/** * \file Counters.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author Martin Vermeer * \author André Pönitz * \author Richard Heck (roman numerals) * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "Counters.h" #include "Lexer.h" #include "support/convert.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/lassert.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { Counter::Counter() { reset(); } Counter::Counter(docstring const & mc, docstring const & ls, docstring const & lsa) : master_(mc), labelstring_(ls), labelstringappendix_(lsa) { reset(); } bool Counter::read(Lexer & lex) { enum { CT_WITHIN = 1, CT_LABELSTRING, CT_LABELSTRING_APPENDIX, CT_END }; LexerKeyword counterTags[] = { { "end", CT_END }, { "labelstring", CT_LABELSTRING }, { "labelstringappendix", CT_LABELSTRING_APPENDIX }, { "within", CT_WITHIN } }; lex.pushTable(counterTags); bool getout = false; while (!getout && lex.isOK()) { int le = lex.lex(); switch (le) { case Lexer::LEX_UNDEF: lex.printError("Unknown counter tag `$$Token'"); continue; default: break; } switch (le) { case CT_WITHIN: lex.next(); master_ = lex.getDocString(); if (master_ == "none") master_.erase(); break; case CT_LABELSTRING: lex.next(); labelstring_ = lex.getDocString(); labelstringappendix_ = labelstring_; break; case CT_LABELSTRING_APPENDIX: lex.next(); labelstringappendix_ = lex.getDocString(); break; case CT_END: getout = true; break; } } // Here if have a full counter if getout == true if (!getout) LYXERR0("No End tag found for counter!"); lex.popTable(); return getout; } void Counter::set(int v) { value_ = v; } void Counter::addto(int v) { value_ += v; } int Counter::value() const { return value_; } void Counter::step() { ++value_; } void Counter::reset() { value_ = 0; } docstring const & Counter::master() const { return master_; } docstring const & Counter::labelString() const { return labelstring_; } docstring const & Counter::labelStringAppendix() const { return labelstringappendix_; } void Counters::newCounter(docstring const & newc, docstring const & masterc, docstring const & ls, docstring const & lsa) { if (!masterc.empty() && !hasCounter(masterc)) { lyxerr << "Master counter does not exist: " << to_utf8(masterc) << endl; return; } counterList[newc] = Counter(masterc, ls, lsa); } bool Counters::hasCounter(docstring const & c) const { return counterList.find(c) != counterList.end(); } bool Counters::read(Lexer & lex, docstring const & name) { if (hasCounter(name)) { LYXERR(Debug::TCLASS, "Reading existing counter " << to_utf8(name)); return counterList[name].read(lex); } LYXERR(Debug::TCLASS, "Reading new counter " << to_utf8(name)); Counter cnt; bool success = cnt.read(lex); if (success) counterList[name] = cnt; else LYXERR0("Error reading counter `" << name << "'!"); return success; } void Counters::set(docstring const & ctr, int const val) { CounterList::iterator const it = counterList.find(ctr); if (it == counterList.end()) { lyxerr << "set: Counter does not exist: " << to_utf8(ctr) << endl; return; } it->second.set(val); } void Counters::addto(docstring const & ctr, int const val) { CounterList::iterator const it = counterList.find(ctr); if (it == counterList.end()) { lyxerr << "addto: Counter does not exist: " << to_utf8(ctr) << endl; return; } it->second.addto(val); } int Counters::value(docstring const & ctr) const { CounterList::const_iterator const cit = counterList.find(ctr); if (cit == counterList.end()) { lyxerr << "value: Counter does not exist: " << to_utf8(ctr) << endl; return 0; } return cit->second.value(); } void Counters::step(docstring const & ctr) { CounterList::iterator it = counterList.find(ctr); if (it == counterList.end()) { lyxerr << "step: Counter does not exist: " << to_utf8(ctr) << endl; return; } it->second.step(); it = counterList.begin(); CounterList::iterator const end = counterList.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (it->second.master() == ctr) { it->second.reset(); } } } void Counters::reset() { appendix_ = false; subfloat_ = false; current_float_.erase(); CounterList::iterator it = counterList.begin(); CounterList::iterator const end = counterList.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { it->second.reset(); } } void Counters::reset(docstring const & match) { LASSERT(!match.empty(), /**/); CounterList::iterator it = counterList.begin(); CounterList::iterator end = counterList.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (it->first.find(match) != string::npos) it->second.reset(); } } void Counters::copy(Counters & from, Counters & to, docstring const & match) { CounterList::iterator it = counterList.begin(); CounterList::iterator end = counterList.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (it->first.find(match) != string::npos || match == "") { to.set(it->first, from.value(it->first)); } } } namespace { char loweralphaCounter(int const n) { if (n < 1 || n > 26) return '?'; return 'a' + n - 1; } char alphaCounter(int const n) { if (n < 1 || n > 26) return '?'; return 'A' + n - 1; } char hebrewCounter(int const n) { static const char hebrew[22] = { '\xe0', '\xe1', '\xe2', '\xe3', '\xe4', '\xe5', '\xe6', '\xe7', '\xe8', '\xe9', '\xeb', '\xec', '\xee', '\xf0', '\xf1', '\xf2', '\xf4', '\xf6', '\xf7', '\xf8', '\xf9', '\xfa' }; if (n < 1 || n > 22) return '?'; return hebrew[n - 1]; } //On the special cases, see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RomanNumerals.html //and for a list of roman numerals up to and including 3999, see //http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/a006968.txt. (Thanks to Joost //for this info.) docstring const romanCounter(int const n) { static char const * const ones[9] = { "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX" }; static char const * const tens[9] = { "X", "XX", "XXX", "XL", "L", "LX", "LXX", "LXXX", "XC" }; static char const * const hunds[9] = { "C", "CC", "CCC", "CD", "D", "DC", "DCC", "DCCC", "CM" }; if (n > 1000 || n < 1) return from_ascii("??"); int val = n; string roman; switch (n) { //special cases case 900: roman = "CM"; break; case 400: roman = "CD"; break; default: if (val >= 100) { int hundreds = val / 100; roman = hunds[hundreds - 1]; val = val % 100; } if (val >= 10) { switch (val) { //special case case 90: roman = roman + "XC"; val = 0; //skip next break; default: int tensnum = val / 10; roman = roman + tens[tensnum - 1]; val = val % 10; } // end switch } // end tens if (val > 0) roman = roman + ones[val -1]; } return from_ascii(roman); } docstring const lowerromanCounter(int const n) { return lowercase(romanCounter(n)); } } // namespace anon docstring Counters::labelItem(docstring const & ctr, docstring const & numbertype) { CounterList::const_iterator const cit = counterList.find(ctr); if (cit == counterList.end()) { lyxerr << "Counter " << to_utf8(ctr) << " does not exist." << endl; return docstring(); } int val = cit->second.value(); if (numbertype == "hebrew") return docstring(1, hebrewCounter(val)); if (numbertype == "alph") return docstring(1, loweralphaCounter(val)); if (numbertype == "Alph") return docstring(1, alphaCounter(val)); if (numbertype == "roman") return lowerromanCounter(val); if (numbertype == "Roman") return romanCounter(val); return convert(val); } docstring Counters::theCounter(docstring const & counter) { std::set callers; return theCounter(counter, callers); } docstring Counters::theCounter(docstring const & counter, std::set & callers) { if (!hasCounter(counter)) return from_ascii("??"); docstring label; if (callers.find(counter) == callers.end()) { pair::iterator, bool> result = callers.insert(counter); Counter const & c = counterList[counter]; docstring ls = appendix() ? c.labelStringAppendix() : c.labelString(); if (ls.empty()) { if (!c.master().empty()) ls = from_ascii("\\the") + c.master() + from_ascii("."); ls += from_ascii("\\arabic{") + counter + "}"; } label = counterLabel(ls, &callers); callers.erase(result.first); } else { // recursion detected lyxerr << "Warning: Recursion in label for counter `" << counter << "' detected" << endl; } return label; } docstring Counters::counterLabel(docstring const & format, std::set * callers) { docstring label = format; // FIXME: Using regexps would be better, but we compile boost without // wide regexps currently. while (true) { //lyxerr << "label=" << to_utf8(label) << endl; size_t const i = label.find(from_ascii("\\the"), 0); if (i == docstring::npos) break; size_t j = i + 4; size_t k = j; while (k < label.size() && lowercase(label[k]) >= 'a' && lowercase(label[k]) <= 'z') ++k; docstring counter = label.substr(j, k - j); docstring repl = callers? theCounter(counter, *callers): theCounter(counter); label.replace(i, k - j + 4, repl); } while (true) { //lyxerr << "label=" << to_utf8(label) << endl; size_t const i = label.find('\\', 0); if (i == docstring::npos) break; size_t const j = label.find('{', i + 1); if (j == docstring::npos) break; size_t const k = label.find('}', j + 1); if (k == docstring::npos) break; docstring const numbertype(label, i + 1, j - i - 1); docstring const counter(label, j + 1, k - j - 1); docstring const rep = labelItem(counter, numbertype); label = docstring(label, 0, i) + rep + docstring(label, k + 1, docstring::npos); } //lyxerr << "DONE! label=" << to_utf8(label) << endl; return label; } } // namespace lyx