QThesaurusDialogBase QDialog name QThesaurusDialogBase geometry 0 0 490 442 caption Thesaurus margin 11 spacing 6 QLayoutWidget name Layout4 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name entryLA text &Keyword buddy entryED toolTip Index entry QLineEdit name entryED toolTip Entry name Spacer2 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QTabWidget name TabWidget2 QWidget name tab title &Nouns margin 11 spacing 6 QListBox name nounsLB columnMode FitToHeight toolTip Matching nouns QWidget name tab title &Verbs margin 11 spacing 6 QListBox text New Item name verbsLB columnMode FitToHeight QWidget name tab title &Adjectives margin 11 spacing 6 QListBox text New Item name adjectivesLB columnMode FitToHeight QWidget name tab title A&dverbs margin 11 spacing 6 QListBox text New Item name adverbsLB columnMode FitToHeight QWidget name tab title &Other margin 11 spacing 6 QListBox text New Item name otherLB columnMode FitToHeight QLayoutWidget name Layout5 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name selectionLA text &Selection buddy selectionED toolTip The selected entry QLineEdit name replaceED toolTip The selected entry QPushButton name replacePB text &Replace toolTip Replace the entry with the selection QLayoutWidget name Layout27 margin 0 spacing 6 name Spacer3 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QPushButton name closePB text &Close replaceED returnPressed() QThesaurusDialogBase replaceClicked() replaceED textChanged(const QString&) QThesaurusDialogBase change_adaptor() nounsLB selected(const QString&) QThesaurusDialogBase selectionChanged(const QString &) verbsLB selected(const QString&) QThesaurusDialogBase selectionChanged(const QString &) adjectivesLB selected(const QString&) QThesaurusDialogBase selectionChanged(const QString &) adverbsLB selected(const QString&) QThesaurusDialogBase selectionChanged(const QString &) otherLB selected(const QString&) QThesaurusDialogBase selectionChanged(const QString &) entryED returnPressed() QThesaurusDialogBase entryChanged() replacePB clicked() QThesaurusDialogBase replaceClicked() change_adaptor() entryChanged() replaceClicked() selectionChanged(const QString &) TabWidget2 entryED nounsLB verbsLB adjectivesLB adverbsLB otherLB replaceED replacePB closePB