/** * \file InsetBibtex.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * \author Richard Heck (BibTeX parser improvements) * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "InsetBibtex.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "DispatchResult.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "Encoding.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "MetricsInfo.h" #include "OutputParams.h" #include "TextClass.h" #include "frontends/alert.h" #include "support/ExceptionMessage.h" #include "support/docstream.h" #include "support/FileNameList.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/lyxlib.h" #include "support/os.h" #include "support/Path.h" #include "support/textutils.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { namespace Alert = frontend::Alert; namespace os = support::os; InsetBibtex::InsetBibtex(InsetCommandParams const & p) : InsetCommand(p, "bibtex") {} CommandInfo const * InsetBibtex::findInfo(string const & /* cmdName */) { static const char * const paramnames[] = {"options", "btprint", "bibfiles", ""}; static const bool isoptional[] = {true, true, false}; static const CommandInfo info = {3, paramnames, isoptional}; return &info; } Inset * InsetBibtex::clone() const { return new InsetBibtex(*this); } void InsetBibtex::doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: { InsetCommandParams p(BIBTEX_CODE); try { if (!InsetCommandMailer::string2params("bibtex", to_utf8(cmd.argument()), p)) { cur.noUpdate(); break; } } catch (ExceptionMessage const & message) { if (message.type_ == WarningException) { Alert::warning(message.title_, message.details_); cur.noUpdate(); } else throw message; break; } setParams(p); cur.buffer().updateBibfilesCache(); break; } default: InsetCommand::doDispatch(cur, cmd); break; } } docstring const InsetBibtex::getScreenLabel(Buffer const &) const { return _("BibTeX Generated Bibliography"); } namespace { string normalizeName(Buffer const & buffer, OutputParams const & runparams, string const & name, string const & ext) { string const fname = makeAbsPath(name, buffer.filePath()).absFilename(); if (absolutePath(name) || !FileName(fname + ext).isReadableFile()) return name; if (!runparams.nice) return fname; // FIXME UNICODE return to_utf8(makeRelPath(from_utf8(fname), from_utf8(buffer.masterBuffer()->filePath()))); } } int InsetBibtex::latex(Buffer const & buffer, odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { // the sequence of the commands: // 1. \bibliographystyle{style} // 2. \addcontentsline{...} - if option bibtotoc set // 3. \bibliography{database} // and with bibtopic: // 1. \bibliographystyle{style} // 2. \begin{btSect}{database} // 3. \btPrint{Cited|NotCited|All} // 4. \end{btSect} // Database(s) // If we are processing the LaTeX file in a temp directory then // copy the .bib databases to this temp directory, mangling their // names in the process. Store this mangled name in the list of // all databases. // (We need to do all this because BibTeX *really*, *really* // can't handle "files with spaces" and Windows users tend to // use such filenames.) // Otherwise, store the (maybe absolute) path to the original, // unmangled database name. typedef boost::char_separator Separator; typedef boost::tokenizer Tokenizer; Separator const separator(from_ascii(",").c_str()); // The tokenizer must not be called with temporary strings, since // it does not make a copy and uses iterators of the string further // down. getParam returns a reference, so this is OK. Tokenizer const tokens(getParam("bibfiles"), separator); Tokenizer::const_iterator const begin = tokens.begin(); Tokenizer::const_iterator const end = tokens.end(); odocstringstream dbs; for (Tokenizer::const_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) { docstring const input = trim(*it); // FIXME UNICODE string utf8input = to_utf8(input); string database = normalizeName(buffer, runparams, utf8input, ".bib"); FileName const try_in_file(makeAbsPath(database + ".bib", buffer.filePath())); bool const not_from_texmf = try_in_file.isReadableFile(); if (!runparams.inComment && !runparams.dryrun && !runparams.nice && not_from_texmf) { // mangledFilename() needs the extension DocFileName const in_file = DocFileName(try_in_file); database = removeExtension(in_file.mangledFilename()); FileName const out_file = makeAbsPath(database + ".bib", buffer.masterBuffer()->temppath()); bool const success = in_file.copyTo(out_file); if (!success) { lyxerr << "Failed to copy '" << in_file << "' to '" << out_file << "'" << endl; } } else if (!runparams.inComment && runparams.nice && not_from_texmf && !isValidLaTeXFilename(database)) { frontend::Alert::warning(_("Invalid filename"), _("The following filename is likely to cause trouble " "when running the exported file through LaTeX: ") + from_utf8(database)); } if (it != begin) dbs << ','; // FIXME UNICODE dbs << from_utf8(latex_path(database)); } docstring const db_out = dbs.str(); // Post this warning only once. static bool warned_about_spaces = false; if (!warned_about_spaces && runparams.nice && db_out.find(' ') != docstring::npos) { warned_about_spaces = true; Alert::warning(_("Export Warning!"), _("There are spaces in the paths to your BibTeX databases.\n" "BibTeX will be unable to find them.")); } // Style-Options string style = to_utf8(getParam("options")); // maybe empty! and with bibtotoc string bibtotoc; if (prefixIs(style, "bibtotoc")) { bibtotoc = "bibtotoc"; if (contains(style, ',')) style = split(style, bibtotoc, ','); } // line count int nlines = 0; if (!style.empty()) { string base = normalizeName(buffer, runparams, style, ".bst"); FileName const try_in_file(makeAbsPath(base + ".bst", buffer.filePath())); bool const not_from_texmf = try_in_file.isReadableFile(); // If this style does not come from texmf and we are not // exporting to .tex copy it to the tmp directory. // This prevents problems with spaces and 8bit charcaters // in the file name. if (!runparams.inComment && !runparams.dryrun && !runparams.nice && not_from_texmf) { // use new style name DocFileName const in_file = DocFileName(try_in_file); base = removeExtension(in_file.mangledFilename()); FileName const out_file(makeAbsPath(base + ".bst", buffer.masterBuffer()->temppath())); bool const success = in_file.copyTo(out_file); if (!success) { lyxerr << "Failed to copy '" << in_file << "' to '" << out_file << "'" << endl; } } // FIXME UNICODE os << "\\bibliographystyle{" << from_utf8(latex_path(normalizeName(buffer, runparams, base, ".bst"))) << "}\n"; nlines += 1; } // Post this warning only once. static bool warned_about_bst_spaces = false; if (!warned_about_bst_spaces && runparams.nice && contains(style, ' ')) { warned_about_bst_spaces = true; Alert::warning(_("Export Warning!"), _("There are spaces in the path to your BibTeX style file.\n" "BibTeX will be unable to find it.")); } if (!db_out.empty() && buffer.params().use_bibtopic){ os << "\\begin{btSect}{" << db_out << "}\n"; docstring btprint = getParam("btprint"); if (btprint.empty()) // default btprint = from_ascii("btPrintCited"); os << "\\" << btprint << "\n" << "\\end{btSect}\n"; nlines += 3; } // bibtotoc-Option if (!bibtotoc.empty() && !buffer.params().use_bibtopic) { // maybe a problem when a textclass has no "art" as // part of its name, because it's than book. // For the "official" lyx-layouts it's no problem to support // all well if (!contains(buffer.params().getTextClass().name(), "art")) { if (buffer.params().sides == OneSide) { // oneside os << "\\clearpage"; } else { // twoside os << "\\cleardoublepage"; } // bookclass os << "\\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\\bibname}"; } else { // article class os << "\\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\\refname}"; } } if (!db_out.empty() && !buffer.params().use_bibtopic){ os << "\\bibliography{" << db_out << "}\n"; nlines += 1; } return nlines; } FileNameList const InsetBibtex::getFiles(Buffer const & buffer) const { FileName path(buffer.filePath()); PathChanger p(path); FileNameList vec; string tmp; // FIXME UNICODE string bibfiles = to_utf8(getParam("bibfiles")); bibfiles = split(bibfiles, tmp, ','); while (!tmp.empty()) { FileName const file = findtexfile(changeExtension(tmp, "bib"), "bib"); LYXERR(Debug::LATEX, "Bibfile: " << file); // If we didn't find a matching file name just fail silently if (!file.empty()) vec.push_back(file); // Get next file name bibfiles = split(bibfiles, tmp, ','); } return vec; } namespace { // methods for parsing bibtex files typedef map VarMap; /// remove whitespace characters, optionally a single comma, /// and further whitespace characters from the stream. /// @return true if a comma was found, false otherwise /// bool removeWSAndComma(idocfstream & ifs) { char_type ch; if (!ifs) return false; // skip whitespace do { ifs.get(ch); } while (ifs && isSpace(ch)); if (!ifs) return false; if (ch != ',') { ifs.putback(ch); return false; } // skip whitespace do { ifs.get(ch); } while (ifs && isSpace(ch)); if (ifs) { ifs.putback(ch); } return true; } enum charCase { makeLowerCase, keepCase }; /// remove whitespace characters, read characer sequence /// not containing whitespace characters or characters in /// delimChars, and remove further whitespace characters. /// /// @return true if a string of length > 0 could be read. /// bool readTypeOrKey(docstring & val, idocfstream & ifs, docstring const & delimChars, docstring const &illegalChars, charCase chCase) { char_type ch; val.clear(); if (!ifs) return false; // skip whitespace do { ifs.get(ch); } while (ifs && isSpace(ch)); if (!ifs) return false; // read value bool legalChar = true; while (ifs && !isSpace(ch) && delimChars.find(ch) == docstring::npos && (legalChar = (illegalChars.find(ch) == docstring::npos)) ) { if (chCase == makeLowerCase) val += lowercase(ch); else val += ch; ifs.get(ch); } if (!legalChar) { ifs.putback(ch); return false; } // skip whitespace while (ifs && isSpace(ch)) { ifs.get(ch); } if (ifs) { ifs.putback(ch); } return val.length() > 0; } /// read subsequent bibtex values that are delimited with a #-character. /// Concatenate all parts and replace names with the associated string in /// the variable strings. /// @return true if reading was successfull (all single parts were delimited /// correctly) bool readValue(docstring & val, idocfstream & ifs, const VarMap & strings) { char_type ch; val.clear(); if (!ifs) return false; do { // skip whitespace do { ifs.get(ch); } while (ifs && isSpace(ch)); if (!ifs) return false; // check for field type if (isDigit(ch)) { // read integer value do { val += ch; ifs.get(ch); } while (ifs && isDigit(ch)); if (!ifs) return false; } else if (ch == '"' || ch == '{') { // set end delimiter char_type delim = ch == '"' ? '"': '}'; //Skip whitespace do { ifs.get(ch); } while (ifs && isSpace(ch)); if (!ifs) return false; //We now have the first non-whitespace character //We'll collapse adjacent whitespace. bool lastWasWhiteSpace = false; // inside this delimited text braces must match. // Thus we can have a closing delimiter only // when nestLevel == 0 int nestLevel = 0; while (ifs && (nestLevel > 0 || ch != delim)) { if (isSpace(ch)) { lastWasWhiteSpace = true; ifs.get(ch); continue; } //We output the space only after we stop getting //whitespace so as not to output any whitespace //at the end of the value. if (lastWasWhiteSpace) { lastWasWhiteSpace = false; val += ' '; } val += ch; // update nesting level switch (ch) { case '{': ++nestLevel; break; case '}': --nestLevel; if (nestLevel < 0) return false; break; } ifs.get(ch); } if (!ifs) return false; ifs.get(ch); if (!ifs) return false; } else { // reading a string name docstring strName; while (ifs && !isSpace(ch) && ch != '#' && ch != ',' && ch != '}' && ch != ')') { strName += lowercase(ch); ifs.get(ch); } if (!ifs) return false; // replace the string with its assigned value or // discard it if it's not assigned if (strName.length()) { VarMap::const_iterator pos = strings.find(strName); if (pos != strings.end()) { val += pos->second; } } } // skip WS while (ifs && isSpace(ch)) { ifs.get(ch); } if (!ifs) return false; // continue reading next value on concatenate with '#' } while (ch == '#'); ifs.putback(ch); return true; } } // This method returns a comma separated list of Bibtex entries void InsetBibtex::fillWithBibKeys(Buffer const & buffer, BiblioInfo & keylist, InsetIterator const & /*di*/) const { FileNameList const files = getFiles(buffer); for (vector::const_iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++ it) { // This bibtex parser is a first step to parse bibtex files // more precisely. // // - it reads the whole bibtex entry and does a syntax check // (matching delimiters, missing commas,... // - it recovers from errors starting with the next @-character // - it reads @string definitions and replaces them in the // field values. // - it accepts more characters in keys or value names than // bibtex does. // // Officially bibtex does only support ASCII, but in practice // you can use the encoding of the main document as long as // some elements like keys and names are pure ASCII. Therefore // we convert the file from the buffer encoding. // We don't restrict keys to ASCII in LyX, since our own // InsetBibitem can generate non-ASCII keys, and nonstandard // 8bit clean bibtex forks exist. idocfstream ifs(it->toFilesystemEncoding().c_str(), ios_base::in, buffer.params().encoding().iconvName()); char_type ch; VarMap strings; while (ifs) { ifs.get(ch); if (!ifs) break; if (ch != '@') continue; docstring entryType; if (!readTypeOrKey(entryType, ifs, from_ascii("{("), docstring(), makeLowerCase) || !ifs) continue; if (entryType == from_ascii("comment")) { ifs.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '\n'); continue; } ifs.get(ch); if (!ifs) break; if ((ch != '(') && (ch != '{')) { // invalid entry delimiter ifs.putback(ch); continue; } // process the entry if (entryType == from_ascii("string")) { // read string and add it to the strings map // (or replace it's old value) docstring name; docstring value; if (!readTypeOrKey(name, ifs, from_ascii("="), from_ascii("#{}(),"), makeLowerCase) || !ifs) continue; // next char must be an equal sign ifs.get(ch); if (!ifs || ch != '=') continue; if (!readValue(value, ifs, strings)) continue; strings[name] = value; } else if (entryType == from_ascii("preamble")) { // preamble definitions are discarded. // can they be of any use in lyx? docstring value; if (!readValue(value, ifs, strings)) continue; } else { // Citation entry. Try to read the key. docstring key; if (!readTypeOrKey(key, ifs, from_ascii(","), from_ascii("}"), keepCase) || !ifs) continue; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // now we have a key, so we will add an entry // (even if it's empty, as bibtex does) // // we now read the field = value pairs. // all items must be separated by a comma. If // it is missing the scanning of this entry is // stopped and the next is searched. docstring fields; docstring name; docstring value; docstring commaNewline; docstring data; BibTeXInfo keyvalmap; keyvalmap.entryType = entryType; bool readNext = removeWSAndComma(ifs); while (ifs && readNext) { // read field name if (!readTypeOrKey(name, ifs, from_ascii("="), from_ascii("{}(),"), makeLowerCase) || !ifs) break; // next char must be an equal sign ifs.get(ch); if (!ifs) break; if (ch != '=') { ifs.putback(ch); break; } // read field value if (!readValue(value, ifs, strings)) break; keyvalmap[name] = value; data += "\n\n" + value; keylist.fieldNames.insert(name); readNext = removeWSAndComma(ifs); } // add the new entry keylist.entryTypes.insert(entryType); keyvalmap.allData = data; keyvalmap.isBibTeX = true; keyvalmap.bibKey = key; keylist[key] = keyvalmap; } } //< searching '@' } //< for loop over files } bool InsetBibtex::addDatabase(string const & db) { // FIXME UNICODE string bibfiles(to_utf8(getParam("bibfiles"))); if (tokenPos(bibfiles, ',', db) == -1) { if (!bibfiles.empty()) bibfiles += ','; setParam("bibfiles", from_utf8(bibfiles + db)); return true; } return false; } bool InsetBibtex::delDatabase(string const & db) { // FIXME UNICODE string bibfiles(to_utf8(getParam("bibfiles"))); if (contains(bibfiles, db)) { int const n = tokenPos(bibfiles, ',', db); string bd = db; if (n > 0) { // this is not the first database string tmp = ',' + bd; setParam("bibfiles", from_utf8(subst(bibfiles, tmp, string()))); } else if (n == 0) // this is the first (or only) database setParam("bibfiles", from_utf8(split(bibfiles, bd, ','))); else return false; } return true; } void InsetBibtex::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { if (features.bufferParams().use_bibtopic) features.require("bibtopic"); } } // namespace lyx