/** * \file GraphicsCacheItem.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Baruch Even * \author Herbert Voß * \author Angus Leeming * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "GraphicsCacheItem.h" #include "GraphicsConverter.h" #include "GraphicsImage.h" #include "ConverterCache.h" #include "debug.h" #include "Format.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/FileMonitor.h" #include "support/lyxlib.h" #include namespace lyx { using support::FileMonitor; using support::FileName; using support::makeDisplayPath; using support::onlyFilename; using support::tempName; using support::unlink; using support::unzipFile; using std::endl; using std::string; namespace graphics { class CacheItem::Impl : public boost::signals::trackable { public: /// Impl(FileName const & file); /** Start the image conversion process, checking first that it is * necessary. If it is necessary, then a conversion task is started. * CacheItem asumes that the conversion is asynchronous and so * passes a Signal to the converting routine. When the conversion * is finished, this Signal is emitted, returning the converted * file to this->imageConverted. * * If no file conversion is needed, then convertToDisplayFormat() calls * loadImage() directly. * * convertToDisplayFormat() will set the loading status flag as * approriate through calls to setStatus(). */ void convertToDisplayFormat(); /** Load the image into memory. This is called either from * convertToDisplayFormat() direct or from imageConverted(). */ void loadImage(); /** Get a notification when the image conversion is done. * Connected to a signal on_finish_ which is passed to * Converter::convert. */ void imageConverted(bool); /** Get a notification when the image loading is done. * Connected to a signal on_finish_ which is passed to * lyx::graphics::Image::loadImage. */ void imageLoaded(bool); /** Sets the status of the loading process. Also notifies * listeners that the status has changed. */ void setStatus(ImageStatus new_status); /** Can be invoked directly by the user, but is also connected to the * FileMonitor and so is invoked when the file is changed * (if monitoring is taking place). */ void startLoading(); /** If we are asked to load the file for a second or further time, * (because the file has changed), then we'll have to first reset * many of the variables below. */ void reset(); /// The filename we refer too. FileName const filename_; /// FileMonitor const monitor_; /// Is the file compressed? bool zipped_; /// If so, store the uncompressed file in this temporary file. FileName unzipped_filename_; /// The target format string to_; /// What file are we trying to load? FileName file_to_load_; /** Should we delete the file after loading? True if the file is * the result of a conversion process. */ bool remove_loaded_file_; /// The image and its loading status. boost::shared_ptr image_; /// ImageStatus status_; /// This signal is emitted when the image loading status changes. boost::signal statusChanged; /// The connection to the signal Image::finishedLoading boost::signals::connection cl_; /// The connection of the signal ConvProcess::finishedConversion, boost::signals::connection cc_; /// boost::scoped_ptr converter_; }; CacheItem::CacheItem(FileName const & file) : pimpl_(new Impl(file)) {} CacheItem::~CacheItem() { delete pimpl_; } FileName const & CacheItem::filename() const { return pimpl_->filename_; } void CacheItem::startLoading() const { pimpl_->startLoading(); } void CacheItem::startMonitoring() const { if (!pimpl_->monitor_.monitoring()) pimpl_->monitor_.start(); } bool CacheItem::monitoring() const { return pimpl_->monitor_.monitoring(); } unsigned long CacheItem::checksum() const { return pimpl_->monitor_.checksum(); } Image const * CacheItem::image() const { return pimpl_->image_.get(); } ImageStatus CacheItem::status() const { return pimpl_->status_; } boost::signals::connection CacheItem::connect(slot_type const & slot) const { return pimpl_->statusChanged.connect(slot); } //------------------------------ // Implementation details follow //------------------------------ CacheItem::Impl::Impl(FileName const & file) : filename_(file), monitor_(file, 2000), zipped_(false), remove_loaded_file_(false), status_(WaitingToLoad) { monitor_.connect(boost::bind(&Impl::startLoading, this)); } void CacheItem::Impl::startLoading() { if (status_ != WaitingToLoad) reset(); convertToDisplayFormat(); } void CacheItem::Impl::reset() { zipped_ = false; if (!unzipped_filename_.empty()) unlink(unzipped_filename_); unzipped_filename_.erase(); if (remove_loaded_file_ && !file_to_load_.empty()) unlink(file_to_load_); remove_loaded_file_ = false; file_to_load_.erase(); to_.erase(); if (image_.get()) image_.reset(); status_ = WaitingToLoad; if (cl_.connected()) cl_.disconnect(); if (cc_.connected()) cc_.disconnect(); if (converter_.get()) converter_.reset(); } void CacheItem::Impl::setStatus(ImageStatus new_status) { if (status_ == new_status) return; status_ = new_status; statusChanged(); } void CacheItem::Impl::imageConverted(bool success) { string const text = success ? "succeeded" : "failed"; LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "Image conversion " << text << '.'); file_to_load_ = converter_.get() ? FileName(converter_->convertedFile()) : FileName(); converter_.reset(); cc_.disconnect(); success = !file_to_load_.empty() && file_to_load_.isReadableFile(); if (!success) { LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "Unable to find converted file!"); setStatus(ErrorConverting); if (zipped_) unlink(unzipped_filename_); return; } // Add the converted file to the file cache ConverterCache::get().add(filename_, to_, file_to_load_); loadImage(); } // This function gets called from the callback after the image has been // converted successfully. void CacheItem::Impl::loadImage() { setStatus(Loading); LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "Loading image."); image_.reset(Image::newImage()); cl_.disconnect(); cl_ = image_->finishedLoading.connect( boost::bind(&Impl::imageLoaded, this, _1)); image_->load(file_to_load_); } void CacheItem::Impl::imageLoaded(bool success) { string const text = success ? "succeeded" : "failed"; LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "Image loading " << text << '.'); // Clean up after loading. if (zipped_) unlink(unzipped_filename_); if (remove_loaded_file_ && unzipped_filename_ != file_to_load_) unlink(file_to_load_); cl_.disconnect(); if (!success) { setStatus(ErrorLoading); return; } // Inform the outside world. setStatus(Loaded); } static string const findTargetFormat(string const & from) { typedef lyx::graphics::Image::FormatList FormatList; FormatList const formats = lyx::graphics::Image::loadableFormats(); // There must be a format to load from. BOOST_ASSERT(!formats.empty()); // Use the standard converter if we don't know the format to load // from. if (from.empty()) return string("ppm"); // First ascertain if we can load directly with no conversion FormatList::const_iterator it = formats.begin(); FormatList::const_iterator end = formats.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (from == *it) return *it; } // So, we have to convert to a loadable format. Can we? it = formats.begin(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (lyx::graphics::Converter::isReachable(from, *it)) return *it; else LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "Unable to convert from " << from << " to " << *it); } // Failed! so we have to try to convert it to PPM format // with the standard converter return string("ppm"); } void CacheItem::Impl::convertToDisplayFormat() { setStatus(Converting); // First, check that the file exists! if (!filename_.isReadableFile()) { if (status_ != ErrorNoFile) { setStatus(ErrorNoFile); LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tThe file is not readable"); } return; } // Make a local copy in case we unzip it FileName filename; zipped_ = filename_.isZippedFile(); if (zipped_) { unzipped_filename_ = tempName(FileName(), filename_.toFilesystemEncoding()); if (unzipped_filename_.empty()) { setStatus(ErrorConverting); LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tCould not create temporary file."); return; } filename = unzipFile(filename_, unzipped_filename_.toFilesystemEncoding()); } else { filename = filename_; } docstring const displayed_filename = makeDisplayPath(filename_.absFilename()); LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "[CacheItem::Impl::convertToDisplayFormat]\n" << "\tAttempting to convert image file: " << filename << "\n\twith displayed filename: " << to_utf8(displayed_filename)); string const from = formats.getFormatFromFile(filename); if (from.empty()) { setStatus(ErrorConverting); LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tCould not determine file format."); } LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\n\tThe file contains " << from << " format data."); to_ = findTargetFormat(from); if (from == to_) { // No conversion needed! LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tNo conversion needed (from == to)!"); file_to_load_ = filename; loadImage(); return; } if (ConverterCache::get().inCache(filename, to_)) { LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tNo conversion needed (file in file cache)!"); file_to_load_ = ConverterCache::get().cacheName(filename, to_); loadImage(); return; } LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tConverting it to " << to_ << " format."); // Add some stuff to create a uniquely named temporary file. // This file is deleted in loadImage after it is loaded into memory. FileName const to_file_base(tempName(FileName(), "CacheItem")); remove_loaded_file_ = true; // Remove the temp file, we only want the name... // FIXME: This is unsafe! unlink(to_file_base); // Connect a signal to this->imageConverted and pass this signal to // the graphics converter so that we can load the modified file // on completion of the conversion process. converter_.reset(new Converter(filename, to_file_base.absFilename(), from, to_)); converter_->connect(boost::bind(&Impl::imageConverted, this, _1)); converter_->startConversion(); } } // namespace graphics } // namespace lyx