// -*- C++ -*- /* * File: math_cursor.h * Purpose: Declaration of interaction classes for mathed * Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * Created: January 1996 * Description: MathCursor control all user interaction * * Dependencies: Xlib, XForms * * Copyright: 1996, Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * * You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of * the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later. */ #ifndef MATH_CURSOR #define MATH_CURSOR #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma interface #endif #include "math_inset.h" #include "math_iterator.h" #include "LString.h" class InsetFormulaBase; class BufferView; class MathPainterInfo; class MathUnknownInset; class Selection; /** [Have a look at math_inset.h first] The MathCursor is different from the kind of cursor used in the Outer World. It contains a stack of MathCursorPos, each of which is made up of a inset pointer, an index and a position offset, marking a path from this formula's MathHullInset to the current position. */ class MathCursor { public: /// short of anything else reasonable typedef MathInset::size_type size_type; /// type for cursor positions within a cell typedef MathInset::pos_type pos_type; /// type for cell indices typedef MathInset::idx_type idx_type; /// type for row numbers typedef MathInset::row_type row_type; /// type for column numbers typedef MathInset::col_type col_type; /// explicit MathCursor(InsetFormulaBase *, bool left); /// ~MathCursor(); /// void insert(MathAtom const &); /// void insert(MathArray const &); /// void paste(MathArray const &); /// void paste(MathGridInset const & data); /// void erase(); /// void backspace(); /// called for LFUN_HOME etc bool home(bool sel = false); /// called for LFUN_END etc bool end(bool sel = false); /// called for LFUN_RIGHT and LFUN_RIGHTSEL bool right(bool sel = false); /// called for LFUN_LEFT etc bool left(bool sel = false); /// called for LFUN_UP etc bool up(bool sel = false); /// called for LFUN_DOWN etc bool down(bool sel = false); /// Put the cursor in the first position void first(); /// Put the cursor in the last position void last(); /// move to next cell in current inset void idxNext(); /// move to previous cell in current inset void idxPrev(); /// void plainErase(); /// void plainInsert(MathAtom const &); /// void niceInsert(MathAtom const &); /// void delLine(); /// in pixels from top of screen void setPos(int x, int y); /// in pixels from top of screen void getPos(int & x, int & y); /// current inset MathInset * par() const; /// return the next enclosing grid inset and the cursor's index in it MathGridInset * enclosingGrid(idx_type & idx) const; /// return the next enclosing hull inset and the cursor's index in it MathHullInset * enclosingHull(idx_type & idx) const; /// go up to enclosing grid void popToEnclosingGrid(); /// go up to the hull inset void popToEnclosingHull(); /// InsetFormulaBase * formula() const; /// current offset in the current cell pos_type pos() const; /// current cell idx_type idx() const; /// size of current cell size_type size() const; /// bool script(bool); /// bool interpret(string const &); /// bool interpret(char); /// bool toggleLimits(); /// interpret name a name of a macro void macroModeClose(); /// are we currently typing the name of a macro? MathUnknownInset * inMacroMode() const; /// are we currently typing '#1' or '#2' or...? bool inMacroArgMode() const; /// are we in math mode (1), text mode (-1) or unsure? MathInset::mode_type currentMode() const; // Local selection methods /// bool selection() const; /// void selCopy(); /// void selCut(); /// void selDel(); /// void selPaste(); /// void selHandle(bool); /// void selStart(); /// void selClear(); /// clears or deletes selection depending on lyxrc setting void selClearOrDel(); /// void selGet(MathArray & ar); /// void drawSelection(MathPainterInfo & pain) const; /// void handleNest(MathAtom const & at); /// splits cells and shifts right part to the next cell void splitCell(); /// splits line and insert new row of cell void breakLine(); /// read contents of line into an array void readLine(MathArray & ar) const; /// remove this as soon as LyXFunc::getStatus is "localized" string getLastCode() const { return "mathnormal"; } /// bool isInside(MathInset const *) const; /// char valign() const; /// char halign() const; /// col_type hullCol() const; /// row_type hullRow() const; /// col_type gridCol() const; /// row_type gridRow() const; /// make sure cursor position is valid void normalize(); /// mark current cursor trace for redraw void touch(); /// UpdatableInset * asHyperActiveInset() const; /// enter a MathInset void push(MathAtom & par); /// enter a MathInset from the front void pushLeft(MathAtom & par); /// enter a MathInset from the back void pushRight(MathAtom & par); /// leave current MathInset to the left bool popLeft(); /// leave current MathInset to the left bool popRight(); /// MathArray & array() const; /// bool hasPrevAtom() const; /// bool hasNextAtom() const; /// MathAtom const & prevAtom() const; /// MathAtom & prevAtom(); /// MathAtom const & nextAtom() const; /// MathAtom & nextAtom(); /// returns the selection void getSelection(MathCursorPos &, MathCursorPos &) const; /// returns the normalized anchor of the selection MathCursorPos normalAnchor() const; /// reference to the last item of the path, i.e. "The Cursor" MathCursorPos & cursor(); /// reference to the last item of the path, i.e. "The Cursor" MathCursorPos const & cursor() const; /// how deep are we nested? unsigned depth() const; /// local dispatcher int dispatch(string const & cmd); /// describe the situation string info() const; /// dump selection information for debugging void seldump(char const * str) const; /// dump selection information for debugging void dump(char const * str) const; /// moves on void setSelection(MathIterator const & where, size_type n); /// void insert(char c); /// void insert(string const & str); /// lock/unlock inset void insetToggle(); /// hack for reveal codes void markInsert(); void markErase(); void handleExtern(string const & arg); /// friend class Selection; private: /// injects content of a cell into parent void pullArg(); /// moves cursor index one cell to the left bool idxLeft(); /// moves cursor index one cell to the right bool idxRight(); /// moves cursor to beginning first cell of current line bool idxLineFirst(); /// moves cursor to end of last cell of current line bool idxLineLast(); /// moves cursor position one cell to the left bool posLeft(); /// moves cursor position one cell to the right bool posRight(); /// moves position somehow up or down bool goUpDown(bool up); /// moves position into box bool bruteFind(int xo, int yo, int xlow, int xhigh, int ylow, int yhigh); /// are we in a nucleus of a script inset? bool inNucleus() const; /// grab grid marked by anchor and current cursor MathGridInset grabSelection() const; /// erase the selected part and re-sets the cursor void eraseSelection(); /// guess what MathGridInset grabAndEraseSelection(); /// string macroName() const; /// MathInset::difference_type macroNamePos() const; /// can we enter the inset? bool openable(MathAtom const &, bool selection) const; /// write access to cursor cell position pos_type & pos(); /// write access to cursor cell index idx_type & idx(); /// path of positions the cursor had to go if it were leaving each inset MathIterator Cursor_; /// path of positions the anchor had to go if it were leaving each inset mutable MathIterator Anchor_; /// pointer to enclsing LyX inset InsetFormulaBase * formula_; // Selection stuff /// text code of last char entered //MathTextCodes lastcode_; /// do we allow autocorrection bool autocorrect_; /// do we currently select bool selection_; /// are we entering a macro name? bool macromode_; /// are we targeting a certain x coordinate, if so, which one? int targetx_; }; extern MathCursor * mathcursor; void releaseMathCursor(BufferView * bv); #endif