#% Do not delete he line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[g-brief]{letter (g-brief)} # Letter textclass definition file. # Author : Thomas Hartkens # Input general definitions # Input stdletter.inc # General textclass parameters Columns 1 Sides 1 PageStyle Empty DefaultStyle Letter # This is just to show how to declare the default font. # The defaults are exactly those shown here. DefaultFont Family Roman Series Medium Shape Up Size Normal Color None EndFont # Brieftext style definition Style Letter Margin Static LatexType Environment LatexName g-brief ParSkip 0.4 KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType Top_Environment LabelString Letter: LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Name und Titel des Absenders Style Name Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Name LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Name: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Unterschrift des Absenders Style Signature Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Unterschrift LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Signature: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Strasse Style Street Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Strasse LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Street: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Zusatz Style Addition Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Zusatz LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Addition: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Ort Style Town Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Ort LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Town: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Land Style State Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Land LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString State: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # RetourAdresse Style ReturnAddress Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName RetourAdresse LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString ReturnAddress: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # MeinZeichen Style MyRef Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName MeinZeichen LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString MyRef: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # IhrZeichen Style YourRef Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName IhrZeichen LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString YourRef: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # IhrSchreiben Style YourMail Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName IhrSchreiben LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString YourMail: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Telefon Style Phone Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Telefon LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx TopSep 1.5 KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Phone: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Telefax Style Telefax Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Telefax LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Telefax: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Telex Style Telex Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Telex LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Telex: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # email des Absenders Style EMail Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName EMail LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString EMail: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # HTTP des Absenders Style HTTP Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName HTTP LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString HTTP: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Bank Style Bank Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Bank LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx TopSep 1.5 KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Bank: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # BLZ Style BankCode Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName BLZ LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString BankCode: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Konto Style BankAccount Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Konto LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString BankAccount: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Postvermerk Style PostalComment Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Postvermerk LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString PostalComment: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # the layout above used to be misspelled like that. Keep the old # name for compatibility Style PostalCommend ObsoletedBy PostalComment End # Adresse Style Address Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Adresse LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx TopSep 1.5 KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Address: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Data style definition Style Date Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Datum LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx KeepEmpty 1 Align Left AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Date: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Oggetto style definition Style Reference Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Betreff LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx TopSep 1.5 ParSep 0.4 KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Reference: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Opening style definition Style Opening Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Anrede KeepEmpty 1 LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx TopSep 1.5 ParSep 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Opening: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Anlagen style definition Style Encl. Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Anlagen KeepEmpty 1 LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx ParSep 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Encl.: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Verteiler style definition Style cc Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName Verteiler KeepEmpty 1 LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx ParSep 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString cc: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End # Gruss style definition Style Closing Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName LyxGruss LeftMargin PostalComment:xx LabelSep xx BottomSep 1.5 ParSep 0.4 KeepEmpty 1 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Closing: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont #define the environment lyxGruss Preamble \newcommand{\LyxGruss}[1] { \Gruss{#1}{0.5cm} } EndPreamble End Input stdfloats.inc Input stdcounters.inc # Input lyxmacros.inc # Remove some unwanted styles. # NoStyle Right_Address # NoStyle Address