# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # file fig2pdf.py # This file is part of LyX, the document processor. # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. # # \author Angus Leeming # \author Bo Peng # # Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS # This script converts an XFIG image to something that pdflatex can process # into high quality PDF. # Usage: # python fig2pdftex.py ${base}.fig ${base}.pdft # This command generates # ${base}.pdf the converted pdf file # ${base}.pdft a tex file that can be included in your latex document # using '\input{${base}.pdft}' # # Note: # Do not use this command as # python fig2pdftex.py file.fig file.pdf # the real pdf file will be overwritten by a tex file named file.pdf. # import os, sys, re def runCommand(cmd): ''' Utility function: run a command, quit if fails ''' if os.system(cmd) != 0: print "Command '%s' fails." % cmd sys.exit(1) # We expect two args, the names of the input and output files. if len(sys.argv) != 3: sys.exit(1) input, output = sys.argv[1:] # Fail silently if the file doesn't exist if not os.path.isfile(input): sys.exit(0) # Strip the extension from ${output} outbase = os.path.splitext(output)[0] # Ascertain whether fig2dev is "modern enough". # If it is, then the help info will mention "pdftex_t" as one of the # available outputs. fout = os.popen('fig2dev -h') help_msg = fout.read() fout.close() if 'pdftex_t' in help_msg: # Modern versions of xfig can output the image without "special" text as # a PDF file ${base}.pdf and place the text in a LaTeX file # ${base}.pdftex_t for typesetting by pdflatex itself. runCommand('fig2dev -Lpdftex -p1 %s %s.pdf' % (input, outbase)) runCommand('fig2dev -Lpdftex_t -p%s %s %s' % (outbase, input, output)) else: # Older versions of xfig cannot do this, so we emulate the behaviour using # pstex and pstex_t output. runCommand('fig2dev -Lpstex %s %s.pstex' % (input, outbase)) runCommand('fig2dev -Lpstex_t -p %s %s %s' % (outbase, input, output)) # manipulates the Bounding Box info to enable gs to produce # the appropriate PDF file from an EPS one. # The generated PostScript commands are extracted from epstopdf, distributed # with tetex. epsfile = outbase + '.pstex' tmp = mkstemp() boundingboxline = re.compile('%%BoundingBox:\s+(\d*)\s+(\d*)\s+(\d*)\s+(\d*)') for line in open(epsfile).xreadlines(): if line[:13] == '%%BoundingBox': (llx, lly, urx, ury) = map(int, boundingboxline.search(line).groups()) width = urx - llx height = ury - lly xoffset = - llx yoffset = - lly tmp.write('''%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d << /PageSize [%d %d] >> setpagedevice gsave %d %d translate ''' % (width, height, width, height, xoffset, yoffset)) else: tmp.write(line) tmp.close() # direct move(rename) may fail under windows os.unlink(epsfile) os.rename(epsfile + '.??', epsfile) # Convert the ${pstex} EPS file (free of "special" text) to PDF format # using gs runCommand('gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=%s.pdf %s.pstex'\ % (outbase, outbase)) os.unlink(epsfile)