Writing linguistic papers Jürgen Spitzmülle
Linguistic structure trees Here is a simple example: [VP [DP[John]] [V' [V[sent]] [DP[Mary]] [DP[D[a]][NP[letter]]] ] ] If you view the PDF output, you will see that the input
[VP [DP[John]] [V' [V[sent]] [DP[Mary]] [DP[D[a]][NP[letter]]]]]
expands to a real structure tree. To view the result within the work area, you can simply embed the Structure Tree inset into a Preview inset. If instant preview is correctly installed and activated, you should see the tree immediately (just click on the image in order to edit): [VP [DP[Mary]] [V' [V[sent]] [DP[John]] [DP[D[a]][NP[response]]] ] ] Roofs can be easily generated by means of the roof option (note that the comma has special meaning, as it marks options): [VP [DP[John]] [V' [V[sent]] [DP[Mary]] [DP[another letter, roof]] ] ] In order to align nodes of the tree more elegantly, use the “tier” option. All nodes which have the same tier allocated get aligned. Here is an example: [VP [DP[John,tier=word]] [V' [V[sent,tier=word]] [DP[Mary,tier=word]] [DP[D[a,tier=word]][NP[letter,tier=word]]] ] ] The package supports many additional features, such as movement arrows and decorations, that cannot documented here.