/* install.nsh Installation of program files, dictionaries and external components */ #-------------------------------- # Program files Var PythonCompileFile Var PythonCompileReturn #Var DownloadResult Section -ProgramFiles SecProgramFiles # Install and register the core LyX files # The macros are defined in filelists.nsh # the parameters are COMMAND DIRECTORY that form command '${COMMAND} "${DIRECTORY}files" # Initializes the plug-ins dir ($PLUGINSDIR) if not already initialized. # $PLUGINSDIR is automatically deleted when the installer exits. InitPluginsDir # Binaries SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" !insertmacro FileListLyXBin File "${FILES_LYX}\bin\" !insertmacro FileListQtBin File "${FILES_QT}\bin\" !insertmacro FileListDll File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\" !insertmacro FileListMSVC File "${FILES_MSVC}\" !insertmacro FileListNetpbmBin File "${FILES_NETPBM}\" !insertmacro FileListDTLBin File "${FILES_DTL}\" !insertmacro FileListDvipostBin File "${FILES_DVIPOST}\" !insertmacro FileListPDFViewBin File "${FILES_PDFVIEW}\" !insertmacro FileListPDFToolsBin File "${FILES_PDFTOOLS}\" !insertmacro FileListMetaFile2EPS File "${FILES_METAFILE2EPS}\" # Resources SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" # recursively copy all files under Resources File /r "${FILES_LYX}\Resources" # Python SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" # recursively copy all files under Python File /r "${FILES_PYTHON}" # add MSVC runtimes #SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\python" #!insertmacro FileListMSVC File "${FILES_MSVC}\" # Compile all Pyton files to byte-code # The user using the scripts may not have write access FileOpen $PythonCompileFile "$INSTDIR\compilepy.py" w FileWrite $PythonCompileFile "import compileall$\r$\n" FileWrite $PythonCompileFile "compileall.compile_dir('$INSTDIR\python\Lib')$\r$\n" FileWrite $PythonCompileFile "compileall.compile_dir('$INSTDIR\Resources')$\r$\n" FileClose $PythonCompileFile DetailPrint $(TEXT_CONFIGURE_PYTHON) nsExec::ExecToLog '"$INSTDIR\python\python.exe" "$INSTDIR\compilepy.py"' Pop $PythonCompileReturn # Return value Delete "$INSTDIR\compilepy.py" # Components of ImageMagick SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\imagemagick" File /r "${FILES_IMAGEMAGICK}\" !insertmacro FileListMSVC File "${FILES_MSVC}\" # register ImageMagick WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications" "AutoRun" "$INSTDIR\imagemagick\convert.exe $$" WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "BinPath" "$INSTDIR\imagemagick" WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "CoderModulesPath" "$INSTDIR\imagemagick\modules\coders" WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "ConfigurePath" "$INSTDIR\imagemagick\config" WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "FilterModulesPath" "$INSTDIR\imagemagick\modules\filters" WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "LibPath" "$INSTDIR\imagemagick" WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "BinPath" "$INSTDIR\imagemagick" WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "CoderModulesPath" "$INSTDIR\imagemagick\modules\coders" WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "ConfigurePath" "$INSTDIR\imagemagick\config" WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "FilterModulesPath" "$INSTDIR\imagemagick\modules\filters" WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "LibPath" "$INSTDIR\imagemagick" WriteRegDWORD SHCTX "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "QuantumDepth" 0x00000010 WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "Version" "${ImageMagickVersion}" # Components of Ghostscript ${if} $GhostscriptPath == "" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\ghostscript" File /r "${FILES_GHOSTSCRIPT}\" !insertmacro FileListMSVC File "${FILES_MSVC}\" StrCpy $GhostscriptPath "$INSTDIR\ghostscript\bin" ${endif} !if ${SETUPTYPE} == BUNDLE # extract the Jabref and MiKTeX installer File /r "${FILES_LYX}\external" # install MiKTeX if not already installed Call InstallMiKTeX # function from LaTeX.nsh # install JabRef if not already installed and the user selected it # if no BibTeX editor is installed ${if} $PathBibTeXEditor == "" ${if} $InstallJabRef == "true" # launch installer MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "$(JabRefInfo)" ExecWait "$INSTDIR\${JabRefInstall}" # test if JabRef is now installed StrCpy $PathBibTeXEditor "" ReadRegStr $PathBibTeXEditor HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\JabRef ${JabRefVersion}" "UninstallString" ${if} $PathBibTeXEditor == "" MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(JabRefError)" ${else} WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\JabRef ${JabRefVersion}" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes${APP_SERIES_KEY}" # special entry to tell the uninstaller that it was installed with LyX ${endif} ${endif} ${endif} !endif # end if BUNDLE # install eLyXer as Python module ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\python\python.exe" "$INSTDIR\python\setup.py" install' # install the LaTeX class files that are delivered with LyX # and enable MiKTeX's automatic package installation ${if} $LaTeXInstalled == "MiKTeX" Call ConfigureMiKTeX # Function from LaTeX.nsh ${endif} # Create uninstaller WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\${SETUP_UNINSTALLER}" SectionEnd #-------------------------------- # Support code for file downloads !macro DOWNLOAD_FILE RET ID FILENAME APPEND # Downloads a file # RET = Return value (OK if succesful) # ID = Name of the download in settings.nsh # FILENAME = Location to store file # APPEND = Filename to append to server location in settings.nsh # Try first time NSISdl::download "${DOWNLOAD_${ID}}${APPEND}" "$PLUGINSDIR\${FILENAME}" Pop ${RET} # Return value (OK if succesful) ${If} ${RET} != "OK" # Download failed, try again (usally we get a different mirror) NSISdl::download "${DOWNLOAD_${ID}}${APPEND}" "$PLUGINSDIR\${FILENAME}" Pop ${RET} ${EndIf} !macroend #-------------------------------- # Extenral components #Var PathAllUsers #Var PathCurrentUser !macro EXTERNAL COMPONENT # Download/Install the component ${If} $Setup${COMPONENT} == ${TRUE} StrCpy $Path${COMPONENT} "" ;A new one will be installed !ifndef BUNDLESETUP_${COMPONENT} !insertmacro EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD ${COMPONENT} !else !insertmacro EXTERNAL_INSTALL ${COMPONENT} !endif ${EndIf} !macroend !macro EXTERNAL_RUNINSTALLER COMPONENT # Run the installer application of the component that does the actual installation. install_${COMPONENT}: ExecWait '"$PLUGINSDIR\${COMPONENT}Setup.exe"' # Updates the path environment variable of the installer process to the latest system value # ReadRegStr $PathAllUsers HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" Path # ReadRegStr $PathCurrentUser HKCU "Environment" Path # System::Call 'kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("Path", "$PathAllUsers;$PathCurrentUser").' Call Search${COMPONENT} ${If} $Path${COMPONENT} == "" MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION $(TEXT_NOTINSTALLED_${COMPONENT}) IDYES install_${COMPONENT} ${EndIf} Delete "$PLUGINSDIR\${COMPONENT}Setup.exe" !macroend !macro EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD COMPONENT download_${COMPONENT}: !insertmacro DOWNLOAD_FILE $DownloadResult "${COMPONENT}" "${COMPONENT}Setup.exe" "" ${If} $DownloadResult != "OK" # Download failed MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(TEXT_DOWNLOAD_FAILED_${COMPONENT}) ($DownloadResult)" IDYES download_${COMPONENT} Goto noinstall_${COMPONENT} ${EndIf} !insertmacro EXTERNAL_RUNINSTALLER ${COMPONENT} noinstall_${COMPONENT}: !macroend !macro EXTERNAL_INSTALL COMPONENT # Extract File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\${COMPONENT}Setup.exe ${FILES_BUNDLE}\${INSTALL_${COMPONENT}} !insertmacro EXTERNAL_RUNINSTALLER ${COMPONENT} !macroend # Sections for external components #Section -LaTeX ExternalLaTeX # !insertmacro EXTERNAL LaTeX #SectionEnd /*Function InitExternal # Get sizes of external component installers #SectionGetSize ${ExternalLaTeX} $SizeLaTeX # Add download size !ifndef BUNDLESETUP_MIKTEX IntOp $SizeLaTeX $SizeLaTeX + ${SIZE_DOWNLOAD_LATEX} !endif FunctionEnd*/