echo off echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo - echo Usage build.bat devel/install/deploy STUDIO(optional) echo devel - Builds Visual Studio project files for development on LyX echo install - Builds Visual Studio project files with all enabled for installation echo deploy - Builds Makefiles and installs LyX echo STUDIO - Used Visual Studio version, default is "Visual Studio 10" echo use "Visual Studio 9 2008" for Visual Studio 9 echo echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo - echo Call this script from a build directory or set variables (or edit this file) echo LYX_SOURCE echo LXY_BUILD echo echo Be sure you've set qmake in PATH. echo - echo GNUWin32 will be downloaded if you don't set the variable GNUWIN32_DIR echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo - echo - if [%1]==[] ( echo ERROR: no options. echo Exiting now. goto :eof ) else ( echo hello ) REM Add path to qmake here or set PATH correctly on your system. set PATH=D:\Qt\bin;%PATH% REM Edit pathes here or set the environment variables on you system. set GNUWIN32_DIR=D:\LyXSVN\lyx-devel\lyx-windows-deps-msvc2010 set LYX_SOURCE=D:\LyXSVN\lyx-devel set LYX_BUILD=D:\LyXSVN\lyx-devel\compile-result if [%LYX_SOURCE%]==[] ( set LYX_SOURCE=%~DP0\..\.. ) echo LyX source: "%LYX_SOURCE%" if [%LYX_BUILD%]==[] ( set LYX_BUILD=%CD% ) echo LyX build : "%LYX_BUILD%" if [%GNUWIN32_DIR%]==[] ( echo GNUWIN32_DIR not set. echo Downloading win32 deps. set DEPENDENCIES_DOWNLOAD="-DLYX_DEPENDENCIES_DOWNLOAD=1" ) else ( echo LyX deps : "%GNUWIN32_DIR%" set PATH=%GNUWIN32_DIR%\bin;%PATH% ) if not exist %LYX_BUILD% ( echo creating "%LYX_BUILD%" mkdir "%LYX_BUILD%" if not exist %LYX_BUILD% ( echo Exiting script. goto :eof ) ) cd "%LYX_BUILD%" REM start with a new cmake run ::del CMakeCache.txt if [%2]==[] ( set USED_STUDIO="Visual Studio 10" ) else ( set USED_STUDIO=%2% ) if "%1%" == "devel" ( REM Build solution to develop LyX cmake %LYX_SOURCE% -G%USED_STUDIO% -DLYX_MERGE_FILES=0 -DLYX_NLS=1 %DEPENDENCIES_DOWNLOAD% msbuild lyx.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /t:LyX /t:text2lyx ) if "%1%" == "install" ( REM Build solution to develop LyX cmake %LYX_SOURCE% -G%USED_STUDIO% -DLYX_MERGE_FILES=1 -DLYX_INSTALL=1 %DEPENDENCIES_DOWNLOAD% -DLYX_CONSOLE=OFF msbuild lyx.sln /p:Configuration=Release /t:ALL_BUILD msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release ) REM Edit the path according to your system. cd "%LYX_SOURCE%\development\cmake" :eof