/* init.nsh Initialization function */ #-------------------------------- # Installer initialization Function .onInit ${IfNot} ${IsNT} ${OrIfNot} ${AtLeastWin2000} MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "${APP_NAME} ${APP_VERSION} requires Windows 2000 or later." Quit ${EndIf} !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INIT ${unless} ${silent} Banner::show /NOUNLOAD "Checking system" ${EndIf} Call SearchExternal Call InitExternal ${unless} ${silent} Banner::destroy ${EndIf} FunctionEnd Function un.onInit !insertmacro MULTIUSER_UNINIT FunctionEnd #-------------------------------- # User initialization Var ComponentPath Var LyXPath Var LyXLangName # COMPONENT can be LaTeX ImageMagick and Ghostscript !macro EXTERNAL_INIT COMPONENT # APP_REGKEY_SETUP = "Software\${APP_NAME}${APP_SERIES_KEY}\Setup" # where ${APP_NAME}${APP_SERIES_KEY} is something like LyX16 ReadRegStr $ComponentPath SHELL_CONTEXT "${APP_REGKEY_SETUP}" "${COMPONENT} Path" # BIN_LATEX etc are defined in settings.nsh ${If} ${FileExists} "$ComponentPath\${BIN_${COMPONENT}}" # set variables like PathLaTeX StrCpy $Path${COMPONENT} $ComponentPath ${EndIf} !macroend Function InitUser # Get directories of components from registry ReadRegStr $LyXPath SHELL_CONTEXT "${APP_REGKEY}" "" ${If} $LyXPath != "" StrCpy $INSTDIR $LyXPath ${EndIf} !insertmacro EXTERNAL_INIT LaTeX !insertmacro EXTERNAL_INIT ImageMagick !insertmacro EXTERNAL_INIT Ghostscript # Get LyX language ReadRegStr $LyXLangName SHELL_CONTEXT "${APP_REGKEY_SETUP}" "LyX Language" ${If} $LyXLangName != "" StrCpy $LangName $LyXLangName ${EndIf} FunctionEnd