#include #include "math_parser.h" #include "math_arrayinset.h" #include "math_amsarrayinset.h" #include "math_binominset.h" #include "math_boxinset.h" #include "math_casesinset.h" #include "math_decorationinset.h" #include "math_dotsinset.h" #include "math_fontinset.h" #include "math_funcliminset.h" #include "math_fracinset.h" #include "math_kerninset.h" #include "math_lefteqninset.h" #include "math_macro.h" #include "math_macrotable.h" #include "math_macroarg.h" #include "math_notinset.h" #include "math_rootinset.h" #include "math_sizeinset.h" #include "math_spaceinset.h" #include "math_splitinset.h" #include "math_specialcharinset.h" #include "math_sqrtinset.h" #include "math_stackrelinset.h" #include "math_substackinset.h" #include "math_symbolinset.h" #include "math_undersetinset.h" #include "math_unknowninset.h" #include "math_xarrowinset.h" #include "math_xymatrixinset.h" #include "math_xyarrowinset.h" #include "math_metricsinfo.h" #include "debug.h" #include "math_support.h" #include "Lsstream.h" #include "support/filetools.h" // LibFileSearch #include #include namespace { // file scope typedef std::map WordList; WordList theWordList; struct key_type { /// char const * name; /// char const * inset; /// int id; }; key_type wordlist_array[] = { {"!", "space", 0}, {"#", "special", 0}, {"$", "special", 0}, {"%", "special", 0}, {"&", "special", 0}, {"(", "begin", LM_OT_SIMPLE}, {")", "end", LM_OT_SIMPLE}, {",", "space", 1}, {".", "special", 0}, {":", "space", 2}, {";", "space", 3}, {"Pr", "funclim", 0}, {"[", "begin", LM_OT_EQUATION}, {"]", "end", LM_OT_EQUATION}, {"_", "special", '_'}, {"acute", "decoration", 0}, {"arccos", "func", 0}, {"arcsin", "func", 0}, {"arctan", "func", 0}, {"arg", "func", 0}, {"bar", "decoration", 0}, {"begin", "begin", 0}, {"bf", "oldfont", 0}, {"bmod", "func", 0}, {"breve", "decoration", 0}, {"cal", "oldfont", 0}, {"cdots", "dots", 0}, {"check", "decoration", 0}, {"cos", "func", 0}, {"cosh", "func", 0}, {"cot", "func", 0}, {"coth", "func", 0}, {"csc", "func", 0}, {"ddot", "decoration", 0}, {"dddot", "decoration", 0}, {"ddots", "dots", 0}, {"deg", "func", 0}, {"det", "funclim", 0}, {"dim", "func", 0}, {"displaystyle", "style", LM_ST_DISPLAY}, {"dot", "decoration", 0}, {"dotsb", "dots", 0}, {"dotsc", "dots", 0}, {"dotsi", "dots", 0}, {"dotsm", "dots", 0}, {"dotso", "dots", 0}, {"end", "end", 0}, {"exp", "func", 0}, {"frak", "font", 0}, {"gcd", "funclim", 0}, {"grave", "decoration", 0}, {"hat", "decoration", 0}, {"hom", "func", 0}, {"inf", "funclim", 0}, {"it", "oldfont", 0}, {"ker", "func", 0}, {"label", "label", 0}, {"ldots", "dots", 0}, {"left", "left", 0}, {"lg", "func", 0}, {"lim", "funclim", 0}, {"liminf", "funclim", 0}, {"limits", "limit", 1 }, {"limsup", "funclim", 0}, {"ln", "func", 0}, {"log", "func", 0}, {"lyxbox", "box", 0}, {"lyxnegspace", "space", 6}, {"mathbb", "font", 0}, {"mathbf", "font", 0}, {"mathcal", "font", 0}, {"mathfrak", "font", 0}, {"mathit", "font", 0}, {"mathnormal", "font", 0}, {"mathring", "decoration", 0}, {"mathrm", "font", 0}, {"mathsf", "font", 0}, {"mathtt", "font", 0}, {"max", "funclim", 0}, {"mbox", "box", 0}, {"min", "funclim", 0}, {"newcommand", "newcommand", 0 }, {"nolimits", "limit", -1}, {"nonumber", "nonum", 0}, {"overbrace", "decoration", 0}, {"overleftarrow", "decoration", 0}, {"overline", "decoration", 0}, {"overrightarrow", "decoration", 0}, {"overleftrightarrow", "decoration", 0}, {"protect", "protect", 0}, {"qquad", "space", 5}, {"quad", "space", 4}, {"right", "right", 0}, {"rm", "oldfont", 0}, {"scriptscriptstyle", "style", LM_ST_SCRIPTSCRIPT}, {"scriptstyle", "style", LM_ST_SCRIPT}, {"sec", "func", 0}, {"sin", "func", 0}, {"sinh", "func", 0}, {"sup", "funclim", 0}, {"tan", "func", 0}, {"tanh", "func", 0}, {"textbf", "font", 0}, {"textit", "font", 0}, {"textmd", "font", 0}, {"textrm", "font", 0}, {"textsl", "font", 0}, {"textup", "font", 0}, {"textstyle", "style", LM_ST_TEXT}, {"tilde", "decoration", 0}, {"tt", "oldfont", 0}, {"underbar", "decoration", 0}, {"underbrace", "decoration", 0}, {"underleftarrow", "decoration", 0}, {"underline", "decoration", 0}, {"underrightarrow", "decoration", 0}, {"underleftrightarrow", "decoration", 0}, {"underset", "underset", 0}, {"vdots", "dots", 0}, {"vec", "decoration", 0}, {"widehat", "decoration", 0}, {"widetilde", "decoration", 0}, {"{", "special", '{'}, {"}", "special", '}'} }; void readSymbols(string const & filename) { std::ifstream fs(filename.c_str()); while (fs) { int charid = 0; int fallbackid = 0; latexkeys tmp; string line; getline(fs, line); istringstream is(line); is >> tmp.name >> tmp.inset >> charid >> fallbackid >> tmp.extra >> tmp.xmlname; if (!is) continue; // tmp.inset _is_ the fontname here. if (math_font_available(tmp.inset)) { tmp.draw += char(charid); } else { if (tmp.inset == "cmex") tmp.inset = "lyxsymb"; else tmp.inset = "lyxboldsymb"; tmp.draw += char(fallbackid); } if (theWordList.find(tmp.name) != theWordList.end()) lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "readSymbols: inset " << tmp.name << " already exists.\n"; else theWordList[tmp.name] = tmp; lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "read symbol '" << tmp.name << " inset: " << tmp.inset << " draw: " << int(tmp.draw[0]) << " extra: " << tmp.extra << "'\n"; } } void initSymbols() { unsigned const n = sizeof(wordlist_array) / sizeof(wordlist_array[0]); for (key_type * p = wordlist_array; p != wordlist_array + n; ++p) { latexkeys tmp; tmp.name = p->name; tmp.inset = p->inset; tmp.draw = p->name; theWordList[p->name] = tmp; } lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "reading symbols file\n"; string const file = LibFileSearch(string(), "symbols"); if (file.empty()) lyxerr << "Could not find symbols file\n"; else readSymbols(file); } } // namespace anon latexkeys const * in_word_set(string const & str) { static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { initSymbols(); initialized = true; } WordList::iterator it = theWordList.find(str); lyxerr << "looking up '" << str << "' found: " << (it != theWordList.end()) << "\n"; return (it != theWordList.end()) ? &(it->second) : 0; } MathAtom createMathInset(string const & s) { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "creating inset with name: '" << s << "'\n"; if (s.size() == 2 && s[0] == '#' && s[1] >= '1' && s[1] <= '9') return MathAtom(new MathMacroArgument(s[1] - '0')); if (s.size() == 3 && s[0] == '\\' && s[1] == '#' && s[2] >= '1' && s[2] <= '9') return MathAtom(new MathMacroArgument(s[2] - '0')); if (s == "kern") return MathAtom(new MathKernInset); if (s == "xymatrix") return MathAtom(new MathXYMatrixInset); if (s == "xrightarrow" || s == "xleftarrow") return MathAtom(new MathXArrowInset(s)); if (s == "split" || s == "gathered" || s == "aligned") return MathAtom(new MathSplitInset(s)); if (s == "cases") return MathAtom(new MathCasesInset); if (s == "substack") return MathAtom(new MathSubstackInset); if (s == "subarray" || s == "array") return MathAtom(new MathArrayInset(s, 1, 1)); if (s == "pmatrix" || s == "bmatrix" || s == "vmatrix" || s == "Vmatrix" || s == "matrix") return MathAtom(new MathAMSArrayInset(s)); if (s == "sqrt") return MathAtom(new MathSqrtInset); if (s == "root") return MathAtom(new MathRootInset); if (s == "stack") return MathAtom(new MathStackrelInset); if (s == "binom" || s == "choose") return MathAtom(new MathBinomInset); if (s == "over" || s == "frac") return MathAtom(new MathFracInset); if (s == "atop") return MathAtom(new MathFracInset(true)); if (s == "not") return MathAtom(new MathNotInset); if (s == "lefteqn") return MathAtom(new MathLefteqnInset); latexkeys const * l = in_word_set(s); if (l) { string const & inset = l->inset; lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << " fount inset: '" << inset << "'\n"; if (inset == "funclim") return MathAtom(new MathFuncLimInset(s)); if (inset == "special") return MathAtom(new MathSpecialCharInset(s[0])); if (inset == "lyxsym" || inset == "cmr" || inset == "cmsy" || inset == "cmm" || inset == "cmex" || inset == "msa" || inset == "msb") return MathAtom(new MathSymbolInset(l)); if (inset == "underset") return MathAtom(new MathUndersetInset); if (inset == "decoration") return MathAtom(new MathDecorationInset(l->name)); //if (inset == "space") // return MathAtom(new MathSpaceInset(l->id)); if (inset == "dots") return MathAtom(new MathDotsInset(l->name)); if (inset == "box") return MathAtom(new MathBoxInset(l->name)); if (inset == "style") return MathAtom(new MathSizeInset(l)); if (inset == "font") return MathAtom(new MathFontInset(l->name)); if (inset == "oldfont") return MathAtom(new MathFontInset(l->name)); if (inset == "func") return MathAtom(new MathUnknownInset(l->name, true, true)); return MathAtom(new MathUnknownInset(l->name)); } if (MathMacroTable::has(s)) return MathAtom(new MathMacro(s)); //lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "creating inset 2 with name: '" << s << "'\n"; return MathAtom(new MathUnknownInset(s)); }