/** * \file InsetListingsParams.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Bo Peng * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "InsetListingsParams.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "Length.h" #include "Lexer.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/textutils.h" #include "support/convert.h" #include #include using std::map; using std::vector; using std::ostream; using std::string; using std::exception; namespace lyx { using support::bformat; using support::trim; using support::rtrim; using support::subst; using support::isStrInt; using support::prefixIs; using support::suffixIs; using support::getVectorFromString; namespace { enum param_type { ALL, // accept all TRUEFALSE, // accept 'true' or 'false' INTEGER, // accept an integer LENGTH, // accept a latex length ONEOF, // accept one of a few values SUBSETOF, // accept a string composed of given characters }; /// Listings package parameter information. // FIXME: make this class visible outside of this file so that // FIXME: it can be used directly in the frontend and in the LyX format // FIXME: parsing. class ListingsParam { public: /// Default ctor for STL containers. ListingsParam(): onoff_(false), type_(ALL) {} /// Main ctor. ListingsParam(string const & v, bool o, param_type t, string const & i, docstring const & h) : value_(v), onoff_(o), type_(t), info_(i), hint_(h) {} /// Validate a paramater. /// \retval an empty string if \c par is valid. /// \retval otherwise an explanation WRT to \c par invalidity. docstring validate(string const & par) const; private: /// default value string value_; public: /// for option with value "true", "false". /// if onoff is true, /// "true": option /// "false": /// "other": option="other" /// onoff is false, /// "true": option=true /// "false": option=false // FIXME: this is public because of InsetListingParam::addParam() bool onoff_; private: /// validator type. /// ALL: /// TRUEFALSE: /// INTEGER: /// LENGTH: /// info is ignored. /// ONEOF /// info is a \n separated string with allowed values /// SUBSETOF /// info is a string from which par is composed of /// (e.g. floatplacement can be one or more of *tbph) param_type type_; /// information which meaning depends on parameter type. /// \sa type_ string info_; /// a help message that is displayed in the gui. docstring hint_; }; docstring ListingsParam::validate(string const & par) const { bool unclosed = false; string par2 = par; // braces are allowed if (prefixIs(par, "{") && suffixIs(par, "}")) par2 = par.substr(1, par.size() - 2); else if (prefixIs(par, "{")) { par2 = par.substr(1); unclosed = true; } switch (type_) { case ALL: if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) { if (!hint_.empty()) return hint_; else return _("A value is expected."); } if (unclosed) return _("Unbalanced braces!"); return docstring(); case TRUEFALSE: if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) { if (!hint_.empty()) return hint_; else return _("Please specify true or false."); } if (par2 != "true" && par2 != "false") return _("Only true or false is allowed."); if (unclosed) return _("Unbalanced braces!"); return docstring(); case INTEGER: if (!isStrInt(par2)) { if (!hint_.empty()) return hint_; else return _("Please specify an integer value."); } if (convert(par2) == 0 && par2[0] != '0') return _("An integer is expected."); if (unclosed) return _("Unbalanced braces!"); return docstring(); case LENGTH: if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) { if (!hint_.empty()) return hint_; else return _("Please specify a LaTeX length expression."); } if (!isValidLength(par2)) return _("Invalid LaTeX length expression."); if (unclosed) return _("Unbalanced braces!"); return docstring(); case ONEOF: { if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) { if (!hint_.empty()) return hint_; else return bformat(_("Please specify one of %1$s."), from_utf8(info_)); } // break value to allowed strings vector lists; string v; for (size_t i = 0; i != info_.size(); ++i) { if (info_[i] == '\n') { lists.push_back(v); v = string(); } else v += info_[i]; } if (!v.empty()) lists.push_back(v); // good, find the string if (std::find(lists.begin(), lists.end(), par2) != lists.end()) { if (unclosed) return _("Unbalanced braces!"); return docstring(); } // otherwise, produce a meaningful error message. string matching_names; for (vector::iterator it = lists.begin(); it != lists.end(); ++it) { if (it->size() >= par2.size() && it->substr(0, par2.size()) == par2) { if (matching_names.empty()) matching_names += *it; else matching_names += ", " + *it; } } if (matching_names.empty()) return bformat(_("Try one of %1$s."), from_utf8(info_)); else return bformat(_("I guess you mean %1$s."), from_utf8(matching_names)); return docstring(); } case SUBSETOF: if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) { if (!hint_.empty()) return hint_; else return bformat(_("Please specify one or more of '%1$s'."), from_utf8(info_)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < par2.size(); ++i) if (info_.find(par2[i], 0) == string::npos) return bformat(_("Should be composed of one or more of %1$s."), from_utf8(info_)); if (unclosed) return _("Unbalanced braces!"); return docstring(); } } /// languages and language/dialect combinations char const * allowed_languages = "no language\nABAP\n[R/2 4.3]ABAP\n[R/2 5.0]ABAP\n[R/3 3.1]ABAP\n" "[R/3 4.6C]ABAP\n[R/3 6.10]ABAP\nACSL\nAda\n[2005]Ada\n[83]Ada\n" "[95]Ada\nALGOL\n[60]ALGOL\n[68]ALGOL\nAssembler\n" "[Motorola68k]Assembler\n[x86masm]Assembler\nAwk\n[gnu]Awk\n[POSIX]Awk\n" "bash\nBasic\n[Visual]Basic\nC\n[ANSI]C\n[Handel]C\n[Objective]C\n" "[Sharp]C\nC++\n[ANSI]C++\n[GNU]C++\n[ISO]C++\n[Visual]C++\nCaml\n" "[light]Caml\n[Objective]Caml\nClean\nCobol\n[1974]Cobol\n[1985]Cobol\n" "[ibm]Cobol\nComal 80\ncommand.com\n[WinXP]command.com\nComsol\ncsh\n" "Delphi\nEiffel\nElan\nEuphoria\nFortran\n[77]Fortran\n[90]Fortran\n" "[95]Fortran\nGCL\nGnuplot\nHaskell\nHTML\nIDL\n[CORBA]IDL\ninform\n" "Java\n[AspectJ]Java\nJVMIS\nksh\nLingo\nLisp\n[Auto]Lisp\nLogo\n" "make\n[gnu]make\nMathematica\n[1.0]Mathematica\n[3.0]Mathematica\n" "[5.2]Mathematica\nMatlab\nMercury\nMetaPost\nMiranda\nMizar\nML\n" "Modula-2\nMuPAD\nNASTRAN\nOberon-2\nOCL\n[decorative]OCL\n[OMG]OCL\n" "Octave\nOz\nPascal\n[Borland6]Pascal\n[Standard]Pascal\n[XSC]Pascal\n" "Perl\nPHP\nPL/I\nPlasm\nPostScript\nPOV\nProlog\nPromela\nPSTricks\n" "Python\nR\nReduce\nRexx\nRSL\nRuby\nS\n[PLUS]S\nSAS\nScilab\nsh\n" "SHELXL\nSimula\n[67]Simula\n[CII]Simula\n[DEC]Simula\n[IBM]Simula\n" "SPARQL\nSQL\ntcl\n[tk]tcl\nTeX\n[AlLaTeX]TeX\n[common]TeX\n[LaTeX]TeX\n" "[plain]TeX\n[primitive]TeX\nVBScript\nVerilog\nVHDL\n[AMS]VHDL\nVRML\n" "[97]VRML\nXML\nXSLT"; /// ListingsParam Validator. /// This class is aimed to be a singleton which is instantiated in /// \c InsetListingsParams::addParam(). // FIXME: transfer this validator to the frontend. // FIXME: avoid the use of exception. class ParValidator { public: ParValidator(); /// \return the associated \c ListingsParam. /// \warning an \c invalidParamexception will be thrown /// if the key is not found. ListingsParam const & param(string const & key) const; /// validate a parameter for a given key. /// \warning an \c invalidParam exception will be thrown if /// \c par is an invalid parameter. ListingsParam const & validate(string const & key, string const & par) const; private: /// key is the name of the parameter typedef map ListingsParams; ListingsParams all_params_; /// string all_param_names_; }; ParValidator::ParValidator() { docstring const empty_hint; docstring const style_hint = _("Use \\footnotesize, \\small, \\itshape, " "\\ttfamily or something like that"); docstring const frame_hint = _("none, leftline, topline, bottomline, lines, " "single, shadowbox or subset of trblTRBL"); docstring const frameround_hint = _("Enter four letters (either t = round " "or f = square) for top right, bottom " "right, bottom left and top left corner."); docstring const color_hint = _("Enter something like \\color{white}"); /// options copied from page 26 of listings manual // FIXME: add default parameters ... (which is not used now) all_params_["float"] = ListingsParam("false", true, SUBSETOF, "*tbph", empty_hint); all_params_["floatplacement"] = ListingsParam("tbp", false, SUBSETOF, "tbp", empty_hint); all_params_["aboveskip"] = ListingsParam("\\medskipamount", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["belowskip"] = ListingsParam("\\medskipamount", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["lineskip"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["boxpos"] = ListingsParam("", false, SUBSETOF, "bct", empty_hint); all_params_["print"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["firstline"] = ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint); all_params_["lastline"] = ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint); all_params_["showlines"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["emptylines"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _( "Expect a number with an optional * before it")); all_params_["gobble"] = ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint); all_params_["style"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["language"] = ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF, allowed_languages, empty_hint); all_params_["alsolanguage"] = ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF, allowed_languages, empty_hint); all_params_["defaultdialect"] = ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF, allowed_languages, empty_hint); all_params_["printpod"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["usekeywordsintag"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["tagstyle"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint); all_params_["markfirstintag"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint); all_params_["makemacrouse"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["basicstyle"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint); all_params_["identifierstyle"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint); all_params_["commentstyle"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint); all_params_["stringstyle"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint); all_params_["keywordstyle"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint); all_params_["ndkeywordstyle"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint); all_params_["classoffset"] = ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint); all_params_["texcsstyle"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint); all_params_["directivestyle"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint); all_params_["emph"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["moreemph"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["deleteemph"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["emphstyle"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["delim"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["moredelim"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["deletedelim"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["extendedchars"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["inputencoding"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["upquote"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["tabsize"] = ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint); all_params_["showtabs"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["tab"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["showspaces"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["showstringspaces"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["formfeed"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["numbers"] = ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF, "none\nleft\nright", empty_hint); all_params_["stepnumber"] = ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint); all_params_["numberfirstline"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["numberstyle"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint); all_params_["numbersep"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["numberblanklines"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["firstnumber"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _("auto, last or a number")); all_params_["name"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["thelstnumber"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["title"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); // this option is not handled in the parameter box all_params_["caption"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _( "This parameter should not be entered here. Please use the caption " "edit box (when using the include dialog) or " "menu Insert->Caption (when defining a listing inset)")); // this option is not handled in the parameter box all_params_["label"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "",_( "This parameter should not be entered here. Please use the label " "edit box (when using the include dialog) or " "menu Insert->Label (when defining a listing inset)")); all_params_["nolol"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["captionpos"] = ListingsParam("", false, SUBSETOF, "tb", empty_hint); all_params_["abovecaptionskip"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["belowcaptionskip"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["linewidth"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["xleftmargin"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["xrightmargin"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["resetmargins"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["breaklines"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["prebreak"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["postbreak"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["breakindent"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["breakautoindent"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["frame"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", frame_hint); all_params_["frameround"] = ListingsParam("", false, SUBSETOF, "tf", frameround_hint); all_params_["framesep"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["rulesep"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["framerule"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["framexleftmargin"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["framexrightmargin"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["framextopmargin"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["framexbottommargin"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["backgroundcolor"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint ); all_params_["rulecolor"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint ); all_params_["fillcolor"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint ); all_params_["rulesepcolor"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint ); all_params_["frameshape"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["index"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["moreindex"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["deleteindex"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["indexstyle"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["columns"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["flexiblecolumns"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["keepspaces"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["basewidth"] = ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint); all_params_["fontadjust"] = ListingsParam("", true, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["texcl"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["mathescape"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["escapechar"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["escapeinside"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["escepeinside"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["escepebegin"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["escepeend"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["fancyvrb"] = ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint); all_params_["fvcmdparams"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["morefvcmdparams"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["keywordsprefix"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["keywords"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["morekeywords"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["deletekeywords"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["ndkeywords"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["morendkeywords"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["deletendkeywords"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["texcs"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["moretexcs"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["deletetexcs"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["directives"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["moredirectives"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["deletedirectives"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["sensitive"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["alsoletter"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["alsodigit"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["alsoother"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["otherkeywords"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["tag"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["string"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["morestring"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["deletestring"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["comment"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["morecomment"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["deletecomment"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["keywordcomment"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["morekeywordcomment"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["deletekeywordcomment"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["keywordcommentsemicolon"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); all_params_["podcomment"] = ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint); ListingsParams::const_iterator it = all_params_.begin(); ListingsParams::const_iterator end = all_params_.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (!all_param_names_.empty()) all_param_names_ += ", "; all_param_names_ += it->first; } } ListingsParam const & ParValidator::validate(string const & key, string const & par) const { ListingsParam const & lparam = param(key); docstring s = lparam.validate(par); if (!s.empty()) throw invalidParam(bformat(_("Parameter %1$s: "), from_utf8(key)) + s); return lparam; } ListingsParam const & ParValidator::param(string const & name) const { if (name.empty()) throw invalidParam(_("Invalid (empty) listing parameter name.")); if (name == "?") throw invalidParam(bformat( _("Available listing parameters are %1$s"), from_ascii(all_param_names_))); // locate name in parameter table ListingsParams::const_iterator it = all_params_.find(name); if (it != all_params_.end()) return it->second; // otherwise, produce a meaningful error message. string matching_names; ListingsParams::const_iterator end = all_params_.end(); for (it = all_params_.begin(); it != end; ++it) { if (prefixIs(it->first, name)) { if (!matching_names.empty()) matching_names += ", "; matching_names += it->first; } } if (matching_names.empty()) throw invalidParam(bformat(_("Unknown listing parameter name: %1$s"), from_utf8(name))); else throw invalidParam(bformat(_("Parameters starting with '%1$s': %2$s"), from_utf8(name), from_utf8(matching_names))); } } // namespace anon. InsetListingsParams::InsetListingsParams() : inline_(false), params_(), status_(InsetCollapsable::Open) { } InsetListingsParams::InsetListingsParams(string const & par, bool in, InsetCollapsable::CollapseStatus s) : inline_(in), params_(), status_(s) { // this will activate parameter validation. fromEncodedString(par); } void InsetListingsParams::write(ostream & os) const { if (inline_) os << "true "; else os << "false "; os << status_ << " \"" << encodedString() << "\""; } void InsetListingsParams::read(Lexer & lex) { lex >> inline_; int s; lex >> s; if (lex) status_ = static_cast(s); string par; lex >> par; fromEncodedString(par); } string InsetListingsParams::params(string const & sep) const { string par; for (map::const_iterator it = params_.begin(); it != params_.end(); ++it) { if (!par.empty()) par += sep; // key=value,key=value1 is stored in params_ as key=value,key_=value1. if (it->second.empty()) par += rtrim(it->first, "_"); else par += rtrim(it->first, "_") + '=' + it->second; } return par; } void InsetListingsParams::addParam(string const & key, string const & value) { if (key.empty()) return; static ParValidator par_validator; // exception may be thown. ListingsParam const & lparam = par_validator.validate(key, value); // duplicate parameters! string keyname = key; if (params_.find(key) != params_.end()) // key=value,key=value1 is allowed in listings // use key_, key__, key___ etc to avoid name conflict while (params_.find(keyname += '_') != params_.end()); // check onoff flag // onoff parameter with value false if (lparam.onoff_ && (value == "false" || value == "{false}")) params_[keyname] = string(); // if the parameter is surrounded with {}, good else if (prefixIs(value, "{") && suffixIs(value, "}")) params_[keyname] = value; // otherwise, check if {} is needed. Add {} to all values with // non-ascii/number characters, just to be safe else { bool has_special_char = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i) if (!isAlphaASCII(value[i]) && !isDigit(value[i])) { has_special_char = true; break; } if (has_special_char) params_[keyname] = "{" + value + "}"; else params_[keyname] = value; } } void InsetListingsParams::addParams(string const & par) { string key; string value; bool isValue = false; int braces = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < par.size(); ++i) { // end of par if (par[i] == '\n') { addParam(trim(key), trim(value)); key = string(); value = string(); isValue = false; continue; } else if (par[i] == ',' && braces == 0) { addParam(trim(key), trim(value)); key = string(); value = string(); isValue = false; continue; } else if (par[i] == '=' && braces == 0) { isValue = true; continue; } else if (par[i] == '{' && par[i - 1] == '=') braces ++; else if (par[i] == '}' && (i == par.size() - 1 || par[i + 1] == ',' || par[i + 1] == '\n')) braces --; if (isValue) value += par[i]; else key += par[i]; } if (!trim(key).empty()) addParam(trim(key), trim(value)); } void InsetListingsParams::setParams(string const & par) { params_.clear(); addParams(par); } string InsetListingsParams::encodedString() const { // Encode string! // '"' is handled differently because it will // terminate a lyx token. string par = params(); // '"' is now " ==> '"' is now &quot; par = subst(par, "&", "&"); // '"' is now &quot; ==> '"' is now &quot; par = subst(par, "\"", """); return par; } string InsetListingsParams::separatedParams(bool keepComma) const { if (keepComma) return params(",\n"); else return params("\n"); } void InsetListingsParams::fromEncodedString(string const & in) { // Decode string! Reversal of encodedString string par = in; // '"' is now &quot; ==> '"' is now &quot; par = subst(par, """, "\""); // '"' is now &quot; ==> '"' is now " par = subst(par, "&", "&"); setParams(par); } bool InsetListingsParams::isFloat() const { return params_.find("float") != params_.end(); } string InsetListingsParams::getParamValue(string const & param) const { // is this parameter defined? map::const_iterator it = params_.find(param); return (it == params_.end()) ? string() : it->second; } } // namespace lyx