#! /bin/sh # This script makes a bunch of symbolic links from the current directory # to the one containing the LyX documentation. USAGE () { echo Usage: $0 dir_where_the_docs_are_found exit 1 } if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then USAGE fi DIR=$1 if [ ! -d ${DIR} ]; then USAGE fi FILES=`ls ${DIR}/*.*` N_LYXFILES=`echo "${FILES}" | grep ".lyx" | wc -l` if [ ${N_LYXFILES} -eq 0 ]; then echo ${DIR} contains NO lyx files! exit 1 fi EXAMPLE_FILE=`echo "${FILES}" | grep ".lyx" | sed -e '2,$d'` PARSABLEDIR=`echo ${DIR} | sed 's/\//\\\\\//g'` EXAMPLE_FILE=`echo ${EXAMPLE_FILE} | sed "s/${PARSABLEDIR}\///"` echo ${DIR} contains ${N_LYXFILES} .lyx files, an example being ${EXAMPLE_FILE} echo echo "Would you like to generate links to the files in this dir? (Y/N) >N<" read ANSWER if [ "${ANSWER}" != "y" -a "${ANSWER}" != "Y" ]; then exit 0 fi echo echo "Would you like these file names in the .cvsignore file? (Y/N) >N<" read ANSWER CVSIGNORE=0 if [ "${ANSWER}" = "y" -o "${ANSWER}" = "Y" ]; then CVSIGNORE=1 fi # Keep the original .cvsignore file safe if [ ${CVSIGNORE} -eq 1 ]; then if [ -r .cvsignore ]; then if [ -r .cvsignore-safe ]; then cp .cvsignore-safe .cvsignore else cp .cvsignore .cvsignore-safe fi fi echo .cvsignore-safe > .cvsignore echo '*.lyx' >> .cvsignore echo '*.eps' >> .cvsignore fi for FILE in ${FILES} do DESTFILE=`echo ${FILE} | sed "s/${PARSABLEDIR}\///"` ln -fs ${FILE} ${DESTFILE} done