QBibtexUi 0 0 352 313 true 11 6 1 0 0 0 St&yle styleCB The BibTeX style 0 6 20 20 Expanding Horizontal &OK false true Cancel false 1 0 0 0 Databa&ses Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignLeft databaseLB BibTeX database to use true Selected BibTeX databases &Add... Add a BibTeX database file &Delete Remove the selected database 20 20 Expanding Vertical true true false Choose a style file &Browse... false Choose a style file 20 20 Expanding Vertical This bibliography section contains... all cited references all uncited references all references 1 0 0 0 &Content: styleCB This bibliography section contains... Add bibliography to &TOC Add bibliography to the table of contents qPixmapFromMimeSource databaseLB addBibPB deletePB styleCB stylePB bibtocCB btPrintCO okPB closePB