/** * \file AppleSpellChecker.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Stephan Witt * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "AppleSpellChecker.h" #include "WordLangTuple.h" #include "support/lassert.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/docstring_list.h" #include "support/AppleSpeller.h" using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { struct AppleSpellChecker::Private { Private(); ~Private(); SpellChecker::Result toResult(SpellCheckResult status); string toString(SpellCheckResult status); /// the speller AppleSpeller speller; /// language map map languageMap; }; AppleSpellChecker::Private::Private() { speller = newAppleSpeller(); } AppleSpellChecker::Private::~Private() { freeAppleSpeller(speller); speller = 0; } AppleSpellChecker::AppleSpellChecker(): d(new Private) { } AppleSpellChecker::~AppleSpellChecker() { delete d; } SpellChecker::Result AppleSpellChecker::Private::toResult(SpellCheckResult status) { return status == SPELL_CHECK_FAILED ? UNKNOWN_WORD : status == SPELL_CHECK_LEARNED ? LEARNED_WORD : WORD_OK ; } string AppleSpellChecker::Private::toString(SpellCheckResult status) { return status == SPELL_CHECK_FAILED ? "FAILED" : status == SPELL_CHECK_LEARNED ? "LEARNED" : "OK"; } SpellChecker::Result AppleSpellChecker::check(WordLangTuple const & word) { if (!hasDictionary(word.lang())) return WORD_OK; string const word_str = to_utf8(word.word()); string const lang = d->languageMap[word.lang()->code()]; SpellCheckResult result = AppleSpeller_check(d->speller, word_str.c_str(), lang.c_str()); LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "spellCheck: \"" << word.word() << "\" = " << d->toString(result) << ", lang = " << lang) ; return d->toResult(result); } void AppleSpellChecker::advanceChangeNumber() { nextChangeNumber(); } // add to personal dictionary void AppleSpellChecker::insert(WordLangTuple const & word) { string const word_str = to_utf8(word.word()); AppleSpeller_learn(d->speller, word_str.c_str()); LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "learn word: \"" << word.word() << "\"") ; advanceChangeNumber(); } // remove from personal dictionary void AppleSpellChecker::remove(WordLangTuple const & word) { string const word_str = to_utf8(word.word()); AppleSpeller_unlearn(d->speller, word_str.c_str()); LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "unlearn word: \"" << word.word() << "\"") ; advanceChangeNumber(); } // ignore for session void AppleSpellChecker::accept(WordLangTuple const & word) { string const word_str = to_utf8(word.word()); AppleSpeller_ignore(d->speller, word_str.c_str()); LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "ignore word: \"" << word.word() << "\"") ; advanceChangeNumber(); } void AppleSpellChecker::suggest(WordLangTuple const & wl, docstring_list & suggestions) { suggestions.clear(); string const word_str = to_utf8(wl.word()); size_t num = AppleSpeller_makeSuggestion(d->speller, word_str.c_str(), wl.lang()->code().c_str()); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { char const * next = AppleSpeller_getSuggestion(d->speller, i); if (!next) break; suggestions.push_back(from_utf8(next)); } } bool AppleSpellChecker::hasDictionary(Language const * lang) const { string const langmap = d->languageMap[lang->code()]; bool result = !langmap.empty(); if (result) return result; result = AppleSpeller_hasLanguage(d->speller,lang->code().c_str()); if (result) { d->languageMap[lang->code()] = lang->code(); } else { result = AppleSpeller_hasLanguage(d->speller,lang->lang().c_str()); if (result) d->languageMap[lang->code()] = lang->lang(); } return result; } int AppleSpellChecker::numMisspelledWords() const { return AppleSpeller_numMisspelledWords(d->speller); } void AppleSpellChecker::misspelledWord(int index, int & start, int & length) const { AppleSpeller_misspelledWord(d->speller, index, &start, &length); } docstring const AppleSpellChecker::error() { return docstring(); } } // namespace lyx