#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # file mergepo.py # This file is part of LyX, the document processor. # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. # author Georg Baum # Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS # This script takes missing translations from another set of po files and # merges them into the po files in this source tree. import os, re, string, sys import io import polib from optparse import OptionParser def trim_eol(line): " Remove end of line char." if line[-1:] == '\n': return line[:-1] else: # file with no EOL in last line return line def read(input): " Read utf8 input file and strip lineendings." lines = list() while 1: line = input.readline() if not line: break line = trim_eol(line) lines.append(line) return lines def parse_msg(lines): " Extracts msgid or msgstr from lines." if len(lines) < 1: return '' i = lines[0].find('"') if i < 0: return '' msg = lines[0][i:].strip('"') for i in range(1, len(lines)): j = lines[i].find('"') if j < 0: return '' msg = msg + lines[i][j:].strip('"') return polib.unescape(msg) def translate(msgid, flags, msgstr_lines, po2, options): msgstr = parse_msg(msgstr_lines) if options.overwrite: other = po2.find(msgid) if not other: return 0 if not other.translated(): return 0 if msgstr == other.msgstr: return 0 else: if msgstr != '' and not u'fuzzy' in flags: return 0 other = po2.find(msgid) if not other: return 0 if not other.translated(): return 0 if options.nonnull and other.msgstr == other.msgid: return 0 msgstr = other.msgstr if 'fuzzy' in other.flags: if not u'fuzzy' in flags: flags.append(u'fuzzy') else: if u'fuzzy' in flags: flags.remove(u'fuzzy') obsolete = (msgstr_lines[0].find('#~') == 0) j = msgstr_lines[0].find('"') # must not assign to msgstr_lines, because that would not be seen by our caller new_lines = polib.wrap(msgstr_lines[0][0:j+1] + polib.escape(msgstr), 76, drop_whitespace = False) del msgstr_lines[:] for i in range(0, len(new_lines)): if i == 0: msgstr_lines.append(new_lines[i] + '"') elif obsolete: msgstr_lines.append('#~ "' + new_lines[i] + '"') else: msgstr_lines.append('"' + new_lines[i] + '"') return 1 def mergepo_polib(target, source, options): changed = 0 po1 = polib.pofile(target) po2 = polib.pofile(source) if options.overwrite: for entry in po1.entries(): other = po2.find(entry.msgid, include_obsolete_entries=True) if not other: continue if options.nonnull and other.msgstr == other.msgid: continue if other.translated() and other.msgstr != entry.msgstr: entry.msgstr = other.msgstr if 'fuzzy' in other.flags: if not 'fuzzy' in entry.flags: entry.flags.append('fuzzy') else: if 'fuzzy' in entry.flags: entry.flags.remove('fuzzy') changed = changed + 1 else: for entry in po1.untranslated_entries(): other = po2.find(entry.msgid, include_obsolete_entries=True) if not other: continue if options.nonnull and other.msgstr == other.msgid: continue if other.translated(): entry.msgstr = other.msgstr changed = changed + 1 if changed > 0: po1.save(target) return changed def mergepo_minimaldiff(target, source, options): changed = 0 po2 = polib.pofile(source) target_enc = polib.detect_encoding(target) # for utf8 files we can use our self written parser to minimize diffs, # otherwise we need to use polib if not target_enc in ['UTF-8', 'utf-8', 'utf_8']: raise # open file with universal newlines, since it can happen that we are # on unix, but the file has been written on windows or vice versa. po1 = io.open(target, 'r', encoding='utf_8', newline=None) oldlines = read(po1) po1.close() newlines = [] in_msgid = False in_msgstr = False flags = [] msgstr_lines = [] msgid_lines = [] msgid = '' for line in oldlines: if in_msgid: if line.find('"') == 0 or line.find('#~ "') == 0: msgid_lines.append(line) else: in_msgid = False msgid = parse_msg(msgid_lines) elif in_msgstr: if line.find('"') == 0 or line.find('#~ "') == 0: msgstr_lines.append(line) else: in_msgstr = False changed = changed + translate(msgid, flags, msgstr_lines, po2, options) if len(flags) > 0: flagline = u'#, ' + u', '.join(flags) newlines.append(flagline) flags = [] newlines.extend(msgid_lines) newlines.extend(msgstr_lines) msgid_lines = [] msgstr_lines = [] msgid = '' if not in_msgid and not in_msgstr: if line.find('#,') == 0 and len(flags) == 0: flags = line[2:].strip().split(u', ') elif line.find('msgid') == 0 or line.find('#~ msgid') == 0: msgid_lines.append(line) in_msgid = True elif line.find('msgstr') == 0 or line.find('#~ msgstr') == 0: if line.find('msgstr[') == 0 or line.find('#~ msgstr[') == 0: # plural forms are not implemented raise msgstr_lines.append(line) in_msgstr = True else: newlines.append(line) if msgid != '': # the file ended with a msgstr changed = changed + translate(msgid, flags, msgstr_lines, po2, options) if len(flags) > 0: flagline = u'#, ' + u', '.join(flags) newlines.append(flagline) flags = [] newlines.extend(msgid_lines) newlines.extend(msgstr_lines) msgid_lines = [] msgstr_lines = [] msgid = '' if changed > 0: # we store .po files with unix line ends in git, # so do always write them even on windows po1 = io.open(target, 'w', encoding='utf_8', newline='\n') for line in newlines: po1.write(line + '\n') return changed def mergepo(target, source, options): if not os.path.exists(source): sys.stderr.write('Skipping %s since %s does not exist.\n' % (target, source)) return if not os.path.exists(target): sys.stderr.write('Skipping %s since %s does not exist.\n' % (target, target)) return sys.stderr.write('Merging %s into %s: ' % (source, target)) try: changed = mergepo_minimaldiff(target, source, options) sys.stderr.write('Updated %d translations with minimal diff.\n' % changed) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('Unable to use minimal diff: %s\n' % e) changed = mergepo_polib(target, source, options) sys.stderr.write('Updated %d translations using polib.\n' % changed) def main(argv): parser = OptionParser(description = """This script reads translations from .po files in the given source directory and adds all translations that do not already exist to the corresponding .po files in the target directory. It is recommended to remerge strings from the source code before running this script. Otherwise translations that are not yet in the target .po files are not updated.""", usage = "Usage: %prog [options] sourcedir") parser.add_option("-t", "--target", dest="target", help="target directory containing .po files. If missing, it is determined from the script location.") parser.add_option("-l", "--language", dest="language", help="language for which translations are merged (if missing, all languages are merged)") parser.add_option("-o", "--overwrite", action="store_true", dest="overwrite", default=False, help="overwrite existing target translations with source translations (if missing, only new translations are added)") parser.add_option("-n", "--nonnull", action="store_true", dest="nonnull", default=False, help="do not update target translations with source translations that are identical to the untranslated text)") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if len(args) <= 1: parser.print_help() return 0 toolsdir = os.path.dirname(args[0]) if options.target: podir1 = os.path.abspath(options.target) else: podir1 = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(toolsdir, '../../po')) podir2 = os.path.abspath(args[1]) if options.language: name = options.language + '.po' mergepo(os.path.join(podir1, name), os.path.join(podir2, name), options) else: for i in os.listdir(podir1): (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(i) if ext != ".po": continue mergepo(os.path.join(podir1, i), os.path.join(podir2, i), options) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)