/** * \file GuiCompleter.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Stefan Schimanski * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "GuiWorkArea.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "Dimension.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "GuiView.h" #include "LyXFunc.h" #include "LyXRC.h" #include "Paragraph.h" #include "version.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { class RtlItemDelegate : public QItemDelegate { public: explicit RtlItemDelegate(QObject * parent = 0) : QItemDelegate(parent) {} protected: virtual void drawDisplay(QPainter * painter, QStyleOptionViewItem const & option, QRect const & rect, QString const & text) const { // FIXME: do this more elegantly docstring stltext = qstring_to_ucs4(text); reverse(stltext.begin(), stltext.end()); QItemDelegate::drawDisplay(painter, option, rect, toqstr(stltext)); } }; RtlItemDelegate rtlItemDelegate; class PixmapItemDelegate : public QItemDelegate { public: explicit PixmapItemDelegate(QObject *parent = 0) : QItemDelegate(parent) {} protected: void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { QStyleOptionViewItem opt = setOptions(index, option); QVariant value = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole); QPixmap pixmap = qvariant_cast(value); // draw painter->save(); drawBackground(painter, opt, index); if (!pixmap.isNull()) { const QSize size = pixmap.size(); painter->drawPixmap(option.rect.left() + (16 - size.width()) / 2, option.rect.top() + (option.rect.height() - size.height()) / 2, pixmap); } drawFocus(painter, opt, option.rect); painter->restore(); } }; class GuiCompletionModel : public QAbstractListModel { public: /// GuiCompletionModel(QObject * parent, Inset::CompletionList const * l) : QAbstractListModel(parent), list_(l) {} /// ~GuiCompletionModel() { delete list_; } /// int columnCount(const QModelIndex & /*parent*/ = QModelIndex()) const { return 2; } /// int rowCount(const QModelIndex & /*parent*/ = QModelIndex()) const { if (list_ == 0) return 0; else return list_->size(); } /// QVariant data(const QModelIndex & index, int role) const { if (list_ == 0) return QVariant(); if (index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= rowCount()) return QVariant(); if (role != Qt::DisplayRole && role != Qt::EditRole) return QVariant(); if (index.column() == 0) return toqstr(list_->data(index.row())); else if (index.column() == 1) { // get icon from cache QPixmap scaled; QString const name = ":" + toqstr(list_->icon(index.row())); if (!QPixmapCache::find("completion" + name, scaled)) { // load icon from disk QPixmap p = QPixmap(name); if (!p.isNull()) { // scale it to 16x16 or smaller scaled = p.scaled(min(16, p.width()), min(16, p.height()), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } QPixmapCache::insert("completion" + name, scaled); } return scaled; } return QVariant(); } private: /// Inset::CompletionList const * list_; }; GuiCompleter::GuiCompleter(GuiWorkArea * gui, QObject * parent) : QCompleter(parent), gui_(gui), updateLock_(0), inlineVisible_(false) { // Setup the completion popup setModel(new GuiCompletionModel(this, 0)); setCompletionMode(QCompleter::PopupCompletion); setWidget(gui_); // create the popup QTreeView *listView = new QTreeView; listView->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); listView->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); listView->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); listView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); listView->header()->hide(); listView->setIndentation(0); setPopup(listView); popup()->setItemDelegateForColumn(1, new PixmapItemDelegate(this)); // create timeout timers popup_timer_.setSingleShot(true); inline_timer_.setSingleShot(true); connect(this, SIGNAL(highlighted(const QString &)), this, SLOT(popupHighlighted(const QString &))); connect(this, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)), this, SLOT(popupActivated(const QString &))); connect(&popup_timer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(showPopup())); connect(&inline_timer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(showInline())); } GuiCompleter::~GuiCompleter() { popup()->hide(); } bool GuiCompleter::eventFilter(QObject * watched, QEvent * e) { // hijack back the tab key from the popup // (which stole it from the workspace before) if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress && popupVisible()) { QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast(e); switch (ke->key()) { case Qt::Key_Tab: tab(); ke->accept(); return true; default: break; } } return QCompleter::eventFilter(watched, e); } bool GuiCompleter::popupPossible(Cursor const & cur) const { return QApplication::activeWindow() && gui_->hasFocus() && cur.inset().completionSupported(cur); } bool GuiCompleter::inlinePossible(Cursor const & cur) const { return cur.inset().inlineCompletionSupported(cur); } bool GuiCompleter::popupVisible() const { return popup()->isVisible(); } bool GuiCompleter::inlineVisible() const { // In fact using BufferView::inlineCompletionPos.empty() should be // here. But unfortunately this information is not good enough // because destructive operations like backspace might invalidate // inlineCompletionPos. But then the completion should stay visible // (i.e. reshown on the next update). Hence be keep this information // in the inlineVisible_ variable. return inlineVisible_; } void GuiCompleter::updateVisibility(Cursor & cur, bool start, bool keep, bool cursorInView) { // parameters which affect the completion bool moved = cur != old_cursor_; if (moved) old_cursor_ = cur; bool possiblePopupState = popupPossible(cur) && cursorInView; bool possibleInlineState = inlinePossible(cur) && cursorInView; // we moved or popup state is not ok for popup? if ((moved && !keep) || !possiblePopupState) { // stop an old completion timer if (popup_timer_.isActive()) popup_timer_.stop(); // hide old popup if (popupVisible()) popup()->hide(); } // we moved or inline state is not ok for inline completion? if ((moved && !keep) || !possibleInlineState) { // stop an old completion timer if (inline_timer_.isActive()) inline_timer_.stop(); // hide old inline completion if (inlineVisible()) { gui_->bufferView().setInlineCompletion(cur, DocIterator(), docstring()); inlineVisible_ = false; } } // we inserted something and are in a possible popup state? if (!popupVisible() && possiblePopupState && start && cur.inset().automaticPopupCompletion()) popup_timer_.start(int(lyxrc.completion_popup_delay * 1000)); // we inserted something and are in a possible inline completion state? if (!inlineVisible() && possibleInlineState && start && cur.inset().automaticInlineCompletion()) inline_timer_.start(int(lyxrc.completion_inline_delay * 1000)); // update prefix if popup is visible or if it will be visible soon if (popupVisible() || inlineVisible() || popup_timer_.isActive() || inline_timer_.isActive()) updatePrefix(cur); } void GuiCompleter::updateVisibility(bool start, bool keep) { Cursor cur = gui_->bufferView().cursor(); cur.updateFlags(Update::None); updateVisibility(cur, start, keep); if (cur.disp_.update()) gui_->bufferView().processUpdateFlags(cur.disp_.update()); } void GuiCompleter::updatePrefix(Cursor & cur) { // get new prefix. Do nothing if unchanged QString newPrefix = toqstr(cur.inset().completionPrefix(cur)); if (newPrefix == completionPrefix()) return; // value which should be kept selected QString old = currentCompletion(); if (old.length() == 0) old = last_selection_; // update completer to new prefix setCompletionPrefix(newPrefix); // update popup because its size might have changed if (popupVisible()) updatePopup(cur); // restore old selection setCurrentCompletion(old); // if popup is not empty, the new selection will // be our last valid one QString const & s = currentCompletion(); if (s.length() > 0) last_selection_ = s; else last_selection_ = old; // update inline completion because the default // completion string might have changed if (inlineVisible()) updateInline(cur, s); } void GuiCompleter::updateInline(Cursor & cur, QString const & completion) { if (!cur.inset().inlineCompletionSupported(cur)) return; // compute postfix docstring prefix = cur.inset().completionPrefix(cur); docstring postfix = from_utf8(fromqstr(completion.mid(prefix.length()))); // shorten it if necessary if (lyxrc.completion_inline_dots != -1 && postfix.size() > unsigned(lyxrc.completion_inline_dots)) postfix = postfix.substr(0, lyxrc.completion_inline_dots - 1) + "..."; // set inline completion at cursor position size_t uniqueTo = max(longestUniqueCompletion().size(), prefix.size()); gui_->bufferView().setInlineCompletion(cur, cur, postfix, uniqueTo - prefix.size()); inlineVisible_ = true; } void GuiCompleter::updatePopup(Cursor & cur) { if (!cur.inset().completionSupported(cur)) return; if (completionCount() == 0) return; // get dimensions of completion prefix Dimension dim; int x; int y; cur.inset().completionPosAndDim(cur, x, y, dim); // and calculate the rect of the popup QRect rect; if (popup()->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) rect = QRect(x + dim.width() - 200, y - dim.ascent() - 3, 200, dim.height() + 6); else rect = QRect(x, y - dim.ascent() - 3, 200, dim.height() + 6); // show/update popup complete(rect); QTreeView * p = static_cast(popup()); p->setColumnWidth(0, popup()->width() - 22 - p->verticalScrollBar()->width()); } void GuiCompleter::updateModel(Cursor & cur, bool popupUpdate, bool inlineUpdate) { // value which should be kept selected QString old = currentCompletion(); if (old.length() == 0) old = last_selection_; // set whether rtl bool rtl = false; if (cur.inTexted()) { Paragraph const & par = cur.paragraph(); Font const font = par.getFontSettings(cur.bv().buffer().params(), cur.pos()); rtl = font.isVisibleRightToLeft(); } popup()->setLayoutDirection(rtl ? Qt::RightToLeft : Qt::LeftToRight); // turn the direction of the strings in the popup. // Qt does not do that itself. popup()->setItemDelegateForColumn(0, rtl ? &rtlItemDelegate : 0); // set new model Inset::CompletionList const * list = cur.inset().createCompletionList(cur); setModel(new GuiCompletionModel(this, list)); // show popup if (popupUpdate) updatePopup(cur); // restore old selection setCurrentCompletion(old); // if popup is not empty, the new selection will // be our last valid one QString const & s = currentCompletion(); if (s.length() > 0) last_selection_ = s; else last_selection_ = old; // show inline completion if (inlineUpdate) updateInline(cur, currentCompletion()); } void GuiCompleter::showPopup(Cursor & cur) { if (!popupPossible(cur)) return; updateModel(cur, true, inlineVisible()); updatePrefix(cur); } void GuiCompleter::showInline(Cursor & cur) { if (!inlinePossible(cur)) return; updateModel(cur, popupVisible(), true); updatePrefix(cur); } void GuiCompleter::showPopup() { Cursor cur = gui_->bufferView().cursor(); cur.updateFlags(Update::None); showPopup(cur); // redraw if needed if (cur.disp_.update()) gui_->bufferView().processUpdateFlags(cur.disp_.update()); } void GuiCompleter::showInline() { Cursor cur = gui_->bufferView().cursor(); cur.updateFlags(Update::None); showInline(cur); // redraw if needed if (cur.disp_.update()) gui_->bufferView().processUpdateFlags(cur.disp_.update()); } void GuiCompleter::activate() { if (!popupVisible() && !inlineVisible()) return; // Complete with current selection in the popup. QString s = currentCompletion(); popup()->hide(); popupActivated(s); } void GuiCompleter::tab() { BufferView * bv = &gui_->bufferView(); Cursor cur = bv->cursor(); cur.updateFlags(Update::None); // check that inline completion is active if (!inlineVisible()) { // try to activate the inline completion if (cur.inset().inlineCompletionSupported(cur)) { showInline(); // show popup without delay because the completion was not unique if (lyxrc.completion_popup_after_complete && !popupVisible() && popup()->model()->rowCount() > 1) popup_timer_.start(0); return; } // or try popup if (!popupVisible() && cur.inset().completionSupported(cur)) { showPopup(); return; } return; } // If completion is active, at least complete by one character docstring prefix = cur.inset().completionPrefix(cur); docstring completion = from_utf8(fromqstr(currentCompletion())); if (completion.size() <= prefix.size()) { // finalize completion cur.inset().insertCompletion(cur, docstring(), true); // hide popup and inline completion popup()->hide(); gui_->bufferView().setInlineCompletion(cur, DocIterator(), docstring()); inlineVisible_ = false; updateVisibility(false, false); return; } docstring nextchar = completion.substr(prefix.size(), 1); if (!cur.inset().insertCompletion(cur, nextchar, false)) return; updatePrefix(cur); // try to complete as far as it is unique docstring longestCompletion = longestUniqueCompletion(); prefix = cur.inset().completionPrefix(cur); docstring postfix = longestCompletion.substr(min(longestCompletion.size(), prefix.size())); cur.inset().insertCompletion(cur, postfix, false); old_cursor_ = bv->cursor(); updatePrefix(cur); // show popup without delay because the completion was not unique if (lyxrc.completion_popup_after_complete && !popupVisible() && popup()->model()->rowCount() > 1) popup_timer_.start(0); // redraw if needed if (cur.disp_.update()) gui_->bufferView().processUpdateFlags(cur.disp_.update()); } QString GuiCompleter::currentCompletion() const { if (!popup()->selectionModel()->hasSelection()) return QString(); // Not sure if this is bug in Qt: currentIndex() always // return the first element in the list. QModelIndex idx = popup()->currentIndex(); return popup()->model()->data(idx, Qt::EditRole).toString(); } void GuiCompleter::setCurrentCompletion(QString const & s) { QAbstractItemModel const & model = *popup()->model(); size_t n = model.rowCount(); if (n == 0) return; // select the first if s is empty if (s.length() == 0) { updateLock_++; popup()->setCurrentIndex(model.index(0, 0)); updateLock_--; return; } // iterate through list until the s is found // FIXME: there must be a better way than this iteration size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { QString const & is = model.data(model.index(i, 0), Qt::EditRole).toString(); if (is == s) break; } // select the first if none was found if (i == n) i = 0; updateLock_++; popup()->setCurrentIndex(model.index(i, 0)); updateLock_--; } docstring GuiCompleter::longestUniqueCompletion() const { QAbstractItemModel const & model = *popup()->model(); QString s = currentCompletion(); size_t n = model.rowCount(); // iterate through the completions and cut off where s differs for (size_t i = 0; i < n && s.length() > 0; ++i) { QString const & is = model.data(model.index(i, 0), Qt::EditRole).toString(); // find common prefix size_t j; size_t isn = is.length(); size_t sn = s.length(); for (j = 0; j < isn && j < sn; ++j) { if (s.at(j) != is.at(j)) break; } s = s.left(j); } return from_utf8(fromqstr(s)); } void GuiCompleter::popupActivated(const QString & completion) { Cursor cur = gui_->bufferView().cursor(); cur.updateFlags(Update::None); docstring prefix = cur.inset().completionPrefix(cur); docstring postfix = from_utf8(fromqstr(completion.mid(prefix.length()))); cur.inset().insertCompletion(cur, postfix, true); updateVisibility(cur, false); if (cur.disp_.update()) gui_->bufferView().processUpdateFlags(cur.disp_.update()); } void GuiCompleter::popupHighlighted(const QString & completion) { if (updateLock_ > 0) return; Cursor cur = gui_->bufferView().cursor(); cur.updateFlags(Update::None); updateInline(cur, completion); if (cur.disp_.update()) gui_->bufferView().processUpdateFlags(cur.disp_.update()); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "GuiCompleter_moc.cpp"