/* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright (C) 1999 The LyX Team. * *======================================================*/ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include #include #include #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/StrPool.h" #include "support/LAssert.h" #include "debug.h" #include "LyXAction.h" #include "lyxfunc.h" #include "kbmap.h" #include "bufferlist.h" #include "lastfiles.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "MenuBackend.h" #include "Menubar_pimpl.h" using std::endl; extern kb_keymap * toplevel_keymap; extern LyXAction lyxaction; extern BufferList bufferlist; extern LastFiles * lastfiles; // Some constants const int MENU_LABEL_SIZE = FL_NORMAL_SIZE; const int mheight = 30; const int mbheight= 22; // where to place the menubar? const int yloc = (mheight - mbheight)/2; //air + bw; const int mbadd = 20; // menu button add (to width) // Some space between buttons on the menubar const int air = 2; char const * menu_tabstop = "aa"; char const * default_tabstop = "aaaaaaaa"; Menubar::Pimpl::Pimpl(LyXView * view, MenuBackend const & mb) : frame_(0), owner_(view), menubackend_(&mb) { // Should we do something here? } Menubar::Pimpl::~Pimpl() { // Should we do something here? } // This is used a few times below. inline int string_width(string const & str) { return fl_get_string_widthTAB(FL_NORMAL_STYLE, MENU_LABEL_SIZE, str.c_str(), str.length()); } //Defined later, used in set(). extern "C" void C_Menubar_Pimpl_MenuCallback(FL_OBJECT * ob, long button); void Menubar::Pimpl::set(string const & menu_name) { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "Entering Menubar::Pimpl::set " << "for menu `" << menu_name << "'" << endl; if (menu_name == current_menu) { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "Nothing to do." << endl; return; } // If the backend has not been initialized yet, we use a // default instead. if (menubackend_->empty()) { lyxerr << "Menubar::Pimpl::set: menubackend is empty! " "using default values." << endl; MenuBackend * mb = new MenuBackend(); mb->defaults(); menubackend_ = mb; } if (!menubackend_->hasMenu(menu_name)){ lyxerr << "ERROR:set: Unknown menu `" << menu_name << "'" << endl; return; } Menu menu = menubackend_->getMenu(menu_name); if (!menu.menubar()) { lyxerr << "Only a menubar-type object can go in a " "toplevel menu" << endl; return; } current_menu = menu_name; FL_FORM * form = owner_->getForm(); int moffset = 0; bool form_was_open, form_was_frozen; if (fl_current_form == form) form_was_open = true; else if (fl_current_form == 0) { form_was_open = false; fl_addto_form(form); } else { lyxerr << "Something is wrong: unknown form " << fl_current_form << " is already open" << "(main form is " << form << ")" << endl; return; } if (form->frozen) form_was_frozen = true; else { form_was_frozen = false; fl_freeze_form(form); } // Delete old buttons if there are some. for(ButtonList::const_iterator cit = buttonlist_.begin(); cit != buttonlist_.end(); ++cit) { if ((*cit)->obj_) { fl_delete_object((*cit)->obj_); fl_free_object((*cit)->obj_); } delete (*cit); } buttonlist_.clear(); // Create menu frame if there is non yet. if (!frame_) { frame_ = fl_add_frame(FL_UP_FRAME, 0, 0, form->w, mheight, ""); fl_set_object_resize(frame_, FL_RESIZE_ALL); fl_set_object_gravity(frame_, NorthWestGravity, NorthEastGravity); } for (Menu::const_iterator i = menu.begin(); i != menu.end(); ++i) { FL_OBJECT * obj; if (i->kind() != MenuItem::Submenu) { lyxerr << "ERROR: Menubar::Pimpl::Pimpl:" " only submenus can appear in a menubar"; break; } string label = i->label(); string shortcut = '#' + i->shortcut(); int width = string_width(label); obj = fl_add_button(FL_TOUCH_BUTTON, air + moffset, yloc, width + mbadd, mbheight, label.c_str()); fl_set_object_boxtype(obj, FL_FLAT_BOX); fl_set_object_color(obj, FL_MCOL, FL_MCOL); fl_set_object_lsize(obj, MENU_LABEL_SIZE); fl_set_object_lstyle(obj, FL_NORMAL_STYLE); fl_set_object_resize(obj, FL_RESIZE_ALL); fl_set_object_gravity(obj, NorthWestGravity, NorthWestGravity); moffset += obj->w + air; fl_set_object_shortcut(obj, shortcut.c_str(), 1); fl_set_object_callback(obj, C_Menubar_Pimpl_MenuCallback, 1); ItemInfo * iteminfo = new ItemInfo(this, new MenuItem(*i), obj); buttonlist_.push_back(iteminfo); obj->u_vdata = iteminfo; // lyxerr << "MenuCallback: ItemInfo address=" << iteminfo // << " Val=(pimpl_=" << iteminfo->pimpl_ // << ", item_=" << iteminfo->item_ // << ", obj_=" << iteminfo->obj_ << ")" <obj_) { fl_redraw_object((*cit)->obj_); } } lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "Menubar set." << endl; } void Menubar::Pimpl::openByName(string const & name) { for(ButtonList::const_iterator cit = buttonlist_.begin(); cit != buttonlist_.end(); ++cit) { if ((*cit)->item_->submenu() == name) { MenuCallback((*cit)->obj_, 1); return; } } lyxerr << "Menubar::Pimpl::openByName: menu " << name << " not found" << endl; } void Menubar::Pimpl::add_lastfiles(int menu, string const & extra_label, std::vector & /*smn*/, StrPool & strpool) { int ii = 1; for (LastFiles::const_iterator cit = lastfiles->begin(); cit != lastfiles->end() && ii < 10; ++cit, ++ii) { int action = lyxaction.getPseudoAction(LFUN_FILE_OPEN, (*cit)); string label = tostr(ii) + ". " + MakeDisplayPath((*cit),30) + "%x" + tostr(action) + "%h"; if ((cit + 1) == lastfiles->end()) label += extra_label; string shortcut = tostr(ii) + "#" + tostr(ii); lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "shortcut is " << shortcut << endl; fl_addtopup(menu, strpool.add(label), strpool.add(shortcut)); } } void Menubar::Pimpl::add_documents(int menu, string const & extra_label, std::vector & /*smn*/, StrPool & strpool) { std::vector names = bufferlist.getFileNames(); if (names.empty()) { fl_addtopup(menu,_("No Documents Open!%i")); return; } for (std::vector::const_iterator cit = names.begin(); cit != names.end() ; ++cit) { int action = lyxaction.getPseudoAction(LFUN_SWITCHBUFFER, *cit); string label = MakeDisplayPath(*cit, 30) + "%x" + tostr(action); if ((cit + 1) == names.end()) label += extra_label; fl_addtopup(menu, strpool.add(label)); } } int Menubar::Pimpl::create_submenu(Window win, LyXView * view, string const & menu_name, std::vector & smn, StrPool & strpool) { if (!menubackend_->hasMenu(menu_name)){ lyxerr << "ERROR:create_submenu: Unknown menu `" << menu_name << "'" << endl; return -1; } Menu md = menubackend_->getMenu(menu_name); int menu = fl_newpup(win); fl_setpup_softedge(menu, true); fl_setpup_bw(menu, -1); lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "Adding menu " << menu << " in deletion list" << endl; smn.push_back(menu); // Compute the size of the largest label (because xforms is // not able to support shortcuts correctly...) int max_width = 0; string widest_label; for (Menu::const_iterator i = md.begin(); i != md.end(); ++i) { MenuItem item = (*i); if (item.kind() == MenuItem::Command) { string label = item.label() + '\t'; int width = string_width(label); if (width > max_width) { max_width = width; widest_label = label; } } } lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "max_width=" << max_width << ", widest_label=`" << widest_label << "'" << endl; for (Menu::const_iterator i = md.begin(); i != md.end(); ++i) { MenuItem item = (*i); // Is there a separator after this item? string extra_label; if ((i+1) != md.end() && (i+1)->kind() == MenuItem::Separator) extra_label = "%l"; switch(item.kind()) { case MenuItem::Command: { LyXFunc::func_status flag = view->getLyXFunc()->getStatus(item.action()); // handle optional entries. if (item.optional() && (flag & LyXFunc::Disabled)) { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "Skipping optional item " << item.label() << endl; break; } // Get the keys bound to this action, but keep only the // first one later string accel = toplevel_keymap->findbinding(item.action()); // Build the menu label from all the info string label = item.label(); if (!accel.empty()) { // Try to be clever and add just enough // tabs to align shortcuts. do label += '\t'; while (string_width(label) < max_width); label += accel.substr(1,accel.find(']') - 1); } label += "%x" + tostr(item.action()) + extra_label; // Modify the entry using the function status string pupmode; if (flag & (LyXFunc::Disabled | LyXFunc::Unknown)) pupmode += "%i"; if (flag & LyXFunc::ToggleOn) pupmode += "%B"; if (flag & LyXFunc::ToggleOff) pupmode += "%b"; label += pupmode; // Finally the menu shortcut string shortcut = item.shortcut(); if (!shortcut.empty()) { shortcut += lowercase(shortcut[0]); label += "%h"; fl_addtopup(menu, strpool.add(label), strpool.add(shortcut)); } else fl_addtopup(menu, strpool.add(label)); lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "Command: \"" << lyxaction.getActionName(item.action()) << "\", Binding " << accel << ", shortcut " << shortcut << endl; break; } case MenuItem::Submenu: { int submenu = create_submenu(win, view, item.submenu(), smn, strpool); if (submenu == -1) return -1; string label = item.label(); label += extra_label + "%m"; string shortcut = item.shortcut(); if (!shortcut.empty()) { shortcut += lowercase(shortcut[0]); fl_addtopup(menu, strpool.add(label + "%h"), submenu, strpool.add(shortcut)); } else { fl_addtopup(menu, strpool.add(label), submenu); } break; } case MenuItem::Separator: // already done, and if it was the first one, // we just ignore it. break; case MenuItem::Documents: add_documents(menu, extra_label, smn, strpool); break; case MenuItem::Lastfiles: add_lastfiles(menu, extra_label, smn, strpool); break; } } return menu; } extern "C" void C_Menubar_Pimpl_MenuCallback(FL_OBJECT * ob, long button) { Menubar::Pimpl::MenuCallback(ob, button); } void Menubar::Pimpl::MenuCallback(FL_OBJECT * ob, long button) { ItemInfo * iteminfo = static_cast(ob->u_vdata); // lyxerr << "MenuCallback: ItemInfo address=" << iteminfo // << "Val=(pimpl_=" << iteminfo->pimpl_ // << ", item_=" << iteminfo->item_ // << ", obj_=" << iteminfo->obj_ << ")" <pimpl_->owner_; MenuItem const * item = iteminfo->item_; if (button == 1) { // set the pseudo menu-button fl_set_object_boxtype(ob, FL_DOWN_BOX); fl_set_button(ob, 0); fl_redraw_object(ob); } // Paranoia check Assert(item->kind() == MenuItem::Submenu); // set tabstop length fl_set_tabstop(menu_tabstop); std::vector submenus; StrPool strpool; int menu = iteminfo->pimpl_-> create_submenu(FL_ObjWin(ob), view, item->submenu(), submenus, strpool); if (menu != -1) { // place popup fl_setpup_position(view->getForm()->x + ob->x, view->getForm()->y + ob->y + ob->h + 10); int choice = fl_dopup(menu); if (button == 1) { // set the pseudo menu-button back fl_set_object_boxtype(ob, FL_FLAT_BOX); fl_redraw_object(ob); } if (choice >= 1) { view->getLyXFunc()->Dispatch(choice); } } else lyxerr << "Error in MenuCallback" << endl; std::for_each(submenus.begin(), submenus.end(), fl_freepup); // restore tabstop length fl_set_tabstop(default_tabstop); }