/** * \file InsetIPAMacro.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Jürgen Spitzmüller * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "InsetIPAMacro.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "Dimension.h" #include "Encoding.h" #include "Font.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "FuncStatus.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "Lexer.h" #include "MetricsInfo.h" #include "output_xhtml.h" #include "texstream.h" #include "frontends/FontMetrics.h" #include "frontends/Painter.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/docstream.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/Translator.h" using namespace std; namespace lyx { namespace { typedef Translator IPADecoTranslator; typedef Translator IPADecoTranslatorLoc; IPADecoTranslator const init_ipadecotranslator() { IPADecoTranslator translator("toptiebar", InsetIPADecoParams::Toptiebar); translator.addPair("bottomtiebar", InsetIPADecoParams::Bottomtiebar); return translator; } IPADecoTranslatorLoc const init_ipadecotranslator_loc() { IPADecoTranslatorLoc translator(_("Top tie bar"), InsetIPADecoParams::Toptiebar); translator.addPair(_("Bottom tie bar"), InsetIPADecoParams::Bottomtiebar); return translator; } IPADecoTranslator const & ipadecotranslator() { static IPADecoTranslator const decotranslator = init_ipadecotranslator(); return decotranslator; } IPADecoTranslatorLoc const & ipadecotranslator_loc() { static IPADecoTranslatorLoc const translator = init_ipadecotranslator_loc(); return translator; } typedef Translator IPACharTranslator; IPACharTranslator const init_ipachartranslator() { IPACharTranslator translator("\\tone{51}", InsetIPAChar::TONE_FALLING); translator.addPair("\\tone{15}", InsetIPAChar::TONE_RISING); translator.addPair("\\tone{45}", InsetIPAChar::TONE_HIGH_RISING); translator.addPair("\\tone{12}", InsetIPAChar::TONE_LOW_RISING); translator.addPair("\\tone{454}", InsetIPAChar::TONE_HIGH_RISING_FALLING); return translator; } IPACharTranslator const & ipachartranslator() { static IPACharTranslator const chartranslator = init_ipachartranslator(); return chartranslator; } } // namespace InsetIPADecoParams::InsetIPADecoParams() : type(Bottomtiebar) {} void InsetIPADecoParams::write(ostream & os) const { string const label = ipadecotranslator().find(type); os << "IPADeco " << label << "\n"; } void InsetIPADecoParams::read(Lexer & lex) { string label; lex >> label; if (lex) type = ipadecotranslator().find(label); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // InsetIPADeco // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// InsetIPADeco::InsetIPADeco(Buffer * buf, string const & label) : InsetCollapsable(buf) { setDrawFrame(true); setFrameColor(Color_insetframe); params_.type = ipadecotranslator().find(label); } InsetIPADeco::~InsetIPADeco() {} docstring InsetIPADeco::layoutName() const { return from_ascii("IPADeco:" + ipadecotranslator().find(params_.type)); } void InsetIPADeco::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const { InsetText::metrics(mi, dim); if (params_.type == InsetIPADecoParams::Toptiebar) { // consider width of the inset label FontInfo font(getLayout().labelfont()); font.realize(sane_font); font.decSize(); font.decSize(); int w = 0; int a = 0; int d = 0; docstring const label(1, char_type(0x2040)); theFontMetrics(font).rectText(label, w, a, d); dim.asc += int(a * 0.5); } if (params_.type == InsetIPADecoParams::Bottomtiebar) { // consider width of the inset label FontInfo font(getLayout().labelfont()); font.realize(sane_font); font.decSize(); font.decSize(); int w = 0; int a = 0; int d = 0; docstring const label(1, char_type(0x203f)); theFontMetrics(font).rectText(label, w, a, d); dim.des += int(d * 1.5); } } void InsetIPADeco::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { // draw the text InsetCollapsable::draw(pi, x, y); // draw the inset marker drawMarkers(pi, x, y); Dimension const dim = dimension(*pi.base.bv); if (params_.type == InsetIPADecoParams::Toptiebar) { FontInfo font(getLayout().labelfont()); font.realize(sane_font); font.decSize(); font.decSize(); int w = 0; int a = 0; int d = 0; int asc = dim.ascent(); docstring const label(1, char_type(0x2040)); theFontMetrics(font).rectText(label, w, a, d); int const ww = max(dim.wid, w); pi.pain.rectText(x + (ww - w) / 2, y - int(asc / 2.5), label, font, Color_none, Color_none); } if (params_.type == InsetIPADecoParams::Bottomtiebar) { FontInfo font(getLayout().labelfont()); font.realize(sane_font); font.decSize(); font.decSize(); int w = 0; int a = 0; int d = 0; int desc = dim.descent(); docstring const label(1, char_type(0x203f)); theFontMetrics(font).rectText(label, w, a, d); int const ww = max(dim.wid, w); pi.pain.rectText(x + (ww - w) / 2, y + int(desc / 1.5), label, font, Color_none, Color_none); } } void InsetIPADeco::write(ostream & os) const { params_.write(os); InsetCollapsable::write(os); } void InsetIPADeco::read(Lexer & lex) { params_.read(lex); InsetCollapsable::read(lex); } void InsetIPADeco::doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { switch (cmd.action()) { case LFUN_QUOTE_INSERT: { FuncRequest fr(LFUN_SELF_INSERT, "\""); InsetText::doDispatch(cur, fr); break; } default: InsetText::doDispatch(cur, cmd); break; } } bool InsetIPADeco::getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd, FuncStatus & flag) const { switch (cmd.action()) { case LFUN_SCRIPT_INSERT: { if (cmd.argument() == "subscript") { flag.setEnabled(false); return true; } break; } case LFUN_IN_IPA: flag.setEnabled(true); return true; break; default: break; } return InsetText::getStatus(cur, cmd, flag); } void InsetIPADeco::latex(otexstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { if (params_.type == InsetIPADecoParams::Toptiebar) os << "\\texttoptiebar{"; else if (params_.type == InsetIPADecoParams::Bottomtiebar) os << "\\textbottomtiebar{"; InsetCollapsable::latex(os, runparams); os << "}"; } int InsetIPADeco::plaintext(odocstringstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams, size_t max_length) const { odocstringstream ods; int h = (int)(InsetCollapsable::plaintext(ods, runparams, max_length) / 2); docstring result = ods.str(); docstring const before = result.substr(0, h); docstring const after = result.substr(h, result.size()); if (params_.type == InsetIPADecoParams::Toptiebar) { os << before; os.put(0x0361); os << after; } else if (params_.type == InsetIPADecoParams::Bottomtiebar) { os << before; os.put(0x035c); os << after; } return result.size(); } int InsetIPADeco::docbook(odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { // FIXME: Any docbook option here? return InsetCollapsable::docbook(os, runparams); } docstring InsetIPADeco::xhtml(XHTMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & runparams) const { // FIXME: Like in plaintext, the combining characters "͡" (toptiebar) // or "͜" (bottomtiebar) would need to be inserted just in the mid // of the text string. (How) can this be done with the xhtml stream? return InsetCollapsable::xhtml(xs, runparams); } docstring InsetIPADeco::toolTip(BufferView const &, int, int) const { return ipadecotranslator_loc().find(params_.type); } string InsetIPADeco::params2string(InsetIPADecoParams const & params) { ostringstream data; data << "IPADeco" << ' '; params.write(data); return data.str(); } void InsetIPADeco::string2params(string const & in, InsetIPADecoParams & params) { params = InsetIPADecoParams(); if (in.empty()) return; istringstream data(in); Lexer lex; lex.setStream(data); lex.setContext("InsetIPADeco::string2params"); lex >> "IPADeco" >> "toptiebar"; params.read(lex); } void InsetIPADeco::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { features.require("tipa"); InsetText::validate(features); } bool InsetIPADeco::insetAllowed(InsetCode code) const { switch (code) { // code that is allowed case ERT_CODE: case IPACHAR_CODE: case SCRIPT_CODE: return true; default: return false; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // InsetIPAChar // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// InsetIPAChar::InsetIPAChar(Kind k) : Inset(0), kind_(k) {} InsetIPAChar::Kind InsetIPAChar::kind() const { return kind_; } void InsetIPAChar::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const { frontend::FontMetrics const & fm = theFontMetrics(mi.base.font); dim.asc = fm.maxAscent(); dim.des = fm.maxDescent(); string s; switch (kind_) { case TONE_FALLING: case TONE_RISING: case TONE_HIGH_RISING: case TONE_LOW_RISING: case TONE_HIGH_RISING_FALLING: s = "_"; break; } docstring ds(s.begin(), s.end()); dim.wid = fm.width(ds); } void InsetIPAChar::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { FontInfo font = pi.base.font; frontend::FontMetrics const & fm = theFontMetrics(font); switch (kind_) { case TONE_FALLING: { int w = fm.width(char_type('-')); int h = fm.ascent(char_type('M')); int x2 = x + w; int y2 = y - h; pi.pain.line(x2, y2, x2, y, Color_foreground); pi.pain.line(x2, y, x, y2, Color_foreground); break; } case TONE_RISING: { int w = fm.width(char_type('-')); int h = fm.ascent(char_type('M')); int x2 = x + w; int y2 = y - h; pi.pain.line(x2, y, x2, y2, Color_foreground); pi.pain.line(x2, y2, x, y, Color_foreground); break; } case TONE_HIGH_RISING: { int w = fm.width(char_type('-')); int h = fm.ascent(char_type('M')); int x2 = x + w; int y2 = y - h; int y3 = y - int(h * 0.75); pi.pain.line(x2, y, x2, y2, Color_foreground); pi.pain.line(x2, y2, x, y3, Color_foreground); break; } case TONE_LOW_RISING: { int w = fm.width(char_type('-')); int h = fm.ascent(char_type('M')); int x2 = x + w; int y2 = y - h; int y3 = y - int(h * 0.25); pi.pain.line(x2, y, x2, y2, Color_foreground); pi.pain.line(x2, y3, x, y, Color_foreground); break; } case TONE_HIGH_RISING_FALLING: { int w = fm.width(char_type('-')); int h = fm.ascent(char_type('M')); int x2 = x + w; int y2 = y - h; int x3 = x + int(w * 0.5); int y3 = y - int(h * 0.75); pi.pain.line(x2, y, x2, y2, Color_foreground); pi.pain.line(x2, y3, x3, y2, Color_foreground); pi.pain.line(x3, y2, x, y3, Color_foreground); break; } } } void InsetIPAChar::write(ostream & os) const { string const command = ipachartranslator().find(kind_); if (command.empty()) { LYXERR0("InsetIPAChar::write: Unknown type"); return; } os << "\\IPAChar " << command << "\n"; } void InsetIPAChar::read(Lexer & lex) { lex.next(); string const command = lex.getString(); kind_ = ipachartranslator().find(command); } void InsetIPAChar::latex(otexstream & os, OutputParams const &) const { string const command = ipachartranslator().find(kind_); os << command; } int InsetIPAChar::plaintext(odocstringstream & os, OutputParams const &, size_t) const { switch (kind_) { case TONE_FALLING: os.put(0x02e5); os.put(0x02e9); return 2; case TONE_RISING: os.put(0x02e9); os.put(0x02e5); return 2; case TONE_HIGH_RISING: os.put(0x02e7); os.put(0x02e5); return 2; case TONE_LOW_RISING: os.put(0x02e9); os.put(0x02e7); return 2; case TONE_HIGH_RISING_FALLING: os.put(0x02e8); os.put(0x02e5); os.put(0x02e8); return 3; } return 0; } int InsetIPAChar::docbook(odocstream & /*os*/, OutputParams const &) const { switch (kind_) { case TONE_FALLING: case TONE_RISING: case TONE_HIGH_RISING: case TONE_LOW_RISING: case TONE_HIGH_RISING_FALLING: // FIXME LYXERR0("IPA tone macros not yet implemented with DocBook!"); break; } return 0; } docstring InsetIPAChar::xhtml(XHTMLStream & xs, OutputParams const &) const { switch (kind_) { case TONE_FALLING: xs << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "˥" << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "˩"; break; case TONE_RISING: xs << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "˩" << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "˥"; break; case TONE_HIGH_RISING: xs << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "˧" << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "˥"; break; case TONE_LOW_RISING: xs << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "˩" << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "˧"; break; case TONE_HIGH_RISING_FALLING: xs << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "˨" << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "˥" << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "˨"; break; } return docstring(); } void InsetIPAChar::toString(odocstream & os) const { odocstringstream ods; plaintext(ods, OutputParams(0)); os << ods.str(); } void InsetIPAChar::forOutliner(docstring & os, size_t const, bool const) const { odocstringstream ods; plaintext(ods, OutputParams(0)); os += ods.str(); } void InsetIPAChar::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { switch (kind_) { case TONE_FALLING: case TONE_RISING: case TONE_HIGH_RISING: case TONE_LOW_RISING: case TONE_HIGH_RISING_FALLING: features.require("tone"); break; default: break; } } } // namespace lyx