# AGUplus textclass definition file. # Author: Martin Vermeer <martin.vermeer@hut.fi> # # Necessary LaTeX files to be found on # # ftp://ftp.agu.org/journals/latex/journals Format 11 Input stdclass.inc SecNumDepth 4 Preamble \usepackage{times} \sectionnumbers EndPreamble NoStyle Chapter NoStyle Chapter* NoStyle Subparagraph NoStyle Subparagraph* Style Section Font Size Large EndFont End Style Section* Font Size Large EndFont End Style Subsection Font Size Normal EndFont End Style Subsection* Font Size Normal EndFont End Style Paragraph LatexName subsubsection End Style Affiliation CopyStyle Author LatexName affil End Style Paragraph* CopyStyle Paragraph Margin Static LatexName subsubsubsection* LabelType No_Label OptionalArgs 0 End Style Left_Header Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName lefthead NextNoIndent 1 LeftMargin "Left Header:xx" LabelSep xxx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 1.3 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.7 Align Left LabelType Static LabelString "Left Header:" InTitle 1 LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color red EndFont End Style Right_Header CopyStyle Left_Header LatexName righthead LeftMargin "Right Header:xx" LabelString "Right Header:" End Style Received CopyStyle Left_Header LatexName received LeftMargin Received:xx LabelString "Received:" End Style Revised CopyStyle Left_Header LatexName revised LeftMargin Revised:xx LabelString "Revised:" End Style Accepted CopyStyle Left_Header LatexName accepted LeftMargin Accepted:xx LabelString "Accepted:" End Style CCC CopyStyle Left_Header LatexName ccc LeftMargin "CCC code:xx" LabelString "CCC code:" End # cpright # journalid # articleid Style PaperId CopyStyle Left_Header LatexName paperid LeftMargin "Paper Id:xx" LabelString "Paper Id:" End Style AuthorAddr CopyStyle Left_Header LatexName authoraddr LeftMargin "Author Address:xx" LabelString "Author Address:" End Style SlugComment CopyStyle Left_Header LatexName slugcomment LeftMargin "Slug Comment:xx" LabelString "Slug Comment:" End Style Bibliography TopSep 4 LabelString "Bibliography" LabelFont Series Bold Size Huge EndFont End Float Type plate GuiName Plate Placement htbp Extension lof NumberWithin none Style plain LatexBuiltin true End Float GuiName Planotable Type planotable Placement htbp Extension lot NumberWithin none Style Ruled LatexBuiltin true End Style Table_Caption Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName tablecaption NeedProtect 1 LabelSep xx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 0.5 Align Center LabelType Sensitive LabelString "TableCaption" LabelFont Series Bold EndFont End Counter plate Within none End Counter planotable Within none End