#! /bin/sh # # \file lyxpreview2ppm.sh # Copyright 2002 the LyX Team # Read the file COPYING # # \author Angus Leeming, leeming@lyx.org # with much help from David Kastrup, david.kastrup@t-online.de. # # This script takes a LaTeX file and generates PPM files, one per page. # The idea is to use it with preview.sty from the preview-latex project # (http://preview-latex.sourceforge.net/) to create small bitmap previews of # things like math equations. # preview.sty can be obtained from CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/supported/preview. # This script, lyxpreview2ppm.sh, takes two arguments, the name of the file # to be converted and a scale factor, used to ascertain the resolution of the # generated image which is then passed to gs. # If successful it will leave in dir ${DIR} a number of image files # ${BASE}[0-9]\{3\}.ppm and a file ${BASE}.metrics containing info needed by # LyX to position the images correctly on the screen. All other files ${BASE}* # will be deleted. # Three helper functions. FIND_IT () { which ${EXECUTABLE} > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Unable to find \"${EXECUTABLE}\". Please install." exit 1 fi } BAIL_OUT () { # Remove everything except the original .tex file. FILES=`ls ${BASE}* | sed -e "/${BASE}.tex/d"` rm -f ${FILES} texput.log exit 1 } REQUIRED_VERSION () { echo "We require preview.sty version 0.73 or newer. You're using" grep 'Package: preview' ${LOGFILE} } # Preliminary check if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then exit 1 fi # We use latex, dvips and gs, so check that they're all there. EXECUTABLE=latex; FIND_IT EXECUTABLE=dvips; FIND_IT EXECUTABLE=gs; FIND_IT # Initialise some variables. DIR=`dirname $1` BASE=`basename $1 .tex` SCALEFACTOR=$2 TEXFILE=${BASE}.tex LOGFILE=${BASE}.log DVIFILE=${BASE}.dvi PSFILE=${BASE}.ps METRICSFILE=${BASE}.metrics # LaTeX -> DVI. cd ${DIR} latex ${TEXFILE} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed: latex ${TEXFILE}" BAIL_OUT fi # Parse ${LOGFILE} to obtain bounding box info to output to ${METRICSFILE}. # This extracts lines starting "Preview: Tightpage" and "Preview: Snippet". grep -E 'Preview: [ST]' ${LOGFILE} > ${METRICSFILE} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed: grep -E 'Preview: [ST]' ${LOGFILE}" REQUIRED_VERSION BAIL_OUT fi # Parse ${LOGFILE} to obtain ${RESOLUTION} for the gs process to follow. # 1. Extract font size from a line like "Preview: Fontsize 20.74pt" # Use grep for speed and because it gives an error if the line is not found. LINE=`grep 'Preview: Fontsize' ${LOGFILE}` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed: grep 'Preview: Fontsize' ${LOGFILE}" REQUIRED_VERSION BAIL_OUT fi # Use "" quotes in the echo to preserve newlines (technically IFS separators). # The sed script strips out everything that won't form a decimal number from the # line. It bails out after the first match has been made in case there are # multiple lines "Preview: Fontsize". (There shouldn't be.) LATEXFONT=`echo "${LINE}" | sed 's/[^0-9\.]//g; 1q'` # 2. Extract magnification from a line like "Preview: Magnification 2074" # If no such line found, default to MAGNIFICATION=1000. LINE=`grep 'Preview: Magnification' ${LOGFILE}` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then MAGNIFICATION=1000 else # The sed script strips out everything that won't form an /integer/. MAGNIFICATION=`echo "${LINE}" | sed 's/[^0-9]//g; 1q'` fi # 3. Compute resolution. # "bc" allows floating-point arithmetic, unlike "expr" or "dc". RESOLUTION=`echo "scale=2; \ ${SCALEFACTOR} * (10/${LATEXFONT}) * (1000/${MAGNIFICATION})" \ | bc` # DVI -> PostScript dvips -o ${PSFILE} ${DVIFILE} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed: dvips -o ${PSFILE} ${DVIFILE}" BAIL_OUT fi # PostScript -> Bitmap files # Older versions of gs have problems with a large degree of anti-aliasing # at high resolutions ALPHA=4 if [ ${RESOLUTION} -gt 150 ]; then ALPHA=2 fi gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pnmraw -sOutputFile=${BASE}%03d.ppm \ -dGraphicsAlphaBit=${ALPHA} -dTextAlphaBits=${ALPHA} -r${RESOLUTION} \ ${PSFILE} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed: gs ${PSFILE}" BAIL_OUT fi # All has been successful, so remove everything except the bitmap files # and the metrics file. FILES=`ls ${BASE}* | sed -e "/${BASE}.metrics/d" -e "/${BASE}[0-9]\{3\}.ppm/d"` rm -f ${FILES}