/* Create uninstaller, file associations and configure LyX */ !define SHORTCUT '${APP_NAME} ${APP_SERIES_NAME}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${APP_RUN}" "" "$INSTDIR\${APP_RUN}" "" "" "" "${APP_INFO}"' #-------------------------------- #Sections Section -FileAssociations #Associate .lyx files with LyX for current user of all users #Write information about file type !define REG_FILETYPE 'WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "Software\Classes\${APP_REGNAME_DOC}' ${REG_FILETYPE}" "" "${APP_NAME} Document" ${REG_FILETYPE}\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\bin\lyx_doc_32x32.ico" ${REG_FILETYPE}\Shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\${APP_RUN}" "%1"' !define REG_FILEEXT 'WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "Software\Classes\${APP_EXT}"' ${REG_FILEEXT} "" "${APP_REGNAME_DOC}" ${REG_FILEEXT} "Content Type" "${APP_MIME_TYPE}" #Refresh shell System::Call 'shell32.dll::SHChangeNotify(i, i, i, i) (${SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED}, ${SHCNF_IDLIST}, 0, 0)' SectionEnd Section -InstallData #Registry information WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT ${APP_REGKEY} "" $INSTDIR WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT ${APP_REGKEY} "Version" "${APP_VERSION}" WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT ${APP_REGKEY_SETUP} "LaTeX Path" $PathLaTeX WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT ${APP_REGKEY_SETUP} "ImageMagick Path" $PathImageMagick WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT ${APP_REGKEY_SETUP} "Ghostscript Path" $PathGhostscript WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT ${APP_REGKEY_SETUP} "LyX Language" $LangName #Start Menu shortcut #There is only one shortcut to the application, so it should be in the main group CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${SHORTCUT} #Uninstaller information !define REG_UNINSTALL 'WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${SETUP_UNINSTALLER_KEY}"' ${if} $CurrentUserInstall == ${TRUE} ${REG_UNINSTALL} "DisplayName" "${APP_NAME} ${APP_VERSION} $(TEXT_INSTALL_CURRENTUSER)" ${else} ${REG_UNINSTALL} "DisplayName" "${APP_NAME} ${APP_VERSION}" ${endif} ${REG_UNINSTALL} "UninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\${SETUP_UNINSTALLER}"' ${REG_UNINSTALL} "DisplayVersion" "${APP_VERSION}" ${REG_UNINSTALL} "DisplayIcon" "$INSTDIR\bin\lyx_32x32.ico" ${REG_UNINSTALL} "URLUpdateInfo" "http://www.lyx.org/" ${REG_UNINSTALL} "URLInfoAbout" "http://www.lyx.org/about/" ${REG_UNINSTALL} "Publisher" "LyX Team" ${REG_UNINSTALL} "HelpLink" "http://www.lyx.org/internet/mailing.php" SectionEnd Section -dvipost #Install dvipost package ${if} $PathLaTeXLocal != "" SetOutPath "$PathLaTeXLocal\tex\latex\dvipost" File "${FILES_DVIPOST_PKG}\dvipost.sty" ${endif} #Update file name database ${if} $PathLaTeX != "" nsExec::Exec '"$PathLaTeX\initexmf.exe" --update-fndb' Pop $R0 #Return value ${endif} SectionEnd Section -Configure #Windows specific configuration in lyxrc.dist Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\lyxrc.dist" FileOpen $R1 "$INSTDIR\Resources\lyxrc.dist" w #Path prefix Call GetPathPrefix Pop $R0 FileWrite $R1 '\path_prefix "$R0"$\r$\n' #Default screen fonts FileWrite $R1 '\screen_font_roman "Times New Roman"$\r$\n' FileWrite $R1 '\screen_font_sans "Arial"$\r$\n' FileWrite $R1 '\screen_font_typewriter "Courier New"$\r$\n' FileWrite $R1 '\preview_scale_factor 1.0$\r$\n' ;Fit instant preview font size to screen fonts #PDF view helper FileWrite $R1 '\format "pdf" "pdf" "PDF (ps2pdf)" "P" "pdfview" "" "document,vector"$\r$\n' FileWrite $R1 '\format "pdf2" "pdf" "PDF (pdflatex)" "F" "pdfview" "" "document,vector"$\r$\n' FileWrite $R1 '\format "pdf3" "pdf" "PDF (dvipdfm)" "m" "pdfview" "" "document,vector"$\r$\n' FileClose $R1 #Information in the registry for the launcher #Set language WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT ${APP_REGKEY_SETTINGS} "Language" $LangISOCode SectionEnd #-------------------------------- #Functions Function CheckDesktopShortcut #Enable desktop icon creation when there is an icon already #Old shortcuts need to be updated ${if} ${fileexists} "$DESKTOP\${APP_NAME} ${APP_SERIES_NAME}.lnk" !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "ioSpecial.ini" "Field 5" "State" "1" ${endif} FunctionEnd Function CreateDesktopShortcut #Creating a desktop shortcut is an option on the finish page CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\${SHORTCUT} FunctionEnd