit->ascent(), width(), rit->height(), pi.background_color); } if (row_selection) { DocIterator beg = bv_->cursor().selectionBegin(); DocIterator end = bv_->cursor().selectionEnd(); beg.pit() = pit; beg.pos() = rit->sel_beg; if (pit == end.pit()) { end.pos() = rit->sel_end; } else { end.pit() = pit + 1; end.pos() = 0; } drawSelection(pi, beg, end, x); } // Instrumentation for testing row cache (see also // 12 lines lower): if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::PAINTING)) { if (text_->isMainText(bv_->buffer())) LYXERR(Debug::PAINTING) << "\n{" << inside << pi.full_repaint << row_has_changed << "}"; else LYXERR(Debug::PAINTING) << "[" << inside << pi.full_repaint << row_has_changed << "]"; } // Backup full_repaint status and force full repaint // for inner insets as the Row has been cleared out. bool tmp = pi.full_repaint; pi.full_repaint = true; rp.paintAppendix(); rp.paintDepthBar(); rp.paintChangeBar(); if (rit == rb) rp.paintFirst(); rp.paintText(); if (rit + 1 == re) rp.paintLast(); y += rit->descent(); // Restore full_repaint status. pi.full_repaint = tmp; } // Re-enable screen drawing for future use of the painter. pi.pain.setDrawingEnabled(original_drawing_state); //LYXERR(Debug::PAINTING) << "." << endl; } // FIXME: only take care of one row! void TextMetrics::drawSelection(PainterInfo & pi, DocIterator const & beg, DocIterator const & end, int x) const { ParagraphMetrics const & pm1 = parMetrics(beg.pit()); ParagraphMetrics const & pm2 = parMetrics(end.pit()); Row const & row1 = pm1.getRow(beg.pos(), beg.boundary()); Row const & row2 = pm2.getRow(end.pos(), end.boundary()); // clip above int middleTop; bool const clipAbove = (bv_->cursorStatus(beg) == CUR_ABOVE); if (clipAbove) middleTop = 0; else middleTop = bv_->getPos(beg, beg.boundary()).y_ + row1.descent(); // clip below int middleBottom; bool const clipBelow = (bv_->cursorStatus(end) == CUR_BELOW); if (clipBelow) middleBottom = bv_->workHeight(); else middleBottom = bv_->getPos(end, end.boundary()).y_ - row2.ascent(); // start and end in the same line? if (!clipAbove && !clipBelow && &row1 == &row2) // then only draw this row's selection drawRowSelection(pi, x, row1, beg, end, false, false); else { if (!clipAbove) { // get row end DocIterator begRowEnd = beg; begRowEnd.pos() = row1.endpos(); begRowEnd.boundary(true); // draw upper rectangle drawRowSelection(pi, x, row1, beg, begRowEnd, false, true); } if (middleTop < middleBottom) { // draw middle rectangle pi.pain.fillRectangle(x, middleTop, width(), middleBottom - middleTop, Color_selection); } if (!clipBelow) { // get row begin DocIterator endRowBeg = end; endRowBeg.pos() = row2.pos(); endRowBeg.boundary(false); // draw low rectangle drawRowSelection(pi, x, row2, endRowBeg, end, true, false); } } } void TextMetrics::drawRowSelection(PainterInfo & pi, int x, Row const & row, DocIterator const & beg, DocIterator const & end, bool drawOnBegMargin, bool drawOnEndMargin) const { Buffer & buffer = bv_->buffer(); DocIterator cur = beg; int x1 = cursorX(beg.top(), beg.boundary()); int x2 = cursorX(end.top(), end.boundary()); int y1 = bv_->getPos(cur, cur.boundary()).y_ - row.ascent(); int y2 = y1 + row.height(); // draw the margins if (drawOnBegMargin) { if (text_->isRTL(buffer, beg.paragraph())) pi.pain.fillRectangle(x + x1, y1, width() - x1, y2 - y1, Color_selection); else pi.pain.fillRectangle(x, y1, x1, y2 - y1, Color_selection); } if (drawOnEndMargin) { if (text_->isRTL(buffer, beg.paragraph())) pi.pain.fillRectangle(x, y1, x2, y2 - y1, Color_selection); else pi.pain.fillRectangle(x + x2, y1, width() - x2, y2 - y1, Color_selection); } // if we are on a boundary from the beginning, it's probably // a RTL boundary and we jump to the other side directly as this // segement is 0-size and confuses the logic below if (cur.boundary()) cur.boundary(false); // go through row and draw from RTL boundary to RTL boundary while (cur < end) { bool drawNow = false; // simplified cursorForward code below which does not // descend into insets and which does not go into the // next line. Compare the logic with the original cursorForward // if left of boundary -> just jump to right side // but for RTL boundaries don't, because: abc|DDEEFFghi -> abcDDEEF|Fghi if (cur.boundary()) { cur.boundary(false); } else if (isRTLBoundary(cur.pit(), cur.pos() + 1)) { // in front of RTL boundary -> Stay on this side of the boundary because: // ab|cDDEEFFghi -> abc|DDEEFFghi ++cur.pos(); cur.boundary(true); drawNow = true; } else { // move right ++cur.pos(); // line end? if (cur.pos() == row.endpos()) cur.boundary(true); } if (x1 == -1) { // the previous segment was just drawn, now the next starts x1 = cursorX(cur.top(), cur.boundary()); } if (!(cur < end) || drawNow) { x2 = cursorX(cur.top(), cur.boundary()); pi.pain.fillRectangle(x + min(x1,x2), y1, abs(x2 - x1), y2 - y1, Color_selection); // reset x1, so it is set again next round (which will be on the // right side of a boundary or at the selection end) x1 = -1; } } } //int TextMetrics::pos2x(pit_type pit, pos_type pos) const //{ // ParagraphMetrics const & pm = par_metrics_[pit]; // Row const & r = pm.rows()[row]; // int x = 0; // pos -= r.pos(); //} int defaultRowHeight() { return int(theFontMetrics(sane_font).maxHeight() * 1.2); } } // namespace lyx