#!/bin/bash if [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then # http://article.gmane.org/gmane.editors.lyx.devel/159697 echo "You must use bash to run this script"; exit 1; fi function do_convert { for i in *; do if [ ! -f $i ]; then continue; fi cp $i $i.old; python $lyxdir/lib/scripts/prefs2prefs.py -l <$i.old >$i; done } # find out where we are relative to the program directory curdir=$(pwd); progloc=$0; pathto=${progloc%/*}; # get us into development/tools if [ "$progloc" != "$pathto" ]; then if ! cd $pathto; then echo "Couldn't get to development/tools!"; exit 1; fi fi curdir=`pwd`; lyxdir=${curdir%/development/tools*}; if ! cd $lyxdir/lib/ui/; then echo "Couldn't get to lib/ui!"; exit 1; fi do_convert; if ! cd $lyxdir/lib/bind/; then echo "Couldn't get to lib/bind!"; exit 1; fi do_convert; #now do the subdirectories for d in *; do if [ ! -d $d ]; then continue; fi cd $d; do_convert; cd ..; done