/** * \file GuiViewSource.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Levon * \author Bo Peng * \author Abdelrazak Younes * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "GuiViewSource.h" #include "GuiApplication.h" #include "LaTeXHighlighter.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "Format.h" #include "GuiView.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "LyX.h" #include "TexRow.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/lassert.h" #include "support/docstream.h" #include "support/docstring_list.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { ViewSourceWidget::ViewSourceWidget(QWidget * parent) : QWidget(parent), document_(new QTextDocument(this)), highlighter_(new LaTeXHighlighter(document_)) { setupUi(this); connect(contentsCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(contentsChanged())); connect(autoUpdateCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), updatePB, SLOT(setDisabled(bool))); connect(autoUpdateCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(contentsChanged())); connect(masterPerspectiveCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(contentsChanged())); connect(updatePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(needUpdate())); connect(outputFormatCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setViewFormat(int))); // setting a document at this point trigger an assertion in Qt // so we disable the signals here: document_->blockSignals(true); viewSourceTV->setDocument(document_); // reset selections setText(); document_->blockSignals(false); viewSourceTV->setReadOnly(true); ///dialog_->viewSourceTV->setAcceptRichText(false); // this is personal. I think source code should be in fixed-size font viewSourceTV->setFont(guiApp->typewriterSystemFont()); // again, personal taste viewSourceTV->setWordWrapMode(QTextOption::NoWrap); // catch double click events viewSourceTV->viewport()->installEventFilter(this); } void ViewSourceWidget::getContent(BufferView const & view, Buffer::OutputWhat output, docstring & str, string const & format, bool master) { // get the *top* level paragraphs that contain the cursor, // or the selected text pit_type par_begin; pit_type par_end; if (!view.cursor().selection()) { par_begin = view.cursor().bottom().pit(); par_end = par_begin; } else { par_begin = view.cursor().selectionBegin().bottom().pit(); par_end = view.cursor().selectionEnd().bottom().pit(); } if (par_begin > par_end) swap(par_begin, par_end); odocstringstream ostr; texrow_ = view.buffer() .getSourceCode(ostr, format, par_begin, par_end + 1, output, master); //ensure that the last line can always be selected in its full width str = ostr.str() + "\n"; } bool ViewSourceWidget::setText(QString const & qstr) { bool const changed = document_->toPlainText() != qstr; viewSourceTV->setExtraSelections(QList()); if (changed) document_->setPlainText(qstr); return changed; } void ViewSourceWidget::contentsChanged() { if (autoUpdateCB->isChecked()) Q_EMIT needUpdate(); } void ViewSourceWidget::setViewFormat(int const index) { outputFormatCO->setCurrentIndex(index); string format = fromqstr(outputFormatCO->itemData(index).toString()); if (view_format_ != format) { view_format_ = format; Q_EMIT needUpdate(); } } int ViewSourceWidget::updateDelay() const { const int long_delay = 400; const int short_delay = 60; // a shorter delay if just the current paragraph is shown return (contentsCO->currentIndex() == 0) ? short_delay : long_delay; } void GuiViewSource::scheduleUpdate() { update_timer_->start(widget_->updateDelay()); } void GuiViewSource::scheduleUpdateNow() { update_timer_->start(0); } void GuiViewSource::realUpdateView() { widget_->updateView(bufferview()); updateTitle(); } void ViewSourceWidget::updateView(BufferView const * bv) { if (!bv) { setText(); setEnabled(false); return; } setEnabled(true); // we will try to get that much space around the cursor int const v_margin = 3; int const h_margin = 10; // we will try to preserve this int const h_scroll = viewSourceTV->horizontalScrollBar()->value(); Buffer::OutputWhat output = Buffer::CurrentParagraph; if (contentsCO->currentIndex() == 1) output = Buffer::FullSource; else if (contentsCO->currentIndex() == 2) output = Buffer::OnlyPreamble; else if (contentsCO->currentIndex() == 3) output = Buffer::OnlyBody; docstring content; getContent(*bv, output, content, view_format_, masterPerspectiveCB->isChecked()); QString old = document_->toPlainText(); QString qcontent = toqstr(content); if (guiApp->currentView()->develMode()) { // output tex<->row correspondences in the source panel if the "-dbg latex" // option is given. if (texrow_ && lyx::lyxerr.debugging(Debug::LATEX)) { QStringList list = qcontent.split(QChar('\n')); docstring_list dlist; for (QStringList::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) dlist.push_back(from_utf8(fromqstr(*it))); texrow_->prepend(dlist); qcontent.clear(); for (docstring_list::iterator it = dlist.begin(); it != dlist.end(); ++it) qcontent += toqstr(*it) + '\n'; } } // prevent gotoCursor() QSignalBlocker blocker(viewSourceTV); bool const changed = setText(qcontent); if (changed && !texrow_) { // position-to-row is unavailable // we jump to the first modification int length = min(old.length(), qcontent.length()); int pos = 0; for (; pos < length && old.at(pos) == qcontent.at(pos); ++pos) {} QTextCursor c = QTextCursor(viewSourceTV->document()); //get some space below the cursor c.setPosition(pos); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor,v_margin); viewSourceTV->setTextCursor(c); //get some space on the right of the cursor viewSourceTV->horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(h_scroll); c.setPosition(pos); const int block = c.blockNumber(); for (int i = h_margin; i && block == c.blockNumber(); --i) { c.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); } c.movePosition(QTextCursor::Left, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); viewSourceTV->setTextCursor(c); //back to the position c.setPosition(pos); //c.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor,1); viewSourceTV->setTextCursor(c); } else if (texrow_) { // Use the available position-to-row conversion to highlight // the current selection in the source std::pair rows = texrow_->rowFromCursor(bv->cursor()); int const beg_row = rows.first; int const end_row = rows.second; QTextCursor c = QTextCursor(viewSourceTV->document()); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextBlock, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, beg_row - 1); const int beg_sel = c.position(); //get some space above the cursor c.movePosition(QTextCursor::PreviousBlock, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, v_margin); viewSourceTV->setTextCursor(c); c.setPosition(beg_sel, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextBlock, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, end_row - beg_row +1); const int end_sel = c.position(); //get some space below the cursor c.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextBlock, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, v_margin - 1); viewSourceTV->setTextCursor(c); c.setPosition(end_sel, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); viewSourceTV->setTextCursor(c); //the real highlighting is done with an ExtraSelection QTextCharFormat format; { // We create a new color with the slightly altered lightness // of the Base and the hue and saturation of the Highlight brush QPalette const palette = viewSourceTV->palette(); QBrush extraselbrush = palette.base(); int const extrasellightness = (palette.text().color().black() > palette.window().color().black()) ? extraselbrush.color().darker(107).lightness()// light mode : extraselbrush.color().darker().lightness();// dark mode QColor const highlight = palette.highlight().color().toHsl(); QColor const extraselcol = QColor::fromHsl(highlight.hue(), highlight.hslSaturation(), extrasellightness); extraselbrush.setColor(extraselcol); format.setBackground(extraselbrush); } format.setProperty(QTextFormat::FullWidthSelection, true); QTextEdit::ExtraSelection sel; sel.format = format; sel.cursor = c; viewSourceTV->setExtraSelections( QList() << sel); //clean up c.clearSelection(); viewSourceTV->setTextCursor(c); viewSourceTV->horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(h_scroll); } // else if (texrow) } docstring ViewSourceWidget::currentFormatName(BufferView const * bv) const { // Compute the actual format used string const format = !bv ? "" : flavor2format(bv->buffer().params().getOutputFlavor(view_format_)); Format const * f = theFormats().getFormat(format.empty() ? view_format_ : format); return f ? f->prettyname() : from_utf8(view_format_); } bool ViewSourceWidget::eventFilter(QObject * obj, QEvent * ev) { // this event filter is installed on the viewport of the QTextView if (obj == viewSourceTV->viewport() && ev->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick) { goToCursor(); return true; } return false; } void ViewSourceWidget::goToCursor() const { if (!texrow_) return; int row = viewSourceTV->textCursor().blockNumber() + 1; dispatch(texrow_->goToFuncFromRow(row)); } void ViewSourceWidget::updateDefaultFormat(BufferView const & bv) { QSignalBlocker blocker(outputFormatCO); outputFormatCO->clear(); outputFormatCO->addItem(qt_("Default"), QVariant(QString("default"))); int index = 0; for (string const & fmt_name : bv.buffer().params().backends()) { Format const * fmt = theFormats().getFormat(fmt_name); if (!fmt) { LYXERR0("Can't find format for backend " << fmt_name << "!"); continue; } QString const pretty = toqstr(translateIfPossible(fmt->prettyname())); outputFormatCO->addItem(pretty, QVariant(toqstr(fmt_name))); if (fmt_name == view_format_) index = outputFormatCO->count() - 1; } setViewFormat(index); } void ViewSourceWidget::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent * event) { QSize const & formSize = formLayout->sizeHint(); // minimize the size of the part that contains the buttons if (width() * formSize.height() < height() * formSize.width()) { layout_->setDirection(QBoxLayout::TopToBottom); } else { layout_->setDirection(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight); } QWidget::resizeEvent(event); } void ViewSourceWidget::saveSession(QSettings & settings, QString const & session_key) const { settings.setValue(session_key + "/output", toqstr(view_format_)); settings.setValue(session_key + "/contents", contentsCO->currentIndex()); settings.setValue(session_key + "/autoupdate", autoUpdateCB->isChecked()); settings.setValue(session_key + "/masterview", masterPerspectiveCB->isChecked()); } void ViewSourceWidget::restoreSession(QString const & session_key) { QSettings settings; view_format_ = fromqstr(settings.value(session_key + "/output", 0) .toString()); contentsCO->setCurrentIndex(settings .value(session_key + "/contents", 0) .toInt()); masterPerspectiveCB->setChecked(settings .value(session_key + "/masterview", false) .toBool()); bool const checked = settings .value(session_key + "/autoupdate", true) .toBool(); autoUpdateCB->setChecked(checked); if (checked) Q_EMIT needUpdate(); } GuiViewSource::GuiViewSource(GuiView & parent, Qt::DockWidgetArea area, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : DockView(parent, "view-source", qt_("Code Preview"), area, flags), widget_(new ViewSourceWidget(this)), update_timer_(new QTimer(this)) { setWidget(widget_); // setting the update timer update_timer_->setSingleShot(true); connect(update_timer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(realUpdateView())); connect(widget_, SIGNAL(needUpdate()), this, SLOT(scheduleUpdateNow())); } void GuiViewSource::onBufferViewChanged() { widget_->setText(); widget_->setEnabled((bool)bufferview()); } void GuiViewSource::updateView() { if (widget_->autoUpdateCB->isChecked()) { widget_->setEnabled((bool)bufferview()); scheduleUpdate(); } widget_->masterPerspectiveCB->setEnabled(buffer().parent()); updateTitle(); } void GuiViewSource::enableView(bool enable) { widget_->setEnabled((bool)bufferview()); if (bufferview()) widget_->updateDefaultFormat(*bufferview()); if (!enable) // In the opposite case, updateView() will be called anyway. widget_->contentsChanged(); } bool GuiViewSource::initialiseParams(string const & /*source*/) { updateTitle(); return true; } void GuiViewSource::updateTitle() { docstring const format = widget_->currentFormatName(bufferview()); QString const title = format.empty() ? qt_("Code Preview") : qt_("%1[[preview format name]] Preview") .arg(toqstr(translateIfPossible(format))); setTitle(title); setWindowTitle(title); } void GuiViewSource::saveSession(QSettings & settings) const { Dialog::saveSession(settings); widget_->saveSession(settings, sessionKey()); } void GuiViewSource::restoreSession() { DockView::restoreSession(); widget_->restoreSession(sessionKey()); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "moc_GuiViewSource.cpp"