/** * \file InsetText.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Jürgen Vigna * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "InsetText.h" #include "insets/InsetOptArg.h" #include "buffer_funcs.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "CompletionList.h" #include "CoordCache.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "CutAndPaste.h" #include "DispatchResult.h" #include "ErrorList.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "FuncStatus.h" #include "InsetCaption.h" #include "InsetList.h" #include "Intl.h" #include "Language.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "Lexer.h" #include "lyxfind.h" #include "LyXRC.h" #include "MetricsInfo.h" #include "output_docbook.h" #include "output_latex.h" #include "output_xhtml.h" #include "OutputParams.h" #include "output_plaintext.h" #include "Paragraph.h" #include "ParagraphParameters.h" #include "ParIterator.h" #include "Row.h" #include "sgml.h" #include "TexRow.h" #include "TextClass.h" #include "Text.h" #include "TextMetrics.h" #include "TocBackend.h" #include "frontends/alert.h" #include "frontends/Painter.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include #include "support/lassert.h" using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; using boost::bind; using boost::ref; namespace lyx { using graphics::PreviewLoader; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// InsetText::InsetText(Buffer * buf, UsePlain type) : Inset(buf), drawFrame_(false), frame_color_(Color_insetframe), text_(this, type == DefaultLayout) { } InsetText::InsetText(InsetText const & in) : Inset(in), text_(this, in.text_) { drawFrame_ = in.drawFrame_; frame_color_ = in.frame_color_; } void InsetText::setBuffer(Buffer & buf) { ParagraphList::iterator end = paragraphs().end(); for (ParagraphList::iterator it = paragraphs().begin(); it != end; ++it) it->setBuffer(buf); Inset::setBuffer(buf); } void InsetText::clear() { ParagraphList & pars = paragraphs(); LASSERT(!pars.empty(), /**/); // This is a gross hack... Layout const & old_layout = pars.begin()->layout(); pars.clear(); pars.push_back(Paragraph()); pars.begin()->setInsetOwner(this); pars.begin()->setLayout(old_layout); } Dimension const InsetText::dimension(BufferView const & bv) const { TextMetrics const & tm = bv.textMetrics(&text_); Dimension dim = tm.dimension(); dim.wid += 2 * TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; dim.des += TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; dim.asc += TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; return dim; } void InsetText::write(ostream & os) const { os << "Text\n"; text_.write(os); } void InsetText::read(Lexer & lex) { clear(); // delete the initial paragraph Paragraph oldpar = *paragraphs().begin(); paragraphs().clear(); ErrorList errorList; lex.setContext("InsetText::read"); bool res = text_.read(lex, errorList, this); if (!res) lex.printError("Missing \\end_inset at this point. "); // sanity check // ensure we have at least one paragraph. if (paragraphs().empty()) paragraphs().push_back(oldpar); // Force default font, if so requested // This avoids paragraphs in buffer language that would have a // foreign language after a document language change, and it ensures // that all new text in ERT and similar gets the "latex" language, // since new text inherits the language from the last position of the // existing text. As a side effect this makes us also robust against // bugs in LyX that might lead to font changes in ERT in .lyx files. fixParagraphsFont(); } void InsetText::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const { TextMetrics & tm = mi.base.bv->textMetrics(&text_); //lyxerr << "InsetText::metrics: width: " << mi.base.textwidth << endl; // Hand font through to contained lyxtext: tm.font_.fontInfo() = mi.base.font; mi.base.textwidth -= 2 * TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; // This can happen when a layout has a left and right margin, // and the view is made very narrow. We can't do better than // to draw it partly out of view (bug 5890). if (mi.base.textwidth < 1) mi.base.textwidth = 1; if (hasFixedWidth()) tm.metrics(mi, dim, mi.base.textwidth); else tm.metrics(mi, dim); mi.base.textwidth += 2 * TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; dim.asc += TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; dim.des += TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; dim.wid += 2 * TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; } void InsetText::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { TextMetrics & tm = pi.base.bv->textMetrics(&text_); if (drawFrame_ || pi.full_repaint) { int const w = tm.width() + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; int const yframe = y - TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET - tm.ascent(); int const h = tm.height() + 2 * TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; int const xframe = x + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET / 2; if (pi.full_repaint) pi.pain.fillRectangle(xframe, yframe, w, h, pi.backgroundColor(this)); if (drawFrame_) pi.pain.rectangle(xframe, yframe, w, h, frameColor()); } ColorCode const old_color = pi.background_color; pi.background_color = pi.backgroundColor(this, false); tm.draw(pi, x + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET, y); pi.background_color = old_color; } void InsetText::edit(Cursor & cur, bool front, EntryDirection entry_from) { pit_type const pit = front ? 0 : paragraphs().size() - 1; pos_type pos = front ? 0 : paragraphs().back().size(); // if visual information is not to be ignored, move to extreme right/left if (entry_from != ENTRY_DIRECTION_IGNORE) { Cursor temp_cur = cur; temp_cur.pit() = pit; temp_cur.pos() = pos; temp_cur.posVisToRowExtremity(entry_from == ENTRY_DIRECTION_LEFT); pos = temp_cur.pos(); } text_.setCursor(cur.top(), pit, pos); cur.clearSelection(); cur.finishUndo(); } Inset * InsetText::editXY(Cursor & cur, int x, int y) { return cur.bv().textMetrics(&text_).editXY(cur, x, y); } void InsetText::doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { LYXERR(Debug::ACTION, "InsetText::doDispatch()" << " [ cmd.action = " << cmd.action << ']'); if (getLayout().isPassThru()) { // Force any new text to latex_language FIXME: This // should only be necessary in constructor, but new // paragraphs that are created by pressing enter at // the start of an existing paragraph get the buffer // language and not latex_language, so we take this // brute force approach. cur.current_font.setLanguage(latex_language); cur.real_current_font.setLanguage(latex_language); } switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_PASTE: case LFUN_CLIPBOARD_PASTE: case LFUN_SELECTION_PASTE: case LFUN_PRIMARY_SELECTION_PASTE: text_.dispatch(cur, cmd); // If we we can only store plain text, we must reset all // attributes. // FIXME: Change only the pasted paragraphs fixParagraphsFont(); break; case LFUN_INSET_DISSOLVE: { bool const main_inset = &buffer().inset() == this; bool const target_inset = cmd.argument().empty() || cmd.getArg(0) == insetName(lyxCode()); bool const one_cell = nargs() == 1; if (!main_inset && target_inset && one_cell) { // Text::dissolveInset assumes that the cursor // is inside the Inset. if (&cur.inset() != this) cur.pushBackward(*this); cur.beginUndoGroup(); text_.dispatch(cur, cmd); cur.endUndoGroup(); } else cur.undispatched(); break; } default: text_.dispatch(cur, cmd); } if (!cur.result().dispatched()) Inset::doDispatch(cur, cmd); } bool InsetText::getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd, FuncStatus & status) const { switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_LAYOUT: status.setEnabled(!forcePlainLayout()); return true; case LFUN_LAYOUT_PARAGRAPH: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_PARAMS: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_PARAMS_APPLY: case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_UPDATE: status.setEnabled(allowParagraphCustomization()); return true; case LFUN_INSET_DISSOLVE: { bool const main_inset = &buffer().inset() == this; bool const target_inset = cmd.argument().empty() || cmd.getArg(0) == insetName(lyxCode()); bool const one_cell = nargs() == 1; if (target_inset) status.setEnabled(!main_inset && one_cell); return target_inset; } default: // Dispatch only to text_ if the cursor is inside // the text_. It is not for context menus (bug 5797). bool ret = false; if (cur.text() == &text_) ret = text_.getStatus(cur, cmd, status); if (!ret) ret = Inset::getStatus(cur, cmd, status); return ret; } } void InsetText::fixParagraphsFont() { if (!getLayout().isPassThru()) return; Font font(inherit_font, buffer().params().language); font.setLanguage(latex_language); ParagraphList::iterator par = paragraphs().begin(); ParagraphList::iterator const end = paragraphs().end(); while (par != end) { par->resetFonts(font); par->params().clear(); ++par; } } void InsetText::setChange(Change const & change) { ParagraphList::iterator pit = paragraphs().begin(); ParagraphList::iterator end = paragraphs().end(); for (; pit != end; ++pit) { pit->setChange(change); } } void InsetText::acceptChanges() { text_.acceptChanges(); } void InsetText::rejectChanges() { text_.rejectChanges(); } void InsetText::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { features.useInsetLayout(getLayout()); for_each(paragraphs().begin(), paragraphs().end(), bind(&Paragraph::validate, _1, ref(features))); } int InsetText::latex(odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { // This implements the standard way of handling the LaTeX // output of a text inset, either a command or an // environment. Standard collapsable insets should not // redefine this, non-standard ones may call this. InsetLayout const & il = getLayout(); int rows = 0; if (!il.latexname().empty()) { if (il.latextype() == InsetLayout::COMMAND) { // FIXME UNICODE if (runparams.moving_arg) os << "\\protect"; os << '\\' << from_utf8(il.latexname()); if (!il.latexparam().empty()) os << from_utf8(il.latexparam()); os << '{'; } else if (il.latextype() == InsetLayout::ENVIRONMENT) { os << "%\n\\begin{" << from_utf8(il.latexname()) << "}\n"; if (!il.latexparam().empty()) os << from_utf8(il.latexparam()); rows += 2; } } OutputParams rp = runparams; if (il.isPassThru()) rp.verbatim = true; if (il.isNeedProtect()) rp.moving_arg = true; // Output the contents of the inset TexRow texrow; latexParagraphs(buffer(), text_, os, texrow, rp); rows += texrow.rows(); if (!il.latexname().empty()) { if (il.latextype() == InsetLayout::COMMAND) { os << "}"; } else if (il.latextype() == InsetLayout::ENVIRONMENT) { os << "\n\\end{" << from_utf8(il.latexname()) << "}\n"; rows += 2; } } return rows; } int InsetText::plaintext(odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { ParagraphList::const_iterator beg = paragraphs().begin(); ParagraphList::const_iterator end = paragraphs().end(); ParagraphList::const_iterator it = beg; bool ref_printed = false; int len = 0; for (; it != end; ++it) { if (it != beg) { os << '\n'; if (runparams.linelen > 0) os << '\n'; } odocstringstream oss; writePlaintextParagraph(buffer(), *it, oss, runparams, ref_printed); docstring const str = oss.str(); os << str; // FIXME: len is not computed fully correctly; in principle, // we have to count the characters after the last '\n' len = str.size(); } return len; } int InsetText::docbook(odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { ParagraphList::const_iterator const beg = paragraphs().begin(); if (!undefined()) sgml::openTag(os, getLayout().latexname(), beg->getID(buffer(), runparams) + getLayout().latexparam()); docbookParagraphs(text_, buffer(), os, runparams); if (!undefined()) sgml::closeTag(os, getLayout().latexname()); return 0; } docstring InsetText::xhtml(XHTMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & runparams) const { return insetAsXHTML(xs, runparams, WriteEverything); } // FIXME XHTML // There are cases where we may need to close open fonts and such // and then re-open them when we are done. This would be the case, e.g., // if we were otherwise about to write: // word
footnote text.
// The problem isn't so much that the footnote text will get emphasized: // we can handle that with CSS. The problem is that this is invalid XHTML. // One solution would be to make the footnote , but the problem is // completely general, and so we'd have to make absolutely everything into // span. What I think will work is to check if we're about to write "div" and, // if so, try to close fonts, etc. // There are probably limits to how well we can do here, though, and we will // have to rely upon users not putting footnotes inside noun-type insets. docstring InsetText::insetAsXHTML(XHTMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & runparams, XHTMLOptions opts) const { if (undefined()) { xhtmlParagraphs(text_, buffer(), xs, runparams); return docstring(); } InsetLayout const & il = getLayout(); if (opts & WriteOuterTag) xs << html::StartTag(il.htmltag(), il.htmlattr()); if ((opts & WriteLabel) && !il.counter().empty()) { BufferParams const & bp = buffer().masterBuffer()->params(); Counters & cntrs = bp.documentClass().counters(); cntrs.step(il.counter()); // FIXME: translate to paragraph language if (!il.htmllabel().empty()) { docstring const lbl = cntrs.counterLabel(from_utf8(il.htmllabel()), bp.language->code()); // FIXME is this check necessary? if (!lbl.empty()) { xs << html::StartTag(il.htmllabeltag(), il.htmllabelattr()); xs << lbl; xs << html::EndTag(il.htmllabeltag()); } } } if (opts & WriteInnerTag) xs << html::StartTag(il.htmlinnertag(), il.htmlinnerattr()); OutputParams ours = runparams; if (!il.isMultiPar() || opts == JustText) ours.html_make_pars = false; xhtmlParagraphs(text_, buffer(), xs, ours); if (opts & WriteInnerTag) xs << html::EndTag(il.htmlinnertag()); if (opts & WriteOuterTag) xs << html::EndTag(il.htmltag()); return docstring(); } void InsetText::cursorPos(BufferView const & bv, CursorSlice const & sl, bool boundary, int & x, int & y) const { x = bv.textMetrics(&text_).cursorX(sl, boundary) + TEXT_TO_INSET_OFFSET; y = bv.textMetrics(&text_).cursorY(sl, boundary); } bool InsetText::showInsetDialog(BufferView *) const { return false; } void InsetText::setText(docstring const & data, Font const & font, bool trackChanges) { clear(); Paragraph & first = paragraphs().front(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.length(); ++i) first.insertChar(i, data[i], font, trackChanges); } void InsetText::setAutoBreakRows(bool flag) { if (flag == text_.autoBreakRows_) return; text_.autoBreakRows_ = flag; if (flag) return; // remove previously existing newlines ParagraphList::iterator it = paragraphs().begin(); ParagraphList::iterator end = paragraphs().end(); for (; it != end; ++it) for (int i = 0; i < it->size(); ++i) if (it->isNewline(i)) // do not track the change, because the user // is not allowed to revert/reject it it->eraseChar(i, false); } void InsetText::setDrawFrame(bool flag) { drawFrame_ = flag; } ColorCode InsetText::frameColor() const { return frame_color_; } void InsetText::setFrameColor(ColorCode col) { frame_color_ = col; } void InsetText::appendParagraphs(ParagraphList & plist) { // There is little we can do here to keep track of changes. // As of 2006/10/20, appendParagraphs is used exclusively by // LyXTabular::setMultiColumn. In this context, the paragraph break // is lost irreversibly and the appended text doesn't really change ParagraphList & pl = paragraphs(); ParagraphList::iterator pit = plist.begin(); ParagraphList::iterator ins = pl.insert(pl.end(), *pit); ++pit; mergeParagraph(buffer().params(), pl, distance(pl.begin(), ins) - 1); for_each(pit, plist.end(), bind(&ParagraphList::push_back, ref(pl), _1)); } void InsetText::addPreview(DocIterator const & text_inset_pos, PreviewLoader & loader) const { ParagraphList::const_iterator pit = paragraphs().begin(); ParagraphList::const_iterator pend = paragraphs().end(); int pidx = 0; DocIterator inset_pos = text_inset_pos; inset_pos.push_back(CursorSlice(*const_cast(this))); for (; pit != pend; ++pit, ++pidx) { InsetList::const_iterator it = pit->insetList().begin(); InsetList::const_iterator end = pit->insetList().end(); inset_pos.pit() = pidx; for (; it != end; ++it) { inset_pos.pos() = it->pos; it->inset->addPreview(inset_pos, loader); } } } ParagraphList const & InsetText::paragraphs() const { return text_.paragraphs(); } ParagraphList & InsetText::paragraphs() { return text_.paragraphs(); } void InsetText::updateLabels(ParIterator const & it, bool out) { ParIterator it2 = it; it2.forwardPos(); LASSERT(&it2.inset() == this && it2.pit() == 0, return); if (producesOutput()) buffer().updateLabels(it2, out); else { DocumentClass const & tclass = buffer().masterBuffer()->params().documentClass(); Counters const savecnt = tclass.counters(); buffer().updateLabels(it2, out); tclass.counters() = savecnt; } } void InsetText::tocString(odocstream & os) const { if (!getLayout().isInToc()) return; os << text().asString(0, 1, AS_STR_LABEL | AS_STR_INSETS); } void InsetText::addToToc(DocIterator const & cdit) { DocIterator dit = cdit; dit.push_back(CursorSlice(*this)); Toc & toc = buffer().tocBackend().toc("tableofcontents"); BufferParams const & bufparams = buffer_->params(); const int min_toclevel = bufparams.documentClass().min_toclevel(); // For each paragraph, traverse its insets and let them add // their toc items ParagraphList & pars = paragraphs(); pit_type pend = paragraphs().size(); for (pit_type pit = 0; pit != pend; ++pit) { Paragraph const & par = pars[pit]; dit.pit() = pit; // the string that goes to the toc (could be the optarg) docstring tocstring; InsetList::const_iterator it = par.insetList().begin(); InsetList::const_iterator end = par.insetList().end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { Inset & inset = *it->inset; dit.pos() = it->pos; //lyxerr << (void*)&inset << " code: " << inset.lyxCode() << std::endl; inset.addToToc(dit); switch (inset.lyxCode()) { case OPTARG_CODE: { if (!tocstring.empty()) break; dit.pos() = 0; Paragraph const & insetpar = *static_cast(inset).paragraphs().begin(); if (!par.labelString().empty()) tocstring = par.labelString() + ' '; tocstring += insetpar.asString(AS_STR_INSETS); break; } default: break; } } // now the toc entry for the paragraph int const toclevel = par.layout().toclevel; if (toclevel != Layout::NOT_IN_TOC && toclevel >= min_toclevel) { dit.pos() = 0; // insert this into the table of contents if (tocstring.empty()) tocstring = par.asString(AS_STR_LABEL | AS_STR_INSETS); toc.push_back(TocItem(dit, toclevel - min_toclevel, tocstring)); } // And now the list of changes. par.addChangesToToc(dit, buffer()); } } bool InsetText::notifyCursorLeaves(Cursor const & old, Cursor & cur) { if (buffer().isClean()) return Inset::notifyCursorLeaves(old, cur); // find text inset in old cursor Cursor insetCur = old; int scriptSlice = insetCur.find(this); LASSERT(scriptSlice != -1, /**/); insetCur.cutOff(scriptSlice); LASSERT(&insetCur.inset() == this, /**/); // update the old paragraph's words insetCur.paragraph().updateWords(); return Inset::notifyCursorLeaves(old, cur); } bool InsetText::completionSupported(Cursor const & cur) const { //LASSERT(&cur.bv().cursor().inset() != this, return false); return text_.completionSupported(cur); } bool InsetText::inlineCompletionSupported(Cursor const & cur) const { return completionSupported(cur); } bool InsetText::automaticInlineCompletion() const { return lyxrc.completion_inline_text; } bool InsetText::automaticPopupCompletion() const { return lyxrc.completion_popup_text; } bool InsetText::showCompletionCursor() const { return lyxrc.completion_cursor_text; } CompletionList const * InsetText::createCompletionList(Cursor const & cur) const { return completionSupported(cur) ? text_.createCompletionList(cur) : 0; } docstring InsetText::completionPrefix(Cursor const & cur) const { if (!completionSupported(cur)) return docstring(); return text_.completionPrefix(cur); } bool InsetText::insertCompletion(Cursor & cur, docstring const & s, bool finished) { if (!completionSupported(cur)) return false; return text_.insertCompletion(cur, s, finished); } void InsetText::completionPosAndDim(Cursor const & cur, int & x, int & y, Dimension & dim) const { TextMetrics const & tm = cur.bv().textMetrics(&text_); tm.completionPosAndDim(cur, x, y, dim); } docstring InsetText::contextMenu(BufferView const &, int, int) const { return from_ascii("context-edit"); } InsetCaption const * InsetText::getCaptionInset() const { ParagraphList::const_iterator pit = paragraphs().begin(); for (; pit != paragraphs().end(); ++pit) { InsetList::const_iterator it = pit->insetList().begin(); for (; it != pit->insetList().end(); ++it) { Inset & inset = *it->inset; if (inset.lyxCode() == CAPTION_CODE) { InsetCaption const * ins = static_cast(it->inset); return ins; } } } return 0; } docstring InsetText::getCaptionText(OutputParams const & runparams) const { InsetCaption const * ins = getCaptionInset(); if (ins == 0) return docstring(); odocstringstream ods; ins->getCaptionAsPlaintext(ods, runparams); return ods.str(); } docstring InsetText::getCaptionHTML(OutputParams const & runparams) const { InsetCaption const * ins = getCaptionInset(); if (ins == 0) return docstring(); odocstringstream ods; XHTMLStream xs(ods); docstring def = ins->getCaptionAsHTML(xs, runparams); if (!def.empty()) // should already have been escaped xs << XHTMLStream::NextRaw() << def << '\n'; return ods.str(); } InsetText::XHTMLOptions operator|(InsetText::XHTMLOptions a1, InsetText::XHTMLOptions a2) { return static_cast((int)a1 | (int)a2); } } // namespace lyx