# Traduction française pour LyX # Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Emmanuel GUREGHIAN , 1998. # Jean-Pierre Chrétien 1999-2000 # Faucheux Olivier 2000 # # Création initiale par Emmanuel GUREGHIAN # point en suspens et choix effectués: # - utilisation du mot impossible pour unable et cannot : cela peut # induire en erreur entre ce que lyx ne PEUT pas faire et ce que lyx ne # VEUT pas faire. # - toggle traduit par (Dés)Activer ? # - quotes = guillemet # - emphasis=mise en évidence # - quelle différence entre noun et small caps ? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Modifs : # - Sauver -> Enregistrer (à la Word) # car sauver c'est la sauvergarde d'urgence # - unification keymap = réaffectation clavier # - des espaces ont été ajoutés pour la taille de caractères # - Diminuer et augmenter ont de + été munis de <> # - noun = majuscules # - Small caps = petites capitales # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # revue de la messagerie par J.P. Chrétien (chretien@cert.fr) 8/12/99 # fr.po cvs du 1/12/99, lyx.pot de lyx-1.1.3 # - unable et cannot : remplacement des impossibilités par des interdictions # quand c'est l'utilisateur qui ne peut pas faire ce que LyX ne veut pas # et que les contexte est ambigu (ex. Opération interdite et non impossible) # - unification typographique # espace avant :, ?, ! # pas de majuscules dans le corps des messages # - modifications # Nouveau Fichier -> NouveauFichier # Mise en garde -> Avertissement # Noun -> nom propre # Sans sérif -> sans empattement # Machine à écrire -> à chasse fixe # Roman(e) -> Romain(e) # - mots anglais ayant plusieurs interprétations # save (déjà signalé) -> Enregistrer ou sauver # layout -> format (papier) /style (caractère, paragraphe, table) / mise en page (document) # - mots anglais non traduits (liste à compléter): mots-clés (La)TeX # input # include # marginpar # ..... # (la question se pose pour verbatim, mot latin utilisable en français) # # - la cas particulier du contrôle de version (CV): vocabulaire à confirmer # VC -> CV (RCS est spécifique) # check-in figer comme actuellement # check-out rendre éditable # register soumettre au contrôle (enregistrer est inutilisable) # plus généralement les permissions Unix rwx seront traduites par # lisible/illisible éditable/en lecture seule exécutable/non exécutable # pour un fichier # idem modifiable/non modifiable consultable/non # pour un répertoire # # marquer en fuzzzy pour transmettre un doute sur la traduction # n'est pas possible, les messages marqués de la sorte sont ignorés # par le formatteur msgfmt # j'ai marqué par à revoir # les messages qui demandent un réexamen # et par contrainte de longueur # ceux que j'ai dû revoir pour cette raison (ex: Imprimante -> Impr.) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Modification mineure par J.P. Chrétien (chretien@cert.fr) 27/1/00 # fr.po de lyx-1.1.4pre2 # retour à Format plutôt que Style pour le Layout de la barre de menus # (manque la lettre r pour le raccourci et traduction aussi répandue # que Style) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Reprise des corrections proposées par Olivier Faucheux # (olivier.faucheux@depinfo.enseeiht.fr) 29/2/00 # maladresses d'expression diverses # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MAJ 1.1.5pre3 par J.P. Chrétien (chretien@cert.fr) 26/05/00 # nouveautés: # - messagerie temporaire dans le buffer pour info sur le style courant # - messagerie sur les remplacements de couleurs # - accès aux références personnalisées (varioref et prettyref) # - mise à l'infinitif de toutes les expressions impersonnelles # - version française de la références à la GPL (E. Gureghian) # Revue rapide de la messagerie, problèmes en suspens: # - peut-on traduire vRef, PrettyRef,... ? # - les raccourcis restent à revoir # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EG 14 Juin 2000 # Quelques corrections + que mineures # J'ai traduit Include par inclure et input par incorporer, en espérant # que la différence sémantique entre les 2 soit + forte que les 2 termes # anglais. Mais après réflexion je suis d'un avis mitigé. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # JPC 20 Juin 2000 # correction confusion entre One/Two de Pagination et One/Two de Colonnes # dans Layout->Document (!) # correction menu d'accès aux documents d'aide # raccourcissement titre "Base de données" tronqué dans la fenêtre # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # JPC 3 dec 2000 version 1.1.6pre2 # - patch de Angus Leeming # (corrigeant un certain nombre d'erreurs de raccourcis) # - correction des «fuzzzy» crées pas msgmerge -> ligne 1178 # (les raccourcis menus sont totalement découplés des bindings, ce qui # simplifie, mais il ne faut pas 2 fois la même lettre raccourci dans un # menu donné; vérification non effectuée, à faire a posteriori) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # énuméré # non-énuméré # plain # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AR 14 avr 2001 version 1.1.6fix1 # Revu les menus. Quelques corrections # Indice/Exposant pour Subscript/Superscript # Nouveau avec Modèle au lieu de Nouveau depuis Modèle # Guillemet Droit pour Ordinary Quote # ... # Vus les fichiers ext_l10n.h et MenuBackend.C # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # JPC + AR 17 avr 2001 version 1.1.6fix1 # JPC : Revue des « fuzzzy » restants sur 42% du fichier # (traité 200 fuzzzy sur 513 + quelques traductions non encore faites # vues en passant) # Quelques interrogations: # literal -> littéral (si literal se réfère à literate) # lowertitleback??? # verbatim non traduit finalement # rétrécissement/élogation pour shrink/stretch : conflit avec trad. antérieures ? # Rentré pour indent, mais retrait me parît mieux a posteriori # plain -> ordinaire, fancy -> sophistiqué, headings -> en-têtes auto # différence entre buils log et latex log ??? # don't hug margins when at top/bottom of page ??? # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AR 17 avr 2001 : revue des menus Fichier, Éditer et Insérer, # et notamment Éditer->Préférences # Vus les fichiers lyxfunc.C, form_filedialog.C, print_form.C, form_print.C # form_search.C, sp_form.C, form_citation.C, form_ref.C, form_preferences.C, # FormPreferences.C, figure_form.C, form_tabular.C # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AR 21 avr 2001 : menus Format->Caractère, Paragraphe et Document # Vus les fichiers form_include.C, form_character.C, FormCharacter.C, lyxfont.C, # form_paragraph.C, FormParagraph.C, form_document.C, FormDocument.C # et quelques autres broutilles # LaTeX log file -> fichier log ou fichier journal?? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 24 avril JPC fin de la revue des fuzzzy # Cohérence des raccourcis à voir. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AR 28 avr 2001 : petites modifs, msgmerge avec la branche 1.1.6, # et correction rapide des fuzzzy survenus # À tester avec la branche 1.1.6 du CVS, en vue de la 1.1.6fix2 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AR 23 juin 2001 : diverses modifs, msgmerge avec la branche 1.1.6, # mise à jour pour la 1.1.6fix3, correction des raccourcis clavier # dans les menus (pas encore dans les fenêtres) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AR 23 juillet 2001 : Modifs mineures # REMARQUE : Les expressions traduites à l'identique (par ex. "Point"->"Point") # sont recopiées, l'absence de traduction signifiant que l'expression n'a # pas encore été traitée # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AR 26 avril 2002 : Importante mise à jour en vue de LyX 1.2.0 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: LyX 1.2.0cvs\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2002-11-25 02:15+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-11-21 21:27+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Adrien Rebollo \n" "Language-Team: lyxfr \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #: src/buffer.C:356 msgid "Couldn't set the layout for " msgstr "N'a pas pu fixer le format pour " #: src/buffer.C:358 msgid "one paragraph" msgstr "un paragraphe" #: src/buffer.C:361 msgid " paragraphs" msgstr " paragraphes" #: src/buffer.C:364 src/buffer.C:367 src/buffer.C:381 src/buffer.C:384 #: src/buffer.C:641 src/buffer.C:646 msgid "Textclass Loading Error!" msgstr "Erreur de chargement de la classe de document !" #: src/buffer.C:365 src/buffer.C:382 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "When reading %1$s" msgstr "En lisant " #: src/buffer.C:368 src/buffer.C:385 #, fuzzy msgid "When reading " msgstr "En lisant " #: src/buffer.C:373 msgid "Encountered " msgstr "Trouvé " #: src/buffer.C:375 msgid "one unknown token" msgstr "un élément inconnu" #: src/buffer.C:378 msgid " unknown tokens" msgstr " éléments inconnus" #: src/buffer.C:622 src/buffer.C:627 msgid "Textclass error" msgstr "Erreur de classe de document" #: src/buffer.C:623 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "The document uses an unknown textclass \"%1$s\"." msgstr "Le document utilise une classe inconnue \"" #: src/buffer.C:624 src/buffer.C:630 msgid "LyX will not be able to produce output correctly." msgstr "LyX ne sera pas à même de produire correctement une sortie." #: src/buffer.C:628 #, fuzzy msgid "The document uses an unknown textclass " msgstr "Le document utilise une classe inconnue \"" #: src/buffer.C:642 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Can't load textclass %1$s" msgstr "Impossible de charger la classe " #: src/buffer.C:644 src/buffer.C:649 msgid "-- substituting default" msgstr "-- remplacée par la valeur par défaut" #: src/buffer.C:647 #, fuzzy msgid "Can't load textclass " msgstr "Impossible de charger la classe " #: src/buffer.C:955 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Unknown token: %1$s %2$s\n" msgstr "Élément inconnu : " #: src/buffer.C:959 #, fuzzy msgid "Unknown token: " msgstr " éléments inconnus" #. future format #: src/buffer.C:1184 src/buffer.C:1237 msgid "Warning!" msgstr "Attention !" #: src/buffer.C:1185 msgid "" "The file was created with a newer version ofLyX. This is likely to cause " "problems." msgstr "" #. "\\lyxformat" not found #: src/buffer.C:1191 src/buffer.C:1199 src/buffer.C:1210 src/buffer.C:1243 #: src/buffer.C:1246 msgid "ERROR!" msgstr "ERREUR !" #: src/buffer.C:1192 msgid "Old LyX file format found. Use LyX 0.10.x to read this!" msgstr "Format de fichier LyX périmé. Utiliser LyX 0.10.x pour le lire !" #: src/buffer.C:1200 msgid "Can't find conversion script." msgstr "" #: src/buffer.C:1211 msgid "An error occured while running the conversion script." msgstr "" #: src/buffer.C:1238 msgid "Reading of document is not complete" msgstr "Lecture du document incomplète" #: src/buffer.C:1239 msgid "Maybe the document is truncated" msgstr "Peut-être le document est-il tronqué" #: src/buffer.C:1243 msgid "Not a LyX file!" msgstr "Ce n'est pas un fichier LyX !" #: src/buffer.C:1246 msgid "Unable to read file!" msgstr "Impossible de lire le fichier !" #: src/buffer.C:1503 src/ext_l10n.h:222 msgid "Abstract" msgstr "Abstract" #: src/buffer.C:1506 msgid "Abstract: " msgstr "Abstract : " #: src/buffer.C:1514 src/ext_l10n.h:415 msgid "References" msgstr "Références" #: src/buffer.C:1517 msgid "References: " msgstr " Références : " #: src/buffer.C:1631 msgid "Error: Cannot write file:" msgstr "Erreur : Impossible d'écrire le fichier : " #: src/buffer.C:1661 msgid "Error: Cannot open file: " msgstr "Erreur : Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier : " #: src/buffer.C:2241 src/buffer.C:2697 msgid "LYX_ERROR:" msgstr "ERREUR LYX :" #: src/buffer.C:2241 src/buffer.C:2697 msgid "Cannot write file" msgstr "Impossible d'écrire le fichier" #: src/buffer.C:2329 src/buffer.C:2803 msgid "Error : Wrong depth for LatexType Command.\n" msgstr "Erreur : Mauvaise profondeur pour la commande LatexType.\n" #. path to LaTeX file #: src/buffer.C:3079 msgid "Running chktex..." msgstr "Exécution de chktex..." #: src/buffer.C:3092 msgid "chktex did not work!" msgstr "chktex a échoué !" #: src/buffer.C:3093 msgid "Could not run with file:" msgstr "Impossible de le lancer sur le fichier : " #: src/bufferlist.C:112 src/bufferlist.C:197 src/lyxvc.C:112 src/lyxvc.C:144 #: src/lyxvc.C:173 msgid "Changes in document:" msgstr "Modifications dans le document : " #: src/bufferlist.C:114 src/bufferlist.C:199 msgid "Save document?" msgstr "Enregistrer le document ?" #: src/bufferlist.C:314 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "LyX: Attempting to save document %1$s" msgstr "lyx : Tente de sauvegarder le document %s comme..." #: src/bufferlist.C:318 #, fuzzy msgid "LyX: Attempting to save document " msgstr "lyx : Tente de sauvegarder le document %s comme..." #: src/bufferlist.C:329 src/bufferlist.C:342 src/bufferlist.C:356 msgid " Save seems successful. Phew." msgstr " La sauvegarde semble avoir réussi, ouf." #: src/bufferlist.C:332 src/bufferlist.C:346 msgid " Save failed! Trying..." msgstr " La sauvegarde a échoué ! Nouvel essai..." #: src/bufferlist.C:359 msgid " Save failed! Bummer. Document is lost." msgstr " La sauvegarde a échoué. Las ! le document est perdu." #: src/bufferlist.C:373 src/bufferlist.C:485 src/BufferView.C:293 #: src/BufferView.C:303 src/lyx_cb.C:215 msgid "Error!" msgstr "Erreur !" #: src/bufferlist.C:373 msgid "Cannot open file" msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier" #: src/bufferlist.C:389 msgid "An emergency save of this document exists!" msgstr "Il existe une sauvegarde d'urgence du document !" #: src/bufferlist.C:391 msgid "Try to load that instead?" msgstr "La charger ?" #: src/bufferlist.C:413 msgid "Autosave file is newer." msgstr "Le fichier de sauvegarde automatique est plus récent." #: src/bufferlist.C:415 msgid "Load that one instead?" msgstr "Le charger ?" #: src/bufferlist.C:485 msgid "Unable to open template" msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le modèle" #: src/bufferlist.C:518 src/lyxfunc.C:1789 msgid "Document is already open:" msgstr "Le document est déjà ouvert :" #: src/bufferlist.C:520 msgid "Do you want to reload that document?" msgstr "Voulez-vous recharger ce document ?" #. Ask if the file should be checked out for #. viewing/editing, if so: load it. #: src/bufferlist.C:549 msgid "Do you want to retrieve file under version control?" msgstr "Éditer le fichier sous contrôle de version ?" #: src/bufferlist.C:557 msgid "Cannot open specified file:" msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier spécifié :" #: src/bufferlist.C:559 msgid "Create new document with this name?" msgstr "Créer un nouveau document avec ce nom ?" #: src/BufferView.C:294 msgid "Specified file is unreadable: " msgstr "Le fichier spécifié est illisible : " #: src/BufferView.C:304 msgid "Cannot open specified file: " msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier spécifié : " #: src/BufferView.C:564 src/LyXAction.C:378 msgid "Undo" msgstr "Annuler" #: src/BufferView.C:569 msgid "No further undo information" msgstr "Pas d'information pour Annuler" #: src/BufferView.C:581 src/LyXAction.C:335 msgid "Redo" msgstr "Refaire" #: src/BufferView.C:586 msgid "No further redo information" msgstr "Pas d'information pour Refaire" #: src/BufferView.C:597 msgid "Paragraph environment type copied" msgstr "Type d'environnement de paragraphe recopié" #: src/BufferView.C:606 msgid "Paragraph environment type set" msgstr "Type d'environnement de paragraphe déterminé" #: src/bufferview_funcs.C:74 msgid "Error! unknown language" msgstr "Erreur ! langue inconnue" #: src/bufferview_funcs.C:163 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Font: %1$s" msgstr "Police : " #: src/bufferview_funcs.C:165 #, fuzzy msgid "Font: " msgstr "Police : " #: src/bufferview_funcs.C:172 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid ", Depth: %1$d" msgstr ", Profondeur : " #: src/bufferview_funcs.C:174 #, fuzzy msgid ", Depth: " msgstr ", Profondeur : " #: src/bufferview_funcs.C:184 msgid ", Spacing: " msgstr ", Espacement : " #: src/bufferview_funcs.C:188 src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:95 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1009 msgid "Single" msgstr "Simple" #: src/bufferview_funcs.C:191 msgid "Onehalf" msgstr "Un et demi" #: src/bufferview_funcs.C:194 src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:99 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1011 msgid "Double" msgstr "Double" #: src/bufferview_funcs.C:197 msgid "Other (" msgstr "Autre (" #: src/bufferview_funcs.C:207 msgid ", Paragraph: " msgstr ", Paragraphe : " #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:270 msgid "Formatting document..." msgstr "Formatage du document..." #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:644 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Saved bookmark %1$d" msgstr "Signet enregistré" #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:646 #, fuzzy msgid "Saved bookmark " msgstr "Signet enregistré" #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:680 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Moved to bookmark %1$d" msgstr "Déplacé au signet" #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:682 #, fuzzy msgid "Moved to bookmark " msgstr "Déplacé au signet" #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:861 msgid "Select LyX document to insert" msgstr "Choisir le document à insérer" #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:863 src/frontends/controllers/ControlBibtex.C:63 #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlExternal.C:154 #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlGraphics.C:93 #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlInclude.C:70 src/lyx_cb.C:110 #: src/lyxfunc.C:1613 src/lyxfunc.C:1652 src/lyxfunc.C:1757 msgid "Documents|#o#O" msgstr "Documents|#D#d" #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:865 src/lyxfunc.C:1654 src/lyxfunc.C:1759 msgid "Examples|#E#e" msgstr "Exemples|#E#e" #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:870 msgid "*.lyx| LyX Documents (*.lyx)" msgstr "*.lyx| Documents LyX (*.lyx)" #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:879 src/lyxfunc.C:1668 src/lyxfunc.C:1776 #: src/lyxfunc.C:1803 msgid "Canceled." msgstr "Annulé." #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:892 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Inserting document %1$s ..." msgstr "Insertion du document en cours..." #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:894 #, fuzzy msgid "Inserting document " msgstr "Insertion du document en cours..." #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:894 #, fuzzy msgid " ..." msgstr "&Éditer ..." #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:901 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Document %1$s inserted." msgstr "Document exporté comme " #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:903 src/lyxfunc.C:1713 #, fuzzy msgid "Document " msgstr "Document" #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:903 #, fuzzy msgid " inserted." msgstr "importé." #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:909 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Could not insert document %1$s" msgstr "Impossible d'insérer le document" #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:911 #, fuzzy msgid "Could not insert document " msgstr "Impossible d'insérer le document" #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:1086 src/insets/inseterror.C:55 #: src/insets/inseterror.C:77 msgid "Error" msgstr "Erreur" #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:1087 msgid "Couldn't find this label" msgstr "Impossible de trouver cette étiquette" #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:1088 msgid "in current document." msgstr "dans le document courant." #: src/BufferView_pimpl.C:1253 msgid "Unknown function!" msgstr "Fonction inconnue !" #: src/Chktex.C:73 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "ChkTeX warning id # %1$d" msgstr "Avertissement ChkTeX n°" #: src/Chktex.C:75 #, fuzzy msgid "ChkTeX warning id # " msgstr "Avertissement ChkTeX n°" #: src/converter.C:181 src/converter.C:185 src/converter.C:221 msgid "Cannot view file" msgstr "Impossible de visualiser le fichier" #: src/converter.C:182 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No information for viewing %1$s" msgstr "Pas d´information pour visualiser " #: src/converter.C:186 #, fuzzy msgid "No information for viewing " msgstr "Pas d´information pour visualiser " #: src/converter.C:214 src/converter.C:664 msgid "Executing command:" msgstr "Exécution en cours de la commande :" #: src/converter.C:222 src/converter.C:693 msgid "Error while executing" msgstr "Erreur lors de l'exécution" #: src/converter.C:689 msgid "There were errors during the Build process." msgstr "Il y a eu des erreurs pendant la compilation." #: src/converter.C:690 src/converter.C:845 src/converter.C:911 msgid "You should try to fix them." msgstr "Il faut les corriger d'abord." #: src/converter.C:692 msgid "Cannot convert file" msgstr "Impossible de convertir le fichier" #: src/converter.C:716 src/converter.C:719 msgid "Error while trying to move directory:" msgstr "Erreur en essayant de déplacer le répertoire :" #: src/converter.C:717 src/converter.C:759 #, c-format msgid "to %1$s" msgstr "" #: src/converter.C:720 src/converter.C:762 #, fuzzy msgid "to " msgstr " vers " #: src/converter.C:758 src/converter.C:761 msgid "Error while trying to move file:" msgstr "Erreur en essayant de déplacer le fichier :" #: src/converter.C:840 src/converter.C:906 msgid "One error detected" msgstr "Une erreur détectée" #: src/converter.C:841 src/converter.C:907 msgid "You should try to fix it." msgstr "Il faut la corriger d'abord." #: src/converter.C:844 src/converter.C:910 msgid " errors detected." msgstr " erreurs détectées." #: src/converter.C:850 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "There were errors during running of %1$s" msgstr "Erreurs pendant l'exécution de " #: src/converter.C:853 #, fuzzy msgid "There were errors during running of " msgstr "Erreurs pendant l'exécution de " #: src/converter.C:858 src/converter.C:916 msgid "The operation resulted in" msgstr "L'opération a produit" #: src/converter.C:859 src/converter.C:917 msgid "an empty file." msgstr "un fichier vide." #: src/converter.C:860 src/converter.C:918 msgid "Resulting file is empty" msgstr "Le fichier résultant est vide" #: src/converter.C:876 msgid "Running LaTeX..." msgstr "Exécution de LaTeX..." #: src/converter.C:899 msgid "LaTeX did not work!" msgstr "LaTeX a échoué !" #: src/converter.C:900 msgid "Missing log file:" msgstr "Fichier log manquant :" #: src/converter.C:913 msgid "There were errors during the LaTeX run." msgstr "LaTeX a produit des erreurs." #: src/CutAndPaste.C:430 msgid "Layout had to be changed from\n" msgstr "Le style de paragraphe est passé de\n" #: src/CutAndPaste.C:431 src/CutAndPaste.C:434 msgid " to " msgstr " vers " #: src/CutAndPaste.C:433 msgid "" "\n" "because of class conversion from\n" msgstr "" "\n" "à cause de la conversion de la classe\n" # analyse pour debug ? #: src/debug.C:38 msgid "No debugging message" msgstr "Pas de message de débogage" #: src/debug.C:39 msgid "General information" msgstr "Information générale" #: src/debug.C:40 msgid "Program initialisation" msgstr "Initialisation du programme" #: src/debug.C:41 msgid "Keyboard events handling" msgstr "Gestion des événements clavier" #: src/debug.C:42 msgid "GUI handling" msgstr "Gestion de l'interface graphique" #: src/debug.C:43 msgid "Lyxlex grammer parser" msgstr "Parseur grammatical LyXlex" #: src/debug.C:44 msgid "Configuration files reading" msgstr "Lecture des fichiers de configuration" #: src/debug.C:45 msgid "Custom keyboard definition" msgstr "Définition d'un clavier personnalisé" #: src/debug.C:46 msgid "LaTeX generation/execution" msgstr "Generation/Exécution de LaTeX" #: src/debug.C:47 msgid "Math editor" msgstr "Éditeur mathématique" #: src/debug.C:48 msgid "Font handling" msgstr "Gestion des polices" #: src/debug.C:49 msgid "Textclass files reading" msgstr "Lecture des fichiers de classe" #: src/debug.C:50 msgid "Version control" msgstr "Contrôle de version" #: src/debug.C:51 msgid "External control interface" msgstr "Interface de contrôle externe" #: src/debug.C:52 msgid "Keep *roff temporary files" msgstr "Garder les fichiers temporaires *roff" #: src/debug.C:53 msgid "User commands" msgstr "Commandes utilisateur" #: src/debug.C:54 msgid "The LyX Lexxer" msgstr "Le lexeur LyX" #: src/debug.C:55 msgid "Dependency information" msgstr "Information sur les dépendances" #: src/debug.C:56 msgid "LyX Insets" msgstr "Inserts LyX" #: src/debug.C:57 msgid "Files used by LyX" msgstr "Fichiers utilisés par LyX" #: src/debug.C:58 msgid "Workarea events" msgstr "Événements de la surface de travail" #: src/debug.C:59 msgid "Insettext/tabular messages" msgstr "Messages d'insert/tabulaire" #: src/debug.C:60 msgid "Graphics conversion and loading" msgstr "Conversion et chargement du graphique" #: src/debug.C:61 msgid "All debugging messages" msgstr "Tous les messages de débogage" #: src/debug.C:114 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Debugging `%1$s' (%2$s)" msgstr "Débogage de '" #: src/debug.C:119 #, fuzzy msgid "Debugging `" msgstr "Débogage de '" #: src/exporter.C:62 msgid "Cannot export file" msgstr "Impossible d'exporter le fichier" #: src/exporter.C:63 msgid "No information for exporting to " msgstr "Pas d'information pour exporter vers " #: src/exporter.C:89 msgid "Cannot run latex." msgstr "Impossible d'exécuter latex." #: src/exporter.C:90 msgid "The path to the lyx file cannot contain spaces." msgstr "Le chemin du fichier lyx ne doit pas contenir d'espaces." #: src/exporter.C:104 msgid "Document exported as " msgstr "Document exporté comme " #: src/exporter.C:106 msgid " to file `" msgstr " dans le fichier `" #: src/frontends/controllers/biblio.C:101 #, c-format msgid "%1$s and %2$s" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/controllers/biblio.C:104 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%1$s et al." msgstr " et al." #: src/frontends/controllers/biblio.C:111 #, fuzzy msgid " and " msgstr "Pays" #: src/frontends/controllers/biblio.C:113 #, fuzzy msgid "et al." msgstr " et al." #: src/frontends/controllers/biblio.C:152 msgid "No year" msgstr "Pas d'année" #. / #: src/frontends/controllers/ButtonController.h:72 src/LyXAction.C:153 #: src/lyxfunc.C:912 src/ext_l10n.h:705 src/ext_l10n.h:754 src/ext_l10n.h:936 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1270 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Annuler" #: src/frontends/controllers/ButtonController.h:73 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:71 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:285 src/LyXAction.C:130 #: src/ext_l10n.h:916 src/ext_l10n.h:979 src/ext_l10n.h:1226 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1302 src/ext_l10n.h:1365 msgid "Close" msgstr "Fermer" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:31 #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:61 #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:87 #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:121 #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:187 #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:217 #: src/frontends/controllers/frnt_lang.C:46 msgid "No change" msgstr "Inchangé" #. default & error #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:35 src/lyxfont.C:45 msgid "Roman" msgstr "Romain" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:39 msgid "Sans Serif" msgstr "Sans empattement" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:43 src/lyxfont.C:45 msgid "Typewriter" msgstr "Chasse fixe" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:47 #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:73 #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:107 #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:173 #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:203 #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:257 #: src/frontends/controllers/frnt_lang.C:48 msgid "Reset" msgstr "RàZ" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:65 src/lyxfont.C:50 msgid "Medium" msgstr "Maigre" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:69 src/lyxfont.C:50 msgid "Bold" msgstr "Grasse" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:91 src/lyxfont.C:53 msgid "Upright" msgstr "Droite" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:95 src/lyxfont.C:53 msgid "Italic" msgstr "Italique" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:99 src/lyxfont.C:53 msgid "Slanted" msgstr "Inclinée" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:103 msgid "Small Caps" msgstr "Petites Capitales" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:125 src/lyxfont.C:57 msgid "Tiny" msgstr "Minuscule (-4)" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:129 src/lyxfont.C:57 msgid "Smallest" msgstr "Très Très Petit (-3)" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:133 src/lyxfont.C:57 msgid "Smaller" msgstr "Très Petit (-2)" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:137 src/lyxfont.C:57 msgid "Small" msgstr "Petit (-1)" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:141 src/lyxfont.C:57 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:145 src/lyxfont.C:57 #: src/ext_l10n.h:581 src/ext_l10n.h:599 src/ext_l10n.h:622 src/ext_l10n.h:634 msgid "Large" msgstr "Grand" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:149 src/lyxfont.C:58 msgid "Larger" msgstr "Très Grand (+2)" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:153 src/lyxfont.C:58 msgid "Largest" msgstr "Très Très Grand (+3)" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:157 src/lyxfont.C:58 #: src/ext_l10n.h:584 src/ext_l10n.h:602 src/ext_l10n.h:625 src/ext_l10n.h:637 msgid "Huge" msgstr "ÉNORME" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:161 src/lyxfont.C:58 msgid "Huger" msgstr "Très Énorme (+5)" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:165 src/lyxfont.C:58 msgid "Increase" msgstr "<- Augmenter ->" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:169 src/lyxfont.C:58 msgid "Decrease" msgstr "-> Diminuer <-" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:191 msgid "Emph" msgstr "En Évidence" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:195 msgid "Underbar" msgstr "Souligné" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:199 msgid "Noun" msgstr "Nom Propre" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:221 msgid "No color" msgstr "Pas de couleur" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:225 msgid "Black" msgstr "Noir" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:229 msgid "White" msgstr "Blanc" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:233 msgid "Red" msgstr "Rouge" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:237 msgid "Green" msgstr "Vert" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:241 msgid "Blue" msgstr "Bleu" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:245 msgid "Cyan" msgstr "Cyan" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:249 msgid "Magenta" msgstr "Magenta" #: src/frontends/controllers/character.C:253 msgid "Yellow" msgstr "Jaune" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlAboutlyx.C:54 msgid "ERROR: LyX wasn't able to read CREDITS file\n" msgstr "ERREUR : LyX n'a pas pu lire le fichier CREDITS\n" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlAboutlyx.C:55 msgid "Please install correctly to estimate the great\n" msgstr "Veuillez l'installer correctement pour apprécier\n" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlAboutlyx.C:56 msgid "amount of work other people have done for the LyX project." msgstr "la somme de travail de ceux qui ont travaillé sur le projet LyX." #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlAboutlyx.C:63 msgid "" "LyX is Copyright (C) 1995 by Matthias Ettrich,\n" "1995-2001 LyX Team" msgstr "" "LyX est Copyright (C) 1995 par Matthias Ettrich,\n" "Équipe LyX 1995-2001" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlAboutlyx.C:69 msgid "" "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " "under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " "Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " "any later version." msgstr "" "Ce programme est un logiciel libre ; vous pouvez le redistribuer et/ou le " "modifier selon les termes de la Licence Publique Générale GNU telle qu'elle " "est publiée par la Free Software Foundation ; soit la version 2 de la " "Licence, soit (à votre choix) une version ultérieure." #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlAboutlyx.C:75 msgid "" "LyX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY " "WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS " "FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n" "See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " "this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass " "Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." msgstr "" "LyX est distribué en espérant qu'il sera utile, mais SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE ; " "sans même la garantie implicite qu'il est COMMERCIALEMENT VALABLE ou qu'il " "est ADAPTÉ À UNE TÂCHE DONNÉE. Reportez-vous à la Licence Publique Générale " "GNU pour plus de détails. Vous devez avoir reçu une copie de la Licence " "Publique Générale GNU en même temps que ce programme ; si ce n'est pas le " "cas, écrivez à la Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, " "MA 02139, USA." #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlAboutlyx.C:83 msgid "LyX Version " msgstr "LyX Version " #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlAboutlyx.C:85 msgid " of " msgstr " du " #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlAboutlyx.C:88 msgid "Library directory: " msgstr "Répertoire système : " #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlAboutlyx.C:91 msgid "User directory: " msgstr "Répertoire utilisateur : " #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlCharacter.C:68 msgid "Character set" msgstr "Encodage" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlDocument.C:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Document settings applied" msgstr "Paramètres du Document" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlDocument.C:116 msgid "Converting document to new document class..." msgstr "Conversion du document vers sa nouvelle classe..." #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlDocument.C:124 msgid "One paragraph couldn't be converted" msgstr "Un paragraphe n'a pas pu être converti" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlDocument.C:127 msgid " paragraphs couldn't be converted" msgstr " paragraphes n'ont pas pu être convertis" #. problem changing class #. -- warn user (to retain old style) #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlDocument.C:129 #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlDocument.C:141 msgid "Conversion Errors!" msgstr "Erreurs de conversion !" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlDocument.C:130 msgid "into chosen document class" msgstr "dans la classe choisie" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlDocument.C:142 msgid "Errors loading new document class." msgstr "Erreurs au chargement de la nouvelle classe." #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlDocument.C:143 msgid "Reverting to original document class." msgstr "Retour à la classe originelle." #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlDocument.C:151 msgid "Do you want to save the current settings" msgstr "Voulez-vous enregistrer les paramètres actuels" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlDocument.C:152 msgid "for the document layout as default?" msgstr "comme valeurs par défaut ?" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlDocument.C:153 msgid "(they will be valid for any new document)" msgstr "(elles seront valables pour tout nouveau document)" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlExternal.C:141 msgid "Select external file" msgstr "Choisir le fichier externe" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlGraphics.C:84 msgid "Select graphics file" msgstr "Choisir le fichier graphique" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlGraphics.C:92 msgid "Clipart|#C#c" msgstr "Clipart|#C#c" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlGraphics.C:156 #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:110 src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:355 #: src/lyxfont.C:554 src/ext_l10n.h:869 src/ext_l10n.h:1008 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1114 msgid "Default" msgstr "Défaut" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlGraphics.C:157 msgid "Top left" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlGraphics.C:157 #, fuzzy msgid "Bottom left" msgstr "en Bas à Gauche ( |#B" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlGraphics.C:157 #, fuzzy msgid "Left baseline" msgstr "gaucheBase" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlGraphics.C:158 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:302 src/ext_l10n.h:982 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1007 src/ext_l10n.h:1309 src/ext_l10n.h:1328 #, fuzzy msgid "Center" msgstr "Centré" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlGraphics.C:158 #, fuzzy msgid "Top center" msgstr "centre" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlGraphics.C:158 #, fuzzy msgid "Bottom center" msgstr "centre" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlGraphics.C:158 #, fuzzy msgid "Center baseline" msgstr "centreBase" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlGraphics.C:159 #, fuzzy msgid "Top right" msgstr "Copyright" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlGraphics.C:159 #, fuzzy msgid "Bottom right" msgstr "&Bas" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlGraphics.C:159 #, fuzzy msgid "Right baseline" msgstr "droiteBase" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlInclude.C:52 msgid "Select document to include" msgstr "Choisir le document à inclure" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlInclude.C:58 #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlInclude.C:66 #, fuzzy msgid "*.(tex|lyx)| LaTeX/LyX Documents (*.tex *.lyx)" msgstr "*.tex| Documents LaTeX (*.tex)" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlInclude.C:62 #, fuzzy msgid "*| All files (*)" msgstr "*| Tous les fichiers " # à revoir #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlParagraph.C:95 msgid "Paragraph layout set" msgstr "Le style du paragraphe a été paramétré" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPreamble.C:41 msgid "LaTeX preamble set" msgstr "Préambule LaTeX paramétré" #. FIXME: stupid name #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrefs.C:65 #, fuzzy msgid "System Bind|#S#s" msgstr "Racc. Système|#S#s" #. FIXME: stupid name #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrefs.C:70 msgid "User Bind|#U#u" msgstr "Racc. Locaux|#L#l" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrefs.C:73 #, fuzzy msgid "Choose bind file" msgstr "Choisir un fichier de style" #. FIXME: stupid name #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrefs.C:81 msgid "Sys UI|#S#s" msgstr "UI Système|#S#s" #. FIXME: stupid name #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrefs.C:86 msgid "User UI|#U#u" msgstr "UI Locaux|#L#l" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrefs.C:89 #, fuzzy msgid "Choose UI file" msgstr "Choisir un fichier de style" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrefs.C:96 msgid "Key maps|#K#k" msgstr "Claviers|#C#c" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrefs.C:99 #, fuzzy msgid "Choose keyboard map" msgstr "Réaffectation clavier" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrefs.C:105 #, fuzzy msgid "Choose personal dictionary" msgstr "Utiliser le dictionnaire personnel|#d" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrint.C:78 msgid "Print to file" msgstr "Imprimer vers" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrint.C:148 #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrint.C:211 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Erreur :" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrint.C:149 #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrint.C:212 msgid "Unable to print" msgstr "Impossible d'imprimer" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrint.C:150 #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlPrint.C:213 msgid "Check that your parameters are correct" msgstr "Vérifier que les paramètres sont corrects" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlSearch.C:40 #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlSearch.C:57 #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlThesaurus.C:50 msgid "String not found!" msgstr "Chaîne de caractères introuvable !" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlSearch.C:60 #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlThesaurus.C:52 msgid "String has been replaced." msgstr "1 chaîne remplacée." #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlSearch.C:63 msgid " strings have been replaced." msgstr " chaînes remplacées." #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlSpellchecker.C:196 #, fuzzy msgid "Spellchecking completed!" msgstr "Correction orthographique terminée" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlSpellchecker.C:204 #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlSpellchecker.C:210 #, fuzzy msgid "One word checked." msgstr "Une erreur détectée" #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlSpellchecker.C:217 msgid "" "The spell checker has died for some reason.\n" "Maybe it has been killed." msgstr "" "Le processus de correction orthographique a été interrompu.\n" "Il a peut-être été tué." #: src/frontends/controllers/ControlVCLog.C:57 msgid "No version control log file found." msgstr "Fichier log du contrôle de version introuvable." #: src/frontends/controllers/helper_funcs.C:63 msgid "Filename can't contain any of these characters:" msgstr "Le nom du fichier ne peut contenir aucun de ces caractères :" #: src/frontends/controllers/helper_funcs.C:65 msgid "space, '#', '~', '$' or '%'." msgstr "espace, '#', '~', '$' ou '%'." #: src/frontends/gnome/GLog.C:55 src/frontends/qt2/QLog.C:56 msgid "Build log" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/gnome/GLog.C:57 src/frontends/qt2/QLog.C:58 msgid "LaTeX log" msgstr "Fichier log LaTeX" #: src/frontends/gnome/GLog.C:64 src/frontends/qt2/QLog.C:65 msgid "No build log file found" msgstr "Fichier log introuvable" #: src/frontends/gnome/GLog.C:66 src/frontends/qt2/QLog.C:67 msgid "No LaTeX log file found" msgstr "Fichier log introuvable" #: src/frontends/LyXView.C:164 #, fuzzy msgid " (changed)" msgstr " (Modifié)" #: src/frontends/LyXView.C:168 msgid " (read only)" msgstr " (en lecture seule)" #: src/frontends/qt2/Alert_pimpl.C:43 src/frontends/qt2/Alert_pimpl.C:50 msgid "&Yes" msgstr "&Oui" #: src/frontends/qt2/Alert_pimpl.C:43 src/frontends/qt2/Alert_pimpl.C:50 msgid "&No" msgstr "&Non" #: src/frontends/qt2/Alert_pimpl.C:50 src/ext_l10n.h:695 src/ext_l10n.h:802 msgid "&Cancel" msgstr "&Annuler" #: src/frontends/qt2/Alert_pimpl.C:57 msgid "LyX: " msgstr "LyX : " #: src/frontends/qt2/FileDialog.C:60 #, fuzzy msgid "All files (*)" msgstr "*| Tous les fichiers " #: src/frontends/qt2/FileDialog.C:90 msgid "*|All files" msgstr "*|Tous les fichiers" #: src/frontends/qt2/lengthcombo.C:34 msgid "Choose one of the units or relative lengths" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QAbout.C:39 src/frontends/xforms/FormAboutlyx.C:33 #: src/ext_l10n.h:686 msgid "About LyX" msgstr "À Propos de LyX" #: src/frontends/qt2/QBibitem.C:34 msgid "Bibliography Item" msgstr "Entrée Bibliographique" #: src/frontends/qt2/QBibtex.C:43 msgid "BibTeX" msgstr "BibTeX" #: src/frontends/qt2/QBibtexDialog.C:58 msgid "BibTeX style files (*.bst)" msgstr "Fichiers de style BibTeX (*.bst)" #: src/frontends/qt2/QBibtexDialog.C:61 msgid "Select a BibTeX style" msgstr "Choisir un style BibTeX" # contrainte de longueur #: src/frontends/qt2/QBibtexDialog.C:72 msgid "BibTeX database files (*.bib)" msgstr "Fichiers de Données BibTeX (*.bib)" # contrainte de longueur #: src/frontends/qt2/QBibtexDialog.C:72 msgid "Select a BibTeX database to add" msgstr "Choisir une base de D. BibTeX" #: src/frontends/qt2/QCharacter.C:39 src/ext_l10n.h:721 msgid "Character" msgstr "Caractère" # ---------------------------XFORMS--------------------------- #: src/frontends/qt2/QCitation.C:48 src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:97 #: src/ext_l10n.h:750 msgid "Citation" msgstr "Citation" #: src/frontends/qt2/QCitationDialog.C:55 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:461 src/ext_l10n.h:781 msgid "Not yet supported" msgstr "Pas encore supporté" #: src/frontends/qt2/QCommandBuffer.C:73 msgid "Up" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QCommandBuffer.C:74 #, fuzzy msgid "Down" msgstr "Ville" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDelimiterDialog.C:81 #, fuzzy msgid "LyX: Delimiters" msgstr "Délimiteurs Mathématiques" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:55 msgid "Document Settings" msgstr "Paramètres du Document" #. biblio #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:67 #, fuzzy msgid "Author-year" msgstr "Auteur" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:68 #, fuzzy msgid "Numerical" msgstr "Américain" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:80 msgid "``text''" msgstr "``texte''" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:81 msgid "''text''" msgstr "''texte''" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:82 msgid ",,text``" msgstr ",,texte``" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:83 msgid ",,text''" msgstr ",,texte''" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:84 msgid "«text»" msgstr "«texte»" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:85 msgid "»text«" msgstr "»texte«" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:97 msgid "OneHalf" msgstr "Un et Demi" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:101 src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:110 #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:355 src/ext_l10n.h:1012 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1028 src/ext_l10n.h:1035 msgid "Custom" msgstr "Paramétré" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:110 #, fuzzy msgid "US letter" msgstr "LettreUS" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:110 #, fuzzy msgid "US legal" msgstr "LégalUS" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:111 #, fuzzy msgid "US executive" msgstr "ExecutiveUS" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:111 src/ext_l10n.h:1118 msgid "A3" msgstr "A3" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:111 src/ext_l10n.h:1119 msgid "A4" msgstr "A4" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:111 src/ext_l10n.h:1120 msgid "A5" msgstr "A5" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:112 msgid "B3" msgstr "B3" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:112 msgid "B4" msgstr "B4" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:112 src/ext_l10n.h:1121 msgid "B5" msgstr "B5" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:126 src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:136 #: src/ext_l10n.h:574 src/ext_l10n.h:592 src/ext_l10n.h:615 src/ext_l10n.h:627 msgid "default" msgstr "défaut" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:127 msgid "10" msgstr "10" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:128 msgid "11" msgstr "11" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:129 msgid "12" msgstr "12" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:131 msgid "Smallskip" msgstr "Petit" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:132 msgid "Medskip" msgstr "Moyen" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:133 msgid "Bigskip" msgstr "Gros" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:134 msgid "Length" msgstr "Valeur" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:137 msgid "empty" msgstr "vide" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:138 msgid "plain" msgstr "ordinaire" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:139 msgid "headings" msgstr "en-têtes" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocument.C:140 msgid "fancy" msgstr "sophistiquée" # revu #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:65 #, fuzzy msgid "Layout" msgstr "Format " #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:66 src/ext_l10n.h:669 #, fuzzy msgid "Packages" msgstr "Paquetage|#q" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:67 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:341 msgid "Paper" msgstr "Papier" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:68 #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:279 msgid "Margins" msgstr "Marges" #. language settings #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:69 src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:119 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:343 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:246 src/ext_l10n.h:727 #: src/ext_l10n.h:735 msgid "Language" msgstr "Langue" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:70 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:347 msgid "Bullets" msgstr "Puces" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:71 #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:288 #, fuzzy msgid "Numbering" msgstr "Chiffre" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:72 src/ext_l10n.h:260 msgid "Bibliography" msgstr "Bibliographie" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:73 #, fuzzy msgid "Preamble" msgstr "Préambule...|m" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:270 #, fuzzy msgid "Document Style" msgstr "Document" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:273 #, fuzzy msgid "LaTeX Packages" msgstr "Classes LaTeX" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:276 #, fuzzy msgid "Papersize and Orientation" msgstr "Orientation" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:282 msgid "Language Settings and Quote Style" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:285 #, fuzzy msgid "Bullet Types" msgstr "Puces" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:291 #, fuzzy msgid "Bibliography Settings" msgstr "Entrée Bibliographique" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:294 src/frontends/qt2/QPreamble.C:32 msgid "LaTeX Preamble" msgstr "Préambule LaTeX" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:352 #, fuzzy msgid "Small Margins" msgstr "Marges" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:352 #, fuzzy msgid "Very small Margins" msgstr "A4 très petites marges (portrait seul)" #: src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.C:353 msgid "Very wide Margins " msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QError.C:31 src/frontends/xforms/FormError.C:27 #: src/ext_l10n.h:804 msgid "LaTeX Error" msgstr "Erreur LaTeX" #: src/frontends/qt2/QERT.C:31 msgid "LaTeX ERT" msgstr "ERT LaTeX" #: src/frontends/qt2/QExternal.C:35 src/insets/insetexternal.C:214 msgid "External" msgstr "Externe" #: src/frontends/qt2/QExternalDialog.C:87 msgid "External material (*)" msgstr "Objet Externe (*)" #: src/frontends/qt2/QExternalDialog.C:89 msgid "Select external material" msgstr "Choisir l'objet externe" #: src/frontends/qt2/QFloat.C:32 #, fuzzy msgid "Float Settings" msgstr "Options de Flottant" #: src/frontends/qt2/QGraphics.C:53 src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:134 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:64 msgid "Graphics" msgstr "Graphique" #: src/frontends/qt2/QGraphics.C:244 #, fuzzy msgid "Scale%" msgstr "Éch&elle" #: src/frontends/qt2/QGraphicsDialog.C:94 #, fuzzy msgid "Files (*)" msgstr "Fichier :" #: src/frontends/qt2/QGraphicsDialog.C:95 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a graphic file" msgstr "Choisir le fichier graphique" # à confirmer #: src/frontends/qt2/QInclude.C:35 src/insets/insetinclude.C:209 #: src/ext_l10n.h:919 msgid "Include" msgstr "Inclusion" #: src/frontends/qt2/QIndex.C:30 src/frontends/xforms/FormIndex.C:26 #: src/insets/insetindex.C:70 src/ext_l10n.h:696 src/ext_l10n.h:932 msgid "Index" msgstr "Index" #: src/frontends/qt2/QLog.C:37 src/ext_l10n.h:937 msgid "Log" msgstr "Log" #: src/frontends/qt2/QLPrintDialog.C:55 msgid "PostScript files (*.ps)" msgstr "Fichiers PostScript (*.ps)" #: src/frontends/qt2/QLPrintDialog.C:57 msgid "Select a file to print to" msgstr "Choisir le fichier dans lequel imprimer" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:118 #, fuzzy msgid "LyX: Insert space" msgstr "Inserts LyX" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:120 msgid "Thin space\t\\," msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:121 msgid "Medium space\t\\:" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:122 msgid "Thick space\t\\;" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:123 msgid "Quadratin space\t\\quad" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:124 msgid "Double quadratin space\t\\qquad" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:125 msgid "Negative space\t\\!" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:130 #, fuzzy msgid "LyX: Insert root" msgstr "Inserts LyX" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:132 msgid "Square root\t\\sqrt" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:133 msgid "Cube root\t\\root" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:134 msgid "Other root\t\\root" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:139 msgid "LyX: Set math style" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:141 msgid "Display style\t\\displaystyle" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:142 msgid "Normal text style\t\\textstyle" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:143 msgid "Script (small) style\t\\scriptstyle" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:144 msgid "Scriptscript (smaller) style\t\\scriptscriptstyle" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:149 msgid "LyX: Set math font" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:151 msgid "Roman\t\\mathrm" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:152 msgid "Bold\t\\mathbf" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:153 #, fuzzy msgid "San serif\t\\mathsf" msgstr "Sans empattement" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:154 msgid "Italic\t\\mathit" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:155 #, fuzzy msgid "Typewriter\t\\mathtt" msgstr "Chasse fixe" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:156 msgid "Blackboard\t\\mathbb" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:157 msgid "Fraktur\t\\mathfrak" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:158 msgid "Calligraphic\t\\mathcal" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathDialog.C:159 msgid "Normal text mode\t\\textrm" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMathMatrixDialog.C:40 #, fuzzy msgid "LyX: Insert matrix" msgstr "LyX : Entrez du texte" #: src/frontends/qt2/QMinipage.C:36 msgid "Minipage" msgstr "Minipage" #: src/frontends/qt2/QParagraph.C:49 src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:70 msgid "Paragraph Layout" msgstr "Style de Paragraphe" #: src/frontends/qt2/QParagraph.C:303 src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:287 #: src/paragraph.C:819 msgid "Senseless with this layout!" msgstr "Aucun sens avec ce style !" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPreambleDialog.C:69 msgid "Enter editor program" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPreambleDialog.C:69 msgid "Editor" msgstr "Éditeur" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefs.C:62 #, fuzzy msgid "LyX: Preferences" msgstr "Préférences" # ou "Environnement" ? #. OK, Qt is REALLY broken. We have to hard #. code the menu structure here. #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Look and feel" msgstr "Aspect" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:80 src/ext_l10n.h:1102 #, fuzzy msgid "Language settings" msgstr "Options de Langue" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:82 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:198 msgid "Outputs" msgstr "Sorties" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:121 src/frontends/qt2/QSpellchecker.C:34 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSpellchecker.C:31 src/ext_l10n.h:1276 msgid "Spellchecker" msgstr "Correcteur Orthographique" #. UI #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:126 #, fuzzy msgid "User interface" msgstr "Fichier d'interface|#i" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:130 #, fuzzy msgid "Screen fonts" msgstr "Polices d'Écran" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:132 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:210 src/ext_l10n.h:1062 msgid "Colors" msgstr "Couleurs" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:136 src/ext_l10n.h:1096 #, fuzzy msgid "Keyboard" msgstr "Mot-Clé" #. output #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:141 msgid "Ascii" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:143 #, fuzzy msgid "Date format" msgstr "Format de la date|#F" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:145 src/ext_l10n.h:351 msgid "LaTeX" msgstr "LaTeX" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:147 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:235 msgid "Printer" msgstr "Imprimante" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:150 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:227 msgid "Paths" msgstr "Répertoires" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:152 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:221 msgid "Converters" msgstr "Convertisseurs" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:154 #, fuzzy msgid "File formats" msgstr "Formats" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:442 src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:445 msgid "New" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:544 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a document templates directory" msgstr "Choisir le document à insérer" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:552 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a temporary directory" msgstr "Erreur ! Impossible de créer le répertoire temporaire :" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:560 msgid "Select a backups directory" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:568 #, fuzzy msgid "Selection a documents directory" msgstr "Choisir le document à insérer" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrefsDialog.C:576 msgid "Give a filename for the LyX server pipe" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QPrint.C:39 src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:36 #: src/LyXAction.C:141 src/ext_l10n.h:1208 msgid "Print" msgstr "Imprimer" #: src/frontends/qt2/QRef.C:45 msgid "Cross Reference" msgstr "Référence Croisée" #: src/frontends/qt2/QRef.C:121 msgid "&Go back" msgstr "&Revenir" #: src/frontends/qt2/QRef.C:123 src/frontends/xforms/FormRef.C:277 msgid "Go back" msgstr "Revenir" #: src/frontends/qt2/QRef.C:129 src/ext_l10n.h:1237 msgid "&Goto" msgstr "&Aller" #: src/frontends/qt2/QRef.C:131 msgid "Go to reference" msgstr "Aller à la référence" #: src/frontends/qt2/QSearch.C:34 src/ext_l10n.h:762 msgid "Search" msgstr "Chercher" #: src/frontends/qt2/QSendto.C:37 src/frontends/xforms/FormSendto.C:32 msgid "Send document to command" msgstr "Envoyer le Document à la Commande" #: src/frontends/qt2/QShowFile.C:31 msgid "ShowFile" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QSpellchecker.C:116 msgid "Spellcheck complete" msgstr "Correction orthographique terminée" #: src/frontends/qt2/QSpellchecker.C:118 src/ext_l10n.h:694 src/ext_l10n.h:704 #: src/ext_l10n.h:752 src/ext_l10n.h:814 src/ext_l10n.h:914 src/ext_l10n.h:935 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1268 msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: src/frontends/qt2/QTabular.C:33 #, fuzzy msgid "LyX: Edit Table" msgstr "Liste des Tableaux" #: src/frontends/qt2/QTabular.C:398 src/frontends/xforms/FormTabular.C:517 msgid "Wrong Cursor position, updated window" msgstr "Mauvaise position du curseur, MàJ fenêtre" #: src/frontends/qt2/QTabular.C:419 src/frontends/qt2/QTabular.C:437 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormTabular.C:538 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormTabular.C:556 msgid "Invalid Length (valid example: 10mm)" msgstr "Format incorrect (exemple correct : 10mm)" #: src/frontends/qt2/QTabularCreate.C:31 src/ext_l10n.h:1295 msgid "Insert table" msgstr "Insérer un tableau" #: src/frontends/qt2/QTexinfo.C:36 src/frontends/xforms/FormTexinfo.C:34 msgid "LaTeX Information" msgstr "Informations LaTeX" #: src/frontends/qt2/QThesaurus.C:31 src/frontends/xforms/FormThesaurus.C:39 #: src/ext_l10n.h:40 src/ext_l10n.h:489 src/ext_l10n.h:1381 msgid "Thesaurus" msgstr "Dictionnaire de Synonymes" #: src/frontends/qt2/QToc.C:42 msgid "Table of contents" msgstr "Table des Matières" #: src/frontends/qt2/QURL.C:33 src/ext_l10n.h:507 src/ext_l10n.h:1399 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1402 msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" #: src/frontends/qt2/QVCLog.C:35 msgid "VCLog" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/qt2/QVCLog.C:51 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Version control log for %1$s" msgstr "Historique de Contrôle de Version de " #: src/frontends/qt2/QVCLog.C:53 #, fuzzy msgid "Version control log for " msgstr "Historique de Contrôle de Version de " # contrainte de longueur #: src/frontends/qt2/QWrap.C:36 src/frontends/xforms/FormWrap.C:33 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1411 #, fuzzy msgid "Wrap Options" msgstr "Autres Options :" #: src/frontends/xforms/Alert_pimpl.C:30 msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "Abandon" #: src/frontends/xforms/Alert_pimpl.C:37 src/frontends/xforms/Alert_pimpl.C:45 #: src/frontends/xforms/Alert_pimpl.C:49 msgid "Yes|Yy#y" msgstr "Oui|Oo#o" #: src/frontends/xforms/Alert_pimpl.C:38 src/frontends/xforms/Alert_pimpl.C:46 #: src/frontends/xforms/Alert_pimpl.C:50 msgid "No|Nn#n" msgstr "Non|Nn#n" #: src/frontends/xforms/Alert_pimpl.C:47 src/frontends/xforms/Alert_pimpl.C:51 #: src/frontends/xforms/Alert_pimpl.C:57 msgid "Cancel|^[" msgstr "Annuler|^[" #: src/frontends/xforms/Alert_pimpl.C:58 msgid "OK|#O" msgstr "OK|#O" #: src/frontends/xforms/Alert_pimpl.C:59 msgid "Clear|#e" msgstr "Effacer|#E" #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:91 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "" "LyX: Unknown X11 color %1$s for %2$s\n" " Using black instead, sorry!" msgstr " Utilise du noir à la place, désolé !" #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:97 msgid "LyX: Unknown X11 color " msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:97 #, fuzzy msgid " for " msgstr " vers " #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:99 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" " Using black instead, sorry!" msgstr " Utilise du noir à la place, désolé !" #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:109 #, c-format msgid "LyX: X11 color %1$s allocated for %2$s" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:114 msgid "LyX: X11 color " msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:115 #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:130 msgid " allocated for " msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:123 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "LyX: Using approximated X11 color %1$s allocated for %2$s" msgstr "LyX : Utilise la couleur X11 voisine " #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:129 #, fuzzy msgid "LyX: Using approximated X11 color " msgstr "LyX : Utilise la couleur X11 voisine " #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:174 #, c-format msgid "" "LyX: Couldn't allocate '%1$s' for %2$s with (r,g,b)=(%3$d,%4$d,%5$d).\n" " Using closest allocated color with (r,g,b)=(%6$d,%7$d,%8$d) instead.\n" "Pixel [%9$d] is used." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:188 msgid "LyX: Couldn't allocate '" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:189 msgid "' for " msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:190 msgid " with (r,g,b)=(" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:192 msgid ").\n" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:193 msgid " Using closest allocated color with (r,g,b)=(" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:197 msgid "" ") instead.\n" "Pixel [" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/ColorHandler.C:198 msgid "] is used." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/combox.C:515 msgid "Done" msgstr "Terminé" #: src/frontends/xforms/FeedbackController.C:172 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "WARNING! %1$s" msgstr "AVERTISSEMENT ! " #: src/frontends/xforms/FeedbackController.C:179 #, fuzzy msgid "WARNING!" msgstr "AVERTISSEMENT ! " #: src/frontends/xforms/FileDialog.C:62 msgid "*" msgstr "*" #. stack tabs #: src/frontends/xforms/FormAboutlyx.C:70 src/ext_l10n.h:687 msgid "Version" msgstr "Version" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormAboutlyx.C:72 src/ext_l10n.h:689 msgid "Credits" msgstr "Crédits" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormAboutlyx.C:74 #, fuzzy msgid "License" msgstr "Ligne" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormBibitem.C:29 msgid "Bibliography Entry" msgstr "Entrée de Bibliographie" #. set up the tooltips #: src/frontends/xforms/FormBibitem.C:51 msgid "Key used within LyX document." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormBibitem.C:53 msgid "Label used for final output." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormBibtex.C:41 msgid "BibTeX Database" msgstr "Base de Données BibTeX" #. set up the tooltips #: src/frontends/xforms/FormBibtex.C:71 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The database you want to cite from. Insert it without the default extension " "\".bib\". Use comma to separate databases." msgstr "" "La base de données à partir de laquelle vous voulez insérer des citations. " "Insérez-la sans l'extension par défaut « .bib ». Si vous l'insérez avec " "Parcourir, LyX se débarrasse de l'extension. Plusieurs bases de données " "doivent être séparées par des virgules : « natbib, books »." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormBibtex.C:76 #, fuzzy msgid "Browse directory for BibTeX stylefiles" msgstr "Parcourt votre répertoire pour trouver des fichiers de style BibTeX." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormBibtex.C:79 msgid "" "The BibTeX style to use (only one allowed). Insert it without the default " "extension \".bst\" and without path." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormBibtex.C:83 #, fuzzy msgid "Select if the bibliography should appear in the Table of Contents" msgstr "Ajouter la bibliographie à la table des matières" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormBibtex.C:87 #, fuzzy msgid "Choose a BibTeX style from the list." msgstr "Choisir un fichier de style" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormBibtex.C:92 msgid "" "Updates your TeX system for a new bibstyle list. Only the styles which are " "in directories where TeX finds them are listed!" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormBibtex.C:106 msgid "Select Database" msgstr "Choisir une base de données" # contrainte de longueur #: src/frontends/xforms/FormBibtex.C:107 msgid "*.bib| BibTeX Databases (*.bib)" msgstr "*.bib| Fichiers de données BibTeX (*.bib)" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormBibtex.C:119 msgid "Select BibTeX-Style" msgstr "Choisir un style BibTeX" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormBibtex.C:120 msgid "*.bst| BibTeX Styles (*.bst)" msgstr "*.bst| Fichiers de style BibTeX (*.bst)" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCharacter.C:42 msgid "Character Layout" msgstr "Style de Caractère" #. set up the tooltip mechanism #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:166 msgid "Add the selected entry to the current citation reference." msgstr "Ajouter la référence à la citation courante." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:169 msgid "Delete the selected entry from the current citation reference." msgstr "Enlever la référence de la citation courante." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:172 msgid "Move the selected entry upwards (in the current list)." msgstr "Déplacer la référence vers le haut (dans cette liste)." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:175 msgid "Move the selected entry downwards (in the current list)." msgstr "Déplacer l'élément vers le bas (dans cette liste)." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:178 msgid "" "The entries which will be cited. Select them with the arrow buttons from the " "right browser window." msgstr "" "Les références qui seront citées. Sélectionnez-les avec les flèches dans la " "fenêtre de droite." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:183 msgid "" "All entries in the database you have loaded (via \"Insert->Lists&TOC->BibTex " "Reference\"). Move the ones you want to cite with the arrow buttons into the " "left browser window." msgstr "" "Toutes les entrées dans la base de données que vous avez chargée (via « " "Insérer->Listes&TdM->Référence BibTeX »). Déplacez celles que vous voulez " "citer dans la fenêtre de gauche avec les flèches." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:188 msgid "Information about the selected entry" msgstr "Information sur l'entrée sélectionnée" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:193 msgid "" "Here you may select how the citation label should look inside the text " "(Natbib)." msgstr "" "Vous pouvez choisir ici à quoi doit ressembler le marqueur de citation dans " "le texte (Natbib)." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:196 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Activate if you want to print all authors in a reference with more than " "three authors, and not \" et al.\" (Natbib)." msgstr "" "Cochez si vous voulez mettre tous les auteurs d'une référence qui en " "comporte plus de trois, au lieu de « et al. » (Natbib)." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:199 msgid "" "Activate if you want to print the first character of the author name as " "uppercase (\"Van Gogh\", not \"van Gogh\"). Useful at the beginning of " "sentences (Natbib)." msgstr "" "Cochez si vous voulez mettre la première lettre du nom de l'auteur en " "majuscules (« Van Gogh » au lieu de « van Gogh »). Utile au début d'une " "phrase (Natbib)." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:202 msgid "" "Optional text which appears before the citation reference, e.g. \"see \"" msgstr "" "Texte optionnel qui apparaît avant la référence, par ex. « voir »" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:205 msgid "" "Optional text which appears after the citation reference, e.g. \"pp. 12\"" msgstr "Texte optionnel qui apparaît après la référence, par ex. « pp. 12 »" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:208 msgid "Search your database (all fields will be searched)." msgstr "Cherche dans la base de données (recherche dans tous les champs)." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:211 msgid "" "Activate if you want to have case sensitive search: \"bibtex\" finds \"bibtex" "\", but not \"BibTeX\"." msgstr "" "Cochez si vous voulez avoir une recherche sensible à la casse : « bibtex » " "trouve « bibtex », mais pas « BibTeX »." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormCitation.C:214 msgid "Activate if you want to enter Regular Expressions." msgstr "Cochez si vous voulez entrer des expressions régulières." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:59 msgid "Document Layout" msgstr "Style de Document" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:141 #, fuzzy msgid " Single | OneHalf | Double | Custom " msgstr " Simple | Un et Demi | Double | Autre " #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:161 msgid " Smallskip | Medskip | Bigskip | Length " msgstr " Petit | Moyen | Grand | Taille " #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:225 #, fuzzy msgid "" " Default | Custom | US letter | US legal | US executive | A3 | A4 | A5 | B3 " "| B4 | B5 " msgstr "" " Défaut | Personnalisée | Lettre US | Légal US | Executive US | A3 | A4 | A5 " "| B3 | B4 | B5 " #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:228 msgid " None | Small Margins | Very small Margins | Very wide Margins " msgstr " Rien | Petites marges | Très petites marges | Très grandes marges " #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:278 msgid " ``text'' | ''text'' | ,,text`` | ,,text'' | «text» | »text« " msgstr " ``texte'' | ''texte'' | ,,texte`` | ,,texte'' | «texte» | »texte« " #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:303 msgid " Author-year | Numerical " msgstr " Auteur-Année | Numérique " #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:329 msgid "" " default | tiny | script | footnote | small | normal | large | Large | LARGE " "| huge | Huge" msgstr "" " défaut | minuscule(-4) | tout petit(-3) | très petit(-2) | petit(-1) | " "normal | grand(+1) | Grand(+2) | GRAND(+3) | énorme(+4) | Énorme(+5)" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:339 msgid "Document" msgstr "Document" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:345 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:264 msgid "Extra" msgstr "Autres" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:354 msgid "" "Your version of libXpm is older than 4.7.\n" "The `bullet' tab of the document dialog has been disabled" msgstr "" "Votre version de libXpm est antérieure à 4.7.\n" "L'onglet `puces' de la fenêtre Document est désactivé." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormDocument.C:1097 msgid "Document is read-only. No changes to layout permitted." msgstr "Document en lecture seule. Modifications de style interdites." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormERT.C:29 msgid "ERT Options" msgstr "Options ERT" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormExternal.C:33 msgid "Edit external file" msgstr "Éditer le fichier extérieur" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormFiledialog.C:191 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormFiledialog.C:360 msgid "Warning! Couldn't open directory." msgstr "Attention ! Impossible d'ouvrir le répertoire." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormFloat.C:42 msgid "Float Options" msgstr "Options de Flottant" #. set up the tooltips #: src/frontends/xforms/FormFloat.C:72 #, fuzzy msgid "Use the document's default settings." msgstr "comme valeurs par défaut ?" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormFloat.C:74 msgid "Enforce placement of float here." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormFloat.C:76 msgid "Alternative suggestions for placement of float." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormFloat.C:78 #, fuzzy msgid "Try top of page." msgstr "Haut de la page" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormFloat.C:80 #, fuzzy msgid "Try bottom of page." msgstr "Bas de la page" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormFloat.C:82 msgid "Put float on a separate page of floats." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormFloat.C:84 msgid "Try float here." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormFloat.C:86 msgid "Ignore internal settings. This is the \"!\" in LaTeX." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormFloat.C:88 msgid "Span float over the columns." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormForks.C:36 msgid "Child processes" msgstr "Processus Enfantés" #. Set up the tooltip mechanism #: src/frontends/xforms/FormForks.C:57 msgid "All currently running child processes forked by LyX." msgstr "Tous les processus enfantés par LyX tournant actuellement." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormForks.C:62 msgid "A list of all child processes to kill." msgstr "La liste de tous les processus enfantés à tuer." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormForks.C:67 msgid "Add all processes to the list of processes to kill." msgstr "Ajouter tous les processus à la liste des processus à tuer." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormForks.C:70 msgid "" "Add the currently selected child process to the list of processes to kill." msgstr "" "Ajouter l'élément actuellement sélectionné à la liste des processus à tuer." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormForks.C:73 msgid "Remove the currently selected item from the list of processes to kill." msgstr "" "Enlever l'élément actuellement sélectionné de la liste des processus à tuer." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:123 msgid "Default|Monochrome|Grayscale|Color|Do not display" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:127 #, c-format msgid "Scale%%|%1$s" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:129 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Scale%%|" msgstr "Éch&elle" #. set up the tooltips for the filesection #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:136 #, fuzzy msgid "The file you want to insert." msgstr "Choisir le document à insérer" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:138 msgid "Browse the directories." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:141 msgid "Scale the image to inserted percentage value." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:143 msgid "Select display mode for this image." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:146 msgid "Set the image width to the inserted value." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:148 #, c-format msgid "Select unit for width; Scale% for scaling whole image." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:150 msgid "Set the image height to the inserted value." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:152 #, fuzzy msgid "Select unit for height." msgstr "Choisir le document à ouvrir" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:154 msgid "" "Do not distort the image. Keep image within \"width\" by \"height\" and obey " "aspect ratio." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:158 msgid "" "Pass a filename like \"file.eps.gz\" to the LaTeX output. Useful when LaTeX " "should unzip the file. Needs an additional file like \"file.eps.bb\" which " "holds the values for the bounding box." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:163 msgid "Show image only as a rectangle of the original size." msgstr "" #. set up the tooltips for the bounding-box-section #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:196 msgid "The lower left x-value of the bounding box." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:198 msgid "The lower left y-value of the bounding box." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:200 msgid "" "The upper right x-value of the bounding box; only this input field allows " "length + unit, e.g. 5cm and sets the unit for the other input fields." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:204 msgid "The upper right y-value of the bounding box." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:206 msgid "Select unit for the bounding box values." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:209 msgid "" "Read the image coordinates new from file. For (e)ps-file the bounding box is " "read, otherwise the imagesize in pixels. Default unit is \"bp\", the " "PostScript's b(ig) p(oint)." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:214 #, fuzzy msgid "Clip image to the bounding box values." msgstr "&Couper au cadre" #. set up the tooltips for the extra section #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:247 msgid "" "Insert the rotation angle in degrees. Positive value rotates anti-clockwise, " "negative value clockwise." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:251 msgid "Insert the point of origin for rotation." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:253 msgid "Enables use of subfigure with its own caption." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:255 msgid "Insert the optional subfigure caption." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:257 msgid "" "Add any additional latex option, which is defined in the graphicx-package " "and not mentioned in the gui's tabfolders." msgstr "" #. add the different tabfolders #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:262 msgid "File" msgstr "Fichier" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormGraphics.C:263 msgid "Bounding Box" msgstr "Cadre" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormInclude.C:34 msgid "Include file" msgstr "Inclure un fichier" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormLog.C:25 msgid "LaTeX Log" msgstr "Fichier log LaTeX" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormLog.C:34 #, fuzzy msgid "LyX: LaTeX Log" msgstr "Fichier log LaTeX" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormLog.C:35 msgid "LyX: Literate Programming Build Log" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormLog.C:43 #, fuzzy msgid "No LaTeX log file found." msgstr "Fichier log introuvable" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormLog.C:44 #, fuzzy msgid "No Literate Programming build log file found." msgstr "Fichier log introuvable" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsBitmap.C:89 msgid "Close|^[" msgstr "Fermer|^[" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsDeco.C:31 msgid "Maths Decorations & Accents" msgstr "Ornements & Accents Mathématiques" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsDelim.C:59 msgid "Maths Delimiters" msgstr "Délimiteurs Mathématiques" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsMatrix.C:64 msgid "Maths Matrix" msgstr "Matrice Mathématique" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsMatrix.C:80 msgid "Top | Center | Bottom" msgstr "Haut|Centre|Bas" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:70 msgid "Maths Panel" msgstr "Palette Mathématique" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:136 src/ext_l10n.h:959 msgid "Arrows" msgstr "Flèches" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:143 msgid "Binary Ops" msgstr "Opérateurs Binaires" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:147 msgid "Bin Relations" msgstr "Relations Binaires" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:151 src/ext_l10n.h:545 #: src/ext_l10n.h:958 msgid "Greek" msgstr "Grec" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:156 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:213 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:230 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:238 msgid "Misc" msgstr "Divers" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:164 src/ext_l10n.h:960 msgid "Dots" msgstr "Points" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:168 msgid "Big Operators" msgstr "Grands Opérateurs" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:172 msgid "AMS Misc" msgstr "Divers AMS" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:177 msgid "AMS Arrows" msgstr "Flèches AMS" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:182 msgid "AMS Relations" msgstr "Relations AMS" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:187 msgid "AMS Negated Rel" msgstr "Négations de Relations AMS" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsPanel.C:192 msgid "AMS Operators" msgstr "Opérateurs AMS" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsSpace.C:28 msgid "Maths Spacing" msgstr "Espacement mathématique" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMathsStyle.C:45 msgid "Maths Styles & Fonts" msgstr "Styles & Polices Mathématiques" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMinipage.C:30 msgid "Minipage Options" msgstr "Options de minipage" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormMinipage.C:114 msgid "Invalid Length!" msgstr "Longueur invalide !" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:132 #, fuzzy msgid "None|Defskip|Smallskip|Medskip|Bigskip|VFill|Length" msgstr " Aucun | Défaut | Petit | Moyen | Grand | Ressort Vertical | Taille " #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:136 #, fuzzy msgid "Default|Single|OneHalf|Double|Custom" msgstr " Défaut | Simple | Un et Demi | Double | Autre " #. set up the tooltips #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:151 msgid "Add a separator line above this paragraph." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:153 msgid "Enforce a page break above this paragraph." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:155 msgid "Add additional space above this paragraph." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:157 #, fuzzy msgid "Never suppress space (e.g. at top of page or new page)." msgstr "Conserve l'espacement en haut de page" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:160 msgid "Add a separator line below this paragraph." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:162 msgid "Enforce a page break below this paragraph." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:164 msgid "Add additional space below this paragraph." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:166 #, fuzzy msgid "Never suppress space (e.g. at bottom of page or new page)." msgstr "Conserve l'espacement en bas de page" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:295 #, fuzzy msgid "Block" msgstr "Noir" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:297 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:304 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:311 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:318 #, fuzzy msgid " (default)" msgstr "défaut" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:309 src/ext_l10n.h:1005 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1308 src/ext_l10n.h:1414 msgid "Left" msgstr "À gauche" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormParagraph.C:316 src/ext_l10n.h:1006 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1310 src/ext_l10n.h:1415 msgid "Right" msgstr "À droite" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreamble.C:28 msgid "LaTeX preamble" msgstr "Préambule LaTeX" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:79 src/ext_l10n.h:1180 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1185 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Préférences" # ou "Environnement" ? #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:186 msgid "Look & Feel" msgstr "Aspect" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:189 msgid "Lang Opts" msgstr "Langue" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:192 msgid "Conversion" msgstr "Conversion" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:195 msgid "Inputs" msgstr "Entrées" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:204 src/ext_l10n.h:1163 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1196 msgid "Screen Fonts" msgstr "Polices d'Écran" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:207 msgid "Interface" msgstr "Interface" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:218 msgid "Formats" msgstr "Formats" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:243 src/ext_l10n.h:1186 msgid "Spell checker" msgstr "Correcteur Orthographique" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:508 msgid "LyX objects that can be assigned a color." msgstr "Objets LyX dont on peut changer la couleur." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:511 msgid "" "Modify the LyX object's color. Note: you must then \"Apply\" the change." msgstr "" "Modifier la couleur de l'objet LyX. Vous devez ensuite \"Appliquer\" la " "modification." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:519 msgid "Find a new color." msgstr "Choisir une nouvelle couleur." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:522 msgid "Toggle between RGB and HSV color spaces." msgstr "Basculer entre des couleurs RGB et HSV." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:705 msgid "GUI background" msgstr "fond de l'interface" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:711 msgid "GUI text" msgstr "texte de l'interface" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:717 msgid "GUI selection" msgstr "sélection de l'interface" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:723 msgid "GUI pointer" msgstr "pointeur de l'interface" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:958 msgid "All the currently defined converters known to LyX." msgstr "Tous les convertisseurs aujourd'hui reconnus par LyX." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:961 msgid "Convert \"from\" this format" msgstr "Convertir « depuis » ce format" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:964 msgid "Convert \"to\" this format" msgstr "Convertir « vers » ce format" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:967 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The conversion command. $$i is the input file name, $$b is the file name " "without its extension and $$o is the name of the output file. $$s can be " "used as path to LyX's own collection of conversion scripts." msgstr "" "La commande de conversion. $$i est le nom du fichier d'entrée, $$b est le " "nom du fichier sans l'extension et $$o est le nom du fichier de sortie." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:973 msgid "" "Extra information for the Converter class, whether and how to parse the " "result, and various other things." msgstr "" "Information supplémentaire pour la classe gérant les convertisseurs, lui " "indiquant s'il faut traiter le résultat et comment, et diverses autres " "choses." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:977 msgid "" "Remove the current converter from the list of available converters. Note: " "you must then \"Apply\" the change." msgstr "" "Enlève le convertisseur de la liste des convertisseurs disponibles. Vous " "devez ensuite « Appliquer » la modification." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:981 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1250 msgid "Add" msgstr "Ajouter" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:982 msgid "" "Add the current converter to the list of available converters. Note: you " "must then \"Apply\" the change." msgstr "" "Ajoute le convertisseur à la liste des convertisseurs disponibles. Vous " "devez ensuite « Appliquer » la modification." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:985 msgid "" "Modify the contents of the current converter. Note: you must then \"Apply\" " "the change." msgstr "" "Modifie le contenu du convertisseur. Vous devez ensuite \"Appliquer\" la " "modification." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1077 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1078 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1116 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1118 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1351 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1352 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1396 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1398 msgid "Modify|#M" msgstr "Modifier|#M" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1108 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1110 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1387 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1389 msgid "Add|#A" msgstr "Ajouter|#j" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1227 msgid "All the currently defined formats known to LyX." msgstr "Tous les formats aujourd'hui reconnus par LyX." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1230 msgid "The format identifier." msgstr "L'identifiant de format." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1233 msgid "The format name as it will appear in the menus." msgstr "Le nom du format tel qu'il apparaîtra dans les menus." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1236 msgid "The keyboard accelerator. Use a letter in the GUI name. Case sensitive." msgstr "" "Le raccourci clavier. Choisissez une lettre du nom d'interface. Sensible à " "la casse." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1240 msgid "Used to recognize the file. E.g., ps, pdf, tex." msgstr "Pour reconnaître le fichier. Par ex., ps, pdf, tex." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1243 msgid "The command used to launch the viewer application." msgstr "La commande pour lancer la visionneuse." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1246 msgid "" "Remove the current format from the list of available formats. Note: you must " "then \"Apply\" the change." msgstr "" "Enlève le format de la liste des formats disponibles. Vous devez ensuite « " "Appliquer » la modification." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1251 msgid "" "Add the current format to the list of available formats. Note: you must then " "\"Apply\" the change." msgstr "" "Ajoute le format à la liste des formats disponibles. Vous devez ensuite « " "Appliquer » la modification." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1254 msgid "" "Modify the contents of the current format. Note: you must then \"Apply\" the " "change." msgstr "" "Modifie le contenu du format. Vous devez ensuite « Appliquer » la " "modification." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1367 msgid "Cannot remove a Format used by a Converter. Remove the converter first." msgstr "" "Impossible d'enlever un Format utilisé par un Convertisseur. Enlevez d'abord " "le convertisseur." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1857 msgid "Monochrome|Grayscale|Color|Do not display" msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:1946 #, fuzzy msgid " default | US letter | US legal | US executive | A3 | A4 | A5 | B5 " msgstr " Défaut | Lettre US | Legal US | Executive US | A3 | A4 | A5 | B5 " #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:2187 msgid "Default path" msgstr "Répertoire par défaut" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:2191 msgid "Template path" msgstr "Répertoire de modèles" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:2195 #, fuzzy msgid "Temporary dir" msgstr "Répertoire temporaire" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:2199 #, fuzzy msgid "Last files" msgstr "Répertoire de récents" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:2203 msgid "Backup path" msgstr "Répertoire de sauvegarde" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:2207 #, fuzzy msgid "LyX server pipes" msgstr "Tubes du Serveur LyX" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:2657 msgid "Fonts must be positive!" msgstr "Les tailles de police doivent être positives !" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:2680 msgid "" "Fonts must be input in the order tiny > script> footnote > small > normal > " "large > larger > largest > huge > huger." msgstr "" "Les tailles de police doivent être dans l'ordre minuscule > tout petit > " "très petit > petit > normal > grand > Grand > GRAND > énorme > ÉNORME." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPreferences.C:2806 msgid " ispell | aspell " msgstr " ispell | aspell " #. set up the tooltips for Destination #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Select for printer output." msgstr "Choisir le fichier dans lequel imprimer" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:79 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter printer command." msgstr "Exécuter la commande" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:81 #, fuzzy msgid "Select for file output." msgstr "Choisir un fichier" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:83 #, fuzzy msgid "Enter file name as print destination." msgstr "Entrer un nom de fichier pour le nouveau document" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:85 #, fuzzy msgid "Browse directories for file name." msgstr "Parcourt votre répertoire pour trouver des fichiers de style BibTeX." #. set up the tooltips for Range #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:89 #, fuzzy msgid "Select for printing all pages." msgstr "Imprime toutes les pages" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:91 msgid "Select for printing a specific page range." msgstr "" # contrainte de longueur #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:93 #, fuzzy msgid "First page." msgstr "Prénom" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:95 #, fuzzy msgid "Last page." msgstr "&Dernière page :" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:97 #, fuzzy msgid "Print the odd numbered pages." msgstr "Imprime seulement les pages impaires" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:99 #, fuzzy msgid "Print the even numbered pages." msgstr "Imprime seulement les pages paires" #. set up the tooltips for Copies #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:103 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of copies to be printed." msgstr "Nombre d'exemplaires" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:105 #, fuzzy msgid "Sort the copies." msgstr "Accoler les exemplaires" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormPrint.C:108 #, fuzzy msgid "Reverse the order of the printed pages." msgstr "L'option pour inverser l'ordre d'impression des pages." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormRef.C:37 src/ext_l10n.h:414 src/ext_l10n.h:1234 msgid "Reference" msgstr "Référence" #. set up the tooltips #: src/frontends/xforms/FormRef.C:70 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a document for references." msgstr "Choisir le document à ouvrir" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormRef.C:72 #, fuzzy msgid "Sort the references alphabetically." msgstr "Trie les références par ordre aphabétique" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormRef.C:74 src/frontends/xforms/FormRef.C:281 #, fuzzy msgid "Go to selected reference." msgstr "Aller à la référence" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormRef.C:76 #, fuzzy msgid "Update the list of references." msgstr "Met à jour la liste des références" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormRef.C:78 msgid "Select format style of the reference." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormRef.C:182 msgid "*** No labels found in document ***" msgstr "*** Pas d´étiquettes dans ce document ***" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormRef.C:278 msgid "Go back to original place." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormRef.C:280 #, fuzzy msgid "Go to" msgstr "&Aller" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSearch.C:29 #, fuzzy msgid "Find and Replace" msgstr "Rechercher et Remplacer" #. set up the tooltips #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSearch.C:46 msgid "Enter the string you want to find." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSearch.C:48 msgid "Enter the replacement string." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSearch.C:50 msgid "Continue to next search result." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSearch.C:52 msgid "Replace search result by replacement string." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSearch.C:54 msgid "Replace all by replacement string." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSearch.C:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Do case sensitive search." msgstr "Selon la casse" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSearch.C:58 msgid "Search only matching words." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSearch.C:60 #, fuzzy msgid "Search backwards." msgstr "Rechercher en arrière" #. Set up the tooltip mechanism #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSendto.C:49 msgid "" "Export the buffer to this format before running the command below on it." msgstr "" "Exporte le tampon dans ce format avant de le passer à la commande ci-dessous." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSendto.C:52 msgid "" "Run this command on the buffer exported to the chosen format. $$FName will " "be replaced by the name of this file." msgstr "" "Lance cette commande sur le tampon exporté dans le format choisi. $$FName " "sera remplacé par le nom du fichier." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormShowFile.C:26 #, fuzzy msgid "Show File" msgstr "Affiche l'ERT en ligne" #. set up the tooltips #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSpellchecker.C:58 msgid "Type replacement for unknown word or select from suggestions." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSpellchecker.C:61 msgid "List of replacement suggestions from dictionary." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSpellchecker.C:65 #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSpellchecker.C:134 #, fuzzy msgid "Start the spellingchecker." msgstr "Commence la correction" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSpellchecker.C:67 #, fuzzy msgid "Replace unknown word." msgstr "Remplacer le mot|#R" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSpellchecker.C:69 #, fuzzy msgid "Ignore unknown word." msgstr "Ignore le mot" # contrainte de longueur #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSpellchecker.C:71 #, fuzzy msgid "Accept unknown word as known in this session." msgstr "Accepter durant cette session|#A" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSpellchecker.C:73 #, fuzzy msgid "Add unknown word to personal dictionary." msgstr "Ajoute le mot à votre dictionnaire personnel" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSpellchecker.C:75 msgid "Shows word count and progress on spell check." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSpellchecker.C:126 #, fuzzy msgid "Stop" msgstr "à" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSpellchecker.C:126 #, fuzzy msgid "Start" msgstr "Stadt" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormSpellchecker.C:133 #, fuzzy msgid "Stop the spellingchecker." msgstr "Commence la correction" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormTabular.C:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit table settings" msgstr "Options de minipage" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormTabular.C:116 msgid "Tabular" msgstr "Tableau" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormTabular.C:118 msgid "Column/Row" msgstr "Col./Rangée" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormTabular.C:120 msgid "Cell" msgstr "Case" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormTabular.C:122 msgid "LongTable" msgstr "Tab.Long" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormTabularCreate.C:32 msgid "Insert Tabular" msgstr "Insérer Tableau" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormTexinfo.C:45 msgid "LaTeX classes|LaTeX styles|BibTeX styles" msgstr "" #. set up the tooltips #: src/frontends/xforms/FormTexinfo.C:51 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Shows the installed classses and styles for LaTeX/BibTeX; available only if " "the corresponding LyX layout file exists." msgstr "" "Affiche les classes de document LaTeX installées. Rappelez-vous que ces " "classes ne sont accessibles dans LyX que s'il y a un fichier de format LyX " "qui leur correspond." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormTexinfo.C:55 msgid "Show full path or only file name." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormTexinfo.C:58 msgid "Runs the script \"TexFiles.sh\" to build new file lists." msgstr "" "Lance le script « TexFiles.sh » pour construire les nouvelles listes de " "fichiers." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormTexinfo.C:61 msgid "Double click to view contents of file." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormTexinfo.C:66 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Runs the script \"texhash\" which builds a new LaTeX tree. Needed if you " "install a new TeX class or style. You need write permissions for the TeX-" "dirs, often /var/lib/texmf and others." msgstr "" "Lance le script « texhash » qui reconstruit l'arbre LaTeX. Nécessaire si " "vous installez une nouvelle classe ou un nouveau style TeX. Pour l'exécuter, " "vous devez avoir les droits d'écriture sur les répertoires tex, souvent /var/" "lib/texmf et compagnie." #: src/frontends/xforms/FormToc.C:36 src/insets/insettoc.C:33 msgid "Table of Contents" msgstr "Table des Matières" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormToc.C:103 src/frontends/xforms/FormToc.C:121 msgid "*** No Lists ***" msgstr "*** Pas de Liste ***" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormUrl.C:27 msgid "Url" msgstr "URL" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormVCLog.C:27 msgid "Version Control Log" msgstr "Historique de Contrôle de Version" #. set up the tooltips #: src/frontends/xforms/FormWrap.C:69 msgid "Enter width for the float." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormWrap.C:71 msgid "" "Forces float to the right in a paragraph if the page number is odd, and to " "the left if page number is even." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormWrap.C:74 msgid "" "Forces float to the left in a paragraph if the pagenumber is odd, and to the " "right if page number is even." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormWrap.C:77 msgid "Forces float to the left in the paragraph." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/FormWrap.C:79 msgid "Forces float to the right in the paragraph." msgstr "" #: src/frontends/xforms/input_validators.C:126 msgid "ERROR! Unable to print!" msgstr "ERREUR ! Impossible d'imprimer !" #: src/frontends/xforms/input_validators.C:127 msgid "Check 'range of pages'!" msgstr "Vérifier les pages sélectionnées !" #: src/frontends/xforms/Menubar_pimpl.C:259 src/ext_l10n.h:369 msgid "More" msgstr "Poursuivre" #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:356 #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:380 #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:415 #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:461 msgid "The absolute path is required." msgstr "Chemin d'accès complet requis" #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:362 #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:386 #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:426 #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:472 msgid "Directory does not exist." msgstr "Répertoire inexistant" #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:367 #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:431 msgid "Cannot write to this directory." msgstr "Réperoire interdit en écriture." #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:391 msgid "Cannot read this directory." msgstr "Répertoire interdit en lecture." #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:409 #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:455 msgid "No file input." msgstr "Fichier en entrée vide." #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:437 #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:483 msgid "A file is required, not a directory." msgstr "Il faut mettre un fichier, pas un répertoire." #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:442 msgid "Cannot write to this file." msgstr "Impossible d'écrire le fichier." #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:477 msgid "Cannot read from this directory." msgstr "Impossible de lire dans ce répertoire." #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:488 msgid "File does not exist." msgstr "Fichier inexistant." #: src/frontends/xforms/xforms_helpers.C:493 msgid "Cannot read from this file." msgstr "Impossible de lire ce fichier." #: src/frontends/xforms/XMiniBuffer.C:99 msgid "[End of history]" msgstr "[Fin de l'historique]" #: src/frontends/xforms/XMiniBuffer.C:113 msgid "[Beginning of history]" msgstr "[Début de l'historique]" #: src/frontends/xforms/XMiniBuffer.C:127 #, fuzzy msgid "[no match]" msgstr " [aucun trouvé]" #: src/importer.C:45 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Importing %1$s..." msgstr "Importation" #: src/importer.C:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Importing " msgstr "Importation" #: src/importer.C:47 src/lyxfunc.C:957 src/lyxfunc.C:1120 src/lyxfunc.C:1701 msgid "..." msgstr "" #: src/importer.C:68 src/importer.C:72 msgid "Cannot import file" msgstr "Impossible d'importer le fichier" #: src/importer.C:69 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No information for importing from %1$s" msgstr "Pas d'information pour importer depuis " #: src/importer.C:73 #, fuzzy msgid "No information for importing from " msgstr "Pas d'information pour importer depuis " #. we are done #: src/importer.C:97 msgid "imported." msgstr "importé." #: src/insets/insetbib.C:146 msgid "BibTeX Generated References" msgstr "Références BibTeX" #: src/insets/inset.C:118 msgid "Opened inset" msgstr "Insert ouvert" # à revoir #: src/insets/insetcaption.C:67 msgid "Opened Caption Inset" msgstr "Insert de légende ouvert" #: src/insets/insetcaption.C:87 msgid "Float" msgstr "Flottant" #: src/insets/inseterror.C:85 msgid "Opened error" msgstr "Erreur ouverte (non résolue)" # à revoir #: src/insets/insetert.C:233 msgid "Opened ERT Inset" msgstr "Insert ERT ouvert" # à revoir #: src/insets/insetert.C:248 src/insets/insettabular.C:2090 msgid "Impossible Operation!" msgstr "Opération Interdite !" #: src/insets/insetert.C:249 msgid "Not permitted to change font-types inside ERT-insets!" msgstr "Modification des polices interdites dans les inserts ERT !" #: src/insets/insetert.C:250 src/insets/insettabular.C:2092 #: src/insets/insettext.C:1421 msgid "Sorry." msgstr "Désolé." #: src/insets/insetert.C:507 src/insets/insetert.C:518 msgid "ERT" msgstr "ERT" #: src/insets/insetfloat.C:127 msgid "float: " msgstr "flottant : " #: src/insets/insetfloat.C:224 msgid "Opened Float Inset" msgstr "Insert de flottant ouvert" #: src/insets/insetfloat.C:325 msgid "float:" msgstr "flottant :" #: src/insets/insetfloatlist.C:54 msgid "ERROR: Nonexistent float type!" msgstr "ERREUR : type de flottant non existant !" #: src/insets/insetfloatlist.C:132 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "List of %1$s" msgstr "Liste de " #: src/insets/insetfloatlist.C:138 #, fuzzy msgid "List of " msgstr "Liste de " # contrainte de longueur #: src/insets/insetfoot.C:39 src/insets/insetfoot.C:47 msgid "foot" msgstr "bas" # à revoir #: src/insets/insetfoot.C:60 msgid "Opened Footnote Inset" msgstr "Insert de note en bas de page ouvert" #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:225 msgid "Waiting for draw request to start loading..." msgstr "Attend le début du chargement..." #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:228 msgid "Loading..." msgstr "Chargement..." #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:231 msgid "Converting to loadable format..." msgstr "Conversion vers un format lisible..." #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:234 msgid "Loaded into memory. Must now generate pixmap." msgstr "" #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:237 #, fuzzy msgid "Scaling etc..." msgstr "Chargé. Mise à l'échelle..." #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:240 #, fuzzy msgid "Ready to display" msgstr "Affichage de l'insert ERT" #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:243 msgid "No file found!" msgstr "Fichier introuvable !" #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:246 msgid "Error converting to loadable format" msgstr "Erreur lors de la conversion vers un format lisible" #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:249 msgid "Error loading file into memory" msgstr "Erreur en chargeant le fichier en mémoire" #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:252 #, fuzzy msgid "Error generating the pixmap" msgstr "Erreur lors de la conversion vers un format lisible" #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:255 msgid "No image" msgstr "Pas d'image" #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:636 msgid "Cannot copy file" msgstr "Impossible de copier le fichier" #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:637 msgid "into tempdir" msgstr "dans le répertoire temporaire" #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:670 src/insets/insetgraphics.C:674 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot convert Image (not existing file?)" msgstr "Impossible de convertir le fichier" #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:671 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "No information for converting from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "Pas d´information pour la conversion de " #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:675 #, fuzzy msgid "No information for converting from " msgstr "Pas d´information pour la conversion de " #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:767 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Graphic file: %1$s" msgstr "Fichier graphique :" #: src/insets/insetgraphics.C:771 #, fuzzy msgid "Graphic file: " msgstr "Fichier graphique :" # à confirmer aussi #: src/insets/insetinclude.C:206 src/ext_l10n.h:918 msgid "Input" msgstr "Incorporation" #: src/insets/insetinclude.C:207 msgid "Verbatim Input" msgstr "Incorporation Verbatim" # mieux que "Mot à mot" ? #: src/insets/insetinclude.C:208 msgid "Verbatim Input*" msgstr "Incorporation verbatim*" #: src/insets/insetindex.C:33 msgid "Idx" msgstr "Idx" #: src/insets/insetlabel.C:47 src/mathed/math_hullinset.C:796 msgid "Enter label:" msgstr "Entrer l'étiquette :" #: src/insets/insetlist.C:42 msgid "list" msgstr "liste" # à revoir #: src/insets/insetlist.C:64 msgid "Opened List Inset" msgstr "Insert de liste ouvert" #: src/insets/insetmarginal.C:34 src/insets/insetmarginal.C:42 msgid "margin" msgstr "marge" # à revoir #: src/insets/insetmarginal.C:55 msgid "Opened Marginal Note Inset" msgstr "Insert de note en marge ouvert" #: src/insets/insetminipage.C:68 msgid "minipage" msgstr "minipage" # à revoir #: src/insets/insetminipage.C:229 msgid "Opened Minipage Inset" msgstr "Insert de minipage ouvert" #: src/insets/insetnote.C:39 src/LColor.C:64 msgid "note" msgstr "note" #: src/insets/insetnote.C:86 msgid "Opened Note Inset" msgstr "Insert de note ouvert" #: src/insets/insetoptarg.C:39 src/insets/insetoptarg.C:49 #, fuzzy msgid "opt" msgstr "pt" # à revoir #: src/insets/insetoptarg.C:61 #, fuzzy msgid "Opened Optional Argument Inset" msgstr "Insert de légende ouvert" #: src/insets/insetparent.C:46 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Parent: %s" msgstr "Parent :" #: src/insets/insetparent.C:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Parent: " msgstr "Parent :" #: src/insets/insetref.C:118 src/mathed/ref_inset.C:127 src/ext_l10n.h:456 msgid "Standard" msgstr "Standard" #: src/insets/insetref.C:118 src/mathed/ref_inset.C:127 msgid "Ref: " msgstr "Réf : " #: src/insets/insetref.C:119 src/mathed/ref_inset.C:128 msgid "Page Number" msgstr "Numéro de Page" #: src/insets/insetref.C:119 src/mathed/ref_inset.C:128 msgid "Page: " msgstr "Page : " #: src/insets/insetref.C:120 src/mathed/ref_inset.C:129 msgid "Textual Page Number" msgstr "N° de Page du Texte" #: src/insets/insetref.C:120 src/mathed/ref_inset.C:129 msgid "TextPage: " msgstr "Page du Texte : " #: src/insets/insetref.C:121 src/mathed/ref_inset.C:130 msgid "Standard+Textual Page" msgstr "Standard + N° Page du Texte" #: src/insets/insetref.C:121 src/mathed/ref_inset.C:130 msgid "Ref+Text: " msgstr "Réf+Texte : " #: src/insets/insetref.C:122 src/mathed/ref_inset.C:131 msgid "PrettyRef" msgstr "PrettyRef" #: src/insets/insetref.C:122 src/mathed/ref_inset.C:131 msgid "PrettyRef: " msgstr "PrettyRef : " # à revoir #: src/insets/insettabular.C:553 msgid "Opened Tabular Inset" msgstr "Insert de tableau ouvert" #: src/insets/insettabular.C:2091 msgid "Multicolumns can only be horizontally." msgstr "Les multicolonnes ne peuvent être qu'horizontales." # à revoir #: src/insets/insettext.C:666 msgid "Opened Text Inset" msgstr "Insert de texte ouvert" # à revoir #: src/insets/insettext.C:1419 msgid "Impossible operation" msgstr "Opération interdite" # à revoir #: src/insets/insettext.C:1420 msgid "Cannot include more than one paragraph!" msgstr "Les cases d'un tableau ne doivent pas inclure plus d'un paragraphe !" # revu #: src/insets/insettext.C:1495 src/text3.C:1097 msgid "Layout " msgstr "Format " #: src/insets/insettext.C:1495 src/text3.C:1098 msgid " not known" msgstr " inconnu" #: src/insets/insettext.C:1548 src/text3.C:879 msgid "Unknown spacing argument: " msgstr "Paramètre d'espacement inconnu : " #: src/insets/insettext.C:1667 msgid "Error : LatexType Command not allowed here.\n" msgstr "Erreur : commande LaTeX non permise ici.\n" #: src/insets/insettheorem.C:39 msgid "theorem" msgstr "théorème" # à revoir #: src/insets/insettheorem.C:73 msgid "Opened Theorem Inset" msgstr "Insert de théorème ouvert" #: src/insets/insettoc.C:34 msgid "Unknown toc list" msgstr "Liste TdM inconnue" #: src/insets/inseturl.C:49 msgid "Url: " msgstr "URL : " # pourquoi passer de HtmlUrl à UrlHtml ? Retour sans traduction -- JPC # pas d'accord, c'est sans doute "Url (en / de type) Html" -- AR #: src/insets/inseturl.C:51 msgid "HtmlUrl: " msgstr "URLHtml : " #: src/insets/insetwrap.C:57 msgid "wrap: " msgstr "" # à revoir #: src/insets/insetwrap.C:144 #, fuzzy msgid "Opened Wrap Inset" msgstr "Insert de légende ouvert" #: src/kbsequence.C:157 msgid " options: " msgstr " options : " #: src/language.C:41 src/ext_l10n.h:536 msgid "English" msgstr "Anglais" #: src/LaTeX.C:207 src/LaTeX.C:296 src/LaTeX.C:357 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "LaTeX run number %1$d" msgstr "Exécution LaTeX n° " #: src/LaTeX.C:209 src/LaTeX.C:298 src/LaTeX.C:359 #, fuzzy msgid "LaTeX run number " msgstr "Exécution LaTeX n° " #: src/LaTeX.C:247 src/LaTeX.C:331 msgid "Running MakeIndex." msgstr "Exécution de MakeIndex." #: src/LaTeX.C:262 msgid "Running BibTeX." msgstr "Exécution de BibTeX." # à revoir, accord avec les autres mots incertain #: src/LColor.C:49 msgid "none" msgstr "aucune" #: src/LColor.C:50 msgid "black" msgstr "noir" #: src/LColor.C:51 msgid "white" msgstr "blanc" #: src/LColor.C:52 msgid "red" msgstr "rouge" #: src/LColor.C:53 msgid "green" msgstr "vert" #: src/LColor.C:54 msgid "blue" msgstr "bleu" #: src/LColor.C:55 msgid "cyan" msgstr "cyan" #: src/LColor.C:56 msgid "magenta" msgstr "magenta" #: src/LColor.C:57 msgid "yellow" msgstr "jaune" #: src/LColor.C:58 msgid "cursor" msgstr "curseur" #: src/LColor.C:59 msgid "background" msgstr "fond" #: src/LColor.C:60 msgid "text" msgstr "texte" #: src/LColor.C:61 msgid "selection" msgstr "sélection" #: src/LColor.C:62 msgid "latex text" msgstr "texte latex" #: src/LColor.C:63 msgid "previewed snippet" msgstr "" #: src/LColor.C:65 msgid "note background" msgstr "fond de note" #: src/LColor.C:66 msgid "depth bar" msgstr "barre de profondeur" #: src/LColor.C:67 msgid "language" msgstr "langue" #: src/LColor.C:68 msgid "command inset" msgstr "insert de commande" #: src/LColor.C:69 msgid "command inset background" msgstr "fond d'insert de commande" #: src/LColor.C:70 msgid "command inset frame" msgstr "cadre d'insert de commande" #: src/LColor.C:71 msgid "special character" msgstr "caractère spécial" #: src/LColor.C:72 msgid "math" msgstr "mathématique" #: src/LColor.C:73 msgid "math background" msgstr "fond mathématique" #: src/LColor.C:74 msgid "graphics background" msgstr "fond graphique" #: src/LColor.C:75 msgid "Math macro background" msgstr "fond macro math" #: src/LColor.C:76 msgid "math frame" msgstr "cadre mathématique" #: src/LColor.C:77 msgid "math cursor" msgstr "curseur mathématique" #: src/LColor.C:78 msgid "math line" msgstr "ligne mathématique" #: src/LColor.C:79 msgid "caption frame" msgstr "cadre de légende" #: src/LColor.C:80 msgid "collapsable inset text" msgstr "texte d'insert repliable" #: src/LColor.C:81 msgid "collapsable inset frame" msgstr "cadre d'insert repliable" #: src/LColor.C:82 msgid "inset background" msgstr "fond d'insert" #: src/LColor.C:83 msgid "inset frame" msgstr "cadre d'insert" #: src/LColor.C:84 msgid "LaTeX error" msgstr "Erreur LaTeX" #: src/LColor.C:85 msgid "end-of-line marker" msgstr "marqueur de fin de ligne" #: src/LColor.C:86 msgid "appendix line" msgstr "ligne d'appendice" #: src/LColor.C:87 msgid "added space markers" msgstr "marqueurs d'espace ajouté" #: src/LColor.C:88 msgid "top/bottom line" msgstr "ligne haut/bas" #: src/LColor.C:89 msgid "tabular line" msgstr "ligne de tabular" #: src/LColor.C:91 msgid "tabular on/off line" msgstr "ligne de tabular onoff" #: src/LColor.C:93 msgid "bottom area" msgstr "zone du bas" #: src/LColor.C:94 msgid "page break" msgstr "saut de page" #: src/LColor.C:95 msgid "top of button" msgstr "haut du bouton" #: src/LColor.C:96 msgid "bottom of button" msgstr "bas du bouton" #: src/LColor.C:97 msgid "left of button" msgstr "gauche du bouton" #: src/LColor.C:98 msgid "right of button" msgstr "droite du bouton" #: src/LColor.C:99 msgid "button background" msgstr "fond du bouton" #: src/LColor.C:100 msgid "inherit" msgstr "hériter" #: src/LColor.C:101 msgid "ignore" msgstr "ignorer" #: src/lengthcommon.C:34 msgid "sp" msgstr "sp" #: src/lengthcommon.C:34 msgid "pt" msgstr "pt" #: src/lengthcommon.C:34 msgid "bp" msgstr "bp" #: src/lengthcommon.C:34 msgid "dd" msgstr "dd" #: src/lengthcommon.C:34 msgid "mm" msgstr "mm" #: src/lengthcommon.C:34 msgid "pc" msgstr "pc" #: src/lengthcommon.C:35 src/ext_l10n.h:267 msgid "cc" msgstr "cc" #: src/lengthcommon.C:35 msgid "cm" msgstr "cm" #: src/lengthcommon.C:35 msgid "in" msgstr "in" #: src/lengthcommon.C:35 msgid "ex" msgstr "ex" #: src/lengthcommon.C:35 msgid "em" msgstr "em" #: src/lengthcommon.C:35 msgid "mu" msgstr "mu" #: src/lengthcommon.C:36 #, fuzzy msgid "text%" msgstr "texte" #: src/lengthcommon.C:36 msgid "col%" msgstr "" #: src/lengthcommon.C:36 #, fuzzy msgid "page%" msgstr "Minipage" #: src/lengthcommon.C:36 #, fuzzy msgid "line%" msgstr "&En Ligne" #: src/lengthcommon.C:37 #, fuzzy msgid "theight%" msgstr "Hauteur" #: src/lengthcommon.C:37 #, fuzzy msgid "pheight%" msgstr "Hauteur" #: src/LyXAction.C:103 msgid "Insert appendix" msgstr "Insérer un appendice" #: src/LyXAction.C:104 msgid "Describe command" msgstr "Décrire la commande" #: src/LyXAction.C:107 msgid "Select previous char" msgstr "Sélectionner le caractère précédent" #: src/LyXAction.C:110 msgid "Insert bibtex" msgstr "Insertion BibTeX" #: src/LyXAction.C:121 msgid "Build program" msgstr "Compiler le programme" #: src/LyXAction.C:122 msgid "Autosave" msgstr "Sauvegarde Automatique" #: src/LyXAction.C:124 msgid "Go to beginning of document" msgstr "Aller au début du document" #: src/LyXAction.C:126 msgid "Select to beginning of document" msgstr "Sélectionner depuis le début du document" #: src/LyXAction.C:129 msgid "Check TeX" msgstr "Correction TeX" #: src/LyXAction.C:132 msgid "Go to end of document" msgstr "Aller à la fin du document" #: src/LyXAction.C:134 msgid "Select to end of document" msgstr "Sélectionner jusqu'à la fin du document" #: src/LyXAction.C:135 msgid "Export to" msgstr "Exporter vers" #: src/LyXAction.C:137 msgid "Import document" msgstr "Importer un document" #: src/LyXAction.C:138 msgid "New document" msgstr "Nouveau document" #: src/LyXAction.C:140 msgid "New document from template" msgstr "Nouveau document avec modèle" #: src/LyXAction.C:143 msgid "Revert to saved" msgstr "Revenir à la sauvegarde" #: src/LyXAction.C:145 msgid "Switch to an open document" msgstr "Passer à un document ouvert" # à revoir #: src/LyXAction.C:147 msgid "Toggle read-only" msgstr "(Dés)Activer lecture seule" #: src/LyXAction.C:148 msgid "Update" msgstr "Mise à jour" #: src/LyXAction.C:149 msgid "View" msgstr "Visualiser" #: src/LyXAction.C:150 msgid "Save" msgstr "Enregistrer" #: src/LyXAction.C:151 msgid "Save As" msgstr "Enregistrer Sous" #: src/LyXAction.C:155 msgid "Go one char back" msgstr "Caractère précédent" #: src/LyXAction.C:157 msgid "Go one char forward" msgstr "Caractère suivant" #: src/LyXAction.C:160 msgid "Insert citation" msgstr "Insérer une citation" #: src/LyXAction.C:164 msgid "Execute command" msgstr "Exécuter la commande" #: src/LyXAction.C:166 src/MenuBackend.C:673 src/text3.C:1020 msgid "Copy" msgstr "Copier" #: src/LyXAction.C:167 src/MenuBackend.C:672 src/text3.C:1015 msgid "Cut" msgstr "Couper" #: src/LyXAction.C:174 msgid "Decrement environment depth" msgstr "Diminuer la profondeur d'environnement" #: src/LyXAction.C:176 msgid "Increment environment depth" msgstr "Augmenter la profondeur d'environnement" #: src/LyXAction.C:177 msgid "Insert ... dots" msgstr "Insérer des points de suspension" #: src/LyXAction.C:178 msgid "Go down" msgstr "Vers le bas" #: src/LyXAction.C:180 msgid "Select next line" msgstr "Sélectionner la ligne suivante" #: src/LyXAction.C:182 msgid "Choose Paragraph Environment" msgstr "Choisir l'Environnement de Paragraphe" #: src/LyXAction.C:184 msgid "Insert end of sentence period" msgstr "Insérer un point final" #: src/LyXAction.C:186 msgid "Go to next error" msgstr "Erreur suivante" #: src/LyXAction.C:188 msgid "Remove all error boxes" msgstr "Enlever toutes les marques d'erreur" #: src/LyXAction.C:190 msgid "Insert a new ERT Inset" msgstr "Insérer un nouvel ERT" #: src/LyXAction.C:192 msgid "Insert a new external inset" msgstr "Insérer un nouvel objet externe" #: src/LyXAction.C:194 msgid "Insert Graphics" msgstr "Insérer un Graphique" # contrainte de longueur #: src/LyXAction.C:196 msgid "Insert ASCII files as lines" msgstr "Insérer un fichier ASCII en lignes" # contrainte de longueur #: src/LyXAction.C:197 msgid "Insert ASCII file as a paragraph" msgstr "Insérer un fichier ASCII en paragraphe" #: src/LyXAction.C:199 msgid "Open a file" msgstr "Ouvrir" #: src/LyXAction.C:200 msgid "Find & Replace" msgstr "Rechercher et Remplacer" #: src/LyXAction.C:202 #, fuzzy msgid "Insert a Float" msgstr "Insérer Tableau" #: src/LyXAction.C:204 #, fuzzy msgid "Insert a wide Float" msgstr "Insérer la liste d'index" #: src/LyXAction.C:205 #, fuzzy msgid "Insert a Wrap" msgstr "Insérer un Graphique" #: src/LyXAction.C:206 msgid "Toggle bold" msgstr "(Dés)Activer les caractères gras" #: src/LyXAction.C:207 msgid "Toggle code style" msgstr "(Dés)Activer le style code" #: src/LyXAction.C:208 msgid "Default font style" msgstr "Style de police par défaut" #: src/LyXAction.C:210 msgid "Toggle emphasize" msgstr "(Dés)Activer la mise en évidence" #: src/LyXAction.C:211 msgid "Toggle user defined style" msgstr "(Dés)Activer le style utilisateur" # à revoir #: src/LyXAction.C:213 msgid "Toggle noun style" msgstr "(Dés)Activer le style nom propre" #: src/LyXAction.C:214 msgid "Toggle roman font style" msgstr "(Dés)Activer le style romain" #: src/LyXAction.C:216 msgid "Toggle sans font style" msgstr "(Dés)Activer le style sans empattement" #: src/LyXAction.C:217 msgid "Toggle fraktur font style" msgstr "(Dés)Activer le style fraktur" #: src/LyXAction.C:218 msgid "Toggle italic font style" msgstr "(Dés)Activer le style italique" #: src/LyXAction.C:219 msgid "Set font size" msgstr "Régler la taille de la police" #: src/LyXAction.C:220 msgid "Show font state" msgstr "Afficher les paramètres de la police" #: src/LyXAction.C:223 msgid "Toggle font underline" msgstr "(Dés)Activer le soulignement" #: src/LyXAction.C:225 msgid "Insert Footnote" msgstr "Insérer une Note en Bas de Page" #: src/LyXAction.C:226 msgid "Select next char" msgstr "Sélectionner le caractère suivant" #: src/LyXAction.C:229 msgid "Insert horizontal fill" msgstr "Insérer un ressort horizontal" #: src/LyXAction.C:230 msgid "Open a Help file" msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier d'Aide" #: src/LyXAction.C:234 msgid "Insert hyphenation point" msgstr "Insérer un point de césure" #: src/LyXAction.C:236 msgid "Insert ligature break" msgstr "Insérer une séparation de ligature" #: src/LyXAction.C:238 msgid "Insert index item" msgstr "Insérer une marque d'index" #: src/LyXAction.C:239 msgid "Insert index list" msgstr "Insérer la liste d'index" #: src/LyXAction.C:241 msgid "Turn off keymap" msgstr "Désactiver la réaffectation clavier" #: src/LyXAction.C:244 msgid "Use primary keymap" msgstr "Réaffectation primaire" #: src/LyXAction.C:246 msgid "Use secondary keymap" msgstr "Réaffectation secondaire" #: src/LyXAction.C:247 msgid "Toggle keymap" msgstr "(Dés)Activer la réaffectation clavier" #: src/LyXAction.C:249 msgid "Insert Label" msgstr "Insérer une Étiquette" #: src/LyXAction.C:251 #, fuzzy msgid "Insert Optional Argument" msgstr "Insertion du document en cours..." #: src/LyXAction.C:253 msgid "Change language" msgstr "Changer la Langue" #: src/LyXAction.C:254 msgid "View LaTeX log" msgstr "Afficher le fichier log LaTeX" #: src/LyXAction.C:259 msgid "Copy paragraph environment type" msgstr "Copier l'environnement de paragraphe" #: src/LyXAction.C:263 msgid "Paste paragraph environment type" msgstr "Coller l'environnement de paragraphe" # à revoir #: src/LyXAction.C:266 msgid "Open the tabular layout" msgstr "Ouvrir la fenêtre de style du tableau" #: src/LyXAction.C:268 msgid "Go to beginning of line" msgstr "Aller au début de la ligne" #: src/LyXAction.C:270 msgid "Select to beginning of line" msgstr "Sélectionner depuis le début de ligne" #: src/LyXAction.C:272 msgid "Go to end of line" msgstr "Aller à la fin de la ligne" #: src/LyXAction.C:274 msgid "Select to end of line" msgstr "Sélectionner jusqu'à la fin de la ligne" #: src/LyXAction.C:278 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Quitter" #: src/LyXAction.C:280 #, fuzzy msgid "Insert margin note" msgstr "Insérer une Note en Marge" #: src/LyXAction.C:286 msgid "Math Greek" msgstr "Lettres mathématiques grecques" #: src/LyXAction.C:289 msgid "Insert math symbol" msgstr "Insérer un symbole mathématique" #: src/LyXAction.C:290 #, fuzzy msgid "Add subscript" msgstr "Indice|I" #: src/LyXAction.C:291 #, fuzzy msgid "Add superscript" msgstr "Exposant|x" #: src/LyXAction.C:298 msgid "Math mode" msgstr "Mode Mathématique" #: src/LyXAction.C:311 msgid "toggle inset" msgstr "basculer l'insert" #: src/LyXAction.C:313 msgid "Go one paragraph down" msgstr "Descendre d'un paragraphe" #: src/LyXAction.C:315 msgid "Select next paragraph" msgstr "Sélectionner le paragraphe suivant" #: src/LyXAction.C:317 msgid "Go to paragraph" msgstr "Aller au paragraphe" #: src/LyXAction.C:320 msgid "Go one paragraph up" msgstr "Remonter d'un paragraphe" #: src/LyXAction.C:322 msgid "Select previous paragraph" msgstr "Sélectionner le paragraphe précédent" #: src/LyXAction.C:324 src/MenuBackend.C:674 src/text3.C:997 msgid "Paste" msgstr "Coller" #: src/LyXAction.C:326 msgid "Edit Preferences" msgstr "Éditer les Préférences" #: src/LyXAction.C:328 msgid "Save Preferences" msgstr "Enregistrer les Préférences" #: src/LyXAction.C:331 msgid "Insert protected space" msgstr "Insérer une espace insécable" #: src/LyXAction.C:332 msgid "Insert quote" msgstr "Insérer un guillemet" #: src/LyXAction.C:334 msgid "Reconfigure" msgstr "Reconfigurer" #: src/LyXAction.C:338 msgid "Insert cross reference" msgstr "Insérer une référence croisée" #: src/LyXAction.C:347 msgid "Scroll inset" msgstr "Insert d'avance curseur" #: src/LyXAction.C:364 msgid "Insert Table" msgstr "Insérer un Tableau" #: src/LyXAction.C:366 msgid "Tabular Features" msgstr "Style du Tableau" # à revoir #: src/LyXAction.C:370 msgid "Open thesaurus" msgstr "Ouvrir le thesaurus" #: src/LyXAction.C:372 msgid "Insert table of contents" msgstr "Insérer la table des matières" #: src/LyXAction.C:374 msgid "View table of contents" msgstr "Afficher la table des matières" #: src/LyXAction.C:376 msgid "Toggle cursor does/doesn't follow the scrollbar" msgstr "(Dés)Activer le suivi de l'ascenseur par le curseur" #: src/LyXAction.C:387 msgid "Register document under version control" msgstr "Mettre le document sous contrôle de version" #: src/LyXAction.C:404 msgid "Show message in minibuffer" msgstr "Afficher le message dans le minibuffer" #: src/LyXAction.C:409 msgid "Display information about LyX" msgstr "Afficher l'information à propos de LyX" #: src/LyXAction.C:411 msgid "Display information about the TeX installation" msgstr "Afficher l'information sur l'installation de LyX" #: src/LyXAction.C:413 msgid "Show the processes forked by LyX" msgstr "Afficher les processus enfantés par LyX" #: src/LyXAction.C:415 msgid "Kill the forked process with this PID" msgstr "Tuer le processus enfanté avec ce PID" #: src/LyXAction.C:570 msgid "No description available!" msgstr "Pas de description disponible !" #: src/lyx_cb.C:85 msgid "Save failed. Rename and try again?" msgstr "L'enregistrement a échoué. Renommez le fichier et réessayez ?" #: src/lyx_cb.C:87 msgid "(If not, document is not saved.)" msgstr "(Sinon le document ne sera pas enregistré.)" #: src/lyx_cb.C:108 msgid "Choose a filename to save document as" msgstr "Choisir le nom sous lequel enregistrer le fichier" #: src/lyx_cb.C:112 src/lyxfunc.C:1615 msgid "Templates|#T#t" msgstr "Modèles|#M#m" #: src/lyx_cb.C:120 src/lyxfunc.C:1620 msgid "*.lyx|LyX Documents (*.lyx)" msgstr "*.lyx|Documents LyX (*.lyx)" #: src/lyx_cb.C:140 msgid "Same name as document already has:" msgstr "Le document porte déjà ce nom :" #: src/lyx_cb.C:142 msgid "Save anyway?" msgstr "Enregistrer quand même ?" #: src/lyx_cb.C:148 msgid "Another document with same name open!" msgstr "Un autre document ouvert porte ce nom !" #: src/lyx_cb.C:150 msgid "Replace with current document?" msgstr "Remplacer par le document courant ?" #: src/lyx_cb.C:158 msgid "Document renamed to '" msgstr "Document renommé en '" #: src/lyx_cb.C:159 msgid "', but not saved..." msgstr "', mais non enregistré..." #: src/lyx_cb.C:165 msgid "Document already exists:" msgstr "Le document existe déjà :" #: src/lyx_cb.C:167 msgid "Replace file?" msgstr "Remplacer le fichier ?" #: src/lyx_cb.C:180 msgid "Document could not be saved!" msgstr "Le document n'a pas pu être enregistré !" #: src/lyx_cb.C:181 msgid "Holding the old name." msgstr "L'ancien nom a été conservé." #: src/lyx_cb.C:195 msgid "Chktex does not work with SGML derived documents." msgstr "Chktex ne fonctionne pas avec les documents SGML." #: src/lyx_cb.C:204 msgid "No warnings found." msgstr "Aucun avertissement détecté." #: src/lyx_cb.C:206 msgid "One warning found." msgstr "Un avertissement détecté." #: src/lyx_cb.C:207 msgid "Use `Navigate->Error' to find it." msgstr "Faites « Naviguer->Erreur » pour le trouver." #: src/lyx_cb.C:210 msgid " warnings found." msgstr " avertissements détectés." #: src/lyx_cb.C:211 msgid "Use `Navigate->Error' to find them." msgstr "Faites « Naviguer->Erreur » pour les trouver." #: src/lyx_cb.C:213 msgid "Chktex run successfully" msgstr "Chktex s'est exécuté correctement" #: src/lyx_cb.C:215 msgid "It seems chktex does not work." msgstr "Chktex semble ne pas marcher." #: src/lyx_cb.C:273 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Auto-saving %1$s" msgstr "Sauvegarde Automatique" #: src/lyx_cb.C:275 #, fuzzy msgid "Auto-saving " msgstr "Sauvegarde Automatique" #: src/lyx_cb.C:315 msgid "Autosave failed!" msgstr "La sauvegarde automatique a échoué !" #: src/lyx_cb.C:341 msgid "Autosaving current document..." msgstr "Sauvegarde automatique du document..." #: src/lyx_cb.C:423 msgid "Select file to insert" msgstr "Choisir le fichier à insérer" #: src/lyx_cb.C:440 msgid "Error! Specified file is unreadable: " msgstr "Erreur ! Le fichier spécifié est illisible : " #: src/lyx_cb.C:447 msgid "Error! Cannot open specified file: " msgstr "Erreur ! Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier spécifié : " #: src/lyx_cb.C:511 src/mathed/math_hullinset.C:795 msgid "Enter new label to insert:" msgstr "Entrez la nouvelle étiquette :" #: src/lyx_cb.C:529 msgid "Running configure..." msgstr "Lancement de configure..." #: src/lyx_cb.C:537 msgid "Reloading configuration..." msgstr "Rechargement de la configuration..." #: src/lyx_cb.C:539 msgid "The system has been reconfigured." msgstr "Le système a été reconfiguré." #: src/lyx_cb.C:540 msgid "You need to restart LyX to make use of any" msgstr "Il faut redémarrer LyX pour utiliser" #: src/lyx_cb.C:541 msgid "updated document class specifications." msgstr "les classes modifiées." #: src/lyxfind.C:49 msgid "Sorry!" msgstr "Désolé !" #: src/lyxfind.C:49 msgid "You cannot replace a single space, nor an empty character." msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas remplacer une espace ou un caractère vide." #: src/lyxfont.C:45 msgid "Sans serif" msgstr "Sans empattement" #: src/lyxfont.C:45 msgid "Symbol" msgstr "Symbol" #: src/lyxfont.C:47 src/lyxfont.C:50 src/lyxfont.C:53 src/lyxfont.C:59 #: src/lyxfont.C:62 msgid "Inherit" msgstr "Hériter" #: src/lyxfont.C:47 src/lyxfont.C:50 src/lyxfont.C:54 src/lyxfont.C:59 #: src/lyxfont.C:62 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignorer" #: src/lyxfont.C:53 msgid "Smallcaps" msgstr "Petites Capitales" #: src/lyxfont.C:62 msgid "Off" msgstr "Arrêt" #: src/lyxfont.C:62 msgid "On" msgstr "Activé" #: src/lyxfont.C:62 msgid "Toggle" msgstr "(Dés)Activer" #: src/lyxfont.C:531 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Emphasis %1$s, " msgstr "En Évidence" #: src/lyxfont.C:534 #, fuzzy msgid "Emphasis " msgstr "En Évidence" #: src/lyxfont.C:539 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Underline %1$s, " msgstr "Souligné" #: src/lyxfont.C:542 #, fuzzy msgid "Underline " msgstr "Souligné" #: src/lyxfont.C:547 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Noun %1$s, " msgstr "Nom propre " #: src/lyxfont.C:550 #, fuzzy msgid "Noun " msgstr "Nom Propre" #: src/lyxfont.C:557 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Language: %1$s, " msgstr "Langue : " #: src/lyxfont.C:560 #, fuzzy msgid "Language: " msgstr "&Langue :" #: src/lyxfont.C:565 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " Number %1$s" msgstr " Nombre " #: src/lyxfont.C:568 #, fuzzy msgid " Number " msgstr " Nombre " #: src/lyxfunc.C:227 msgid "Unknown function." msgstr "Fonction inconnue" #: src/lyxfunc.C:260 msgid "Nothing to do" msgstr "Rien à faire" #: src/lyxfunc.C:265 msgid "Unknown action" msgstr "Action inconnue" #. the default error message if we disable the command #: src/lyxfunc.C:270 msgid "Command disabled" msgstr "Commande désactivée" #. no #: src/lyxfunc.C:282 msgid "Document is read-only" msgstr "Document en lecture seule" #. no #: src/lyxfunc.C:287 msgid "Command not allowed without any document open" msgstr "Commande non autorisée si aucun document n'est ouvert" #: src/lyxfunc.C:677 msgid "Unknown function (" msgstr "Fonction inconnue (" #: src/lyxfunc.C:952 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Saving document %1$s..." msgstr "Enregistrement du document" #: src/lyxfunc.C:955 #, fuzzy msgid "Saving document " msgstr "Enregistrement du document" #: src/lyxfunc.C:961 #, fuzzy msgid " done." msgstr "Vers le bas" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1103 src/mathed/formulabase.C:1028 msgid "Missing argument" msgstr "Paramètre manquant" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1116 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Opening help file %1$s..." msgstr "Ouverture du fichier d'aide" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1119 #, fuzzy msgid "Opening help file " msgstr "Ouverture du fichier d'aide" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1325 msgid "This is only allowed in math mode!" msgstr "Ceci n'est autorisé qu'en mode mathématique !" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1367 msgid "Opening child document " msgstr "Ouverture du document fils" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1441 msgid "Syntax: set-color " msgstr "Syntaxe : set-color " #: src/lyxfunc.C:1455 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Set-color \"%1$s\" failed - color is undefined or may not be redefined" msgstr "" "\" a échoué - la couleur n'est pas définie ou ne peut pas être redéfinie" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1460 msgid "Set-color " msgstr "" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1461 #, fuzzy msgid " failed - color is undefined or may not be redefined" msgstr "" "\" a échoué - la couleur n'est pas définie ou ne peut pas être redéfinie" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1611 msgid "Select template file" msgstr "Choisir le modèle" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1650 msgid "Select document to open" msgstr "Choisir le document à ouvrir" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1686 #, fuzzy msgid "No such file" msgstr "Charger le fichier" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1687 #, fuzzy msgid "Start a new document with this filename ?" msgstr "Créer un nouveau document avec ce nom ?" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1688 src/lyxfunc.C:1813 msgid "Canceled" msgstr "Annulé" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1699 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Opening document %1$s..." msgstr "Ouverture du document en cours..." #: src/lyxfunc.C:1701 #, fuzzy msgid "Opening document " msgstr "Ouverture du document fils" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1711 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Document %1$s opened." msgstr "Aucun Document Ouvert !" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1713 #, fuzzy msgid " opened." msgstr "Vers le bas" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1717 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Could not open document %1$s" msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le document" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1720 #, fuzzy msgid "Could not open document " msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le document" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1747 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Select %1$s file to import" msgstr "Choisir le fichier à insérer" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1751 #, fuzzy msgid "Select " msgstr "Sélectionné" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1752 #, fuzzy msgid " file to import" msgstr "Choisir le fichier à insérer" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1791 msgid "" "Do you want to close that document now?\n" "('No' will just switch to the open version)" msgstr "" "Voulez-vous fermer le document maintenant ?\n" "('Non' vous ramènera à la version ouverte)" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1811 msgid "A document by the name" msgstr "Un document possède le même nom" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1812 msgid "already exists. Overwrite?" msgstr "Écraser ?" #: src/lyxfunc.C:1884 msgid "Welcome to LyX!" msgstr "Bienvenue dans LyX !" #: src/lyx_main.C:105 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Wrong command line option `%1$s'. Exiting." msgstr "Mauvaise option de ligne de commande `" #: src/lyx_main.C:109 #, fuzzy msgid "Wrong command line option `" msgstr "Mauvaise option de ligne de commande `" #: src/lyx_main.C:110 msgid "'. Exiting." msgstr "" #: src/lyx_main.C:233 msgid "Warning: could not determine path of binary." msgstr "Avertissment : impossible de trouver l'emplacement du binaire." #: src/lyx_main.C:235 msgid "If you have problems, try starting LyX with an absolute path." msgstr "En cas de problème, lancer LyX avec le chemin complet." #: src/lyx_main.C:342 #, fuzzy msgid "LYX_DIR_13x environment variable no good." msgstr "La variable d'environnement LYX_DIR_12x n'est pas utilisable." #: src/lyx_main.C:344 msgid "System directory set to: " msgstr "Le répertoire système est positionné sur : " #: src/lyx_main.C:352 msgid "LyX Warning! Couldn't determine system directory. " msgstr "Avertissement LyX ! Impossible de déterminer le répertoire système. " #: src/lyx_main.C:353 msgid "Try the '-sysdir' command line parameter or " msgstr "Essayer le paramètre de ligne de commande '-sysdir' ou " #: src/lyx_main.C:354 #, fuzzy msgid "set the environment variable LYX_DIR_13x to the LyX system directory " msgstr "" "positionner la variable d'environnement LYX_DIR_12x sur le répertoire " "système " #: src/lyx_main.C:356 msgid "containing the file `chkconfig.ltx'." msgstr "contenant le fichier `chkconfig.ltx'." #: src/lyx_main.C:365 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Using built-in default %1$s but expect problems." msgstr "Utilisation des réglages par défaut." #: src/lyx_main.C:370 #, fuzzy msgid "Using built-in default " msgstr "Utilisation des réglages par défaut." #: src/lyx_main.C:371 #, fuzzy msgid " but expect problems." msgstr "Attendez-vous à des problèmes." #: src/lyx_main.C:375 msgid "Expect problems." msgstr "Attendez-vous à des problèmes." #: src/lyx_main.C:598 #, fuzzy msgid "LyX: reconfiguring user directory" msgstr "LyX : Création du répertoire " #: src/lyx_main.C:602 src/lyx_main.C:650 msgid "Done!" msgstr "Terminé !" #: src/lyx_main.C:612 msgid "You have specified an invalid LyX directory." msgstr "Vous avez spécifié un répertoire LyX invalide." #: src/lyx_main.C:613 msgid "It is needed to keep your own configuration." msgstr "Il est indispensable pour personnaliser votre configuration." #: src/lyx_main.C:614 msgid "Should I try to set it up for you (recommended)?" msgstr "Dois-je le créer (recommandé) ?" #: src/lyx_main.C:615 msgid "Running without personal LyX directory." msgstr "Fonctionnement sans répertoire LyX personnel." #: src/lyx_main.C:622 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "LyX: Creating directory %1$s and running configure..." msgstr " et lancement de configure..." #: src/lyx_main.C:627 #, fuzzy msgid "LyX: Creating directory " msgstr "LyX : Création du répertoire " #: src/lyx_main.C:628 #, fuzzy msgid " and running configure..." msgstr "Lancement de configure..." #: src/lyx_main.C:636 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Failed. Will use %1$s instead." msgstr "Échec. Utilisation de " #: src/lyx_main.C:640 #, fuzzy msgid "Failed. Will use " msgstr "Échec. Utilisation de " #: src/lyx_main.C:641 msgid " instead." msgstr "" #: src/lyx_main.C:664 src/lyx_main.C:668 msgid "LyX Warning!" msgstr "Avertissment LyX !" #: src/lyx_main.C:665 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error while reading %1$s." msgstr "Erreur lors de la lecture " #: src/lyx_main.C:666 src/lyx_main.C:670 msgid "Using built-in defaults." msgstr "Utilisation des réglages par défaut." #: src/lyx_main.C:669 #, fuzzy msgid "Error while reading " msgstr "Erreur lors de la lecture " #: src/lyx_main.C:779 msgid "List of supported debug flags:" msgstr "Liste des options de débogage acceptées :" #: src/lyx_main.C:784 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Setting debug level to %1$s" msgstr "Niveau de débogage " #: src/lyx_main.C:788 #, fuzzy msgid "Setting debug level to " msgstr "Niveau de débogage " #: src/lyx_main.C:799 msgid "" "Usage: lyx [ command line switches ] [ name.lyx ... ]\n" "Command line switches (case sensitive):\n" "\t-help summarize LyX usage\n" "\t-userdir dir try to set user directory to dir\n" "\t-sysdir dir try to set system directory to dir\n" "\t-geometry WxH+X+Y set geometry of the main window\n" "\t-dbg feature[,feature]...\n" " select the features to debug.\n" " Type `lyx -dbg' to see the list of features\n" "\t-x [--execute] command\n" " where command is a lyx command.\n" "\t-e [--export] fmt\n" " where fmt is the export format of choice.\n" "\t-i [--import] fmt file.xxx\n" " where fmt is the import format of choice\n" " and file.xxx is the file to be imported.\n" "\t-version summarize version and build info\n" "Check the LyX man page for more details." msgstr "" "Usage: lyx [ options ] [ nom.lyx ... ]\n" "Options (sensibles à la casse) :\n" "\t-help message d'aide\n" "\t-userdir rep positionner le répertoire utilisateur sur rep\n" "\t-sysdir rep positionner le répertoire système sur rep\n" "\t-geometry WxH+X+Y géométrie de la fenêtre principale\n" "\t-dbg fonction[,fonction] ...\n" " sélectionne les fonctions à déboguer.\n" " Tapez `lyx -dbg' pour voir la liste des fonctions.\n" "\t-x [--execute] commande\n" " où commande est une commande LyX.\n" "\t-e [--export] fmt\n" " où fmt est le format d'exportation choisi.\n" "\t-i [--import] fmt fichier.xxx\n" " où fmt est le format d'importation choisi\n" " et fichier.xxx le fichier à importer.\n" "\t-version résumé de la version et de la compilation\n" "Voir la page man de LyX pour les détails." #: src/lyx_main.C:835 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing directory for -sysdir switch" msgstr "Il manque un répertoire pour l'option -sysdir !" #: src/lyx_main.C:845 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing directory for -userdir switch" msgstr "Il manque un répertoire pour l'option -userdir !" #: src/lyx_main.C:855 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing command string after --execute switch" msgstr "Il manque une commande pour l'option -x !" #: src/lyx_main.C:868 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing file type [eg latex, ps...] after --export switch" msgstr "Type de fichier manquant [par ex. latex, ps...] après l'option " #: src/lyx_main.C:880 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing file type [eg latex, ps...] after --import switch" msgstr "Type de fichier manquant [par ex. latex, ps...] après l'option " #: src/lyx_main.C:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing filename for --import" msgstr " à importer" #: src/lyxrc.C:1788 msgid "" "The font encoding used for the LaTeX2e fontenc package. T1 is highly " "recommended for non-English languages." msgstr "" "L'encodage de police pour le paquetage LaTeX2e fontenc. T1 est vivement " "recommandé pour toutes les langues autres que l'anglais." #: src/lyxrc.C:1792 msgid "" "The default printer to print on. If none is specified, LyX will use the " "environment variable PRINTER." msgstr "" "L'imprimante par défaut. Si aucune n'est spécifiée, LyX se sert de la " "variable d'environnement PRINTER." #: src/lyxrc.C:1796 msgid "Your favorite print program, e.g. \"dvips\", \"dvilj4\"." msgstr "Votre programme d'impression favori, par ex. \"dvips\", \"dvilj4\"." #: src/lyxrc.C:1800 msgid "The option to print only even pages." msgstr "L'option pour n'imprimer que les pages paires." #: src/lyxrc.C:1804 msgid "The option to print only odd pages." msgstr "L'option pour n'imprimer que les pages impaires." #: src/lyxrc.C:1808 msgid "The option for specifying a comma-separated list of pages to print." msgstr "" "L'option pour spécifier la liste des pages à imprimer, séparées par une " "virgule" #: src/lyxrc.C:1812 msgid "The option for specifying the number of copies to print." msgstr "L'option pour spécifier le nombre de copies à imprimer." #: src/lyxrc.C:1816 msgid "The option for specifying whether the copies should be collated." msgstr "L'option pour spécifier si les copies doivent être accolées." #: src/lyxrc.C:1820 msgid "The option to reverse the order of the pages printed." msgstr "L'option pour inverser l'ordre d'impression des pages." #: src/lyxrc.C:1824 msgid "The option to print out in landscape." msgstr "L'option pour imprimer en format paysage." #: src/lyxrc.C:1828 msgid "The option to specify paper type." msgstr "L'option pour spécifier le type de papier." #: src/lyxrc.C:1832 msgid "Option to specify the dimensions of the print paper." msgstr "L'option pour spécifier les dimensions du papier." #: src/lyxrc.C:1836 msgid "Option to pass to the print program to print on a specific printer." msgstr "" "L'option à transmettre au programme d'impression pour imprimer sur une " "imprimante donnée." #: src/lyxrc.C:1840 msgid "" "Select for LyX to pass the name of the destination printer to your print " "command." msgstr "" "Sélectionnez pour que LyX transmette le nom de l'imprimante de destination à " "votre commande d'impression." #: src/lyxrc.C:1844 msgid "Option to pass to the print program to print to a file." msgstr "" "L'option à transmettre au programme d'impression pour imprimer dans un " "fichier donné." #: src/lyxrc.C:1848 msgid "Extension of printer program output file. Usually \".ps\"." msgstr "" "L'extension du fichier de sortie du programme d'impression. D'habitude c'est " "« .ps »." #: src/lyxrc.C:1852 msgid "" "Extra options to pass to printing program after everything else, but before " "the filename of the DVI file to be printed." msgstr "" "Options supplémentaires à transmettre au programme d'impression après toutes " "les autres, mais avant le nom du fichier DVI à imprimer." #: src/lyxrc.C:1856 msgid "" "When set, this printer option automatically prints to a file and then calls " "a separate print spooling program on that file with the given name and " "arguments." msgstr "" "Quand elle est définie, cette option imprime automatiquement vers un fichier " "puis appelle sur ce fichier un programme de spoule d'impression séparé, avec " "le nom et les paramètres indiqués." #: src/lyxrc.C:1860 msgid "" "If you specify a printer name in the print dialog, the following argument is " "prepended along with the printer name after the spool command." msgstr "" "Si vous spécifiez un nom d'imprimante dans la fenêtre Imprimer, le paramètre " "est transmis avec le nom de l'imprimante à la commande de spoule." #: src/lyxrc.C:1864 msgid "" "DPI (dots per inch) of your monitor is auto-detected by LyX. If that goes " "wrong, override the setting here." msgstr "" "LyX détecte tout seul la résolution de votre moniteur en DPI (points par " "pouce). Si ça ne va pas, changez le réglage ici." #: src/lyxrc.C:1869 #, no-c-format msgid "" "The zoom percentage for screen fonts. A setting of 100% will make the fonts " "roughly the same size as on paper." msgstr "" "Le facteur d'agrandissement des polices d'écran. Avec 100% les polices " "feront à peu près la même taille que sur le papier." #: src/lyxrc.C:1873 msgid "The font sizes used for calculating the scaling of the screen fonts." msgstr "" "Les tailles de police utilisées pour calculer l'ajustement des polices " "d'écran." #: src/lyxrc.C:1879 msgid "The screen fonts used to display the text while editing." msgstr "" "Les polices d'écran dans lesquelles s'affiche le texte en cours d'édition." #: src/lyxrc.C:1883 msgid "The bold font in the dialogs." msgstr "La police grasse dans les fenêtres." #: src/lyxrc.C:1887 msgid "The normal font in the dialogs." msgstr "La police normale dans les fenêtres." #: src/lyxrc.C:1891 msgid "The encoding for the screen fonts." msgstr "L'encodage des polices d'écran." #: src/lyxrc.C:1895 msgid "The encoding for the menu/popups fonts." msgstr "L'encodage de police des menus et fenêtres." #: src/lyxrc.C:1902 msgid "" "The time interval between auto-saves (in seconds). 0 means no auto-save." msgstr "" "L'intervalle de temps entre deux sauvegardes automatiques (en secondes). 0 " "signifie pas de sauvegarde." #: src/lyxrc.C:1906 msgid "" "The default path for your documents. An empty value selects the directory " "LyX was started from." msgstr "" "Le chemin par défaut pour vos documents. Si la valeur est vide, c'est le " "répertoire dans lequel LyX a été lancé." #: src/lyxrc.C:1910 msgid "" "The path that LyX will set when offering to choose a template. An empty " "value selects the directory LyX was started from." msgstr "" "Le chemin dans lequel LyX va chercher par défaut les modèles. Si la valeur " "est vide, c'est le répertoire dans lequel LyX a été lancé." #: src/lyxrc.C:1914 msgid "" "LyX will place its temporary directories in this path. They will be deleted " "when you quit LyX." msgstr "" "LyX y mettra ses répertoires temporaires. Ils seront effacés quand vous " "quitterez LyX." #: src/lyxrc.C:1918 msgid "" "Select if you wish to use a temporary directory structure to store temporary " "TeX output." msgstr "" "Sélectionnez si vous voulez utiliser une structure de répertoires " "temporaires pour stocker les sorties TeX temporaires." #: src/lyxrc.C:1922 msgid "The file where the last-files information should be stored." msgstr "Le fichier qui retient les fichiers récemment ouverts." #: src/lyxrc.C:1926 msgid "" "De-select if you don't want the current selection to be replaced " "automatically by what you type." msgstr "" "Désélectionnez si vous ne voulez pas que le texte sélectionné soit remplacé " "automatiquement par ce que vous tapez." #: src/lyxrc.C:1930 msgid "" "De-select if you don't want the class options to be reset to defaults after " "class change." msgstr "" "Désélectionnez si vous ne voulez pas que les options de classe soient " "remises à zéro après un changement de classe." #: src/lyxrc.C:1934 msgid "" "Select if LyX is to take over the handling of the dead keys (a.k.a. accent " "keys) that may be defined for your keyboard." msgstr "" "Cochez pour que LyX se charge de gérer les touches mortes (comme l'accent " "cironflexe) définies sur votre clavier." #: src/lyxrc.C:1939 msgid "" "This starts the lyxserver. The pipes get an additional extension \".in\" and " "\".out\". Only for advanced users." msgstr "" "Démarre le serveur LyX. Les tubes reçoivent l'extension supplémentaire \".in" "\" et \".out\". Réservé aux utilisateurs avancés." #: src/lyxrc.C:1943 msgid "" "Keybindings file. Can either specify an absolute path, or LyX will look in " "its global and local bind/ directories." msgstr "" "Fichier de raccourcis clavier (bind). Vous pouvez mettre son chemin absolu, " "ou bien LyX cherchera dans ses répertoires bind/ global et local." #: src/lyxrc.C:1947 msgid "" "The UI (user interface) file. Can either specify an absolute path, or LyX " "will look in its global and local ui/ directories." msgstr "" "Le fichier d'interface utilisateur (UI). Vous pouvez mettre son chemin " "absolu, ou bien LyX cherchera dans ses répertoires ui/ global et local." #: src/lyxrc.C:1953 msgid "" "Use this to set the correct mapping file for your keyboard. You'll need this " "if you for instance want to type German documents on an American keyboard." msgstr "" "Pour choisir le fichier de réaffectation clavier. Vous en avez besoin si " "vous tapez par exemple des documents en allemand sur un clavier français." #: src/lyxrc.C:1957 msgid "" "Use to define an external program to render tables in the ASCII output. E.g. " "\"groff -t -Tlatin1 $$FName\" where $$FName is the input file. If \"none\" " "is specified, an internal routine is used." msgstr "" "Sert à désigner un programme externe pour rendre les tableaux dans une " "sortie ASCII. Par ex. \"groff -t -Tlatin1 $$FName\" où $$FName est le " "fichier d'entrée. Si vous mettez \"none\", LyX utilise une fonction interne." #: src/lyxrc.C:1961 msgid "" "This is the maximum line length of an exported ASCII file (LaTeX, SGML or " "plain text)." msgstr "" "Longueur maximum d'une ligne dans un fichier exporté en ASCII (LaTeX, SGML " "ou texte brut)." #: src/lyxrc.C:1965 msgid "Maximal number of lastfiles. Up to 9 can appear in the file menu." msgstr "" "Nombre maximum de fichiers récents. On peut en avoir jusqu'à 9 dans le menu " "Fichier." #: src/lyxrc.C:1969 msgid "Select to check whether the lastfiles still exist." msgstr "Sélectionnez pour vérifier si les fichiers récents existent toujours." #: src/lyxrc.C:1973 msgid "Specify the paper command to DVI viewer (leave empty or use \"-paper\")" msgstr "" "Spécifie la commande de papier de la visionneuse DVI (laisser vide ou mettre " "« -paper »)" #: src/lyxrc.C:1977 msgid "Specify the default paper size." msgstr "Spécifie la taille de papier par défaut." # Trouver un meilleur exemple ! #: src/lyxrc.C:1984 msgid "" "Consider run-together words, such as \"diskdrive\" for \"disk drive\", as " "legal words?" msgstr "" "Autoriser ou non les mots composés accolés, comme « diskdrive » pour « disk " "drive »." #: src/lyxrc.C:1988 msgid "What command runs the spell checker?" msgstr "La commande qui lance le correcteur orthographique." #: src/lyxrc.C:1992 msgid "" "Specify whether to pass the -T input encoding option to ispell. Enable this " "if you can't spellcheck words with international letters in them. This may " "not work with all dictionaries." msgstr "" "Si l'on doit transmettre à ispell l'option -T d'encodage d'entrée. Cochez si " "vous n'arrivez pas à vérifier les mots avec des caractères accentués. Ne " "marche pas forcément avec tous les dictionnaires." #: src/lyxrc.C:1997 msgid "" "Specify an alternate language. The default is to use the language of the " "document." msgstr "Spécifie une autre langue. La langue par défaut est celle du document." #: src/lyxrc.C:2002 msgid "" "Specify an alternate personal dictionary file. E.g. \".ispell_english\"." msgstr "" "Spécifie un fichier de dictionnaire personnel. Par exemple « ispell_francais " "»." #: src/lyxrc.C:2007 msgid "Specify additional chars that can be part of a word." msgstr "Spécifie des caractères spéciaux pouvant faire partie d'un mot." #: src/lyxrc.C:2011 msgid "" "Allow bitmap fonts to be resized. If you are using a bitmap font, selecting " "this option may make some fonts look blocky in LyX. Deselecting this option " "makes LyX use the nearest bitmap font size available, instead of scaling." msgstr "" "Permet aux polices bitmap d'être mises à l'échelle. Si vous utilisez une " "police bitmap, choisir cette option peut rendre certaines polices laides " "dans LyX. Si vous décochez cette option, LyX utilise la police bitmap de " "taille la plus proche disponible, au lieu de la mettre de l'échelle." #: src/lyxrc.C:2015 msgid "" "Define how to run chktex. E.g. \"chktex -n11 -n1 -n3 -n6 -n9 -22 -n25 -n30 -" "n38\" Refer to the ChkTeX documentation." msgstr "" "Définit comment lancer chktex. Par ex. « chktex -n11 -n1 -n3 -n6 -n9 -n22 -" "n25 -n30 -n38 ». Voir la documentation de ChkTeX." #: src/lyxrc.C:2019 msgid "" "LyX normally doesn't update the cursor position if you move the scrollbar. " "Set to true if you'd prefer to always have the cursor on screen." msgstr "" "LyX normalement ne change pas la position du curseur quand vous vous " "déplacez avec la barre de défilement. Cochez si vous préférez avoir toujours " "le curseur à l'écran." #: src/lyxrc.C:2023 msgid "" "Iconify the dialogs when the main window is iconified. (Affects only dialogs " "shown after the change has been made.)" msgstr "" "Iconifie les fenêtres auxiliaires quand la fenêtre principale. (N'affecte " "que les fenêtres affichées après que le changement a été fait.)" #: src/lyxrc.C:2027 msgid "Select how LyX will display any graphics." msgstr "Détermine comment LyX affiche tous les graphiques." #: src/lyxrc.C:2031 msgid "De-select if you don't want LyX to create backup files." msgstr "" "Désélectionnez si vous ne voulez pas que LyX crée des copies de sauvegarde." #: src/lyxrc.C:2035 msgid "" "The path for storing backup files. If it is an empty string, LyX will store " "the backup file in the same directory as the original file." msgstr "" "Le répertoire dans lequel mettre les copies de sauvegarde. Si laissé vide, " "LyX mettra la copie de sauvegarde dans le même répertoire que l'original." #: src/lyxrc.C:2039 msgid "" "Select to enable support of right-to-left languages (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic)." msgstr "" "Sélectionnez pour activer le support des langues écrites de droite à gauche " "(par ex. l'hébreu ou l'arabe)." #: src/lyxrc.C:2043 msgid "" "Select to control the highlighting of words with a language foreign to that " "of the document." msgstr "" "Sélectionnez pour activer le soulignement des mots dans une langue autre que " "celle du document." #: src/lyxrc.C:2047 msgid "" "The latex command for loading the language package. E.g. \"\\usepackage" "{babel}\", \"\\usepackage{omega}\"." msgstr "" "La commande latex pour charger le paquetage linguistique. Par exemple « " "\\usepackage{babel} », « \\usepackage{omega} »." #: src/lyxrc.C:2051 msgid "" "De-select if you don't want the language(s) used as an argument to " "\\documentclass." msgstr "" "Désélectionnez si vous ne voulez pas que la langue soit un paramètre de " "\\documentclass." #: src/lyxrc.C:2055 msgid "" "De-select if you don't want babel to be used when the language of the " "document is the default language." msgstr "" "Désélectionnez si vous ne voulez pas utiliser babel quand la langue du " "document est la langue par défaut." #: src/lyxrc.C:2059 msgid "" "Select if a language switching command is needed at the beginning of the " "document." msgstr "Sélectionnez s'il faut une commande de langue au début du document." #: src/lyxrc.C:2063 msgid "" "Select if a language switching command is needed at the end of the document." msgstr "Sélectionnez s'il faut une commande de langue à la fin du document." #: src/lyxrc.C:2067 msgid "" "The latex command for changing from the language of the document to another " "language. E.g. \\selectlanguage{$$lang} where $$lang is substituted by the " "name of the second language." msgstr "" "La commande latex pour passer de la langue du document à une autre langue. " "Par exemple \\selectlanguage{$$lang} où $$lang est le nom de la seconde " "langue." #: src/lyxrc.C:2071 msgid "The latex command for changing back to the language of the document." msgstr "La commande latex pour revenir à la langue du document." #: src/lyxrc.C:2075 msgid "The latex command for local changing of the language." msgstr "La commande latex pour un changement local de langue." #: src/lyxrc.C:2080 #, no-c-format msgid "" "This accepts the normal strftime formats; see man strftime for full details. " "E.g.\"%A, %e. %B %Y\"." msgstr "" "Accepte les formats strftime normaux ; faites man strftime pour plus de " "détails. Par ex. « %A, %e. %B %Y »." #: src/lyxrc.C:2084 msgid "De-select if you don't want the startup banner." msgstr "Désélectionnez si vous ne voulez pas la bannière de démarrage." #: src/lyxrc.C:2088 msgid "The wheel movement factor (for mice with wheels or five button mice)." msgstr "" "Le pas de déplacement de la molette (pour les souris à molette ou à cinq " "boutons)." #: src/lyxrc.C:2101 msgid "New documents will be assigned this language." msgstr "C'est la langue qui sera désignée pour les nouveaux documents." #: src/lyxrc.C:2105 msgid "Maximum number of words in the initialization string for a new label" msgstr "Nombre maximum de mots dans l'initialisation d'une nouvelle étiquette" #: src/lyxrc.C:2109 msgid "Shows a typeset preview of things such as math" msgstr "" #: src/lyxrc.C:2113 msgid "Previewed equations will have \"(#)\" labels rather than numbered ones" msgstr "" #: src/lyxrc.C:2117 msgid "Scale the preview size to suit." msgstr "" #: src/lyxtextclasslist.C:90 msgid "LyX wasn't able to find its layout descriptions!" msgstr "LyX n'a pas pu trouver les descriptions des environnements !" #: src/lyxtextclasslist.C:91 msgid "Check that the file \"textclass.lst\"" msgstr "Vérifier que le fichier « textclass.lst »" #: src/lyxtextclasslist.C:92 msgid "is installed correctly. Sorry, has to exit :-(" msgstr "est installé correctement. Désolé, on doit se quitter... :-(" #: src/lyxtextclasslist.C:149 msgid "LyX wasn't able to find any layout description!" msgstr "LyX n'a pas pu trouver aucune description d'environnement !" #: src/lyxtextclasslist.C:150 msgid "Check the contents of the file \"textclass.lst\"" msgstr "Vérifier le contenu du fichier « textclass.lst »" #: src/lyxtextclasslist.C:151 msgid "Sorry, has to exit :-(" msgstr "Désolé, on doit se quitter... :-(" #: src/lyxvc.C:82 #, fuzzy msgid "File not saved" msgstr "Nom Fichier" #: src/lyxvc.C:83 #, fuzzy msgid "You must save the file" msgstr "Charger le fichier" #: src/lyxvc.C:84 #, fuzzy msgid "before it can be registered." msgstr "Le contrôle de version n'a pas été initialisé." #: src/lyxvc.C:114 src/lyxvc.C:146 msgid "Save document and proceed?" msgstr "Enregistrer le document et continuer ?" #: src/lyxvc.C:126 msgid "LyX VC: Initial description" msgstr "LyX CV : Description initiale" #: src/lyxvc.C:127 msgid "(no initial description)" msgstr "(pas de description initiale)" #: src/lyxvc.C:131 src/ext_l10n.h:773 msgid "Info" msgstr "Informations" #: src/lyxvc.C:132 msgid "This document has NOT been registered." msgstr "Le contrôle de version n'a pas été initialisé." #: src/lyxvc.C:157 msgid "LyX VC: Log Message" msgstr "LyX CV : Message de log" #: src/lyxvc.C:160 msgid "(no log message)" msgstr "(aucun message de log)" #: src/lyxvc.C:175 msgid "Ignore changes and proceed with check out?" msgstr "Ignorer les modifications et continuer la récupération ?" #. Here we should check if the buffer is dirty. And if it is #. we should warn the user that reverting will discard all #. changes made since the last check in. #: src/lyxvc.C:190 msgid "When you revert, you will loose all changes made" msgstr "Si vous revenez à la version précédente, vous perdrez toutes les" #: src/lyxvc.C:191 msgid "to the document since the last check in." msgstr "modifications apportées au document dans cette version éditable." #: src/lyxvc.C:192 msgid "Do you still want to do it?" msgstr "Voulez-vous toujours le faire ?" #: src/mathed/formulabase.C:173 src/mathed/formulabase.C:1002 msgid "Math editor mode" msgstr "Mode éditeur mathématique" #: src/mathed/formulabase.C:719 msgid "Invalid action in math mode!" msgstr "Action invalide en mode mathématique !" #: src/mathed/formulamacro.C:132 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid " Macro: %s: " msgstr "Macro : " #: src/mathed/formulamacro.C:134 #, fuzzy msgid " Macro: " msgstr "Macro : " #: src/MenuBackend.C:314 src/MenuBackend.C:337 src/MenuBackend.C:394 #: src/MenuBackend.C:415 src/MenuBackend.C:485 msgid "No Documents Open!" msgstr "Aucun Document Ouvert !" #: src/MenuBackend.C:378 msgid "Ascii text as lines" msgstr "Texte Ascii en Lignes|A" #: src/MenuBackend.C:380 msgid "Ascii text as paragraphs" msgstr "Texte Ascii en Paragraphes|P" #: src/MenuBackend.C:517 #, fuzzy msgid "No Table of contents" msgstr "Pas de Table des Matières%i" #: src/MenuBackend.C:654 msgid "New...|N" msgstr "Nouveau|N" #: src/MenuBackend.C:655 src/ext_l10n.h:11 msgid "Open...|O" msgstr "Ouvrir...|O" #: src/MenuBackend.C:656 src/ext_l10n.h:17 msgid "Import|I" msgstr "Importer|I" #: src/MenuBackend.C:657 msgid "Quit|Q" msgstr "Quitter|Q" #: src/MenuBackend.C:665 msgid "LaTeX...|L" msgstr "LaTeX...|L" #: src/MenuBackend.C:667 msgid "LinuxDoc...|L" msgstr "LinuxDoc...|L" #: src/MenuBackend.C:675 msgid "Emphasize" msgstr "En Évidence" #: src/MenuBackend.C:682 src/ext_l10n.h:1 msgid "File|F" msgstr "Fichier|F" #: src/MenuBackend.C:683 src/ext_l10n.h:2 msgid "Edit|E" msgstr "Éditer|e" #: src/MenuBackend.C:685 src/ext_l10n.h:7 msgid "Documents|D" msgstr "Documents|D" #: src/support/filetools.C:446 msgid "Error! Cannot open directory:" msgstr "Erreur ! Impossible d'ouvrir le répertoire :" #: src/support/filetools.C:466 msgid "Error! Could not remove file:" msgstr "Erreur ! Impossible de supprimer le fichier :" #: src/support/filetools.C:490 src/support/filetools.C:526 msgid "Error! Couldn't create temporary directory:" msgstr "Erreur ! Impossible de créer le répertoire temporaire :" #: src/support/filetools.C:507 msgid "Error! Couldn't delete temporary directory:" msgstr "Erreur ! Impossible de supprimer le répertoire temporaire :" #: src/support/filetools.C:572 msgid "Internal error!" msgstr "Erreur interne !" #: src/support/filetools.C:573 msgid "Call to createDirectory with invalid name" msgstr "Appel à createDirectory avec un nom invalide" #: src/support/filetools.C:578 msgid "Error! Couldn't create directory:" msgstr "Erreur ! Impossible de créer le répertoire :" #: src/support/filetools.C:1375 msgid "Could not delete auto-save file!" msgstr "Impossible d'effacer le fichier de sauvegarde !" #: src/tabular.C:1349 msgid "Warning:" msgstr "Attention !" #: src/tabular.C:1350 msgid "Tabular format < 5 is not supported anymore\n" msgstr "Le format Tabular < 5 n'est plus supporté\n" #: src/tabular.C:1351 msgid "Get an older version of LyX (< 1.1.x) for conversion!" msgstr "Utilisez une ancienne version de LyX (< 1.1.x) pour la conversion !" #. Could only happen with user style #: src/text2.C:1010 msgid "" "No font change defined. Use Character under the Layout menu to define font " "change." msgstr "" "Pas de changement de police défini. Utiliser Format->Caractère pour le " "définir." #: src/text2.C:1049 msgid "Nothing to index!" msgstr "Rien à faire !" #: src/text2.C:1053 msgid "Cannot index more than one paragraph!" msgstr "Impossible d'indexer plus d'un paragraphe !" #: src/text3.C:224 src/text3.C:227 msgid "No more insets" msgstr "Pas d'autre insert" #: src/text3.C:940 msgid "Mark off" msgstr "Marque désactivée" #: src/text3.C:948 msgid "Mark on" msgstr "Marque activée" #: src/text3.C:955 msgid "Mark removed" msgstr "Marque enlevée" #: src/text3.C:959 msgid "Mark set" msgstr "Marque posée" #: src/text3.C:1079 msgid "LyX function 'layout' needs an argument." msgstr "" #: src/text.C:1922 msgid "" "You cannot insert a space at the beginning of a paragraph. Please read the " "Tutorial." msgstr "" "Vous ne pouvez pas entrer d'espace en début de paragraphe. Lisez le Manuel " "d'Apprentissage." #: src/text.C:1924 msgid "You cannot type two spaces this way. Please read the Tutorial." msgstr "" "Vous ne pouvez pas entrer deux espaces ici. Lisez le Manuel d'Apprentissage." #: src/text.C:3282 msgid " (vertical fill)" msgstr "" #: src/text.C:3365 msgid "Page Break (top)" msgstr "Saut de Page (Haut)" #. draw the additional space if needed: #: src/text.C:3370 msgid "Space above" msgstr "Espacement au-dessus" #: src/text.C:3529 msgid "Page Break (bottom)" msgstr "Saut de Page (Bas)" #: src/text.C:3536 msgid "Space below" msgstr "Espacement au-dessous" #: src/ext_l10n.h:3 msgid "Insert|I" msgstr "Insérer|I" #: src/ext_l10n.h:4 msgid "Layout|L" msgstr "Format|t" #: src/ext_l10n.h:5 msgid "View|V" msgstr "Visualiser|V" #: src/ext_l10n.h:6 msgid "Navigate|N" msgstr "Naviguer|N" #: src/ext_l10n.h:8 msgid "Help|H" msgstr "Aide|A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:9 #, fuzzy msgid "New|N" msgstr "Nouveau|N" #: src/ext_l10n.h:10 msgid "New from Template...|T" msgstr "Nouveau avec Modèle...|M" #: src/ext_l10n.h:12 msgid "Close|C" msgstr "Fermer|F" #: src/ext_l10n.h:13 msgid "Save|S" msgstr "Enregistrer|E" #: src/ext_l10n.h:14 msgid "Save As...|A" msgstr "Enregistrer Sous...|S" #: src/ext_l10n.h:15 #, fuzzy msgid "Revert|R" msgstr "Initialiser le Contrôle|I" #: src/ext_l10n.h:16 msgid "Version Control|V" msgstr "Contrôle de Version|V" #: src/ext_l10n.h:18 msgid "Export|E" msgstr "Exporter|x" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:19 msgid "Print...|P" msgstr "Imprimer...|p" #: src/ext_l10n.h:20 msgid "Fax...|F" msgstr "Fax...|T" #: src/ext_l10n.h:21 msgid "Exit|x" msgstr "Quitter|Q" #: src/ext_l10n.h:22 msgid "Register|R" msgstr "Initialiser le Contrôle|I" #: src/ext_l10n.h:23 #, fuzzy msgid "Check In Changes...|I" msgstr "Figer cette Version|F" #: src/ext_l10n.h:24 msgid "Check Out for Edit|O" msgstr "Nouvelle Version Éditable|N" #: src/ext_l10n.h:25 msgid "Revert to Last Version|L" msgstr "Recharger la Version Précédente|R" #: src/ext_l10n.h:26 msgid "Undo Last Check In|U" msgstr "Annuler Figer|A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:27 msgid "Show History|H" msgstr "Visualiser l'Historique|H" #: src/ext_l10n.h:28 msgid "Custom...|C" msgstr "Personnalisé...|e" #: src/ext_l10n.h:29 msgid "Undo|U" msgstr "Annuler|A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:30 msgid "Redo|d" msgstr "Refaire|R" #: src/ext_l10n.h:31 msgid "Cut|C" msgstr "Couper|o" #: src/ext_l10n.h:32 msgid "Copy|o" msgstr "Copier|C" #: src/ext_l10n.h:33 msgid "Paste|a" msgstr "Coller|l" #: src/ext_l10n.h:34 msgid "Paste External Selection|x" msgstr "Copier Sélection Externe|S" #: src/ext_l10n.h:35 msgid "Find & Replace...|F" msgstr "Rechercher et Remplacer...|h" #: src/ext_l10n.h:36 src/ext_l10n.h:186 msgid "Tabular|T" msgstr "Tableau|T" #: src/ext_l10n.h:37 msgid "Math|M" msgstr "Math|M" #: src/ext_l10n.h:38 msgid "Read Only" msgstr "Lecture Seule" #: src/ext_l10n.h:39 #, fuzzy msgid "Spellchecker|S" msgstr "Correcteur Orthographique" #: src/ext_l10n.h:41 msgid "Check TeX|h" msgstr "Correcteur TeX|X" #: src/ext_l10n.h:42 msgid "Remove All Error Boxes|E" msgstr "Enlever Toutes les Marques d'Erreur|E" #: src/ext_l10n.h:43 msgid "Open/Close float|l" msgstr "Ouvrir/Fermer le Flottant|F" #: src/ext_l10n.h:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Preferences|P" msgstr "Préférences" #: src/ext_l10n.h:45 msgid "Reconfigure|R" msgstr "Reconfigurer|g" #: src/ext_l10n.h:46 msgid "as Lines|L" msgstr "en Lignes|L" #: src/ext_l10n.h:47 msgid "as Paragraphs|P" msgstr "en Paragraphes|P" #: src/ext_l10n.h:48 msgid "Multicolumn|M" msgstr "Multi-Colonnes|M" #: src/ext_l10n.h:49 msgid "Line Top|T" msgstr "Ligne en Haut|H" #: src/ext_l10n.h:50 msgid "Line Bottom|B" msgstr "Ligne en Bas|B" #: src/ext_l10n.h:51 msgid "Line Left|L" msgstr "Ligne à Gauche|G" #: src/ext_l10n.h:52 msgid "Line Right|R" msgstr "Ligne à Droite|D" #: src/ext_l10n.h:53 msgid "Align Left|e" msgstr "Aligner à Gauche|a" #: src/ext_l10n.h:54 src/ext_l10n.h:110 msgid "Align Center|C" msgstr "Centrer|C" #: src/ext_l10n.h:55 msgid "Align Right|i" msgstr "Aligner à Droite|r" #: src/ext_l10n.h:56 msgid "V.Align Top|o" msgstr "Aligner en Haut|t" #: src/ext_l10n.h:57 msgid "V.Align Center|n" msgstr "Centrer Verticalement|V" #: src/ext_l10n.h:58 msgid "V.Align Bottom|V" msgstr "Aligner en Bas|s" #: src/ext_l10n.h:59 msgid "Add Row|A" msgstr "Ajouter Rangée|j" #: src/ext_l10n.h:60 msgid "Delete Row|w" msgstr "Supprimer Rangée|u" #: src/ext_l10n.h:61 src/ext_l10n.h:83 #, fuzzy msgid "Copy Row" msgstr "Copier|C" #: src/ext_l10n.h:62 src/ext_l10n.h:84 #, fuzzy msgid "Swap Rows" msgstr "Rangées" #: src/ext_l10n.h:63 msgid "Add Column|u" msgstr "Ajouter Colonne|o" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:64 msgid "Delete Column|D" msgstr "Supprimer Colonne|p" #: src/ext_l10n.h:65 src/ext_l10n.h:87 #, fuzzy msgid "Copy Column" msgstr "Ajouter Colonne|o" #: src/ext_l10n.h:66 src/ext_l10n.h:88 #, fuzzy msgid "Swap Columns" msgstr "Colonnes" #: src/ext_l10n.h:67 msgid "Make eqnarray|e" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:68 msgid "Make multline|m" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:69 msgid "Make align 1 column|1" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:70 msgid "Make align 2 columns|2" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:71 msgid "Make align 3 columns|3" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:72 msgid "Make alignat 2 columns|2" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:73 msgid "Make alignat 3 columns|3" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:74 #, fuzzy msgid "Toggle Numbering|N" msgstr "(Dés)Activer Numérotation|N" #: src/ext_l10n.h:75 #, fuzzy msgid "Toggle Numbering of Line|u" msgstr "(Dés)Activer Numérotation de la Ligne|m" #: src/ext_l10n.h:76 msgid "Toggle limits|l" msgstr "(Dés)Activer Limites|i" #: src/ext_l10n.h:77 msgid "Change Limits Type|L" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:78 msgid "Change Formula Type|F" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:79 msgid "Use Computer Algebra System|S" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:80 #, fuzzy msgid "Alignment|A" msgstr "Alignement" #: src/ext_l10n.h:81 #, fuzzy msgid "Add Row|R" msgstr "Ajouter Rangée|j" #: src/ext_l10n.h:82 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete Row|D" msgstr "Supprimer Rangée|u" #: src/ext_l10n.h:85 #, fuzzy msgid "Add Column|C" msgstr "Ajouter Colonne|o" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:86 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete Column|e" msgstr "Supprimer Colonne|p" #: src/ext_l10n.h:89 #, fuzzy msgid "Default|t" msgstr "Défaut" #: src/ext_l10n.h:90 #, fuzzy msgid "Display|D" msgstr "Ne pas afficher|#N" #: src/ext_l10n.h:91 #, fuzzy msgid "Inline|I" msgstr "&En Ligne" #: src/ext_l10n.h:92 msgid "Octave" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:93 msgid "Maxima" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:94 #, fuzzy msgid "Mathematica" msgstr "Matrice Mathématique" #: src/ext_l10n.h:95 msgid "Maple, simplify" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:96 msgid "Maple, factor" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:97 msgid "Maple, evalm" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:98 msgid "Maple, evalf" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:99 src/ext_l10n.h:146 msgid "Inline Formula|I" msgstr "Formule En Ligne|L" #: src/ext_l10n.h:100 #, fuzzy msgid "Displayed Formula|D" msgstr "Formule Hors Ligne|H" #: src/ext_l10n.h:101 #, fuzzy msgid "Eqnarray Environment|q" msgstr "Environnement Tableau d'Équations|q" #: src/ext_l10n.h:102 #, fuzzy msgid "Align Environment|A" msgstr "Environnement Aligné|A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:103 #, fuzzy msgid "AlignAt Environment" msgstr "Environnement Aligné|A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:104 #, fuzzy msgid "Flalign Environment|f" msgstr "Environnement Aligné|A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:105 #, fuzzy msgid "XAlignAt Environment" msgstr "Environnement Aligné|A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:106 #, fuzzy msgid "XXAlignAt Environment" msgstr "Environnement Aligné|A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:107 #, fuzzy msgid "Gather Environment" msgstr "Environnement de liste" #: src/ext_l10n.h:108 #, fuzzy msgid "Multline Environment" msgstr "Environnement Aligné|A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:109 #, fuzzy msgid "Align Left|L" msgstr "Aligner à Gauche|a" #: src/ext_l10n.h:111 msgid "Align Right|R" msgstr "Aligner à Droite|D" #: src/ext_l10n.h:112 msgid "V.Align Top|T" msgstr "Aligner en Haut|t" #: src/ext_l10n.h:113 msgid "V.Align Center|e" msgstr "Centrer Verticalement|V" #: src/ext_l10n.h:114 msgid "V.Align Bottom|B" msgstr "Aligner en Bas|s" #: src/ext_l10n.h:115 msgid "Math|h" msgstr "Math|M" #: src/ext_l10n.h:116 msgid "Special Character|S" msgstr "Caractère Spécial|S" #: src/ext_l10n.h:117 msgid "Citation Reference...|C" msgstr "Citation...|C" #: src/ext_l10n.h:118 msgid "Cross Reference...|R" msgstr "Référence Croisée...|R" #: src/ext_l10n.h:119 msgid "Label...|L" msgstr "Étiquette...|q" #: src/ext_l10n.h:120 msgid "Footnote|F" msgstr "Note en Bas de Page|B" #: src/ext_l10n.h:121 msgid "Marginal Note|M" msgstr "Note en Marge|M" #: src/ext_l10n.h:122 #, fuzzy msgid "Short Title" msgstr "TitreCourt" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:123 #, fuzzy msgid "Index Entry|I" msgstr "Entrée d'Index...|d" #: src/ext_l10n.h:124 msgid "URL...|U" msgstr "URL...|U" #: src/ext_l10n.h:125 src/ext_l10n.h:202 msgid "Note|N" msgstr "Note|N" #: src/ext_l10n.h:126 msgid "Lists & TOC|O" msgstr "Listes & TdM|L" #: src/ext_l10n.h:127 msgid "TeX|T" msgstr "TeX|T" #: src/ext_l10n.h:128 msgid "Minipage|p" msgstr "Minipage|p" #: src/ext_l10n.h:129 msgid "Graphics...|G" msgstr "Graphique...|G" #: src/ext_l10n.h:130 msgid "Tabular Material...|b" msgstr "Tableau...|b" #: src/ext_l10n.h:131 msgid "Floats|a" msgstr "Flottants|o" #: src/ext_l10n.h:132 msgid "Include File...|d" msgstr "Inclure Fichier...|u" #: src/ext_l10n.h:133 msgid "Insert File|e" msgstr "Insérer Fichier|I" #: src/ext_l10n.h:134 msgid "External Material...|x" msgstr "Objet Externe...|E" #: src/ext_l10n.h:135 msgid "Superscript|S" msgstr "Exposant|x" #: src/ext_l10n.h:136 msgid "Subscript|u" msgstr "Indice|I" #: src/ext_l10n.h:137 msgid "HFill|H" msgstr "Ressort Horizontal|H" #: src/ext_l10n.h:138 msgid "Hyphenation Point|P" msgstr "Point de Césure|C" #: src/ext_l10n.h:139 #, fuzzy msgid "Ligature Break|k" msgstr "Séparation de Ligature|a" #: src/ext_l10n.h:140 msgid "Protected Blank|B" msgstr "Espace Insécable|E" #: src/ext_l10n.h:141 msgid "Linebreak|L" msgstr "Passage à la Ligne|L" #: src/ext_l10n.h:142 msgid "Ellipsis|i" msgstr "Points de Suspension|S" #: src/ext_l10n.h:143 msgid "End of Sentence|E" msgstr "Point Final|F" #: src/ext_l10n.h:144 msgid "Ordinary Quote|Q" msgstr "Guillemet Droit|G" #: src/ext_l10n.h:145 msgid "Menu Separator|M" msgstr "Séparateur de Menu|M" #: src/ext_l10n.h:147 msgid "Display Formula|D" msgstr "Formule Hors Ligne|H" #: src/ext_l10n.h:148 #, fuzzy msgid "Eqnarray Environment|E" msgstr "Environnement Tableau d'Équations|E" #: src/ext_l10n.h:149 #, fuzzy msgid "AMS align Environment|A" msgstr "Environnement AMS align|A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:150 #, fuzzy msgid "AMS alignat Environment|t" msgstr "Environnement AMS alignat|M" #: src/ext_l10n.h:151 #, fuzzy msgid "AMS flalign Environment|f" msgstr "Environnement AMS align|A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:152 #, fuzzy msgid "AMS xalignat Environment|x" msgstr "Environnement AMS xalignat|S" #: src/ext_l10n.h:153 #, fuzzy msgid "AMS xxalignat Environment" msgstr "Environnement AMS xxalignat|x" #: src/ext_l10n.h:154 #, fuzzy msgid "AMS gather Environment" msgstr "Environnement AMS alignat|M" #: src/ext_l10n.h:155 #, fuzzy msgid "AMS multline Environment" msgstr "Environnement AMS align|A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:156 #, fuzzy msgid "Array Environment|y" msgstr "Environnement Tableau|b" #: src/ext_l10n.h:157 #, fuzzy msgid "Cases Environment|C" msgstr "Environnement Cas|C" #: src/ext_l10n.h:158 #, fuzzy msgid "Font Change|f" msgstr "Forme police" #: src/ext_l10n.h:159 #, fuzzy msgid "Math Panel|l" msgstr "Palette Mathématique...|P" #: src/ext_l10n.h:160 msgid "Math normal font" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:161 msgid "Math calligraphic family" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:162 msgid "Math fraktur family" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:163 #, fuzzy msgid "Math roman family" msgstr "Famille police" #: src/ext_l10n.h:164 msgid "Math sans serif family" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:165 #, fuzzy msgid "Math bold series" msgstr "Mode Mathématique" #: src/ext_l10n.h:166 #, fuzzy msgid "Text normal font" msgstr "Texte après le paramètre" #: src/ext_l10n.h:167 #, fuzzy msgid "Text roman family" msgstr "Famille police" #: src/ext_l10n.h:168 msgid "Text sans serif family" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:169 #, fuzzy msgid "Text typewriter family" msgstr "Chasse fixe" #: src/ext_l10n.h:170 #, fuzzy msgid "Text bold series" msgstr "Texte avant" #: src/ext_l10n.h:171 msgid "Text medium series" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:172 msgid "Text italic shape" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:173 msgid "Text small caps shape" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:174 msgid "Text slanted shape" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:175 msgid "Text upright shape" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:176 #, fuzzy msgid "Floatflt Figure" msgstr "AjusteFigure" #: src/ext_l10n.h:177 msgid "Table of Contents|C" msgstr "Table des Matières|M" #: src/ext_l10n.h:178 msgid "Index List|I" msgstr "Index|I" #: src/ext_l10n.h:179 msgid "BibTeX Reference...|B" msgstr "Références BibTeX...|B" #: src/ext_l10n.h:180 msgid "LyX Document...|X" msgstr "Document LyX...|X" #: src/ext_l10n.h:181 #, fuzzy msgid "ASCII as Lines...|L" msgstr "Ascii en Lignes...|L" #: src/ext_l10n.h:182 #, fuzzy msgid "ASCII as Paragraphs...|P" msgstr "Ascii en Paragraphes...|P" #: src/ext_l10n.h:183 #, fuzzy msgid "Character|C" msgstr "Caractère" #: src/ext_l10n.h:184 #, fuzzy msgid "Paragraph|P" msgstr "Paragraphe" #: src/ext_l10n.h:185 #, fuzzy msgid "Document|D" msgstr "Documents|D" #: src/ext_l10n.h:187 msgid "Emphasize Style|E" msgstr "En Évidence|E" #: src/ext_l10n.h:188 msgid "Noun Style|N" msgstr "Nom Propre|N" #: src/ext_l10n.h:189 msgid "Bold Style|B" msgstr "Gras|G" #: src/ext_l10n.h:190 msgid "TeX Style|X" msgstr "TeX|X" #: src/ext_l10n.h:191 #, fuzzy msgid "Decrease Environment Depth|v" msgstr "Changer la Profondeur d'Environnement|f" #: src/ext_l10n.h:192 #, fuzzy msgid "Increase Environment Depth|i" msgstr "Augmenter la profondeur d'environnement" #: src/ext_l10n.h:193 #, fuzzy msgid "Preamble|r" msgstr "Préambule...|m" #: src/ext_l10n.h:194 #, fuzzy msgid "Start Appendix Here|S" msgstr "Appendice|A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:195 msgid "Build Program|B" msgstr "Compiler|C" #: src/ext_l10n.h:196 msgid "Update|U" msgstr "Mise à Jour|J" #: src/ext_l10n.h:197 msgid "LaTeX Logfile|L" msgstr "Fichier log LaTeX|L" #: src/ext_l10n.h:198 msgid "Table of Contents|T" msgstr "Table des Matières|M" #: src/ext_l10n.h:199 #, fuzzy msgid "Child Processes|C" msgstr "Processus Enfantés|c" #: src/ext_l10n.h:200 msgid "TeX Information|X" msgstr "Informations TeX|X" #: src/ext_l10n.h:201 msgid "Error|E" msgstr "Erreur|E" #: src/ext_l10n.h:203 msgid "Refs|R" msgstr "Référence|R" #: src/ext_l10n.h:204 msgid "Bookmarks|B" msgstr "Signets|S" #: src/ext_l10n.h:205 msgid "Save Bookmark 1|S" msgstr "Enregistrer signet 1|E" #: src/ext_l10n.h:206 msgid "Save Bookmark 2" msgstr "Enregistrer signet 2|n" #: src/ext_l10n.h:207 msgid "Save Bookmark 3" msgstr "Enregistrer signet 3|r" #: src/ext_l10n.h:208 msgid "Goto Bookmark 1|1" msgstr "Aller au signet 1|1" #: src/ext_l10n.h:209 msgid "Goto Bookmark 2|2" msgstr "Aller au signet 2|2" #: src/ext_l10n.h:210 msgid "Goto Bookmark 3|3" msgstr "Aller au signet 3|3" #: src/ext_l10n.h:211 msgid "Tooltips|o" msgstr "InfoBulles|B" #: src/ext_l10n.h:212 msgid "Introduction|I" msgstr "Introduction|I" #: src/ext_l10n.h:213 msgid "Tutorial|T" msgstr "Manuel d'Apprentissage|A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:214 msgid "User's Guide|U" msgstr "Guide de l'Utilisateur|U" #: src/ext_l10n.h:215 msgid "Extended Features|E" msgstr "Options Avancées|O" #: src/ext_l10n.h:216 msgid "Customization|C" msgstr "Personnalisation|P" #: src/ext_l10n.h:217 msgid "Reference Manual|R" msgstr "Manuel de Référence|R" #: src/ext_l10n.h:218 msgid "FAQ|F" msgstr "FAQ|F" #: src/ext_l10n.h:219 msgid "Table of Contents|a" msgstr "Table des Matières|M" #: src/ext_l10n.h:220 msgid "LaTeX Configuration|L" msgstr "Configuration LaTeX|X" #: src/ext_l10n.h:221 msgid "About LyX|X" msgstr "À Propos de LyX...|L" #: src/ext_l10n.h:223 msgid "Accepted" msgstr "Accepté" #: src/ext_l10n.h:224 msgid "Acknowledgement" msgstr "Remerciement" #: src/ext_l10n.h:225 msgid "Acknowledgement*" msgstr "Remerciement*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:226 msgid "Acknowledgements" msgstr "Remerciements" #: src/ext_l10n.h:227 msgid "Acknowledgments" msgstr "Remerciements" #: src/ext_l10n.h:228 msgid "ACT" msgstr "ACTE" #: src/ext_l10n.h:229 msgid "Addchap" msgstr "AjoutChap" #: src/ext_l10n.h:230 msgid "Addchap*" msgstr "AjoutChap*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:231 msgid "Addition" msgstr "Addition" #: src/ext_l10n.h:232 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresse" #: src/ext_l10n.h:233 msgid "AddressForOffprints" msgstr "AdressePourOffprints" #: src/ext_l10n.h:234 msgid "Addsec" msgstr "AjoutSec" #: src/ext_l10n.h:235 msgid "Addsec*" msgstr "AjoutSec*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:236 msgid "Adresse" msgstr "Adresse" #: src/ext_l10n.h:237 msgid "Affil" msgstr "Appart." #: src/ext_l10n.h:238 msgid "Affiliation" msgstr "Affiliation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:239 msgid "Algorithm" msgstr "Algorithme" #: src/ext_l10n.h:240 msgid "AMS" msgstr "AMS" #: src/ext_l10n.h:241 msgid "And" msgstr "Et" #: src/ext_l10n.h:242 msgid "Anlagen" msgstr "Anlagen" #: src/ext_l10n.h:243 msgid "Anrede" msgstr "Anrede" #: src/ext_l10n.h:244 msgid "Appendices" msgstr "Appendices" #: src/ext_l10n.h:245 msgid "Appendix" msgstr "Appendice" #: src/ext_l10n.h:246 msgid "Arrow" msgstr "Flèche" #: src/ext_l10n.h:247 msgid "AT_RISE:" msgstr "LEVER_RIDEAU:" #: src/ext_l10n.h:248 msgid "Author" msgstr "Auteur" #: src/ext_l10n.h:249 msgid "Author_Email" msgstr "EMail_Auteur" #: src/ext_l10n.h:250 msgid "Authorgroup" msgstr "GroupeAuteur" #: src/ext_l10n.h:251 msgid "Authorinfo" msgstr "InfoAuteur" #: src/ext_l10n.h:252 msgid "Author_Running" msgstr "Auteur_Courant" #: src/ext_l10n.h:253 msgid "Author_URL" msgstr "URL_Auteur" #: src/ext_l10n.h:254 msgid "Axiom" msgstr "Axiome" #: src/ext_l10n.h:255 msgid "Backaddress" msgstr "Adresse_Retour" #: src/ext_l10n.h:256 msgid "Bank" msgstr "Banque" #: src/ext_l10n.h:257 msgid "BankAccount" msgstr "CompteBancaire" #: src/ext_l10n.h:258 msgid "BankCode" msgstr "CodeBanque" #: src/ext_l10n.h:259 msgid "Betreff" msgstr "Betreff" #: src/ext_l10n.h:261 msgid "Biography" msgstr "Biographie" #: src/ext_l10n.h:262 msgid "BLZ" msgstr "BLZ" #: src/ext_l10n.h:263 msgid "BoardCentered" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:264 msgid "Brieftext" msgstr "Brieftext" #: src/ext_l10n.h:265 msgid "Caption" msgstr "Légende" #: src/ext_l10n.h:266 msgid "Case" msgstr "Cas" #: src/ext_l10n.h:268 msgid "CC" msgstr "CC" #: src/ext_l10n.h:269 msgid "CenteredCaption" msgstr "LégendeCentrée" #: src/ext_l10n.h:270 msgid "Chapter" msgstr "Chapitre" #: src/ext_l10n.h:271 msgid "Chapter*" msgstr "Chapitre*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:272 msgid "Chapter_Exercises" msgstr "Exercices_Chapitre" #: src/ext_l10n.h:273 msgid "ChessBoard" msgstr "Échiquier" #: src/ext_l10n.h:274 msgid "Claim" msgstr "Affirmation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:275 msgid "Claim*" msgstr "Affirmation*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:276 msgid "Closing" msgstr "Fermeture" #: src/ext_l10n.h:277 msgid "Code" msgstr "Code" #: src/ext_l10n.h:278 msgid "Comment" msgstr "Commentaire" #: src/ext_l10n.h:279 msgid "Conclusion" msgstr "Conclusion" #: src/ext_l10n.h:280 msgid "Conclusion*" msgstr "Conclusion*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:281 msgid "Condition" msgstr "Condition" #: src/ext_l10n.h:282 msgid "Conjecture" msgstr "Conjecture" #: src/ext_l10n.h:283 msgid "Conjecture*" msgstr "Conjecture*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:284 msgid "CopNum" msgstr "NumCopie" #: src/ext_l10n.h:285 src/ext_l10n.h:690 msgid "Copyright" msgstr "Copyright" #: src/ext_l10n.h:286 msgid "Corollary" msgstr "Corollaire" #: src/ext_l10n.h:287 msgid "Corollary*" msgstr "Corollaire*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:288 msgid "Criterion" msgstr "Critère" #: src/ext_l10n.h:289 msgid "CrossList" msgstr "ListeCroisée" #: src/ext_l10n.h:290 msgid "Current_Address" msgstr "Adresse_Actuelle" #: src/ext_l10n.h:291 msgid "CURTAIN" msgstr "RIDEAU" #: src/ext_l10n.h:292 msgid "Customer" msgstr "Client" #: src/ext_l10n.h:293 msgid "Date" msgstr "Date" #: src/ext_l10n.h:294 msgid "Datum" msgstr "Datum" #: src/ext_l10n.h:295 msgid "Dedication" msgstr "Dédicace" #: src/ext_l10n.h:296 msgid "Dedicatory" msgstr "Dédicace" #: src/ext_l10n.h:297 msgid "Definition" msgstr "Définition" #: src/ext_l10n.h:298 msgid "Definition*" msgstr "Définition*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:299 msgid "Description" msgstr "Description" #: src/ext_l10n.h:300 msgid "Dialogue" msgstr "Dialogue" #: src/ext_l10n.h:301 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" #: src/ext_l10n.h:302 msgid "EMail" msgstr "EMail" #: src/ext_l10n.h:303 msgid "encl" msgstr "PJ" #: src/ext_l10n.h:304 msgid "Encl." msgstr "P.J." #: src/ext_l10n.h:305 msgid "Encl" msgstr "P.J." #: src/ext_l10n.h:306 msgid "End_All_Slides" msgstr "Fin_Diapos" #: src/ext_l10n.h:307 msgid "Enumerate" msgstr "Énumération" #: src/ext_l10n.h:308 msgid "Example" msgstr "Exemple" #: src/ext_l10n.h:309 msgid "Example*" msgstr "Exemple*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:310 msgid "Exercise" msgstr "Exercice" #: src/ext_l10n.h:311 msgid "EXT." msgstr "EXT." # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:312 msgid "Extratitle" msgstr "TitreSuppl." #: src/ext_l10n.h:313 msgid "Fact" msgstr "Fait" #: src/ext_l10n.h:314 msgid "Fact*" msgstr "Fait*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:315 msgid "FADE_IN:" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:316 msgid "FADE_OUT:" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:317 msgid "FADE_OUT" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:318 msgid "FigCaption" msgstr "LégendeFig" #: src/ext_l10n.h:319 msgid "FirstAuthor" msgstr "PremierAuteur" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:320 msgid "FirstName" msgstr "Prénom" #: src/ext_l10n.h:321 msgid "FitBitmap" msgstr "AjusteBitmap" #: src/ext_l10n.h:322 msgid "FitFigure" msgstr "AjusteFigure" #: src/ext_l10n.h:323 msgid "Foilhead" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:324 msgid "Footernote" msgstr "NoteBasPage" #: src/ext_l10n.h:325 msgid "FourAffiliations" msgstr "QuatreAffiliations" #: src/ext_l10n.h:326 msgid "FourAuthors" msgstr "QuatreAuteurs" #: src/ext_l10n.h:327 msgid "FrontMatter" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:328 msgid "General" msgstr "Général" #: src/ext_l10n.h:329 msgid "Gruss" msgstr "Gruss" #: src/ext_l10n.h:330 msgid "Headnote" msgstr "En-tête" #: src/ext_l10n.h:331 msgid "HideMoves" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:332 msgid "HighLight" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:333 msgid "HTTP" msgstr "HTTP" #: src/ext_l10n.h:334 msgid "IhrSchreiben" msgstr "IhrSchreiben" #: src/ext_l10n.h:335 msgid "IhrZeichen" msgstr "IhrZeichen" #: src/ext_l10n.h:336 msgid "Institute" msgstr "Institut" #: src/ext_l10n.h:337 msgid "Institution" msgstr "Institution" #: src/ext_l10n.h:338 msgid "INT." msgstr "INT." #: src/ext_l10n.h:339 msgid "INTERCUT" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:340 msgid "InvisibleText" msgstr "TexteInvisible" #: src/ext_l10n.h:341 msgid "Invoice" msgstr "Facture" #: src/ext_l10n.h:342 msgid "Itemize" msgstr "ListePuces" #: src/ext_l10n.h:343 msgid "Journal" msgstr "Journal" #: src/ext_l10n.h:344 msgid "Keyword" msgstr "Mot-Clé" #: src/ext_l10n.h:345 msgid "Keywords" msgstr "Mots-Clés" #: src/ext_l10n.h:346 msgid "KnightMove" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:347 msgid "Konto" msgstr "Konto" #: src/ext_l10n.h:348 msgid "Labeling" msgstr "Étiquetage" #: src/ext_l10n.h:349 msgid "Land" msgstr "Pays" #: src/ext_l10n.h:350 msgid "LandscapeSlide" msgstr "DiapoPaysage" #: src/ext_l10n.h:352 msgid "LaTeX_Title" msgstr "Titre_LaTeX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:353 msgid "Left_Header" msgstr "En-tête_Gauche" #: src/ext_l10n.h:354 msgid "Lemma" msgstr "Lemme" #: src/ext_l10n.h:355 msgid "Lemma*" msgstr "Lemme*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:356 msgid "Letter" msgstr "Lettre" #: src/ext_l10n.h:357 msgid "List" msgstr "Liste" #: src/ext_l10n.h:358 msgid "ListOfSlides" msgstr "ListeDiapos" #: src/ext_l10n.h:359 msgid "Literal" msgstr "Littéral" #: src/ext_l10n.h:360 msgid "Location" msgstr "Adresse" #: src/ext_l10n.h:361 msgid "Lowertitleback" msgstr "VersoTitreBas" #: src/ext_l10n.h:362 msgid "LyX-Code" msgstr "LyX-Code" #: src/ext_l10n.h:363 msgid "Mail" msgstr "Courrier" #: src/ext_l10n.h:364 msgid "Mainline" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:365 msgid "MarkBoth" msgstr "DoubleMarque" #: src/ext_l10n.h:366 msgid "MathLetters" msgstr "LettresMathématiques" #: src/ext_l10n.h:367 msgid "MeinZeichen" msgstr "MeinZeichen" #: src/ext_l10n.h:368 msgid "Minisec" msgstr "Minisec" #: src/ext_l10n.h:370 msgid "msnumber" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:371 msgid "My_Address" msgstr "Mon_Adresse" #: src/ext_l10n.h:372 msgid "My_Logo" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:373 msgid "Myref" msgstr "Ma_Réf" #: src/ext_l10n.h:374 msgid "MyRef" msgstr "MesRéfs" # Nom tout simplement ? #: src/ext_l10n.h:375 src/ext_l10n.h:607 msgid "Name" msgstr "Destinataire" #: src/ext_l10n.h:376 msgid "Narrative" msgstr "Narratif" #: src/ext_l10n.h:377 msgid "Notation" msgstr "Notation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:378 msgid "Note" msgstr "Note" #: src/ext_l10n.h:379 msgid "Note*" msgstr "Note*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:380 msgid "NoteToEditor" msgstr "Note_À_l'Éditeur" #: src/ext_l10n.h:381 msgid "Offprint" msgstr "Offprint" #: src/ext_l10n.h:382 msgid "Offprints" msgstr "Offprints" #: src/ext_l10n.h:383 msgid "Offsets" msgstr "Offsets" #: src/ext_l10n.h:384 msgid "Opening" msgstr "Ouverture" #: src/ext_l10n.h:385 msgid "Ort" msgstr "Ort" #: src/ext_l10n.h:386 msgid "Overlay" msgstr "SurCouche" #: src/ext_l10n.h:387 msgid "PACS" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:388 msgid "Paragraph" msgstr "Paragraphe" #: src/ext_l10n.h:389 msgid "Paragraph*" msgstr "Paragraphe*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:390 msgid "Part" msgstr "Partie" #: src/ext_l10n.h:391 msgid "Part*" msgstr "Partie*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:392 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Téléphone" # Placement ou endroit ? #: src/ext_l10n.h:393 msgid "Place" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:394 msgid "PlaceFigure" msgstr "PlacementFigure" #: src/ext_l10n.h:395 msgid "PlaceTable" msgstr "PlacementTableau" #: src/ext_l10n.h:396 msgid "PortraitSlide" msgstr "DiapoPortrait" #: src/ext_l10n.h:397 msgid "PostalCommend" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:398 msgid "PostalComment" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:399 msgid "Postvermerk" msgstr "Postvermerk" #: src/ext_l10n.h:400 msgid "Preprint" msgstr "Preprint" #: src/ext_l10n.h:401 msgid "Problem" msgstr "Problème" #: src/ext_l10n.h:402 msgid "ProgressContents" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:403 msgid "Proof" msgstr "Preuve" #: src/ext_l10n.h:404 msgid "Property" msgstr "Propriété" #: src/ext_l10n.h:405 msgid "Proposition" msgstr "Proposition" #: src/ext_l10n.h:406 msgid "Proposition*" msgstr "Proposition*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:407 msgid "ps" msgstr "ps" #: src/ext_l10n.h:408 msgid "PS" msgstr "PS" #: src/ext_l10n.h:409 msgid "Publishers" msgstr "Éditeurs" #: src/ext_l10n.h:410 msgid "Question" msgstr "Question" #: src/ext_l10n.h:411 msgid "Quotation" msgstr "Citation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:412 msgid "Quote" msgstr "Cite" #: src/ext_l10n.h:413 msgid "Received" msgstr "Reçu" #: src/ext_l10n.h:416 msgid "Remark" msgstr "Remarque" #: src/ext_l10n.h:417 msgid "Remark*" msgstr "Remarque*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:418 msgid "Remarks" msgstr "Remarques" #: src/ext_l10n.h:419 #, fuzzy msgid "Restriction" msgstr "Description" #: src/ext_l10n.h:420 msgid "RetourAdresse" msgstr "AdresseRetour" #: src/ext_l10n.h:421 msgid "ReturnAddress" msgstr "AdresseRetour" #: src/ext_l10n.h:422 msgid "Revision" msgstr "Révision" #: src/ext_l10n.h:423 msgid "RevisionHistory" msgstr "HistoriqueRévisions" #: src/ext_l10n.h:424 msgid "RevisionRemark" msgstr "RemarqueRévision" #: src/ext_l10n.h:425 msgid "REVTEX_Title" msgstr "Titre_REVTEX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:426 msgid "Right_Address" msgstr "Adresse_À_Droite" #: src/ext_l10n.h:427 #, fuzzy msgid "Right_Footer" msgstr "En-tête_Droite" #: src/ext_l10n.h:428 msgid "Right_Header" msgstr "En-tête_Droite" #: src/ext_l10n.h:429 msgid "RightHeader" msgstr "En-têteDroite" #: src/ext_l10n.h:430 msgid "Rotatefoilhead" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:431 msgid "RunningAuthor" msgstr "AuteurCourant" #: src/ext_l10n.h:432 msgid "Running_LaTeX_Title" msgstr "Titre_LaTeX_Courant" #: src/ext_l10n.h:433 msgid "RunningTitle" msgstr "TitreCourant" #: src/ext_l10n.h:434 msgid "Scene" msgstr "Scène" #: src/ext_l10n.h:435 msgid "SCENE" msgstr "SCÈNE" #: src/ext_l10n.h:436 msgid "SCENE*" msgstr "SCÈNE*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:437 msgid "Scrap" msgstr "Scrap" #: src/ext_l10n.h:438 msgid "Section" msgstr "Section" #: src/ext_l10n.h:439 msgid "Section*" msgstr "Section*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:440 msgid "Send_To_Address" msgstr "Envoi_À_Adresse" #: src/ext_l10n.h:441 msgid "Seriate" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:442 msgid "SGML" msgstr "SGML" #: src/ext_l10n.h:443 msgid "ShortFoilhead" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:444 msgid "ShortRotatefoilhead" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:445 msgid "ShortTitle" msgstr "TitreCourt" #: src/ext_l10n.h:446 msgid "Signature" msgstr "Signature" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:447 msgid "Slide" msgstr "Diapo" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:448 msgid "Slide*" msgstr "Diapo*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:449 msgid "SlideContents" msgstr "ContenuDiapo" #: src/ext_l10n.h:450 msgid "SlideHeading" msgstr "TitreDiapo" #: src/ext_l10n.h:451 msgid "SlideSubHeading" msgstr "SousTitreDiapo" #: src/ext_l10n.h:452 msgid "Solution" msgstr "Solution" # ou "Acteur" ou "Intervenant" (Hollywood/Broadway) #: src/ext_l10n.h:453 msgid "Speaker" msgstr "Personnage" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:454 msgid "Specialmail" msgstr "CourrierSpécial" #: src/ext_l10n.h:455 msgid "Stadt" msgstr "Stadt" #: src/ext_l10n.h:457 msgid "State" msgstr "État" #: src/ext_l10n.h:458 msgid "Strasse" msgstr "Strasse" #: src/ext_l10n.h:459 msgid "Street" msgstr "Rue" #: src/ext_l10n.h:460 msgid "Subject" msgstr "Sujet" #: src/ext_l10n.h:461 msgid "Subjectclass" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:462 msgid "Subparagraph" msgstr "SousParagraphe" #: src/ext_l10n.h:463 msgid "Subparagraph*" msgstr "SousParagraphe*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:464 msgid "Subsection" msgstr "SousSection" #: src/ext_l10n.h:465 msgid "Subsection*" msgstr "SousSection*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:466 msgid "SubSection" msgstr "SousSection" #: src/ext_l10n.h:467 msgid "Subsubsection" msgstr "SousSousSection" #: src/ext_l10n.h:468 msgid "Subsubsection*" msgstr "SousSousSection*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:469 msgid "Subtitle" msgstr "SousTitre" #: src/ext_l10n.h:470 msgid "SubTitle" msgstr "SousTitre" #: src/ext_l10n.h:471 msgid "SubVariation" msgstr "SousVariation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:472 msgid "SubVariation2" msgstr "SousVariation2" #: src/ext_l10n.h:473 msgid "SubVariation3" msgstr "SousVariation3" #: src/ext_l10n.h:474 msgid "SubVariation4" msgstr "SousVariation4" #: src/ext_l10n.h:475 msgid "SubVariation5" msgstr "SousVariation5" #: src/ext_l10n.h:476 msgid "Summary" msgstr "Résumé" #: src/ext_l10n.h:477 msgid "Surname" msgstr "Surnom" #: src/ext_l10n.h:478 msgid "TableComments" msgstr "RemarquesTableau" #: src/ext_l10n.h:479 msgid "TableRefs" msgstr "RéfsTableau" #: src/ext_l10n.h:480 msgid "Telefax" msgstr "Telefax" #: src/ext_l10n.h:481 msgid "Telefon" msgstr "Telefon" #: src/ext_l10n.h:482 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Téléphone" #: src/ext_l10n.h:483 msgid "Telex" msgstr "Telex" #: src/ext_l10n.h:484 msgid "Thanks" msgstr "Remerciements" #: src/ext_l10n.h:485 msgid "Theorem" msgstr "Théorème" #: src/ext_l10n.h:486 msgid "Theorem*" msgstr "Théorème*" #: src/ext_l10n.h:487 #, fuzzy msgid "TheoremStyle" msgstr "Théorème" #: src/ext_l10n.h:488 msgid "TheoremTemplate" msgstr "ModèleThéorème" #: src/ext_l10n.h:490 msgid "ThickLine" msgstr "LigneÉpaisse" #: src/ext_l10n.h:491 msgid "ThreeAffiliations" msgstr "TroisAffiliations" #: src/ext_l10n.h:492 msgid "ThreeAuthors" msgstr "TroisAuteurs" #: src/ext_l10n.h:493 msgid "TickList" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:494 msgid "Title" msgstr "Titre" #: src/ext_l10n.h:495 msgid "Titlehead" msgstr "En-têteTitre" #: src/ext_l10n.h:496 msgid "TITLE_OVER:" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:497 msgid "TOC_Author" msgstr "Auteur_TdM" #: src/ext_l10n.h:498 msgid "TOC_Title" msgstr "Titre_TdM" #: src/ext_l10n.h:499 msgid "Topic" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:500 msgid "Town" msgstr "Ville" #: src/ext_l10n.h:501 msgid "Transition" msgstr "Transition" #: src/ext_l10n.h:502 msgid "Translator" msgstr "Traducteur" #: src/ext_l10n.h:503 msgid "TwoAffiliations" msgstr "DeuxAffiliations" #: src/ext_l10n.h:504 msgid "TwoAuthors" msgstr "DeuxAuteurs" #: src/ext_l10n.h:505 msgid "Unterschrift" msgstr "Unterschrift" #: src/ext_l10n.h:506 msgid "Uppertitleback" msgstr "VersoTitreHaut" #: src/ext_l10n.h:508 msgid "Variation" msgstr "Variation" # Texto mieux que "Mot à mot" ? - AR # Retour à verbatim (cf intro) - JPC #: src/ext_l10n.h:509 src/ext_l10n.h:920 msgid "Verbatim" msgstr "Verbatim" #: src/ext_l10n.h:510 msgid "Verse" msgstr "Vers" #: src/ext_l10n.h:511 msgid "Verteiler" msgstr "Verteiler" #: src/ext_l10n.h:512 msgid "VisibleText" msgstr "TexteVisible" #: src/ext_l10n.h:513 msgid "Yourmail" msgstr "Votremail" #: src/ext_l10n.h:514 msgid "YourMail" msgstr "VotreMail" #: src/ext_l10n.h:515 msgid "Yourref" msgstr "Votreréf" #: src/ext_l10n.h:516 msgid "YourRef" msgstr "VotreRéf" #: src/ext_l10n.h:517 msgid "Zusatz" msgstr "Zusatz" #: src/ext_l10n.h:518 msgid "Afrikaans" msgstr "Afrikaans" #: src/ext_l10n.h:519 msgid "American" msgstr "Américain" #: src/ext_l10n.h:520 msgid "Arabic" msgstr "Arabe" #: src/ext_l10n.h:521 msgid "Austrian" msgstr "Autrichien" #: src/ext_l10n.h:522 msgid "Bahasa" msgstr "Bahasa" #: src/ext_l10n.h:523 #, fuzzy msgid "Belarusian" msgstr "Bulgare" #: src/ext_l10n.h:524 msgid "Basque" msgstr "Basque" #: src/ext_l10n.h:525 msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)" msgstr "Portugais (Brésil)" #: src/ext_l10n.h:526 msgid "Breton" msgstr "Breton" #: src/ext_l10n.h:527 msgid "British" msgstr "Anglais Britannique" #: src/ext_l10n.h:528 msgid "Bulgarian" msgstr "Bulgare" #: src/ext_l10n.h:529 msgid "Canadian" msgstr "Canadien" #: src/ext_l10n.h:530 msgid "French Canadian" msgstr "Français Canadien" #: src/ext_l10n.h:531 msgid "Catalan" msgstr "Catalan" #: src/ext_l10n.h:532 msgid "Croatian" msgstr "Croate" #: src/ext_l10n.h:533 msgid "Czech" msgstr "Tchèque" #: src/ext_l10n.h:534 msgid "Danish" msgstr "Danois" #: src/ext_l10n.h:535 msgid "Dutch" msgstr "Néerlandais" #: src/ext_l10n.h:537 msgid "Esperanto" msgstr "Espéranto" #: src/ext_l10n.h:538 msgid "Estonian" msgstr "Estonien" #: src/ext_l10n.h:539 msgid "Finnish" msgstr "Finnois" #: src/ext_l10n.h:540 msgid "French" msgstr "Français" #: src/ext_l10n.h:541 msgid "French (GUTenberg)" msgstr "Français (GUTenberg)" #: src/ext_l10n.h:542 msgid "Galician" msgstr "Galicien" #: src/ext_l10n.h:543 msgid "German" msgstr "Allemand" #: src/ext_l10n.h:544 msgid "German (new spelling)" msgstr "Allemand (nouvelle orthographe)" #: src/ext_l10n.h:546 msgid "Hebrew" msgstr "Hébreu" #: src/ext_l10n.h:547 msgid "Irish" msgstr "Irlandais" #: src/ext_l10n.h:548 msgid "Italian" msgstr "Italien" #: src/ext_l10n.h:549 msgid "Kazakh" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:550 msgid "Lsorbian" msgstr "Bas-Sorbe" #: src/ext_l10n.h:551 msgid "Magyar" msgstr "Magyar" #: src/ext_l10n.h:552 msgid "Norsk" msgstr "Norvégien" #: src/ext_l10n.h:553 msgid "Polish" msgstr "Polonais" #: src/ext_l10n.h:554 msgid "Portugese" msgstr "Portugais" #: src/ext_l10n.h:555 msgid "Romanian" msgstr "Roumain" #: src/ext_l10n.h:556 msgid "Russian" msgstr "Russe" #: src/ext_l10n.h:557 msgid "Scottish" msgstr "Écossais" #: src/ext_l10n.h:558 msgid "Serbian" msgstr "Serbe" #: src/ext_l10n.h:559 msgid "Serbo-Croatian" msgstr "Serbo-Croate" #: src/ext_l10n.h:560 msgid "Spanish" msgstr "Espagnol" #: src/ext_l10n.h:561 msgid "Slovak" msgstr "Slovaque" #: src/ext_l10n.h:562 msgid "Slovene" msgstr "Slovène" #: src/ext_l10n.h:563 msgid "Swedish" msgstr "Suédois" #: src/ext_l10n.h:564 msgid "Thai" msgstr "Thaï" #: src/ext_l10n.h:565 msgid "Turkish" msgstr "Turc" #: src/ext_l10n.h:566 msgid "Ukrainian" msgstr "Ukrainien" #: src/ext_l10n.h:567 msgid "Usorbian" msgstr "Haut-Sorbe" #: src/ext_l10n.h:568 msgid "Welsh" msgstr "Gallois" #: src/ext_l10n.h:569 src/ext_l10n.h:649 src/ext_l10n.h:655 src/ext_l10n.h:668 #: src/ext_l10n.h:675 src/ext_l10n.h:685 src/ext_l10n.h:786 src/ext_l10n.h:794 #: src/ext_l10n.h:836 src/ext_l10n.h:858 src/ext_l10n.h:1002 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1131 src/ext_l10n.h:1366 msgid "Form1" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:570 #, fuzzy msgid "Style" msgstr "&Style" #: src/ext_l10n.h:571 #, fuzzy msgid "Use &NatBib" msgstr "Natbib|#N" #: src/ext_l10n.h:572 #, fuzzy msgid "Cite &Style:" msgstr "Style des Guillemets" #: src/ext_l10n.h:573 #, fuzzy msgid "Form3" msgstr "Formats" #: src/ext_l10n.h:575 src/ext_l10n.h:593 src/ext_l10n.h:616 src/ext_l10n.h:628 msgid "tiny" msgstr "minuscule" #: src/ext_l10n.h:576 src/ext_l10n.h:594 src/ext_l10n.h:617 src/ext_l10n.h:629 msgid "script" msgstr "tout petit" #: src/ext_l10n.h:577 src/ext_l10n.h:595 src/ext_l10n.h:618 src/ext_l10n.h:630 msgid "footnote" msgstr "très petit" #: src/ext_l10n.h:578 src/ext_l10n.h:596 src/ext_l10n.h:619 src/ext_l10n.h:631 msgid "small" msgstr "petit" #: src/ext_l10n.h:579 src/ext_l10n.h:597 src/ext_l10n.h:620 src/ext_l10n.h:632 msgid "normal" msgstr "normal" #: src/ext_l10n.h:580 src/ext_l10n.h:598 src/ext_l10n.h:621 src/ext_l10n.h:633 msgid "large" msgstr "grand" #: src/ext_l10n.h:582 src/ext_l10n.h:600 src/ext_l10n.h:623 src/ext_l10n.h:635 msgid "LARGE" msgstr "GRAND" #: src/ext_l10n.h:583 src/ext_l10n.h:601 src/ext_l10n.h:624 src/ext_l10n.h:636 msgid "huge" msgstr "énorme" #: src/ext_l10n.h:585 msgid "Level 4 bullet size" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:586 msgid "Level 3 bullet" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:587 src/ext_l10n.h:589 src/ext_l10n.h:605 src/ext_l10n.h:613 #, fuzzy msgid "Choose" msgstr "Fermer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:588 src/ext_l10n.h:590 src/ext_l10n.h:606 src/ext_l10n.h:614 msgid "Shows menu with bullet options" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:591 msgid "Level 1 bullet" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:603 msgid "Level 1 bullet size" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:604 src/ext_l10n.h:739 msgid "Si&ze:" msgstr "Taille :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:608 msgid "Level &3 :" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:609 msgid "Level &1 :" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:610 msgid "Level &4 :" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:611 msgid "Level 2 bullet" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:612 msgid "Level 4 bullet" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:626 msgid "Level 3 bullet size" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:638 msgid "Level 2 bullet size" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:639 msgid "Level &2 :" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:640 src/ext_l10n.h:664 #, fuzzy msgid "Form2" msgstr "Formats" #: src/ext_l10n.h:641 #, fuzzy msgid "Document &Type:" msgstr "Document" #: src/ext_l10n.h:642 #, fuzzy msgid "Op&tions:" msgstr "Options" #: src/ext_l10n.h:643 #, fuzzy msgid "Page &Style:" msgstr "Mise en page :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:644 #, fuzzy msgid "&Font && Size:" msgstr "Taille de Police :" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:645 #, fuzzy msgid "Float &placement:" msgstr "Placement des Flottants :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:646 msgid "Separation" msgstr "Séparation" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:647 msgid "&Indent" msgstr "Indentation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:648 msgid "S&kip" msgstr "Interligne" #: src/ext_l10n.h:650 src/ext_l10n.h:726 msgid "&Language:" msgstr "&Langue :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:651 #, fuzzy msgid "Quote style" msgstr "Style des Guillemets" #: src/ext_l10n.h:652 msgid "&Single" msgstr "Simple" #: src/ext_l10n.h:653 msgid "&Double" msgstr "Double" #: src/ext_l10n.h:654 msgid "&Type:" msgstr "Type :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:656 msgid "&Top:" msgstr "Haut :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:657 msgid "&Bottom:" msgstr "Bas :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:658 #, fuzzy msgid "&Inner:" msgstr "Int. :|#I" #: src/ext_l10n.h:659 #, fuzzy msgid "O&uter:" msgstr "Ext. :|#x" #: src/ext_l10n.h:660 #, fuzzy msgid "&Margins:" msgstr "Marges" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:661 #, fuzzy msgid "&Foot skip:" msgstr "Esp. Bas :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:662 #, fuzzy msgid "Head &sep:" msgstr "Sép. En-tête :" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:663 #, fuzzy msgid "Head &height:" msgstr "Ha&ut. En-tête :" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:665 #, fuzzy msgid "Numbering depth" msgstr "Profondeur de la numérotation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:666 #, fuzzy msgid "&Section:" msgstr "Section" #: src/ext_l10n.h:667 #, fuzzy msgid "&Table of Contents:" msgstr "Table des Matières" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:670 #, fuzzy msgid "AMS &Math" msgstr "AMS Maths" #: src/ext_l10n.h:671 #, fuzzy msgid "Line Spacing:" msgstr "Interligne" #: src/ext_l10n.h:672 #, fuzzy msgid "Encoding:" msgstr "&Encodage :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:673 msgid "Options" msgstr "Options" #: src/ext_l10n.h:674 msgid "Postscript &Driver:" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:676 #, fuzzy msgid "&Two Columns" msgstr "&Colonnes :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:677 #, fuzzy msgid "&Facing Pages" msgstr "&Commencer une étendue :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:678 #, fuzzy msgid "Paper size" msgstr "Taille :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:679 msgid "&Height:" msgstr "Hauteur :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:680 src/ext_l10n.h:989 src/ext_l10n.h:1326 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1412 msgid "&Width:" msgstr "Largeur :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:681 #, fuzzy msgid "Paper &Size:" msgstr "Taille :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:682 msgid "Orientation" msgstr "Orientation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:683 #, fuzzy msgid "&Portrait" msgstr "Portrait" #: src/ext_l10n.h:684 msgid "&Landscape" msgstr "Paysage" #: src/ext_l10n.h:688 msgid "Version goes here" msgstr "La version va là" #: src/ext_l10n.h:691 src/ext_l10n.h:702 src/ext_l10n.h:749 src/ext_l10n.h:793 #: src/ext_l10n.h:806 src/ext_l10n.h:815 src/ext_l10n.h:821 src/ext_l10n.h:857 #: src/ext_l10n.h:927 src/ext_l10n.h:940 src/ext_l10n.h:971 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1001 src/ext_l10n.h:1049 src/ext_l10n.h:1056 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1184 src/ext_l10n.h:1251 src/ext_l10n.h:1264 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1275 src/ext_l10n.h:1286 src/ext_l10n.h:1379 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1391 src/ext_l10n.h:1396 src/ext_l10n.h:1406 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1410 src/ext_l10n.h:1425 msgid "&Close" msgstr "&Fermer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:692 msgid "LyX: Enter text" msgstr "LyX : Entrez du texte" #: src/ext_l10n.h:693 msgid "&Dummy" msgstr "Bidon" #: src/ext_l10n.h:697 msgid "&Key" msgstr "&Clé" #: src/ext_l10n.h:698 msgid "The citation key" msgstr "La clé de citation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:699 msgid "&Label" msgstr "&Étiquette" #: src/ext_l10n.h:700 msgid "The label as it appears in the document" msgstr "Le nom du format tel qu'il apparaîtra dans le document" #: src/ext_l10n.h:701 src/ext_l10n.h:747 src/ext_l10n.h:800 src/ext_l10n.h:819 #: src/ext_l10n.h:855 src/ext_l10n.h:926 src/ext_l10n.h:978 src/ext_l10n.h:999 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1047 src/ext_l10n.h:1054 src/ext_l10n.h:1250 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1301 src/ext_l10n.h:1405 src/ext_l10n.h:1423 msgid "&OK" msgstr "&OK" #: src/ext_l10n.h:703 msgid "Bibtex" msgstr "BibTeX" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:706 #, fuzzy msgid "Databa&ses" msgstr "Base de D." # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:707 msgid "BibTeX database to use" msgstr "Base de D. BibTeX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:708 #, fuzzy msgid "&Add..." msgstr "&Ajouter ..." # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:709 msgid "Add a BibTeX database file" msgstr "Ajouter un fichier BibTeX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:710 src/ext_l10n.h:833 src/ext_l10n.h:928 #, fuzzy msgid "&Browse..." msgstr "&Parcourir ..." #: src/ext_l10n.h:711 msgid "Choose a style file" msgstr "Choisir un fichier de style" #: src/ext_l10n.h:712 src/ext_l10n.h:938 src/ext_l10n.h:1235 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1395 src/ext_l10n.h:1408 msgid "&Update" msgstr "&Mise à jour" #: src/ext_l10n.h:713 #, fuzzy msgid "Update style list" msgstr "Mettre à jour l'affichage" #: src/ext_l10n.h:714 msgid "Add bibliography to &TOC" msgstr "Ajouter la bibliographie à la &TdM" #: src/ext_l10n.h:715 msgid "Add bibliography to the table of contents" msgstr "Ajouter la bibliographie à la table des matières" #: src/ext_l10n.h:716 msgid "&Delete" msgstr "&Effacer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:717 msgid "Remove the selected database" msgstr "Enlever la base de D. sélectionnée" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:718 msgid "Available BibTeX databases" msgstr "Bases de D. BibTeX disponibles" #: src/ext_l10n.h:719 #, fuzzy msgid "St&yle" msgstr "&Style" #: src/ext_l10n.h:720 msgid "The BibTeX style" msgstr "Le style BibTeX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:722 msgid "&Family:" msgstr "&Famille :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:723 msgid "Font family" msgstr "Famille police" #: src/ext_l10n.h:724 msgid "&Series:" msgstr "&Série :|#S" #: src/ext_l10n.h:725 src/ext_l10n.h:732 msgid "Font series" msgstr "Série police :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:728 src/ext_l10n.h:731 msgid "Font shape" msgstr "Forme police" #: src/ext_l10n.h:729 src/ext_l10n.h:734 msgid "Font color" msgstr "Couleur police" #: src/ext_l10n.h:730 msgid "S&hape:" msgstr "F&orme :|#o" #: src/ext_l10n.h:733 msgid "&Color:" msgstr "Couleurs :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:736 msgid "&Toggle all" msgstr "(Dés)Activer Tous" #: src/ext_l10n.h:737 msgid "toggle font on all of the above" msgstr "(Dés)Activer Tous|#v" #: src/ext_l10n.h:738 msgid "Never toggled" msgstr "Paramètres non (dés)activables" #: src/ext_l10n.h:740 msgid "Font size" msgstr "Taille police" #: src/ext_l10n.h:741 msgid "Always toggled" msgstr "Paramètres (dés)activables" #: src/ext_l10n.h:742 src/ext_l10n.h:744 msgid "Other font settings" msgstr "Autres réglages de police" #: src/ext_l10n.h:743 msgid "&Misc:" msgstr "Divers :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:745 msgid "Auto apply" msgstr "Appliquer automatiquement" #: src/ext_l10n.h:746 msgid "Apply each change automatically" msgstr "Appliquer tous les changements automatiquement" #: src/ext_l10n.h:748 src/ext_l10n.h:753 src/ext_l10n.h:801 src/ext_l10n.h:820 #: src/ext_l10n.h:856 src/ext_l10n.h:915 src/ext_l10n.h:1000 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1048 src/ext_l10n.h:1055 src/ext_l10n.h:1183 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1269 src/ext_l10n.h:1424 msgid "&Apply" msgstr "&Appliquer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:751 src/ext_l10n.h:799 src/ext_l10n.h:854 src/ext_l10n.h:913 #: src/ext_l10n.h:998 src/ext_l10n.h:1046 src/ext_l10n.h:1181 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1422 msgid "&Restore" msgstr "&Restaurer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:755 msgid "Search the available citations" msgstr "Rechercher les citations disponibles" #: src/ext_l10n.h:756 msgid "Regular E&xpression" msgstr "E&xpression Régulière" #: src/ext_l10n.h:757 msgid "Interpret search entry as a regular expression" msgstr "Interpréter comme une expression régulière" #: src/ext_l10n.h:758 msgid "&Case sensitive" msgstr "Selon la casse" #: src/ext_l10n.h:759 msgid "Make the search case-sensitive" msgstr "Recherche sensible à la casse" #: src/ext_l10n.h:760 msgid "&Next" msgstr "Suivant" #: src/ext_l10n.h:761 msgid "&Previous" msgstr "Précédent" #: src/ext_l10n.h:763 src/ext_l10n.h:770 src/ext_l10n.h:1067 #: src/ext_l10n.h:1088 src/ext_l10n.h:1272 src/ext_l10n.h:1373 msgid "New Item" msgstr "Nouvel Élément" #: src/ext_l10n.h:764 msgid "Available citation keys" msgstr "Clés disponibles" #: src/ext_l10n.h:765 msgid "Add the selected citation" msgstr "Ajouter la citation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:766 msgid "Remove the selected citation" msgstr "Enlever la citation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:767 msgid "Move the selected citation up" msgstr "Remonter la citation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:768 msgid "Move the selected citation down" msgstr "Descendre la citation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:769 msgid "Available" msgstr "Disponible" #: src/ext_l10n.h:771 msgid "Citations currently selected" msgstr "Clés sélectionnées" #: src/ext_l10n.h:772 msgid "Selected" msgstr "Sélectionné" #: src/ext_l10n.h:774 msgid "Citation entry" msgstr "Entrée de citation" # à revoir #: src/ext_l10n.h:775 msgid "&Full author list" msgstr "Liste complète des auteurs" #: src/ext_l10n.h:776 msgid "List all authors" msgstr "Donne la liste de tous les auteurs" #: src/ext_l10n.h:777 msgid "Force &upper case" msgstr "Forcer les majuscules" #: src/ext_l10n.h:778 msgid "Force upper case in citation" msgstr "Forcer les majuscules dans la citation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:779 msgid "Text to place after citation" msgstr "Texte à ajouter après la citation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:780 #, fuzzy msgid "Text after:" msgstr "Texte après le paramètre" #: src/ext_l10n.h:782 msgid "Text to place before citation" msgstr "Texte à ajouter avant la citation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:783 #, fuzzy msgid "Text before:" msgstr "Texte avant" #: src/ext_l10n.h:784 msgid "Natbib citation style to use" msgstr "Style de citation Natbib" #: src/ext_l10n.h:785 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation style:" msgstr "Style de citation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:787 #, fuzzy msgid "Left delimiter" msgstr "Délimiteurs Mathématiques" #: src/ext_l10n.h:788 #, fuzzy msgid "Right delimiter" msgstr "Délimiteurs Mathématiques" #: src/ext_l10n.h:789 msgid "&Keep matched" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:790 #, fuzzy msgid "Match delimiter types" msgstr "Délimiteurs Mathématiques" #: src/ext_l10n.h:791 #, fuzzy msgid "&Insert" msgstr "Insérer|I" #: src/ext_l10n.h:792 #, fuzzy msgid "Insert the delimiters" msgstr "Insérer la dernière marque d'index" #: src/ext_l10n.h:795 #, fuzzy msgid "Use Class Defaults" msgstr "Valeurs par Défaut de la Classe|#f" #: src/ext_l10n.h:796 #, fuzzy msgid "Reset default params of the current class" msgstr "leur valeur par défaut dans cette classe ?" #: src/ext_l10n.h:797 #, fuzzy msgid "Save as Document Defaults" msgstr "Retenir ces Valeurs par Défaut|#D" #: src/ext_l10n.h:798 msgid "Save settings as LyX's default template" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:803 #, fuzzy msgid "title here" msgstr "En-têteTitre" #: src/ext_l10n.h:805 src/ext_l10n.h:826 msgid "LaTeX error messages" msgstr "Messages d'erreur LaTeX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:807 msgid "ERT inset display" msgstr "Affichage de l'insert ERT" #: src/ext_l10n.h:808 msgid "&Inline" msgstr "&En Ligne" #: src/ext_l10n.h:809 msgid "Show ERT inline" msgstr "Affiche l'ERT en ligne" #: src/ext_l10n.h:810 msgid "&Collapsed" msgstr "&Fermé" #: src/ext_l10n.h:811 msgid "Show ERT button only" msgstr "Affiche seulement le bouton ERT" #: src/ext_l10n.h:812 msgid "&Open" msgstr "&Ouvert" #: src/ext_l10n.h:813 msgid "Show ERT contents" msgstr "Affiche le contenu de l'ERT" #: src/ext_l10n.h:816 msgid "External Material" msgstr "Objet Externe" #: src/ext_l10n.h:817 src/ext_l10n.h:860 src/ext_l10n.h:921 msgid "&File:" msgstr "&Fichier :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:818 msgid "Filename" msgstr "Nom Fichier" #: src/ext_l10n.h:822 #, fuzzy msgid "&View Result" msgstr "Afficher Résultat|#R" #: src/ext_l10n.h:823 msgid "View the file" msgstr "Visualiser le fichier" #: src/ext_l10n.h:824 #, fuzzy msgid "&Update Result" msgstr "Mise à Jour|#J" #: src/ext_l10n.h:825 msgid "Update the material" msgstr "Met à jour le matériau" #: src/ext_l10n.h:827 src/ext_l10n.h:829 msgid "Available templates" msgstr "Modèles disponibles" #: src/ext_l10n.h:828 #, fuzzy msgid "&Template:" msgstr "&Modèle" #: src/ext_l10n.h:830 src/ext_l10n.h:832 msgid "Parameters" msgstr "Paramètres" #: src/ext_l10n.h:831 #, fuzzy msgid "&Parameters:" msgstr "&Paramètres" #: src/ext_l10n.h:834 msgid "&Edit file" msgstr "Édit&er Fichier" #: src/ext_l10n.h:835 msgid "Edit the file externally" msgstr "Éditer le fichier extérieur" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:837 #, fuzzy msgid "Use &default placement" msgstr "Placement des Flottants :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:838 msgid "Use LaTeX default settings" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:839 #, fuzzy msgid "Advanced placement options" msgstr "Options Avancées" #: src/ext_l10n.h:840 #, fuzzy msgid "&Top of page" msgstr "Haut de la page" #: src/ext_l10n.h:841 #, fuzzy msgid "Prefer top of page" msgstr "Haut de la page" #: src/ext_l10n.h:842 #, fuzzy msgid "&Bottom of page" msgstr "Bas de la page" #: src/ext_l10n.h:843 #, fuzzy msgid "Prefer bottom of page" msgstr "Bas de la page" #: src/ext_l10n.h:844 #, fuzzy msgid "&Page of floats" msgstr "Page de flottants" #: src/ext_l10n.h:845 msgid "Separate page for multiple floats" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:846 #, fuzzy msgid "&Here if possible" msgstr "Ici, si possible" #: src/ext_l10n.h:847 msgid "Place float at current position if possible" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:848 msgid "&Ignore LaTeX rules" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:849 msgid "Ignore the internal LaTeX placement rules" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:850 #, fuzzy msgid "Here definitely" msgstr "Ici, à tout prix" #: src/ext_l10n.h:851 #, fuzzy msgid "Place float at current position" msgstr "Remplace le mot par le choix sélectionné" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:852 #, fuzzy msgid "&Span columns" msgstr "Colonne spéciale" #: src/ext_l10n.h:853 msgid "Span columns in multi-column documents" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:859 #, fuzzy msgid "&Graphics" msgstr "Graphique" #: src/ext_l10n.h:861 #, fuzzy msgid "File name of image" msgstr "Choisir le fichier à inclure" #: src/ext_l10n.h:862 src/ext_l10n.h:1233 msgid "&Browse ..." msgstr "&Parcourir ..." #: src/ext_l10n.h:863 #, fuzzy msgid "Select an image file" msgstr "Choisir un fichier" #: src/ext_l10n.h:864 #, fuzzy msgid "LyX display" msgstr "Ne pas afficher" #: src/ext_l10n.h:865 msgid "&Show in LyX" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:866 #, fuzzy msgid "Display image in LyX" msgstr "Afficher l'information à propos de LyX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:867 #, fuzzy msgid "Display :" msgstr "Affichage des Graphiques" #: src/ext_l10n.h:868 src/ext_l10n.h:873 msgid "Screen display" msgstr "Affichage" #: src/ext_l10n.h:870 src/ext_l10n.h:1079 msgid "Monochrome" msgstr "Noir et Blanc" #: src/ext_l10n.h:871 src/ext_l10n.h:1080 msgid "Grayscale" msgstr "Niveaux de gris" #: src/ext_l10n.h:872 src/ext_l10n.h:1081 msgid "Color" msgstr "Couleurs" #: src/ext_l10n.h:874 #, fuzzy msgid "Scale :" msgstr "Éch&elle" #: src/ext_l10n.h:875 src/ext_l10n.h:877 msgid "Percentage to scale by in LyX" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:876 msgid "%" msgstr "%" #: src/ext_l10n.h:878 #, fuzzy msgid "Output" msgstr "Sorties" #: src/ext_l10n.h:879 msgid "Height of image in output" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:880 msgid "Units of height value" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:881 #, fuzzy msgid "&Height" msgstr "Hauteur :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:882 msgid "Width of image in output" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:883 #, fuzzy msgid "&Width" msgstr "Largeur :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:884 msgid "&Maintain aspect ratio" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:885 msgid "Maintain aspect ratio with largest dimension" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:886 msgid "Rotation" msgstr "Rotation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:887 #, fuzzy msgid "A&ngle:" msgstr "&Angle :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:888 msgid "Angle to rotate image by" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:889 msgid "&Origin:" msgstr "&Origine :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:890 msgid "The origin of the rotation" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:891 #, fuzzy msgid "&Clipping" msgstr "Fermeture" #: src/ext_l10n.h:892 #, fuzzy msgid "Clip to &bounding box" msgstr "&Couper au cadre" #: src/ext_l10n.h:893 #, fuzzy msgid "Clip to bounding box values" msgstr "&Couper au cadre" #: src/ext_l10n.h:894 #, fuzzy msgid "&Get from file" msgstr "Valeurs du fichier|#V" #: src/ext_l10n.h:895 #, fuzzy msgid "Get bounding box from the (EPS) file" msgstr "Obtenir le cadre du fichier" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:896 msgid "Right &top:" msgstr "&Haut Droite :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:897 src/ext_l10n.h:899 msgid "y" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:898 src/ext_l10n.h:900 #, fuzzy msgid "x" msgstr "ex" #: src/ext_l10n.h:901 #, fuzzy msgid "&Left bottom:" msgstr "&Bas Gauche :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:902 #, fuzzy msgid "E&xtra options" msgstr "&Autres Options" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:903 msgid "Su&bfigure" msgstr "Sous-figure" #: src/ext_l10n.h:904 msgid "Is this just one part of a figure float ?" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:905 #, fuzzy msgid "Don't un&zip on export" msgstr "Ne pas décompresser à l'exportation LaTeX|#m" #: src/ext_l10n.h:906 #, fuzzy msgid "Don't uncompress image before exporting to LaTeX" msgstr "Ne pas décompresser à l'exportation LaTeX|#m" #: src/ext_l10n.h:907 #, fuzzy msgid "LaTeX &options:" msgstr "Options LaTeX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:908 #, fuzzy msgid "Additional LaTeX options" msgstr "Autres Options LaTeX|#L" #: src/ext_l10n.h:909 msgid "&Draft mode" msgstr "Mode &Brouillon" #: src/ext_l10n.h:910 #, fuzzy msgid "Draft mode" msgstr "Mode &Brouillon" #: src/ext_l10n.h:911 #, fuzzy msgid "Ca&ption :" msgstr "Légende" #: src/ext_l10n.h:912 #, fuzzy msgid "The caption for the sub-figure" msgstr "La sous-légende pour la figure" #: src/ext_l10n.h:917 msgid "Include File" msgstr "Inclure Fichier" #: src/ext_l10n.h:922 msgid "Visible &Space" msgstr "Espace visible" #: src/ext_l10n.h:923 msgid "FIXME" msgstr "À CORRIGER" #: src/ext_l10n.h:924 msgid "&Load" msgstr "Charger" #: src/ext_l10n.h:925 msgid "Load the file" msgstr "Charger le fichier" #: src/ext_l10n.h:929 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Choisir un fichier" # à confirmer #: src/ext_l10n.h:930 #, fuzzy msgid "&Include Type:" msgstr "Inclusion" #: src/ext_l10n.h:931 msgid "File name to include" msgstr "Choisir le fichier à inclure" #: src/ext_l10n.h:933 src/ext_l10n.h:1382 msgid "&Keyword" msgstr "Mot-Clé" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:934 src/ext_l10n.h:1383 msgid "Index entry" msgstr "Entrée d'index" #: src/ext_l10n.h:939 src/ext_l10n.h:1409 msgid "Update the display" msgstr "Mettre à jour l'affichage" #: src/ext_l10n.h:941 #, fuzzy msgid "LyX: Math Panel" msgstr "Palette Mathématique" #: src/ext_l10n.h:942 #, fuzzy msgid "Insert root" msgstr "Insérer un guillemet" #: src/ext_l10n.h:943 #, fuzzy msgid "Insert spacing" msgstr "Interligne" #: src/ext_l10n.h:944 msgid "Set limits style" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:945 #, fuzzy msgid "Set math font" msgstr "Régler la taille de la police" #: src/ext_l10n.h:946 #, fuzzy msgid "Insert fraction (\frac)" msgstr "Insérer une citation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:947 msgid "Toggle between display mode" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:948 src/ext_l10n.h:972 #, fuzzy msgid "Insert matrix" msgstr "Insérer un appendice" #: src/ext_l10n.h:949 #, fuzzy msgid "Subscript" msgstr "Indice|I" #: src/ext_l10n.h:950 #, fuzzy msgid "Superscript" msgstr "Exposant|x" #: src/ext_l10n.h:951 msgid "Show delimiter and bracket dialog" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:952 #, fuzzy msgid "&Functions" msgstr "Fonctions" #: src/ext_l10n.h:953 #, fuzzy msgid "Selection a function or operator to insert" msgstr "Choisir le fichier à insérer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:954 #, fuzzy msgid "Symbols" msgstr "Symbol" #: src/ext_l10n.h:955 #, fuzzy msgid "Operators" msgstr "Grands Opérateurs" #: src/ext_l10n.h:956 #, fuzzy msgid "Big operators" msgstr "Grands Opérateurs" #: src/ext_l10n.h:957 #, fuzzy msgid "Relations" msgstr "Relations Binaires" #: src/ext_l10n.h:961 msgid "Frame decorations" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:962 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:963 #, fuzzy msgid "AMS operators" msgstr "Opérateurs AMS" #: src/ext_l10n.h:964 #, fuzzy msgid "AMS relations" msgstr "Relations AMS" #: src/ext_l10n.h:965 #, fuzzy msgid "AMS negated relations" msgstr "Négations de Relations AMS" #: src/ext_l10n.h:966 #, fuzzy msgid "AMS arrows" msgstr "Flèches AMS" #: src/ext_l10n.h:967 #, fuzzy msgid "AMS Miscellaneous" msgstr "Divers AMS" #: src/ext_l10n.h:968 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a page of symbols" msgstr "Classes ou styles sélectionnés" #: src/ext_l10n.h:969 msgid "&Detach panel" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:970 msgid "Open this panel as a separate window" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:973 src/ext_l10n.h:1296 msgid "&Rows:" msgstr "&Rangées :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:974 src/ext_l10n.h:1297 msgid "Number of rows" msgstr "Nombre de rangées" #: src/ext_l10n.h:975 src/ext_l10n.h:1298 msgid "&Columns:" msgstr "&Colonnes :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:976 src/ext_l10n.h:1299 msgid "Number of columns" msgstr "Nombre de colonnes" #: src/ext_l10n.h:977 src/ext_l10n.h:1300 msgid "Resize this to the correct table dimensions" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:980 msgid "Alignment" msgstr "Alignement" #: src/ext_l10n.h:981 src/ext_l10n.h:990 src/ext_l10n.h:1327 msgid "Top" msgstr "&Haut" #: src/ext_l10n.h:983 src/ext_l10n.h:992 src/ext_l10n.h:1329 msgid "Bottom" msgstr "&Bas" #: src/ext_l10n.h:984 src/ext_l10n.h:993 src/ext_l10n.h:1417 msgid "Vertical alignment" msgstr "Alignement vertical" #: src/ext_l10n.h:985 #, fuzzy msgid "&Vertical:" msgstr "Espacement vertical" #: src/ext_l10n.h:986 msgid "Horizontal alignment per column (t,c,b)" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:987 #, fuzzy msgid "&Horizontal:" msgstr "Alignement Horizontal|#H" #: src/ext_l10n.h:988 msgid "Minipage settings" msgstr "Options de minipage" #: src/ext_l10n.h:991 msgid "Middle" msgstr "&Milieu" #: src/ext_l10n.h:994 msgid "A&lignment:" msgstr "Alignement :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:995 src/ext_l10n.h:1419 msgid "Units of width value" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:996 src/ext_l10n.h:1420 msgid "Width value" msgstr "Largeur" #: src/ext_l10n.h:997 src/ext_l10n.h:1421 msgid "&Units:" msgstr "&Unité :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1003 #, fuzzy msgid "&General" msgstr "Général" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1004 msgid "Justified" msgstr "Justifié" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1010 msgid "1.5" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1013 #, fuzzy msgid "L&ine spacing:" msgstr "Interligne" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1014 #, fuzzy msgid "Alig&nment:" msgstr "Alignement :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1015 #, fuzzy msgid "No &indent" msgstr "Pas d'indentation" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "&Spacing" msgstr "Interligne" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1017 #, fuzzy msgid "Above paragraph" msgstr "avant un paragraphe" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1018 #, fuzzy msgid "S&pacing:" msgstr "Interligne :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1019 msgid "&Keep space:" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1020 #, fuzzy msgid "&Unit:" msgstr "&Unité :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1021 #, fuzzy msgid "&Value:" msgstr "Valeur :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1022 src/ext_l10n.h:1029 msgid "None" msgstr "Sans" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1023 src/ext_l10n.h:1030 msgid "DefSkip" msgstr "par Défaut" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1024 src/ext_l10n.h:1031 msgid "SmallSkip" msgstr "Petit" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1025 src/ext_l10n.h:1032 msgid "MedSkip" msgstr "Moyen" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1026 src/ext_l10n.h:1033 msgid "BigSkip" msgstr "Gros" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1027 src/ext_l10n.h:1034 msgid "VFill" msgstr "ressort vertical" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1036 #, fuzzy msgid "Below paragraph" msgstr "après un paragraphe" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1037 #, fuzzy msgid "&Lines && Pagebreaks" msgstr "&Sauts de Ligne et de Page" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Label width" msgstr "Taille du marqueur :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1039 #, fuzzy msgid "Lon&gest label" msgstr "Le plus long :|#L" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1040 #, fuzzy msgid "L&ines" msgstr "Ligne" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "A&bove" msgstr "Avant :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1042 #, fuzzy msgid "B&elow" msgstr "Après :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1043 #, fuzzy msgid "&Page breaks" msgstr "Saut de Page" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1044 #, fuzzy msgid "Abo&ve" msgstr "Avant :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1045 #, fuzzy msgid "Belo&w" msgstr "Après :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1050 msgid "LaTeX pre-amble" msgstr "Préambule LaTeX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1051 msgid "The LaTeX pre-amble" msgstr "Le Préambule LaTeX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1052 msgid "&Edit ..." msgstr "&Éditer ..." #: src/ext_l10n.h:1053 msgid "Edit the pre-amble in an external editor" msgstr "Éditer le préambule dans un éditeur externe" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1057 msgid "ASCII settings" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1058 #, fuzzy msgid "&roff command:" msgstr "Commandes utilisateur" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1059 #, fuzzy msgid "Max. line length of exported ASCII/LaTeX/ SGML files" msgstr "" "Longueur maximum d'une ligne dans un fichier exporté en ASCII (LaTeX, SGML " "ou texte brut)." #: src/ext_l10n.h:1060 msgid "Output &line length:" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1061 msgid "External app for formating tables in ASCII output" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1063 #, fuzzy msgid "&Colors" msgstr "Couleurs" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1064 #, fuzzy msgid "&Alter ..." msgstr "Autre ..." #: src/ext_l10n.h:1065 #, fuzzy msgid "File Conversion" msgstr "Conversion" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1066 #, fuzzy msgid "&Converters" msgstr "Convertisseurs" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1068 src/ext_l10n.h:1087 #, fuzzy msgid "&New" msgstr "Suivant" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1069 src/ext_l10n.h:1089 #, fuzzy msgid "&Remove" msgstr "&Restaurer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1070 #, fuzzy msgid "C&onverter:" msgstr "Convertisseurs" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1071 #, fuzzy msgid "&To:" msgstr "Haut :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1072 #, fuzzy msgid "F&rom:" msgstr "Depuis|#D" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1073 #, fuzzy msgid "E&xtra flag:" msgstr "Autres Options|#O" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1074 src/ext_l10n.h:1095 #, fuzzy msgid "&Modify" msgstr "Modifier|#M" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1075 #, fuzzy msgid "Date Format" msgstr "Format de la date|#F" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1076 #, fuzzy msgid "&Date format:" msgstr "Format de la date|#F" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1077 msgid "Date format for strftime output" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1078 #, fuzzy msgid "Display insets" msgstr "Affichage des Graphiques" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1082 msgid "Do not display" msgstr "Ne pas afficher" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1083 #, fuzzy msgid "Display &Graphics:" msgstr "Affichage des Graphiques" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1084 msgid "Instant &preview" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1085 #, fuzzy msgid "File Formats" msgstr "Formats" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1086 #, fuzzy msgid "&File formats" msgstr "Formats" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1090 #, fuzzy msgid "&GUI name:" msgstr "Nom d'interface|#i" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1091 #, fuzzy msgid "F&ormat:" msgstr "Formats" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1092 #, fuzzy msgid "&Viewer:" msgstr "Visualiser" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1093 #, fuzzy msgid "S&hortcut:" msgstr "Raccourci|#c" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1094 #, fuzzy msgid "E&xtension:" msgstr "Extension|#x" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1097 src/ext_l10n.h:1200 #, fuzzy msgid "Bro&wse..." msgstr "Parcourir..." #: src/ext_l10n.h:1098 #, fuzzy msgid "S&econd:" msgstr "Section" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:1099 #, fuzzy msgid "&First:" msgstr "Prénom" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1100 src/ext_l10n.h:1189 #, fuzzy msgid "Br&owse..." msgstr "Parcourir..." #: src/ext_l10n.h:1101 #, fuzzy msgid "Use &keyboard map" msgstr "Réaffectation clavier" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1103 #, fuzzy msgid "Command s&tart:" msgstr "Commande début|#b" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1104 #, fuzzy msgid "&Default language:" msgstr "Langue par défaut|#L" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1105 #, fuzzy msgid "Command e&nd:" msgstr "Commande fin|#n" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1106 #, fuzzy msgid "Language pac&kage:" msgstr "Langue :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1107 #, fuzzy msgid "Auto &begin" msgstr "Auto début|#d" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1108 #, fuzzy msgid "Use &babel" msgstr "Utiliser babel|#U" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1109 #, fuzzy msgid "&Global" msgstr "Global|#o" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1110 msgid "&Right-to-left language support" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1111 #, fuzzy msgid "Auto &end" msgstr "Auto début|#d" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1112 #, fuzzy msgid "Mark &foreign languages" msgstr "Marquer étranger|#M" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1113 #, fuzzy msgid "LaTeX settings" msgstr "Options LaTeX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1115 #, fuzzy msgid "US Letter" msgstr "LettreUS" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1116 #, fuzzy msgid "Legal" msgstr "Littéral" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1117 #, fuzzy msgid "Executive" msgstr "ExecutiveUS" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1122 #, fuzzy msgid "Te&X encoding:" msgstr "Encodage TeX|#T" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1123 #, fuzzy msgid "Default paper si&ze:" msgstr "Taille de papier par défaut|#P" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1124 #, fuzzy msgid "&Reset class options when document class changes" msgstr "Remettre à Zéro les Options de Classe à chaque changement|#Z" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1125 #, fuzzy msgid "Set class options to default on class change" msgstr "" "Désélectionnez si vous ne voulez pas que les options de classe soient " "remises à zéro après un changement de classe." #: src/ext_l10n.h:1126 #, fuzzy msgid "External applications" msgstr "&Autres Options" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1127 #, fuzzy msgid "Chec&kTeX command :" msgstr "Exécuter la commande" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1128 #, fuzzy msgid "DVI viewer paper size options:" msgstr "Option de papier DVI|#D" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1129 msgid "Optional paper size flag (-paper) for some DVI viewers" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1130 msgid "CheckTeX start options and flags" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1132 src/ext_l10n.h:1137 src/ext_l10n.h:1139 msgid "Browse..." msgstr "Parcourir..." #: src/ext_l10n.h:1133 #, fuzzy msgid "&Backup directory :" msgstr "Répertoire système : " #: src/ext_l10n.h:1134 #, fuzzy msgid "&Document templates :" msgstr "Document exporté comme " #: src/ext_l10n.h:1135 #, fuzzy msgid "Ly&XServer pipe :" msgstr "Tubes du Serveur LyX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1136 #, fuzzy msgid "&Use temporary directory" msgstr "Répertoire utilisateur : " #: src/ext_l10n.h:1138 #, fuzzy msgid "&Working directory :" msgstr "LyX : Création du répertoire " #: src/ext_l10n.h:1140 #, fuzzy msgid "Printer settings" msgstr "Options de minipage" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1141 #, fuzzy msgid "Printer &name :" msgstr "Imprimante" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1142 #, fuzzy msgid "Printer co&mmand:" msgstr "Commandes utilisateur" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1143 #, fuzzy msgid "Name of the default printer" msgstr "Spécifie la taille de papier par défaut." #: src/ext_l10n.h:1144 #, fuzzy msgid "Adapt outp&ut" msgstr "Adapter la sortie" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1145 msgid "Use printer name explicitely" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1146 #, fuzzy msgid "Command options" msgstr "insert de commande" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1147 #, fuzzy msgid "Re&verse:" msgstr "ordre inverse" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1148 #, fuzzy msgid "To p&rinter:" msgstr "vers l'imprimante" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1149 #, fuzzy msgid "Paper si&ze:" msgstr "Taille :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1150 #, fuzzy msgid "To &file:" msgstr "vers le fichier" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1151 #, fuzzy msgid "Spool &command:" msgstr "commande de spoule" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1152 #, fuzzy msgid "&Odd pages:" msgstr "pages impaires" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1153 #, fuzzy msgid "Paper t&ype:" msgstr "type de papier" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:1154 #, fuzzy msgid "E&xtra options:" msgstr "Autres Options :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1155 #, fuzzy msgid "Spool pref&ix:" msgstr "préfixe de spoule" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1156 #, fuzzy msgid "Co&llated:" msgstr "Accoler" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1157 #, fuzzy msgid "&Even pages:" msgstr "pages paires" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1158 #, fuzzy msgid "File ex&tension:" msgstr "extension de fichier" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1159 #, fuzzy msgid "Lan&dscape:" msgstr "Paysage" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1160 #, fuzzy msgid "Co&pies:" msgstr "Exemplaires" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1161 #, fuzzy msgid "Pa&ge range:" msgstr "pages" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1162 msgid "Specify the command option names for your printer command" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1164 #, fuzzy msgid "Sa&ns Serif :" msgstr "Sans empattement" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1165 #, fuzzy msgid "T&ypewriter :" msgstr "Chasse fixe" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1166 #, fuzzy msgid "&Roman :" msgstr "Romain" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1167 #, fuzzy msgid "Screen &DPI:" msgstr "Résolution DPI|#D" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1168 #, fuzzy msgid "&Zoom %:" msgstr "Zoom %|#Z" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1169 #, fuzzy msgid "Font sizes" msgstr "Taille police" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1170 #, fuzzy msgid "Larger:" msgstr "Très Grand (+2)" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1171 #, fuzzy msgid "Largest:" msgstr "Très Très Grand (+3)" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1172 #, fuzzy msgid "Huge:" msgstr "ÉNORME" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1173 #, fuzzy msgid "Hugest:" msgstr "ÉNORME" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1174 #, fuzzy msgid "Smallest:" msgstr "Très Très Petit (-3)" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1175 #, fuzzy msgid "Smaller:" msgstr "Très Petit (-2)" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1176 #, fuzzy msgid "Small:" msgstr "Petit (-1)" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1177 #, fuzzy msgid "Normal:" msgstr "Normal" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1178 #, fuzzy msgid "Tiny:" msgstr "Minuscule (-4)" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1179 #, fuzzy msgid "Large:" msgstr "Grand" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1182 #, fuzzy msgid "&Save" msgstr "Enregistrer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1187 #, fuzzy msgid "Spell chec&ker program:" msgstr "Correcteur Orthographique" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1188 #, fuzzy msgid "Al&ternative language:" msgstr "Utiliser une autre langue|#l" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1190 #, fuzzy msgid "Escape Cha&racters:" msgstr "Utiliser les caractères protégés|#g" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:1191 #, fuzzy msgid "Personal &dictionary:" msgstr "Dictionnaire personnel" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1192 msgid "ispell" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1193 msgid "aspell" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1194 #, fuzzy msgid "Accept compound &words" msgstr "Accepter les mots composés|#m" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1195 #, fuzzy msgid "Use input encod&ing" msgstr "Utiliser l'encodage d'entrée|#e" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1197 #, fuzzy msgid "B&rowse..." msgstr "Parcourir..." #: src/ext_l10n.h:1198 #, fuzzy msgid "&User interface file:" msgstr "Fichier d'interface|#i" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1199 #, fuzzy msgid "&Bind file:" msgstr "Fichier de raccourcis" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1201 #, fuzzy msgid "Scrolling" msgstr "Insert d'avance curseur" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1202 #, fuzzy msgid "W&heel mouse scroll :" msgstr "Saut de souris à molette" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1203 #, fuzzy msgid "Cursor follo&ws scrollbar" msgstr "Le curseur suit la barre de défilement|#d" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1204 #, fuzzy msgid "B&ackup documents " msgstr "Enregistrer le document ?" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1205 #, fuzzy msgid " every" msgstr "SurCouche" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1206 #, fuzzy msgid "minutes" msgstr "Ligne" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1207 msgid "&Maximum last files :" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1209 msgid "Pages" msgstr "Pages" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1210 msgid "Page number to print from" msgstr "Numéro de la page à partir de laquelle imprimer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1211 #, fuzzy msgid "&to" msgstr "à" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1212 msgid "Page number to print to" msgstr "Numéro de la page jusqu'à laquelle imprimer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1213 #, fuzzy msgid "Fro&m" msgstr "Depuis|#D" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1214 src/ext_l10n.h:1216 msgid "Print all pages" msgstr "Imprime toutes les pages" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1215 msgid "&All" msgstr "&Toutes" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1217 #, fuzzy msgid "Print &odd-numbered pages" msgstr "Imprime seulement les pages impaires" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1218 #, fuzzy msgid "Print &even-numbered pages" msgstr "Imprime seulement les pages paires" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1219 msgid "Re&verse order" msgstr "&Ordre inverse" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1220 msgid "Print in reverse order" msgstr "Imprime à partir de la derniére page" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1221 msgid "Copies" msgstr "Exemplaires" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1222 msgid "Number of copies" msgstr "Nombre d'exemplaires" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1223 msgid "&Collate" msgstr "Accoler" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1224 msgid "Collate copies" msgstr "Accoler les exemplaires" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1225 msgid "&Print" msgstr "&Imprimer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1227 msgid "Print Destination" msgstr "Destination" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1228 msgid "P&rinter" msgstr "Imprimante" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1229 msgid "Send output to the printer" msgstr "Envoie le résultat à l'imprimante" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1230 msgid "Send output to the given printer" msgstr "Envoie le résultat à l'imprimante donnée" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1231 msgid "&File" msgstr "&Fichier" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1232 msgid "Send output to a file" msgstr "Envoie le résultat à un fichier" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1236 msgid "Update the reference list" msgstr "Met à jour la liste des références" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1238 msgid "Move the document cursor to reference" msgstr "Déplace le curseur à la référence" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1239 msgid "Sort" msgstr "Trier" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1240 msgid "Sort references in alphabetical order" msgstr "Trie les références par ordre aphabétique" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1241 #, fuzzy msgid "<reference>" msgstr "pointRéférence" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1242 msgid "<page>" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1243 msgid "on page <page>" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1244 msgid "<reference> on page <page>" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1245 #, fuzzy msgid "Formatted reference" msgstr "Jolie Référence" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1246 msgid "Reference as it appears in output" msgstr "Référence telle qu'elle sera imprimée" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1247 msgid "&Reference:" msgstr "Référence :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1248 #, fuzzy msgid "&Format:" msgstr "Formats" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1249 msgid "&Name:" msgstr "Nom :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1252 #, fuzzy msgid "Available references in selected document:" msgstr "Références disponibles" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1253 msgid "Available references" msgstr "Références disponibles" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1254 #, fuzzy msgid "&Document:" msgstr "Document" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1255 msgid "Search and replace" msgstr "Rechercher et Remplacer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1256 msgid "&Find:" msgstr "Rechercher :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1257 msgid "Replace &with:" msgstr "Remplacer par :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1258 msgid "Case &sensitive" msgstr "Selon la casse" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1259 msgid "Match whole words onl&y" msgstr "Mots complets seulement" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1260 msgid "Find &Next" msgstr "Suivant" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1261 src/ext_l10n.h:1278 src/ext_l10n.h:1389 msgid "&Replace" msgstr "Remplacer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1262 msgid "Replace &All " msgstr "Remplacer tout" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1263 msgid "Search &backwards" msgstr "Rechercher en arrière" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1265 #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Export" msgstr "Client" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1266 #, fuzzy msgid "&Command:" msgstr "commande" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1267 #, fuzzy msgid "&Export formats:" msgstr "Format d'exportation|#e" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1271 msgid "Process the converted file with this command ($$FName = file name)" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1273 #, fuzzy msgid "Available export converters" msgstr "Modèles disponibles" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1274 msgid "File: " msgstr "Fichier :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1277 msgid "Suggestions:" msgstr "Suggestions :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1279 msgid "Replace word with current choice" msgstr "Remplace le mot par le choix sélectionné" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1280 src/ext_l10n.h:1318 msgid "&Add" msgstr "&Ajouter" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1281 msgid "Add the word to your personal dictionary" msgstr "Ajoute le mot à votre dictionnaire personnel" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1282 msgid "&Ignore" msgstr "Ignorer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1283 msgid "Ignore this word" msgstr "Ignore le mot" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1284 msgid "&Accept" msgstr "Accepter" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1285 msgid "Accept word for this session" msgstr "Accepte ce mot durant cette session" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1287 msgid "How far spellchecking has got" msgstr "État d'avancement de la correction" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1288 msgid "Suggestions" msgstr "Suggestions" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1289 msgid "Replacement:" msgstr "Remplacement :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1290 msgid "Current word" msgstr "Mot actuel" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1291 msgid "Unknown:" msgstr "Inconnu :" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1292 msgid "Replace with selected word" msgstr "Remplace par le mot sélectionné" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1293 msgid "&Start..." msgstr "&Commencer..." #: src/ext_l10n.h:1294 msgid "Start spellcheck" msgstr "Commence la correction" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1303 #, fuzzy msgid "Table Settings" msgstr "Options de minipage" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1304 #, fuzzy msgid "&Table Settings" msgstr "Options de minipage" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1305 #, fuzzy msgid "&Horizontal alignment:" msgstr "Alignement Horizontal|#H" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1306 #, fuzzy msgid "&Multicolumn" msgstr "Multi-Colonnes|M" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1307 msgid "Merge cells" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1311 #, fuzzy msgid "Horizontal alignment in column" msgstr "Alignement Horizontal|#H" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1312 #, fuzzy msgid "Column" msgstr "Colonnes" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1313 #, fuzzy msgid "A&dd" msgstr "Ajouter" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1314 #, fuzzy msgid "Append column (right)" msgstr "Ajouter Colonne|#C" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1315 #, fuzzy msgid "De&lete" msgstr "&Effacer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1316 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete current column" msgstr "Supprimer Colonne|p" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1317 #, fuzzy msgid "Row" msgstr "Rangées" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1319 msgid "Append row (below)" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1320 #, fuzzy msgid "Dele&te" msgstr "&Effacer" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1321 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete this row" msgstr "Supprimer Rangée|u" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1322 #, fuzzy msgid "Column Width" msgstr "Colonnes " #: src/ext_l10n.h:1323 #, fuzzy msgid "&Vertical alignment:" msgstr "Alignement vertical" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1324 #, fuzzy msgid "Width unit" msgstr "Largeur" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1325 msgid "Fixed with of the column" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1330 msgid "Vertical alignment for fixed width columns" msgstr "" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:1331 #, fuzzy msgid "Rotate 90°" msgstr "Rotation 90°|#9" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1332 #, fuzzy msgid "&Rotate Table" msgstr "PlacementTableau" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1333 msgid "Rotate the table by 90°" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1334 msgid "Rotate &Cell" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1335 msgid "Rotate this cell by 90°" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1336 msgid "Custom column format (LaTeX)" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1337 #, fuzzy msgid "LaTe&X argument:" msgstr "Paramètre LaTeX|#A" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1338 #, fuzzy msgid "&Borders" msgstr "Bordures" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1339 #, fuzzy msgid "Set Borders" msgstr "Activer Bordures|#B" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1340 #, fuzzy msgid "All Borders" msgstr "Bordures" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1341 msgid "&Default" msgstr "&Défaut" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1342 #, fuzzy msgid "Set all borders" msgstr "Activer Bordures|#B" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1343 #, fuzzy msgid "C&lear" msgstr "Effacer|#E" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:1344 #, fuzzy msgid "Unset all borders" msgstr "Désact. Bordures|#d" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1345 #, fuzzy msgid "&Longtable" msgstr "Tab.Long" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1346 msgid "&Use long table" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1347 msgid "Select for tables that span multiple pages" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1348 #, fuzzy msgid "Settings" msgstr "Section" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1349 msgid "Status" msgstr "Statut" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1350 #, fuzzy msgid "Header:" msgstr "En-tête" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:1351 #, fuzzy msgid "Footer:" msgstr "Pied" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1352 #, fuzzy msgid "First header:" msgstr "Premier En-tête" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:1353 #, fuzzy msgid "Last footer:" msgstr "Dernier Pied" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1354 msgid "Contents" msgstr "Contenu" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1355 #, fuzzy msgid "Border above" msgstr "Bordure Haut" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1356 #, fuzzy msgid "Border below" msgstr "Bordure Bas" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1357 #, fuzzy msgid "on" msgstr "Ville" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1358 #, fuzzy msgid "double" msgstr "Double" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1359 #, fuzzy msgid "is empty" msgstr "vide" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1360 #, fuzzy msgid "Page &break on current row" msgstr "Saut de page dans la rangée en cours|#S" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1361 #, fuzzy msgid "Set a page break on the current row" msgstr "Saut de page dans la rangée en cours|#S" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1362 #, fuzzy msgid "Current cell :" msgstr "Mot actuel" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1363 #, fuzzy msgid "Current row position" msgstr "Proposition" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1364 msgid "Current column position" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1367 msgid "LaTeX classes" msgstr "Classes LaTeX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1368 msgid "LaTeX styles" msgstr "Styles LaTeX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1369 msgid "BibTeX styles" msgstr "Styles BibTeX" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1370 msgid "Selected classes or styles" msgstr "Classes ou styles sélectionnés" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1371 msgid "Show &path" msgstr "Afficher le chemin" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1372 msgid "Toggles view of the file list" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1374 msgid "Installed files" msgstr "Fichiers installés" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1375 msgid "&Rescan" msgstr "&Rafraîchir" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1376 msgid "Built new file list" msgstr "A reconstruit la liste des fichiers" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1377 msgid "&View" msgstr "Visualiser" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1378 msgid "" "Show contents of marked file. Only possible when files are shown with path" msgstr "" "Affiche le contenu du fichier sélectionné. Seulement possible quand le " "chemin est affiché." #: src/ext_l10n.h:1380 msgid "Close this dialog" msgstr "Fermer cette fenêtre" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1384 msgid "Entry" msgstr "Entrée" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1385 msgid "Thesaurus entries" msgstr "Entrées du Dictionnaire" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1386 msgid "Select a related word" msgstr "Sélectionne un synonyme" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1387 msgid "&Selection" msgstr "&Sélection" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1388 msgid "The selected entry" msgstr "L'entrée sélectionnée" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1390 msgid "Replace the entry with the selection" msgstr "Remplace l'entrée par la sélection" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1392 msgid "Table Of Contents" msgstr "Table des Matières" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1393 msgid "&Type" msgstr "Type" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1394 msgid "Contents list" msgstr "" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1397 msgid "Insert URL" msgstr "Insérer une URL" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1398 msgid "&URL" msgstr "&URL" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1400 msgid "&Name" msgstr "&Nom" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1401 msgid "Name associated with the URL" msgstr "Nom associé à l'URL" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1403 msgid "&Generate hyperlink" msgstr "&Créer un lien hypertexte" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1404 msgid "Output as a hyperlink ?" msgstr "Imprimer comme lien hypertexte ?" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1407 msgid "Version control log" msgstr "Historique de Contrôle de Version" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1413 #, fuzzy msgid "Default (outer)" msgstr "Répertoire par défaut" #: src/ext_l10n.h:1416 #, fuzzy msgid "Outer" msgstr "Autre" # contrainte de longueur #: src/ext_l10n.h:1418 #, fuzzy msgid "&Placement:" msgstr "Emplacement" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Spellchecking completed!\n" #~ "%1$d words checked." #~ msgstr "Correction orthographique terminée ! " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Spellchecking completed!\n" #~ "%1$d word checked." #~ msgstr "Correction orthographique terminée ! " #~ msgid "Document layout set" #~ msgstr "Style de document appliqué" #~ msgid "Unable to switch to new document class." #~ msgstr "Impossible de passer à la nouvelle classe de document."