QBibitemDialogBase QDialog name QBibitemDialogBase geometry 0 0 197 134 caption Index margin 11 spacing 6 QLayoutWidget name Layout13 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name keyLA text &Key buddy keyED toolTip The citation key QLineEdit name keyED sizePolicy 7 0 toolTip The citation key QLayoutWidget name Layout14 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name labelLA text &Label buddy labelED toolTip The label as it appears in the document QLineEdit name labelED sizePolicy 7 0 toolTip The label as it appears in the document QLayoutWidget name Layout10 margin 0 spacing 6 name Spacer1 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QPushButton name okPB text &OK default true QPushButton name closePB text &Close keyED textChanged(const QString&) QBibitemDialogBase change_adaptor() labelED textChanged(const QString&) QBibitemDialogBase change_adaptor() change_adaptor()