#\DeclareLyXModule[enumitem.sty]{Customisable Lists (enumitem)} #DescriptionBegin # Controls the layout of enumerate, itemize, description, and list/labeling. # See section Customized Lists of the User's Guide for a detailed description. #DescriptionEnd # Author: Günter Milde <milde@users.berlios.de> # # 2008-12-04 first published version. # 2009-02-02 use name Labeling for "LyX-List/Labeling" list type, # copy standard layout verbatim for failsave working with # both KOMA and non-KOMA document classes. # 2011-01-12 bugfix: set elabeling label font to \normalfont. Format 49 # The package enumitem provides user control over the layout of the three # basic list environments: enumerate, itemize and description. It supersedes # both enumerate and mdwlist (providing well-structured replacements for all # their funtionality), and in addition provides functions to compute the # layout of labels, and to ‘clone’ the standard environments, to create new # environments with counters of their own. # # - fancy labels and fancy refs, # - leftmargin, labelsep and labelwidth automatically set, # - changes applied globally or only in one of the three # types or even in a single list (including topsep), # - several description styles (which fix some bad spacing, too), # - starting value and counter resuming, # - trivlists properly formatted, # - control on page breaking # # Styling the basic lists is possible # # a) generally in the LaTeX preamble and # b) per environment with optional arguments # # See enumitem.pdf_ for details and examples. # # TODO: since version 2.0, enumitem supports "cloning" of lists. # Producing a labeling as clone of a description allows # Preamble-Styling specific to this list type. AddToPreamble \usepackage{enumitem} % customizable list environments \newlength{\lyxlabelwidth} % auxiliary length EndPreamble # Customisable Basic Lists # ------------------------ # With enumitem, the three standard list environments take an optional # argument. See enumitem.pdf for possible values. IfStyle Itemize Argument 1 LabelString "Itemize Options" Tooltip "Optional arguments for this list (see enumitem manual)" EndArgument End IfStyle Enumerate Argument 1 LabelString "Enumerate Options" Tooltip "Optional arguments for this list (see enumitem manual)" EndArgument End IfStyle Description Argument 1 LabelString "Description Options" Tooltip "Optional arguments for this list (see enumitem manual)" EndArgument End # Customisable LyX List # --------------------- Input stdlyxlist.inc Style Labeling Category List LatexName elabeling # FIXME This should probably be defined using \newlist instead Preamble % labeling-like list based on enumitem's description list with % mandatory second argument (label-pattern): \newenvironment{elabeling}[2][]% {\settowidth{\lyxlabelwidth}{#2} \begin{description}[font=\normalfont,style=sameline, leftmargin=\lyxlabelwidth,#1]} {\end{description}} EndPreamble End # List Variants # ------------- # # Styles with pre-defined optional arguments for ease of use Style Enumerate-Resume CopyStyle Enumerate Argument 1 LabelString "Enumerate Options" Tooltip "Optional arguments for this list (see enumitem manual)" PresetArg "resume" EndArgument # a blue label to indicate that this is not a WYSIWYG label # because the numbering differs in the output LabelFont Color blue EndFont End # References # ---------- # # .. _enumitem.pdf: # http://dante.ctan.org/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem/enumitem.pdf