/** * \file GuiWorkArea.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Levon * \author Abdelrazak Younes * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "GuiWorkArea.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "CoordCache.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "Font.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "GuiApplication.h" #include "GuiKeySymbol.h" #include "GuiPainter.h" #include "GuiView.h" #include "KeySymbol.h" #include "Language.h" #include "LyXFunc.h" #include "LyXRC.h" #include "MetricsInfo.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "version.h" #include "graphics/GraphicsImage.h" #include "graphics/GraphicsLoader.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/FileName.h" #include "frontends/Application.h" #include "frontends/FontMetrics.h" #include "frontends/WorkAreaManager.h" #include #include #include #ifdef Q_WS_MAC #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_WS_X11 #include extern "C" int XEventsQueued(Display *display, int mode); #endif #ifdef Q_WS_WIN int const CursorWidth = 2; #else int const CursorWidth = 1; #endif int const TabIndicatorWidth = 3; #undef KeyPress #undef NoModifier using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { /// return the LyX mouse button state from Qt's static mouse_button::state q_button_state(Qt::MouseButton button) { mouse_button::state b = mouse_button::none; switch (button) { case Qt::LeftButton: b = mouse_button::button1; break; case Qt::MidButton: b = mouse_button::button2; break; case Qt::RightButton: b = mouse_button::button3; break; default: break; } return b; } /// return the LyX mouse button state from Qt's mouse_button::state q_motion_state(Qt::MouseButtons state) { mouse_button::state b = mouse_button::none; if (state & Qt::LeftButton) b |= mouse_button::button1; if (state & Qt::MidButton) b |= mouse_button::button2; if (state & Qt::RightButton) b |= mouse_button::button3; return b; } namespace frontend { class CursorWidget { public: CursorWidget() {} void draw(QPainter & painter) { if (!show_ || !rect_.isValid()) return; int y = rect_.top(); int l = x_ - rect_.left(); int r = rect_.right() - x_; int bot = rect_.bottom(); // draw vertica linel painter.fillRect(x_, y, CursorWidth, rect_.height(), color_); // draw RTL/LTR indication painter.setPen(color_); if (l_shape_) { if (rtl_) painter.drawLine(x_, bot, x_ - l, bot); else painter.drawLine(x_, bot, x_ + CursorWidth + r, bot); } // draw completion triangle if (completable_) { int m = y + rect_.height() / 2; int d = TabIndicatorWidth - 1; if (rtl_) { painter.drawLine(x_ - 1, m - d, x_ - 1 - d, m); painter.drawLine(x_ - 1, m + d, x_ - 1 - d, m); } else { painter.drawLine(x_ + CursorWidth, m - d, x_ + CursorWidth + d, m); painter.drawLine(x_ + CursorWidth, m + d, x_ + CursorWidth + d, m); } } } void update(int x, int y, int h, bool l_shape, bool rtl, bool completable) { color_ = guiApp->colorCache().get(Color_cursor); l_shape_ = l_shape; rtl_ = rtl; completable_ = completable; x_ = x; // extension to left and right int l = 0; int r = 0; // RTL/LTR indication if (l_shape_) { if (rtl) l += h / 3; else r += h / 3; } // completion triangle if (completable_) { if (rtl) l = max(l, TabIndicatorWidth); else r = max(r, TabIndicatorWidth); } // compute overall rectangle rect_ = QRect(x - l, y, CursorWidth + r + l, h); } void show(bool set_show = true) { show_ = set_show; } void hide() { show_ = false; } QRect const & rect() { return rect_; } private: /// cursor is in RTL or LTR text bool rtl_; /// indication for RTL or LTR bool l_shape_; /// triangle to show that a completion is available bool completable_; /// bool show_; /// QColor color_; /// rectangle, possibly with l_shape and completion triangle QRect rect_; /// x position (were the vertical line is drawn) int x_; }; // This is a 'heartbeat' generating synthetic mouse move events when the // cursor is at the top or bottom edge of the viewport. One scroll per 0.2 s SyntheticMouseEvent::SyntheticMouseEvent() : timeout(200), restart_timeout(true), x_old(-1), y_old(-1), scrollbar_value_old(-1.0) {} GuiWorkArea::GuiWorkArea(Buffer & buffer, GuiView & lv) : buffer_view_(new BufferView(buffer)), lyx_view_(&lv), cursor_visible_(false), need_resize_(false), schedule_redraw_(false), preedit_lines_(1), completer_(this) { buffer.workAreaManager().add(this); // Setup the signals connect(&cursor_timeout_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(toggleCursor())); int const time = QApplication::cursorFlashTime() / 2; if (time > 0) { cursor_timeout_.setInterval(time); cursor_timeout_.start(); } else // let's initialize this just to be safe cursor_timeout_.setInterval(500); screen_ = QPixmap(viewport()->width(), viewport()->height()); cursor_ = new frontend::CursorWidget(); cursor_->hide(); setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setAcceptDrops(true); setMouseTracking(true); setMinimumSize(100, 70); #ifdef Q_WS_MACX setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); #else setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box); #endif updateWindowTitle(); viewport()->setAutoFillBackground(false); // We don't need double-buffering nor SystemBackground on // the viewport because we have our own backing pixmap. viewport()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground); setFocusPolicy(Qt::WheelFocus); viewport()->setCursor(Qt::IBeamCursor); synthetic_mouse_event_.timeout.timeout.connect( boost::bind(&GuiWorkArea::generateSyntheticMouseEvent, this)); // Initialize the vertical Scroll Bar QObject::connect(verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(scrollTo(int))); LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "viewport width: " << viewport()->width() << " viewport height: " << viewport()->height()); // Enables input methods for asian languages. // Must be set when creating custom text editing widgets. setAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled, true); } GuiWorkArea::~GuiWorkArea() { buffer_view_->buffer().workAreaManager().remove(this); delete buffer_view_; delete cursor_; } void GuiWorkArea::close() { lyx_view_->removeWorkArea(this); } void GuiWorkArea::setFullScreen(bool full_screen) { buffer_view_->setFullScreen(full_screen); if (full_screen) { setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); if (lyxrc.full_screen_scrollbar) setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); } else { #ifdef Q_WS_MACX setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); #else setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box); #endif setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); } } BufferView & GuiWorkArea::bufferView() { return *buffer_view_; } BufferView const & GuiWorkArea::bufferView() const { return *buffer_view_; } void GuiWorkArea::stopBlinkingCursor() { cursor_timeout_.stop(); hideCursor(); } void GuiWorkArea::startBlinkingCursor() { showCursor(); //we're not supposed to cache this value. int const time = QApplication::cursorFlashTime() / 2; if (time <= 0) return; cursor_timeout_.setInterval(time); cursor_timeout_.start(); } void GuiWorkArea::redraw() { if (!isVisible()) // No need to redraw in this case. return; // No need to do anything if this is the current view. The BufferView // metrics are already up to date. if (lyx_view_ != guiApp->currentView() || lyx_view_->currentWorkArea() != this) { // FIXME: it would be nice to optimize for the off-screen case. buffer_view_->updateMetrics(); buffer_view_->cursor().fixIfBroken(); } // update cursor position, because otherwise it has to wait until // the blinking interval is over if (cursor_visible_) { hideCursor(); showCursor(); } LYXERR(Debug::WORKAREA, "WorkArea::redraw screen"); updateScreen(); update(0, 0, viewport()->width(), viewport()->height()); /// \warning: scrollbar updating *must* be done after the BufferView is drawn /// because \c BufferView::updateScrollbar() is called in \c BufferView::draw(). updateScrollbar(); lyx_view_->updateStatusBar(); if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::WORKAREA)) buffer_view_->coordCache().dump(); } void GuiWorkArea::processKeySym(KeySymbol const & key, KeyModifier mod) { // In order to avoid bad surprise in the middle of an operation, // we better stop the blinking cursor... // the cursor gets restarted in GuiView::restartCursor() stopBlinkingCursor(); theLyXFunc().setLyXView(lyx_view_); theLyXFunc().processKeySym(key, mod); } void GuiWorkArea::dispatch(FuncRequest const & cmd0, KeyModifier mod) { // Handle drag&drop if (cmd0.action == LFUN_FILE_OPEN) { lyx_view_->dispatch(cmd0); return; } theLyXFunc().setLyXView(lyx_view_); FuncRequest cmd; if (cmd0.action == LFUN_MOUSE_PRESS) { if (mod == ShiftModifier) cmd = FuncRequest(cmd0, "region-select"); else if (mod == ControlModifier) cmd = FuncRequest(cmd0, "paragraph-select"); else cmd = cmd0; } else cmd = cmd0; bool const notJustMovingTheMouse = cmd.action != LFUN_MOUSE_MOTION || cmd.button() != mouse_button::none; // In order to avoid bad surprise in the middle of an operation, we better stop // the blinking cursor. if (notJustMovingTheMouse) stopBlinkingCursor(); buffer_view_->mouseEventDispatch(cmd); // Skip these when selecting if (cmd.action != LFUN_MOUSE_MOTION) { completer_.updateVisibility(false, false); lyx_view_->updateLayoutList(); lyx_view_->updateToolbars(); } // GUI tweaks except with mouse motion with no button pressed. if (notJustMovingTheMouse) { // Slight hack: this is only called currently when we // clicked somewhere, so we force through the display // of the new status here. lyx_view_->clearMessage(); // Show the cursor immediately after any operation startBlinkingCursor(); } } void GuiWorkArea::resizeBufferView() { // WARNING: Please don't put any code that will trigger a repaint here! // We are already inside a paint event. lyx_view_->setBusy(true); buffer_view_->resize(viewport()->width(), viewport()->height()); updateScreen(); // Update scrollbars which might have changed due different // BufferView dimension. This is especially important when the // BufferView goes from zero-size to the real-size for the first time, // as the scrollbar paramters are then set for the first time. updateScrollbar(); lyx_view_->updateLayoutList(); lyx_view_->setBusy(false); need_resize_ = false; } void GuiWorkArea::showCursor() { if (cursor_visible_) return; // RTL or not RTL bool l_shape = false; Font const & realfont = buffer_view_->cursor().real_current_font; BufferParams const & bp = buffer_view_->buffer().params(); bool const samelang = realfont.language() == bp.language; bool const isrtl = realfont.isVisibleRightToLeft(); if (!samelang || isrtl != bp.language->rightToLeft()) l_shape = true; // The ERT language hack needs fixing up if (realfont.language() == latex_language) l_shape = false; Font const font = buffer_view_->cursor().getFont(); FontMetrics const & fm = theFontMetrics(font); int const asc = fm.maxAscent(); int const des = fm.maxDescent(); int h = asc + des; int x = 0; int y = 0; Cursor & cur = buffer_view_->cursor(); cur.getPos(x, y); y -= asc; // if it doesn't touch the screen, don't try to show it bool cursorInView = true; if (y + h < 0 || y >= viewport()->height()) cursorInView = false; // show cursor on screen bool completable = completer_.completionAvailable() && !completer_.popupVisible() && !completer_.inlineVisible(); if (cursorInView) { cursor_visible_ = true; showCursor(x, y, h, l_shape, isrtl, completable); } } void GuiWorkArea::hideCursor() { if (!cursor_visible_) return; cursor_visible_ = false; removeCursor(); } void GuiWorkArea::toggleCursor() { if (cursor_visible_) hideCursor(); else showCursor(); } void GuiWorkArea::updateScrollbar() { ScrollbarParameters const & scroll_ = buffer_view_->scrollbarParameters(); verticalScrollBar()->setRange(scroll_.min, scroll_.max); verticalScrollBar()->setPageStep(scroll_.page_step); verticalScrollBar()->setSingleStep(scroll_.single_step); // Block the scrollbar signal to prevent recursive signal/slot calling. verticalScrollBar()->blockSignals(true); verticalScrollBar()->setValue(scroll_.position); verticalScrollBar()->setSliderPosition(scroll_.position); verticalScrollBar()->blockSignals(false); } void GuiWorkArea::scrollTo(int value) { stopBlinkingCursor(); buffer_view_->scrollDocView(value); if (lyxrc.cursor_follows_scrollbar) { buffer_view_->setCursorFromScrollbar(); lyx_view_->updateLayoutList(); } // Show the cursor immediately after any operation. startBlinkingCursor(); QApplication::syncX(); } bool GuiWorkArea::event(QEvent * e) { switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::ToolTip: { QHelpEvent * helpEvent = static_cast(e); if (lyxrc.use_tooltip) { QPoint pos = helpEvent->pos(); if (pos.x() < viewport()->width()) { QString s = toqstr(buffer_view_->toolTip(pos.x(), pos.y())); QToolTip::showText(helpEvent->globalPos(), s); } else QToolTip::hideText(); } // Don't forget to accept the event! e->accept(); return true; } case QEvent::ShortcutOverride: { // We catch this event in order to catch the Tab or Shift+Tab key press // which are otherwise reserved to focus switching between controls // within a dialog. QKeyEvent * ke = static_cast(e); if ((ke->key() != Qt::Key_Tab && ke->key() != Qt::Key_Backtab) || ke->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) return QAbstractScrollArea::event(e); keyPressEvent(ke); return true; } default: return QAbstractScrollArea::event(e); } return false; } void GuiWorkArea::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent * e) { QPoint pos = e->pos(); docstring name = buffer_view_->contextMenu(pos.x(), pos.y()); if (name.empty()) { QAbstractScrollArea::contextMenuEvent(e); return; } QMenu * menu = guiApp->menus().menu(toqstr(name), *lyx_view_); if (!menu) { QAbstractScrollArea::contextMenuEvent(e); return; } // Position the menu to the right. // FIXME: menu position should be different for RTL text. menu->exec(e->globalPos()); e->accept(); } void GuiWorkArea::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent * e) { if (lyx_view_->currentWorkArea() != this) lyx_view_->setCurrentWorkArea(this); // Repaint the whole screen. // Note: this is different from redraw() as only the backing pixmap // will be redrawn, which is cheap. viewport()->repaint(); startBlinkingCursor(); QAbstractScrollArea::focusInEvent(e); } void GuiWorkArea::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent * e) { stopBlinkingCursor(); QAbstractScrollArea::focusOutEvent(e); } void GuiWorkArea::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { if (dc_event_.active && dc_event_ == *e) { dc_event_.active = false; FuncRequest cmd(LFUN_MOUSE_TRIPLE, e->x(), e->y(), q_button_state(e->button())); dispatch(cmd); e->accept(); return; } inputContext()->reset(); FuncRequest const cmd(LFUN_MOUSE_PRESS, e->x(), e->y(), q_button_state(e->button())); dispatch(cmd, q_key_state(e->modifiers())); e->accept(); } void GuiWorkArea::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { if (synthetic_mouse_event_.timeout.running()) synthetic_mouse_event_.timeout.stop(); FuncRequest const cmd(LFUN_MOUSE_RELEASE, e->x(), e->y(), q_button_state(e->button())); dispatch(cmd); e->accept(); } void GuiWorkArea::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { // we kill the triple click if we move doubleClickTimeout(); FuncRequest cmd(LFUN_MOUSE_MOTION, e->x(), e->y(), q_motion_state(e->buttons())); e->accept(); // If we're above or below the work area... if (e->y() <= 20 || e->y() >= viewport()->height() - 20) { // Make sure only a synthetic event can cause a page scroll, // so they come at a steady rate: if (e->y() <= 20) // _Force_ a scroll up: cmd.y = -40; else cmd.y = viewport()->height(); // Store the event, to be handled when the timeout expires. synthetic_mouse_event_.cmd = cmd; if (synthetic_mouse_event_.timeout.running()) // Discard the event. Note that it _may_ be handled // when the timeout expires if // synthetic_mouse_event_.cmd has not been overwritten. // Ie, when the timeout expires, we handle the // most recent event but discard all others that // occurred after the one used to start the timeout // in the first place. return; synthetic_mouse_event_.restart_timeout = true; synthetic_mouse_event_.timeout.start(); // Fall through to handle this event... } else if (synthetic_mouse_event_.timeout.running()) { // Store the event, to be possibly handled when the timeout // expires. // Once the timeout has expired, normal control is returned // to mouseMoveEvent (restart_timeout = false). // This results in a much smoother 'feel' when moving the // mouse back into the work area. synthetic_mouse_event_.cmd = cmd; synthetic_mouse_event_.restart_timeout = false; return; } // Has anything changed on-screen since the last QMouseEvent // was received? double const scrollbar_value = verticalScrollBar()->value(); if (e->x() == synthetic_mouse_event_.x_old && e->y() == synthetic_mouse_event_.y_old && scrollbar_value == synthetic_mouse_event_.scrollbar_value_old) { // Nothing changed on-screen since the last QMouseEvent. return; } // Yes something has changed. Store the params used to check this. synthetic_mouse_event_.x_old = e->x(); synthetic_mouse_event_.y_old = e->y(); synthetic_mouse_event_.scrollbar_value_old = scrollbar_value; // ... and dispatch the event to the LyX core. dispatch(cmd); } void GuiWorkArea::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent * ev) { // Wheel rotation by one notch results in a delta() of 120 (see // documentation of QWheelEvent) int delta = ev->delta() / 120; if (ev->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { lyxrc.zoom -= 5 * delta; if (lyxrc.zoom < 10) lyxrc.zoom = 10; // The global QPixmapCache is used in GuiPainter to cache text // painting so we must reset it. QPixmapCache::clear(); guiApp->fontLoader().update(); lyx::dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_SCREEN_FONT_UPDATE)); } else { double const lines = qApp->wheelScrollLines() * lyxrc.mouse_wheel_speed * delta; LYXERR(Debug::SCROLLING, "wheelScrollLines = " << qApp->wheelScrollLines() << " delta = " << ev->delta() << " lines = " << lines); verticalScrollBar()->setValue(verticalScrollBar()->value() - int(lines * verticalScrollBar()->singleStep())); } ev->accept(); } void GuiWorkArea::generateSyntheticMouseEvent() { // Set things off to generate the _next_ 'pseudo' event. if (synthetic_mouse_event_.restart_timeout) synthetic_mouse_event_.timeout.start(); // Has anything changed on-screen since the last timeout signal // was received? double const scrollbar_value = verticalScrollBar()->value(); if (scrollbar_value != synthetic_mouse_event_.scrollbar_value_old) { // Yes it has. Store the params used to check this. synthetic_mouse_event_.scrollbar_value_old = scrollbar_value; // ... and dispatch the event to the LyX core. dispatch(synthetic_mouse_event_.cmd); } } void GuiWorkArea::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * ev) { // intercept some keys if completion popup is visible if (completer_.popupVisible()) { switch (ev->key()) { case Qt::Key_Enter: case Qt::Key_Return: completer_.activate(); ev->accept(); return; } } // intercept keys for the completion if (ev->key() == Qt::Key_Tab) { completer_.tab(); ev->accept(); return; } if (completer_.popupVisible() && ev->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { completer_.hidePopup(); ev->accept(); return; } if (completer_.inlineVisible() && ev->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { completer_.hideInline(); ev->accept(); return; } // do nothing if there are other events // (the auto repeated events come too fast) // \todo FIXME: remove hard coded Qt keys, process the key binding #ifdef Q_WS_X11 if (XEventsQueued(QX11Info::display(), 0) > 1 && ev->isAutoRepeat() && (Qt::Key_PageDown || Qt::Key_PageUp)) { LYXERR(Debug::KEY, "system is busy: scroll key event ignored"); ev->ignore(); return; } #endif LYXERR(Debug::KEY, " count: " << ev->count() << " text: " << fromqstr(ev->text()) << " isAutoRepeat: " << ev->isAutoRepeat() << " key: " << ev->key()); KeySymbol sym; setKeySymbol(&sym, ev); processKeySym(sym, q_key_state(ev->modifiers())); ev->accept(); } void GuiWorkArea::doubleClickTimeout() { dc_event_.active = false; } void GuiWorkArea::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent * ev) { dc_event_ = DoubleClick(ev); QTimer::singleShot(QApplication::doubleClickInterval(), this, SLOT(doubleClickTimeout())); FuncRequest cmd(LFUN_MOUSE_DOUBLE, ev->x(), ev->y(), q_button_state(ev->button())); dispatch(cmd); ev->accept(); } void GuiWorkArea::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * ev) { QAbstractScrollArea::resizeEvent(ev); need_resize_ = true; ev->accept(); } void GuiWorkArea::update(int x, int y, int w, int h) { viewport()->repaint(x, y, w, h); } void GuiWorkArea::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * ev) { QRect const rc = ev->rect(); // LYXERR(Debug::PAINTING, "paintEvent begin: x: " << rc.x() // << " y: " << rc.y() << " w: " << rc.width() << " h: " << rc.height()); if (need_resize_) { screen_ = QPixmap(viewport()->width(), viewport()->height()); resizeBufferView(); hideCursor(); showCursor(); } QPainter pain(viewport()); pain.drawPixmap(rc, screen_, rc); cursor_->draw(pain); ev->accept(); } void GuiWorkArea::updateScreen() { GuiPainter pain(&screen_); buffer_view_->draw(pain); } void GuiWorkArea::showCursor(int x, int y, int h, bool l_shape, bool rtl, bool completable) { if (schedule_redraw_) { buffer_view_->updateMetrics(); updateScreen(); viewport()->update(QRect(0, 0, viewport()->width(), viewport()->height())); schedule_redraw_ = false; // Show the cursor immediately after the update. hideCursor(); toggleCursor(); return; } cursor_->update(x, y, h, l_shape, rtl, completable); cursor_->show(); viewport()->update(cursor_->rect()); } void GuiWorkArea::removeCursor() { cursor_->hide(); //if (!qApp->focusWidget()) viewport()->update(cursor_->rect()); } void GuiWorkArea::inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent * e) { QString const & commit_string = e->commitString(); docstring const & preedit_string = qstring_to_ucs4(e->preeditString()); if (!commit_string.isEmpty()) { LYXERR(Debug::KEY, "preeditString: " << fromqstr(e->preeditString()) << " commitString: " << fromqstr(e->commitString())); int key = 0; // FIXME Iwami 04/01/07: we should take care also of UTF16 surrogates here. for (int i = 0; i != commit_string.size(); ++i) { QKeyEvent ev(QEvent::KeyPress, key, Qt::NoModifier, commit_string[i]); keyPressEvent(&ev); } } // Hide the cursor during the kana-kanji transformation. if (preedit_string.empty()) startBlinkingCursor(); else stopBlinkingCursor(); // last_width : for checking if last preedit string was/wasn't empty. static bool last_width = false; if (!last_width && preedit_string.empty()) { // if last_width is last length of preedit string. e->accept(); return; } GuiPainter pain(&screen_); buffer_view_->updateMetrics(); buffer_view_->draw(pain); FontInfo font = buffer_view_->cursor().getFont().fontInfo(); FontMetrics const & fm = theFontMetrics(font); int height = fm.maxHeight(); int cur_x = cursor_->rect().left(); int cur_y = cursor_->rect().bottom(); // redraw area of preedit string. update(0, cur_y - height, viewport()->width(), (height + 1) * preedit_lines_); if (preedit_string.empty()) { last_width = false; preedit_lines_ = 1; e->accept(); return; } last_width = true; // att : stores an IM attribute. QList const & att = e->attributes(); // get attributes of input method cursor. // cursor_pos : cursor position in preedit string. size_t cursor_pos = 0; bool cursor_is_visible = false; for (int i = 0; i != att.size(); ++i) { if (att.at(i).type == QInputMethodEvent::Cursor) { cursor_pos = att.at(i).start; cursor_is_visible = att.at(i).length != 0; break; } } size_t preedit_length = preedit_string.length(); // get position of selection in input method. // FIXME: isn't there a way to do this simplier? // rStart : cursor position in selected string in IM. size_t rStart = 0; // rLength : selected string length in IM. size_t rLength = 0; if (cursor_pos < preedit_length) { for (int i = 0; i != att.size(); ++i) { if (att.at(i).type == QInputMethodEvent::TextFormat) { if (att.at(i).start <= int(cursor_pos) && int(cursor_pos) < att.at(i).start + att.at(i).length) { rStart = att.at(i).start; rLength = att.at(i).length; if (!cursor_is_visible) cursor_pos += rLength; break; } } } } else { rStart = cursor_pos; rLength = 0; } int const right_margin = buffer_view_->rightMargin(); Painter::preedit_style ps; // Most often there would be only one line: preedit_lines_ = 1; for (size_t pos = 0; pos != preedit_length; ++pos) { char_type const typed_char = preedit_string[pos]; // reset preedit string style ps = Painter::preedit_default; // if we reached the right extremity of the screen, go to next line. if (cur_x + fm.width(typed_char) > viewport()->width() - right_margin) { cur_x = right_margin; cur_y += height + 1; ++preedit_lines_; } // preedit strings are displayed with dashed underline // and partial strings are displayed white on black indicating // that we are in selecting mode in the input method. // FIXME: rLength == preedit_length is not a changing condition // FIXME: should be put out of the loop. if (pos >= rStart && pos < rStart + rLength && !(cursor_pos < rLength && rLength == preedit_length)) ps = Painter::preedit_selecting; if (pos == cursor_pos && (cursor_pos < rLength && rLength == preedit_length)) ps = Painter::preedit_cursor; // draw one character and update cur_x. cur_x += pain.preeditText(cur_x, cur_y, typed_char, font, ps); } // update the preedit string screen area. update(0, cur_y - preedit_lines_*height, viewport()->width(), (height + 1) * preedit_lines_); // Don't forget to accept the event! e->accept(); } QVariant GuiWorkArea::inputMethodQuery(Qt::InputMethodQuery query) const { QRect cur_r(0,0,0,0); switch (query) { // this is the CJK-specific composition window position. case Qt::ImMicroFocus: cur_r = cursor_->rect(); if (preedit_lines_ != 1) cur_r.moveLeft(10); cur_r.moveBottom(cur_r.bottom() + cur_r.height() * preedit_lines_); // return lower right of cursor in LyX. return cur_r; default: return QWidget::inputMethodQuery(query); } } void GuiWorkArea::updateWindowTitle() { docstring maximize_title; docstring minimize_title; Buffer & buf = buffer_view_->buffer(); FileName const fileName = buf.fileName(); if (!fileName.empty()) { maximize_title = fileName.displayName(30); minimize_title = from_utf8(fileName.onlyFileName()); if (!buf.isClean()) { maximize_title += _(" (changed)"); minimize_title += char_type('*'); } if (buf.isReadonly()) maximize_title += _(" (read only)"); } QString title = windowTitle(); QString new_title = toqstr(maximize_title); if (title == new_title) return; QWidget::setWindowTitle(new_title); QWidget::setWindowIconText(toqstr(minimize_title)); titleChanged(this); } void GuiWorkArea::setReadOnly(bool) { updateWindowTitle(); if (this == lyx_view_->currentWorkArea()) lyx_view_->updateBufferDependent(false); } bool GuiWorkArea::isFullScreen() { return lyx_view_ && lyx_view_->isFullScreen(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TabWorkArea // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef Q_WS_MACX class NoTabFrameMacStyle : public QMacStyle { public: /// QRect subElementRect(SubElement element, const QStyleOption * option, const QWidget * widget = 0 ) const { QRect rect = QMacStyle::subElementRect(element, option, widget); bool noBar = static_cast(widget)->count() <= 1; // The Qt Mac style puts the contents into a 3 pixel wide box // which looks very ugly and not like other Mac applications. // Hence we remove this here, and moreover the 16 pixel round // frame above if the tab bar is hidden. if (element == QStyle::SE_TabWidgetTabContents) { rect.adjust(- rect.left(), 0, rect.left(), 0); if (noBar) rect.setTop(0); } return rect; } }; NoTabFrameMacStyle noTabFrameMacStyle; #endif TabWorkArea::TabWorkArea(QWidget * parent) : QTabWidget(parent), clicked_tab_(-1) { #ifdef Q_WS_MACX setStyle(&noTabFrameMacStyle); #endif QPalette pal = palette(); pal.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Button, pal.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window)); pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Button, pal.color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Window)); pal.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Button, pal.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window)); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(on_currentTabChanged(int))); QToolButton * closeBufferButton = new QToolButton(this); closeBufferButton->setPalette(pal); // FIXME: rename the icon to closebuffer.png closeBufferButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/closetab.png")); closeBufferButton->setText("Close File"); closeBufferButton->setAutoRaise(true); closeBufferButton->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); closeBufferButton->setToolTip(qt_("Close File")); closeBufferButton->setEnabled(true); QObject::connect(closeBufferButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closeCurrentBuffer())); setCornerWidget(closeBufferButton, Qt::TopRightCorner); // setup drag'n'drop QTabBar* tb = new DragTabBar; connect(tb, SIGNAL(tabMoveRequested(int, int)), this, SLOT(moveTab(int, int))); setTabBar(tb); // make us responsible for the context menu of the tabbar tb->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(tb, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)), this, SLOT(showContextMenu(const QPoint &))); setUsesScrollButtons(true); } void TabWorkArea::setFullScreen(bool full_screen) { for (int i = 0; i != count(); ++i) { if (GuiWorkArea * wa = dynamic_cast(widget(i))) wa->setFullScreen(full_screen); } if (lyxrc.full_screen_tabbar) showBar(!full_screen && count()>1); } void TabWorkArea::showBar(bool show) { tabBar()->setEnabled(show); tabBar()->setVisible(show); } GuiWorkArea * TabWorkArea::currentWorkArea() { if (count() == 0) return 0; GuiWorkArea * wa = dynamic_cast(currentWidget()); BOOST_ASSERT(wa); return wa; } GuiWorkArea * TabWorkArea::workArea(Buffer & buffer) { for (int i = 0; i != count(); ++i) { GuiWorkArea * wa = dynamic_cast(widget(i)); BOOST_ASSERT(wa); if (&wa->bufferView().buffer() == &buffer) return wa; } return 0; } void TabWorkArea::closeAll() { while (count()) { GuiWorkArea * wa = dynamic_cast(widget(0)); BOOST_ASSERT(wa); removeTab(0); delete wa; } } bool TabWorkArea::setCurrentWorkArea(GuiWorkArea * work_area) { BOOST_ASSERT(work_area); int index = indexOf(work_area); if (index == -1) return false; if (index == currentIndex()) // Make sure the work area is up to date. on_currentTabChanged(index); else // Switch to the work area. setCurrentIndex(index); work_area->setFocus(); return true; } GuiWorkArea * TabWorkArea::addWorkArea(Buffer & buffer, GuiView & view) { GuiWorkArea * wa = new GuiWorkArea(buffer, view); wa->setUpdatesEnabled(false); // Hide tabbar if there's no tab (avoid a resize and a flashing tabbar // when hiding it again below). if (!(currentWorkArea() && currentWorkArea()->isFullScreen())) showBar(count() > 0); addTab(wa, wa->windowTitle()); QObject::connect(wa, SIGNAL(titleChanged(GuiWorkArea *)), this, SLOT(updateTabText(GuiWorkArea *))); if (currentWorkArea() && currentWorkArea()->isFullScreen()) setFullScreen(true); else // Hide tabbar if there's only one tab. showBar(count() > 1); return wa; } bool TabWorkArea::removeWorkArea(GuiWorkArea * work_area) { BOOST_ASSERT(work_area); int index = indexOf(work_area); if (index == -1) return false; work_area->setUpdatesEnabled(false); removeTab(index); delete work_area; if (count()) { // make sure the next work area is enabled. currentWidget()->setUpdatesEnabled(true); if ((currentWorkArea() && currentWorkArea()->isFullScreen())) setFullScreen(true); else // Hide tabbar if there's only one tab. showBar(count() > 1); } else lastWorkAreaRemoved(); return true; } void TabWorkArea::on_currentTabChanged(int i) { GuiWorkArea * wa = dynamic_cast(widget(i)); BOOST_ASSERT(wa); BufferView & bv = wa->bufferView(); bv.cursor().fixIfBroken(); bv.updateMetrics(); wa->setUpdatesEnabled(true); wa->redraw(); wa->setFocus(); /// currentWorkAreaChanged(wa); LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "currentTabChanged " << i << "File" << bv.buffer().absFileName()); } void TabWorkArea::closeCurrentBuffer() { if (clicked_tab_ != -1) setCurrentIndex(clicked_tab_); lyx::dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_BUFFER_CLOSE)); } void TabWorkArea::closeCurrentTab() { if (clicked_tab_ == -1) removeWorkArea(currentWorkArea()); else { GuiWorkArea * wa = dynamic_cast(widget(clicked_tab_)); BOOST_ASSERT(wa); removeWorkArea(wa); } } void TabWorkArea::updateTabText(GuiWorkArea * wa) { int const i = indexOf(wa); if (i < 0) return; setTabText(i, wa->windowTitle()); } void TabWorkArea::showContextMenu(const QPoint & pos) { // which tab? clicked_tab_ = static_cast(tabBar())->tabAt(pos); if (clicked_tab_ != -1) { // show tab popup QMenu popup; popup.addAction(QIcon(":/images/hidetab.png"), qt_("Hide tab"), this, SLOT(closeCurrentTab())); popup.addAction(QIcon(":/images/closetab.png"), qt_("Close tab"), this, SLOT(closeCurrentBuffer())); popup.exec(tabBar()->mapToGlobal(pos)); clicked_tab_ = -1; } } void TabWorkArea::moveTab(int fromIndex, int toIndex) { QWidget * w = widget(fromIndex); QIcon icon = tabIcon(fromIndex); QString text = tabText(fromIndex); setCurrentIndex(fromIndex); removeTab(fromIndex); insertTab(toIndex, w, icon, text); setCurrentIndex(toIndex); } DragTabBar::DragTabBar(QWidget* parent) : QTabBar(parent) { setAcceptDrops(true); } #if QT_VERSION < 0x040300 int DragTabBar::tabAt(QPoint const & position) const { const int max = count(); for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) { if (tabRect(i).contains(position)) return i; } return -1; } #endif void DragTabBar::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) dragStartPos_ = event->pos(); QTabBar::mousePressEvent(event); } void DragTabBar::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * event) { // If the left button isn't pressed anymore then return if (!(event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)) return; // If the distance is too small then return if ((event->pos() - dragStartPos_).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance()) return; // did we hit something after all? int tab = tabAt(dragStartPos_); if (tab == -1) return; // simulate button release to remove highlight from button int i = currentIndex(); QMouseEvent me(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, dragStartPos_, event->button(), event->buttons(), 0); QTabBar::mouseReleaseEvent(&me); setCurrentIndex(i); // initiate Drag QDrag * drag = new QDrag(this); QMimeData * mimeData = new QMimeData; // a crude way to distinguish tab-reodering drops from other ones mimeData->setData("action", "tab-reordering") ; drag->setMimeData(mimeData); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040300 // FIXME: gives garbage for tab != 0. // get tab pixmap as cursor QRect r = tabRect(tab); QPixmap pixmap(r.size()); render(&pixmap, r.topLeft()); drag->setPixmap(pixmap); #endif drag->exec(); } void DragTabBar::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent * event) { // Only accept if it's an tab-reordering request QMimeData const * m = event->mimeData(); QStringList formats = m->formats(); if (formats.contains("action") && m->data("action") == "tab-reordering") event->acceptProposedAction(); } void DragTabBar::dropEvent(QDropEvent * event) { int fromIndex = tabAt(dragStartPos_); int toIndex = tabAt(event->pos()); // Tell interested objects that if (fromIndex != toIndex) tabMoveRequested(fromIndex, toIndex); event->acceptProposedAction(); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "GuiWorkArea_moc.cpp"