% This is a test document for tex2lyx \documentclass[11pt]{article} %some comments %comments \def\blah{\blahblah} % And more comments %more comments \begin{document} \title{Test Document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{First Section} This {\large a {\small b \tiny c} \huge d} is some text. %Midline comment \framebox[3in][s]{What are you doing \ldots Dave}. This is more text. \section*{MySection} \label{sec:mysection}This is some ``quoted'' text in a new section. I {\em am\footnote{This is a great footnote because: \begin{itemize} \item The footnote is not \emph{emphasized}. \item The text is \end{itemize} How cool is that!?} emphasizing ``text. I keep'' emphasizing}. This ~ is text in a new par\-agraph.\\ It has \ldots an $ \alpha $ in it, which is OK\@. I can type special characters\footnote{i.e., characters which must be escaped} like \& and \#. \_ is a neat token. % This line won't print! Now I \textsf{want \texttt{to} write} some math in a displayed equation. \begin{eqnarray*} q^{(i)}_O & = & q^{water}_{O}+dq_{O}\times (P_{deg}^{(i-1)}-P_{deg}^{(i)})\\ q_{H}^{(i)} & = & q^{water}_{H}+dq_{H}\times (P_{deg}^{(i-1)}-P_{deg}^{(i)})\\ q_{p}^{(i)} & = & q^{water}_{H}+dq_{H}\times (P_{deg}^{(i-1)}-P^{(i+1)}_{deg}) \end{eqnarray*} Here's an itemized list \begin{itemize} \item this is an item \begin{enumerate} \item this is a numbered item But now I want to write some text. \item this is another numbered item More text \end{enumerate} Yet more text \item this is another unnumbered item Final text \end{itemize} \section[hi]{New Section} Here's a {\em quotation: \begin{quotation} Hello there how are you? I am fine. Thanks \end{quotation} This} is a reference to section \ref{sec:mysection} on page \pageref{sec:mysection}. \begin{tabular}{ll} foo & bar \\ bar & foo \end{tabular} Let's try a few unicode characters: the (R) symbol \textregistered (and the same one with braces \textregistered{} and a space after) or maybe an accented a \'{a} or this one \'a or this \^\i. Watch out: \textregistered should be glued to its successor here. Final Text. \end{document}