/** * \file InsetGraphics.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Baruch Even * \author Herbert Voß * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ /* TODO * What advanced features the users want to do? Implement them in a non latex dependent way, but a logical way. LyX should translate it to latex or any other fitting format. * When loading, if the image is not found in the expected place, try to find it in the clipart, or in the same directory with the image. * The image choosing dialog could show thumbnails of the image formats it knows of, thus selection based on the image instead of based on filename. * Add support for the 'picins' package. * Add support for the 'picinpar' package. * Improve support for 'subfigure' - Allow to set the various options that are possible. */ /* NOTES: * Fileformat: * The filename is kept in the lyx file in a relative way, so as to allow * moving the document file and its images with no problem. * * * Conversions: * Postscript output means EPS figures. * * PDF output is best done with PDF figures if it's a direct conversion * or PNG figures otherwise. * Image format * from to * EPS epstopdf * PS ps2pdf * JPG/PNG direct * PDF direct * others PNG */ #include #include "insets/InsetGraphics.h" #include "insets/RenderGraphic.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "Converter.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "DispatchResult.h" #include "ErrorList.h" #include "Exporter.h" #include "Format.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "FuncStatus.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "Length.h" #include "Lexer.h" #include "MetricsInfo.h" #include "Mover.h" #include "OutputParams.h" #include "sgml.h" #include "EmbeddedFiles.h" #include "frontends/alert.h" #include "support/convert.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/docstream.h" #include "support/ExceptionMessage.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lyxlib.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/os.h" #include "support/Systemcall.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { namespace Alert = frontend::Alert; namespace { /// Find the most suitable image format for images in \p format /// Note that \p format may be unknown (i. e. an empty string) string findTargetFormat(string const & format, OutputParams const & runparams) { // Are we using latex or pdflatex? if (runparams.flavor == OutputParams::PDFLATEX) { LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "findTargetFormat: PDF mode"); Format const * const f = formats.getFormat(format); // Convert vector graphics to pdf if (f && f->vectorFormat()) return "pdf"; // pdflatex can use jpeg, png and pdf directly if (format == "jpg") return format; // Convert everything else to png return "png"; } // If it's postscript, we always do eps. LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "findTargetFormat: PostScript mode"); if (format != "ps") // any other than ps is changed to eps return "eps"; // let ps untouched return format; } } // namespace anon InsetGraphics::InsetGraphics() : graphic_label(sgml::uniqueID(from_ascii("graph"))), graphic_(new RenderGraphic(this)) {} InsetGraphics::InsetGraphics(InsetGraphics const & ig) : Inset(ig), boost::signals::trackable(), graphic_label(sgml::uniqueID(from_ascii("graph"))), graphic_(new RenderGraphic(*ig.graphic_, this)) { setParams(ig.params()); } Inset * InsetGraphics::clone() const { return new InsetGraphics(*this); } InsetGraphics::~InsetGraphics() { InsetGraphicsMailer(*this).hideDialog(); } void InsetGraphics::doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_GRAPHICS_EDIT: { Buffer const & buffer = cur.bv().buffer(); InsetGraphicsParams p; InsetGraphicsMailer::string2params(to_utf8(cmd.argument()), buffer, p); editGraphics(p, buffer); break; } case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: { Buffer const & buffer = cur.buffer(); InsetGraphicsParams p; InsetGraphicsMailer::string2params(to_utf8(cmd.argument()), buffer, p); if (!p.filename.empty()) { try { p.filename.enable(buffer.embedded(), &buffer); } catch (ExceptionMessage const & message) { Alert::error(message.title_, message.details_); // do not set parameter if an error happens break; } setParams(p); } else cur.noUpdate(); break; } case LFUN_INSET_DIALOG_UPDATE: InsetGraphicsMailer(*this).updateDialog(&cur.bv()); break; case LFUN_MOUSE_RELEASE: if (!cur.selection()) InsetGraphicsMailer(*this).showDialog(&cur.bv()); break; default: Inset::doDispatch(cur, cmd); break; } } bool InsetGraphics::getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd, FuncStatus & flag) const { switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_GRAPHICS_EDIT: case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: case LFUN_INSET_DIALOG_UPDATE: flag.enabled(true); return true; default: return Inset::getStatus(cur, cmd, flag); } } void InsetGraphics::registerEmbeddedFiles(Buffer const & buffer, EmbeddedFileList & files) const { files.registerFile(params().filename, this, buffer); } void InsetGraphics::updateEmbeddedFile(Buffer const & buf, EmbeddedFile const & file) { // when embedding is enabled, change of embedding status leads to actions EmbeddedFile temp = file; temp.enable(buf.embedded(), &buf); // this will not be set if an exception is thorwn in enable() params_.filename = temp; LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "Update InsetGraphic with File " << params_.filename.toFilesystemEncoding() << ", embedding status: " << params_.filename.embedded() << ", enabled: " << params_.filename.enabled()); } void InsetGraphics::edit(Cursor & cur, bool, EntryDirection) { InsetGraphicsMailer(*this).showDialog(&cur.bv()); } void InsetGraphics::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const { graphic_->metrics(mi, dim); } void InsetGraphics::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { graphic_->draw(pi, x, y); } Inset::EDITABLE InsetGraphics::editable() const { return IS_EDITABLE; } void InsetGraphics::write(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os) const { os << "Graphics\n"; params().Write(os, buf); } void InsetGraphics::read(Buffer const & buf, Lexer & lex) { string const token = lex.getString(); if (token == "Graphics") readInsetGraphics(lex, buf.filePath()); else LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "Not a Graphics inset!"); params_.filename.enable(buf.embedded(), &buf); graphic_->update(params().as_grfxParams()); } void InsetGraphics::readInsetGraphics(Lexer & lex, string const & bufpath) { bool finished = false; while (lex.isOK() && !finished) { lex.next(); string const token = lex.getString(); LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "Token: '" << token << '\''); if (token.empty()) continue; if (token == "\\end_inset") { finished = true; } else { if (!params_.Read(lex, token, bufpath)) lyxerr << "Unknown token, " << token << ", skipping." << endl; } } } string const InsetGraphics::createLatexOptions() const { // Calculate the options part of the command, we must do it to a string // stream since we might have a trailing comma that we would like to remove // before writing it to the output stream. ostringstream options; if (!params().bb.empty()) options << "bb=" << rtrim(params().bb) << ','; if (params().draft) options << "draft,"; if (params().clip) options << "clip,"; ostringstream size; double const scl = convert(params().scale); if (!params().scale.empty() && !float_equal(scl, 0.0, 0.05)) { if (!float_equal(scl, 100.0, 0.05)) size << "scale=" << scl / 100.0 << ','; } else { if (!params().width.zero()) size << "width=" << params().width.asLatexString() << ','; if (!params().height.zero()) size << "height=" << params().height.asLatexString() << ','; if (params().keepAspectRatio) size << "keepaspectratio,"; } if (params().scaleBeforeRotation && !size.str().empty()) options << size.str(); // Make sure rotation angle is not very close to zero; // a float can be effectively zero but not exactly zero. if (!params().rotateAngle.empty() && !float_equal(convert(params().rotateAngle), 0.0, 0.001)) { options << "angle=" << params().rotateAngle << ','; if (!params().rotateOrigin.empty()) { options << "origin=" << params().rotateOrigin[0]; if (contains(params().rotateOrigin,"Top")) options << 't'; else if (contains(params().rotateOrigin,"Bottom")) options << 'b'; else if (contains(params().rotateOrigin,"Baseline")) options << 'B'; options << ','; } } if (!params().scaleBeforeRotation && !size.str().empty()) options << size.str(); if (!params().special.empty()) options << params().special << ','; string opts = options.str(); // delete last ',' if (suffixIs(opts, ',')) opts = opts.substr(0, opts.size() - 1); return opts; } docstring const InsetGraphics::toDocbookLength(Length const & len) const { odocstringstream result; switch (len.unit()) { case Length::SP: // Scaled point (65536sp = 1pt) TeX's smallest unit. result << len.value() * 65536.0 * 72 / 72.27 << "pt"; break; case Length::PT: // Point = 1/72.27in = 0.351mm result << len.value() * 72 / 72.27 << "pt"; break; case Length::BP: // Big point (72bp = 1in), also PostScript point result << len.value() << "pt"; break; case Length::DD: // Didot point = 1/72 of a French inch, = 0.376mm result << len.value() * 0.376 << "mm"; break; case Length::MM: // Millimeter = 2.845pt result << len.value() << "mm"; break; case Length::PC: // Pica = 12pt = 4.218mm result << len.value() << "pc"; break; case Length::CC: // Cicero = 12dd = 4.531mm result << len.value() * 4.531 << "mm"; break; case Length::CM: // Centimeter = 10mm = 2.371pc result << len.value() << "cm"; break; case Length::IN: // Inch = 25.4mm = 72.27pt = 6.022pc result << len.value() << "in"; break; case Length::EX: // Height of a small "x" for the current font. // Obviously we have to compromise here. Any better ratio than 1.5 ? result << len.value() / 1.5 << "em"; break; case Length::EM: // Width of capital "M" in current font. result << len.value() << "em"; break; case Length::MU: // Math unit (18mu = 1em) for positioning in math mode result << len.value() * 18 << "em"; break; case Length::PTW: // Percent of TextWidth case Length::PCW: // Percent of ColumnWidth case Length::PPW: // Percent of PageWidth case Length::PLW: // Percent of LineWidth case Length::PTH: // Percent of TextHeight case Length::PPH: // Percent of Paper // Sigh, this will go wrong. result << len.value() << "%"; break; default: result << len.asDocstring(); break; } return result.str(); } docstring const InsetGraphics::createDocBookAttributes() const { // Calculate the options part of the command, we must do it to a string // stream since we copied the code from createLatexParams() ;-) // FIXME: av: need to translate spec -> Docbook XSL spec // (http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/ImageSizing.html) // Right now it only works with my version of db2latex :-) odocstringstream options; double const scl = convert(params().scale); if (!params().scale.empty() && !float_equal(scl, 0.0, 0.05)) { if (!float_equal(scl, 100.0, 0.05)) options << " scale=\"" << static_cast( (scl) + 0.5 ) << "\" "; } else { if (!params().width.zero()) { options << " width=\"" << toDocbookLength(params().width) << "\" "; } if (!params().height.zero()) { options << " depth=\"" << toDocbookLength(params().height) << "\" "; } if (params().keepAspectRatio) { // This will be irrelevant unless both width and height are set options << "scalefit=\"1\" "; } } if (!params().special.empty()) options << from_ascii(params().special) << " "; // trailing blanks are ok ... return options.str(); } namespace { enum GraphicsCopyStatus { SUCCESS, FAILURE, IDENTICAL_PATHS, IDENTICAL_CONTENTS }; pair const copyFileIfNeeded(FileName const & file_in, FileName const & file_out) { LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "Comparing " << file_in << " and " << file_out); unsigned long const checksum_in = file_in.checksum(); unsigned long const checksum_out = file_out.checksum(); if (checksum_in == checksum_out) // Nothing to do... return make_pair(IDENTICAL_CONTENTS, file_out); Mover const & mover = getMover(formats.getFormatFromFile(file_in)); bool const success = mover.copy(file_in, file_out); if (!success) { // FIXME UNICODE LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, to_utf8(bformat(_("Could not copy the file\n%1$s\n" "into the temporary directory."), from_utf8(file_in.absFilename())))); } GraphicsCopyStatus status = success ? SUCCESS : FAILURE; return make_pair(status, file_out); } pair const copyToDirIfNeeded(DocFileName const & file, string const & dir) { string const file_in = file.absFilename(); string const only_path = onlyPath(file_in); if (rtrim(onlyPath(file_in) , "/") == rtrim(dir, "/")) return make_pair(IDENTICAL_PATHS, file_in); string mangled = file.mangledFilename(); if (file.isZipped()) { // We need to change _eps.gz to .eps.gz. The mangled name is // still unique because of the counter in mangledFilename(). // We can't just call mangledFilename() with the zip // extension removed, because base.eps and base.eps.gz may // have different content but would get the same mangled // name in this case. string const base = removeExtension(file.unzippedFilename()); string::size_type const ext_len = file_in.length() - base.length(); mangled[mangled.length() - ext_len] = '.'; } FileName const file_out(makeAbsPath(mangled, dir)); return copyFileIfNeeded(file, file_out); } string const stripExtensionIfPossible(string const & file, bool nice) { // Remove the extension so the LaTeX compiler will use whatever // is appropriate (when there are several versions in different // formats). // Do this only if we are not exporting for internal usage, because // pdflatex prefers png over pdf and it would pick up the png images // that we generate for preview. // This works only if the filename contains no dots besides // the just removed one. We can fool here by replacing all // dots with a macro whose definition is just a dot ;-) // The automatic format selection does not work if the file // name is escaped. string const latex_name = latex_path(file, EXCLUDE_EXTENSION); if (!nice || contains(latex_name, '"')) return latex_name; return latex_path(removeExtension(file), PROTECT_EXTENSION, ESCAPE_DOTS); } string const stripExtensionIfPossible(string const & file, string const & to, bool nice) { // No conversion is needed. LaTeX can handle the graphic file as is. // This is true even if the orig_file is compressed. string const to_format = formats.getFormat(to)->extension(); string const file_format = getExtension(file); // for latex .ps == .eps if (to_format == file_format || (to_format == "eps" && file_format == "ps") || (to_format == "ps" && file_format == "eps")) return stripExtensionIfPossible(file, nice); return latex_path(file, EXCLUDE_EXTENSION); } } // namespace anon string const InsetGraphics::prepareFile(Buffer const & buf, OutputParams const & runparams) const { // The following code depends on non-empty filenames if (params().filename.empty()) return string(); string const orig_file = params().filename.availableFile().absFilename(); // this is for dryrun and display purposes, do not use latexFilename string const rel_file = params().filename.relFilename(buf.filePath()); // previewing source code, no file copying or file format conversion if (runparams.dryrun) return stripExtensionIfPossible(rel_file, runparams.nice); // temp_file will contain the file for LaTeX to act on if, for example, // we move it to a temp dir or uncompress it. FileName temp_file = params().filename.availableFile(); // The master buffer. This is useful when there are multiple levels // of include files Buffer const * masterBuffer = buf.masterBuffer(); // Return the output name if we are inside a comment or the file does // not exist. // We are not going to change the extension or using the name of the // temporary file, the code is already complicated enough. if (runparams.inComment || !params().filename.isReadableFile()) return params().filename.outputFilename(masterBuffer->filePath()); // We place all temporary files in the master buffer's temp dir. // This is possible because we use mangled file names. // This is necessary for DVI export. string const temp_path = masterBuffer->temppath(); GraphicsCopyStatus status; boost::tie(status, temp_file) = copyToDirIfNeeded(params().filename.availableFile(), temp_path); if (status == FAILURE) return orig_file; // a relative filename should be relative to the master buffer. // "nice" means that the buffer is exported to LaTeX format but not // run through the LaTeX compiler. string output_file = runparams.nice ? params().filename.outputFilename(masterBuffer->filePath()) : onlyFilename(temp_file.absFilename()); if (runparams.nice && !isValidLaTeXFilename(output_file)) { frontend::Alert::warning(_("Invalid filename"), _("The following filename is likely to cause trouble " "when running the exported file through LaTeX: ") + from_utf8(output_file)); } FileName source_file = runparams.nice ? FileName(params().filename) : temp_file; string const tex_format = (runparams.flavor == OutputParams::LATEX) ? "latex" : "pdflatex"; // If the file is compressed and we have specified that it // should not be uncompressed, then just return its name and // let LaTeX do the rest! if (params().filename.isZipped()) { if (params().noUnzip) { // We don't know whether latex can actually handle // this file, but we can't check, because that would // mean to unzip the file and thereby making the // noUnzip parameter meaningless. LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tpass zipped file to LaTeX."); FileName const bb_orig_file = FileName(changeExtension(orig_file, "bb")); if (runparams.nice) { runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile(tex_format, bb_orig_file, changeExtension(output_file, "bb")); } else { // LaTeX needs the bounding box file in the // tmp dir FileName bb_file = FileName(changeExtension(temp_file.absFilename(), "bb")); boost::tie(status, bb_file) = copyFileIfNeeded(bb_orig_file, bb_file); if (status == FAILURE) return orig_file; runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile(tex_format, bb_file); } runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile(tex_format, source_file, output_file); runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile("dvi", source_file, output_file); // We can't strip the extension, because we don't know // the unzipped file format return latex_path(output_file, EXCLUDE_EXTENSION); } FileName const unzipped_temp_file = FileName(unzippedFileName(temp_file.absFilename())); output_file = unzippedFileName(output_file); source_file = FileName(unzippedFileName(source_file.absFilename())); if (compare_timestamps(unzipped_temp_file, temp_file) > 0) { // temp_file has been unzipped already and // orig_file has not changed in the meantime. temp_file = unzipped_temp_file; LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\twas already unzipped to " << temp_file); } else { // unzipped_temp_file does not exist or is too old temp_file = unzipFile(temp_file); LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tunzipped to " << temp_file); } } string const from = formats.getFormatFromFile(temp_file); if (from.empty()) LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tCould not get file format."); string const to = findTargetFormat(from, runparams); string const ext = formats.extension(to); LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\t we have: from " << from << " to " << to); // We're going to be running the exported buffer through the LaTeX // compiler, so must ensure that LaTeX can cope with the graphics // file format. LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tthe orig file is: " << orig_file); if (from == to) { if (!runparams.nice && getExtension(temp_file.absFilename()) != ext) { // The LaTeX compiler will not be able to determine // the file format from the extension, so we must // change it. FileName const new_file = FileName(changeExtension(temp_file.absFilename(), ext)); if (temp_file.moveTo(new_file)) { temp_file = new_file; output_file = changeExtension(output_file, ext); source_file = FileName(changeExtension(source_file.absFilename(), ext)); } else { LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "Could not rename file `" << temp_file << "' to `" << new_file << "'."); } } // The extension of temp_file might be != ext! runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile(tex_format, source_file, output_file); runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile("dvi", source_file, output_file); return stripExtensionIfPossible(output_file, to, runparams.nice); } FileName const to_file = FileName(changeExtension(temp_file.absFilename(), ext)); string const output_to_file = changeExtension(output_file, ext); // Do we need to perform the conversion? // Yes if to_file does not exist or if temp_file is newer than to_file if (compare_timestamps(temp_file, to_file) < 0) { // FIXME UNICODE LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, to_utf8(bformat(_("No conversion of %1$s is needed after all"), from_utf8(rel_file)))); runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile(tex_format, to_file, output_to_file); runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile("dvi", to_file, output_to_file); return stripExtensionIfPossible(output_to_file, runparams.nice); } LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS,"\tThe original file is " << orig_file << "\n" << "\tA copy has been made and convert is to be called with:\n" << "\tfile to convert = " << temp_file << '\n' << "\t from " << from << " to " << to); // FIXME (Abdel 12/08/06): Is there a need to show these errors? ErrorList el; if (theConverters().convert(&buf, temp_file, to_file, params().filename, from, to, el, Converters::try_default | Converters::try_cache)) { runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile(tex_format, to_file, output_to_file); runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile("dvi", to_file, output_to_file); } return stripExtensionIfPossible(output_to_file, runparams.nice); } int InsetGraphics::latex(Buffer const & buf, odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { // If there is no file specified or not existing, // just output a message about it in the latex output. LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "insetgraphics::latex: Filename = " << params().filename.absFilename()); bool const file_exists = !params().filename.empty() && params().filename.isReadableFile(); string const message = file_exists ? string() : string("bb = 0 0 200 100, draft, type=eps"); // if !message.empty() then there was no existing file // "filename" found. In this case LaTeX // draws only a rectangle with the above bb and the // not found filename in it. LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tMessage = \"" << message << '\"'); // These variables collect all the latex code that should be before and // after the actual includegraphics command. string before; string after; // Do we want subcaptions? if (params().subcaption) { if (runparams.moving_arg) before += "\\protect"; before += "\\subfigure[" + params().subcaptionText + "]{"; after = '}'; } if (runparams.moving_arg) before += "\\protect"; // We never use the starred form, we use the "clip" option instead. before += "\\includegraphics"; // Write the options if there are any. string const opts = createLatexOptions(); LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tOpts = " << opts); if (!opts.empty() && !message.empty()) before += ('[' + opts + ',' + message + ']'); else if (!opts.empty() || !message.empty()) before += ('[' + opts + message + ']'); LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tBefore = " << before << "\n\tafter = " << after); string latex_str = before + '{'; // Convert the file if necessary. // Remove the extension so LaTeX will use whatever is appropriate // (when there are several versions in different formats) latex_str += prepareFile(buf, runparams); latex_str += '}' + after; // FIXME UNICODE os << from_utf8(latex_str); LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "InsetGraphics::latex outputting:\n" << latex_str); // Return how many newlines we issued. return int(count(latex_str.begin(), latex_str.end(),'\n')); } int InsetGraphics::plaintext(Buffer const & buf, odocstream & os, OutputParams const &) const { // No graphics in ascii output. Possible to use gifscii to convert // images to ascii approximation. // 1. Convert file to ascii using gifscii // 2. Read ascii output file and add it to the output stream. // at least we send the filename // FIXME UNICODE // FIXME: We have no idea what the encoding of the filename is docstring const str = bformat(buf.B_("Graphics file: %1$s"), from_utf8(params().filename.absFilename())); os << '<' << str << '>'; return 2 + str.size(); } static int writeImageObject(char const * format, odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams, docstring const & graphic_label, docstring const & attributes) { if (runparams.flavor != OutputParams::XML) os << "" ; else os << " format=\"" << format << "\">" ; os << ""; if (runparams.flavor != OutputParams::XML) os << endl << "]]>" ; return runparams.flavor == OutputParams::XML ? 0 : 2; } // For explanation on inserting graphics into DocBook checkout: // http://en.tldp.org/LDP/LDP-Author-Guide/html/inserting-pictures.html // See also the docbook guide at http://www.docbook.org/ int InsetGraphics::docbook(Buffer const &, odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { // In DocBook v5.0, the graphic tag will be eliminated from DocBook, will // need to switch to MediaObject. However, for now this is sufficient and // easier to use. if (runparams.flavor == OutputParams::XML) runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile("docbook-xml", params().filename); else runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile("docbook", params().filename); os << ""; int r = 0; docstring attributes = createDocBookAttributes(); r += writeImageObject("png", os, runparams, graphic_label, attributes); r += writeImageObject("pdf", os, runparams, graphic_label, attributes); r += writeImageObject("eps", os, runparams, graphic_label, attributes); r += writeImageObject("bmp", os, runparams, graphic_label, attributes); os << ""; return r; } void InsetGraphics::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { // If we have no image, we should not require anything. if (params().filename.empty()) return; features.includeFile(graphic_label, removeExtension(params().filename.absFilename())); features.require("graphicx"); if (features.runparams().nice) { Buffer const * masterBuffer = features.buffer().masterBuffer(); string const rel_file = removeExtension(params().filename.relFilename(masterBuffer->filePath())); if (contains(rel_file, ".")) features.require("lyxdot"); } if (params().subcaption) features.require("subfigure"); } bool InsetGraphics::setParams(InsetGraphicsParams const & p) { // If nothing is changed, just return and say so. if (params() == p && !p.filename.empty()) return false; // Copy the new parameters. params_ = p; // Update the display using the new parameters. graphic_->update(params().as_grfxParams()); // We have changed data, report it. return true; } InsetGraphicsParams const & InsetGraphics::params() const { return params_; } void InsetGraphics::editGraphics(InsetGraphicsParams const & p, Buffer const & buffer) const { formats.edit(buffer, p.filename, formats.getFormatFromFile(p.filename)); } string const InsetGraphicsMailer::name_("graphics"); InsetGraphicsMailer::InsetGraphicsMailer(InsetGraphics & inset) : inset_(inset) {} string const InsetGraphicsMailer::inset2string(Buffer const & buffer) const { return params2string(inset_.params(), buffer); } void InsetGraphicsMailer::string2params(string const & in, Buffer const & buffer, InsetGraphicsParams & params) { params = InsetGraphicsParams(); if (in.empty()) return; istringstream data(in); Lexer lex(0,0); lex.setStream(data); string name; lex >> name; if (!lex || name != name_) return print_mailer_error("InsetGraphicsMailer", in, 1, name_); InsetGraphics inset; inset.readInsetGraphics(lex, buffer.filePath()); params = inset.params(); } string const InsetGraphicsMailer::params2string(InsetGraphicsParams const & params, Buffer const & buffer) { ostringstream data; data << name_ << ' '; params.Write(data, buffer); data << "\\end_inset\n"; return data.str(); } } // namespace lyx