/** * \file QCitationDialog.C * Copyright 2001 the LyX Team * Read the file COPYING * * \author Kalle Dalheimer */ #include #include "gettext.h" #include "QCitationDialog.h" #include "Dialogs.h" #include "controllers/ControlCitation.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "QtLyXView.h" #include #include "buffer.h" using std::vector; using std::find; using std::max; QCitationDialog::QCitationDialog(QCitation * form) : QCitationDialogBase(0, 0, false, 0), form_(form) { connect(restorePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), form, SLOT(slotRestore())); connect(okPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), form, SLOT(slotOK())); connect(applyPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), form, SLOT(slotApply())); connect(closePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), form, SLOT(slotClose())); connect(searchED, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(slotNextClicked())); textBeforeED->setText(_("Not yet supported")); textBeforeED->setReadOnly(true); textBeforeED->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus); citationStyleCO->setEnabled(false); citationStyleCO->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus); } QCitationDialog::~QCitationDialog() { } void QCitationDialog::slotBibSelected(int sel) { slotBibHighlighted(sel); if (form_->readOnly()) return; slotAddClicked(); } void QCitationDialog::slotBibHighlighted(int sel) { biblio::InfoMap const & theMap = form_->controller().bibkeysInfo(); citeLB->clearSelection(); // FIXME: why would this happen ? if (sel < 0 || sel >= (int)form_->bibkeys.size()) { return; } // Put into browser_info the additional info associated with // the selected browser_bib key infoML->clear(); infoML->setText(biblio::getInfo(theMap, form_->bibkeys[sel]).c_str()); // Highlight the selected browser_bib key in browser_cite if // present vector::const_iterator cit = std::find(form_->citekeys.begin(), form_->citekeys.end(), form_->bibkeys[sel]); if (cit != form_->citekeys.end()) { int const n = int(cit - form_->citekeys.begin()); citeLB->setSelected(n, true); citeLB->setTopItem(n); } if (!form_->readOnly()) { if (cit != form_->citekeys.end()) { form_->setBibButtons(QCitation::OFF); form_->setCiteButtons(QCitation::ON); } else { form_->setBibButtons(QCitation::ON); form_->setCiteButtons(QCitation::OFF); } } } void QCitationDialog::slotCiteHighlighted(int sel) { biblio::InfoMap const & theMap = form_->controller().bibkeysInfo(); // FIXME: why would this happen ? if (sel < 0 || sel >= (int)form_->citekeys.size()) { return; } if (!form_->readOnly()) { form_->setBibButtons(QCitation::OFF); form_->setCiteButtons(QCitation::ON); } // Highlight the selected browser_cite key in browser_bib vector::const_iterator cit = std::find(form_->bibkeys.begin(), form_->bibkeys.end(), form_->citekeys[sel]); if (cit != form_->bibkeys.end()) { int const n = int(cit - form_->bibkeys.begin()); bibLB->setSelected(n, true); bibLB->setTopItem(n); // Put into browser_info the additional info associated // with the selected browser_cite key infoML->clear(); infoML->setText(biblio::getInfo(theMap, form_->bibkeys[sel]).c_str()); } } void QCitationDialog::slotAddClicked() { int const sel = bibLB->currentItem(); // FIXME: why ? if (sel < 0 || sel >= (int)form_->bibkeys.size()) { return; } // Add the selected browser_bib key to browser_cite citeLB->insertItem(form_->bibkeys[sel].c_str()); form_->citekeys.push_back(form_->bibkeys[sel]); int const n = int(form_->citekeys.size()); citeLB->setSelected(n - 1, true); form_->setBibButtons(QCitation::OFF); form_->setCiteButtons(QCitation::ON); form_->changed(); } void QCitationDialog::slotDelClicked() { int const sel = citeLB->currentItem(); // FIXME: why ? if (sel < 0 || sel >= (int)form_->citekeys.size()) { return; } // Remove the selected key from browser_cite citeLB->removeItem(sel); form_->citekeys.erase(form_->citekeys.begin() + sel); form_->setBibButtons(QCitation::ON); form_->setCiteButtons(QCitation::OFF); form_->changed(); } void QCitationDialog::slotUpClicked() { int const sel = citeLB->currentItem(); // FIXME: why ? if (sel < 1 || sel >= (int)form_->citekeys.size()) { return; } // Move the selected key up one line vector::iterator it = form_->citekeys.begin() + sel; string const tmp = *it; citeLB->removeItem(sel); form_->citekeys.erase(it); citeLB->insertItem(tmp.c_str(), sel - 1); citeLB->setSelected(sel - 1, true); form_->citekeys.insert(it - 1, tmp); form_->setCiteButtons(QCitation::ON); form_->changed(); } void QCitationDialog::slotDownClicked() { int const sel = citeLB->currentItem(); // FIXME: ? if (sel < 0 || sel >= (int)form_->citekeys.size() - 1) { return; } // Move the selected key down one line vector::iterator it = form_->citekeys.begin() + sel; string const tmp = *it; citeLB->removeItem(sel); form_->citekeys.erase(it); citeLB->insertItem(tmp.c_str(), sel + 1); citeLB->setSelected(sel + 1, true); form_->citekeys.insert(it + 1, tmp); form_->setCiteButtons(QCitation::ON); form_->changed(); } void QCitationDialog::slotPreviousClicked() { doFind(biblio::BACKWARD); } void QCitationDialog::slotNextClicked() { doFind(biblio::FORWARD); } void QCitationDialog::doFind(biblio::Direction const dir) { biblio::InfoMap const & theMap = form_->controller().bibkeysInfo(); string const str = searchED->text().latin1(); biblio::Search const type = searchTypeCB->isChecked() ? biblio::REGEX : biblio::SIMPLE; vector::const_iterator start = form_->bibkeys.begin(); int const sel = bibLB->currentItem(); if (sel >= 0 && sel <= int(form_->bibkeys.size()-1)) start += sel; // Find the NEXT instance... if (dir == biblio::FORWARD) start += 1; else start -= 1; bool const caseSensitive = searchCaseCB->isChecked(); vector::const_iterator cit = biblio::searchKeys(theMap, form_->bibkeys, str, start, type, dir, caseSensitive); // FIXME: should work ... if (cit == form_->bibkeys.end()) { // not found. let's loop round if (dir == biblio::FORWARD) start = form_->bibkeys.begin(); else start = form_->bibkeys.end(); cit = biblio::searchKeys(theMap, form_->bibkeys, str, start, type, dir, caseSensitive); if (cit == form_->bibkeys.end()) return; } int const found = int(cit - form_->bibkeys.begin()); if (found == sel) { return; } // Update the display int const top = max(found - 5, 1); bibLB->setTopItem(top); bibLB->setSelected(found, true); slotBibHighlighted(0); }