# The special "LyXList". Separated out for inclusion where the # whole of stdlist.inc is not needed. Format 42 Style Labeling Category List Margin Manual LatexType List_Environment LatexName lyxlist NextNoindent 1 LabelSep xxx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.5 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Manual LabelString "00.00.0000" HTMLTag ol HTMLAttr class='lyxlist' HTMLItem li HTMLLabel span HTMLLabelAttr class='lyxlist' #define the environment lyxlist Preamble \newenvironment{lyxlist}[1] {\begin{list}{} {\settowidth{\labelwidth}{#1} \setlength{\leftmargin}{\labelwidth} \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelsep} \renewcommand{\makelabel}[1]{##1\hfil}}} {\end{list}} EndPreamble HTMLStyle ol.lyxlist { list-style-type: none; } li.labeling_item { text-indent: -5em; margin-left: 5em; } span.lyxlist { margin-right: 1em; } EndHTMLStyle End