# this file contains the main installer section # The '-' makes the section invisible. Section "-Installation actions" SecInstallation # dummy actions to avoid NSIS warnings StrCpy $AspellBaseReg "" StrCpy $AspellMessage "" StrCpy $DictCode "" StrCpy $LangCode "" StrCpy $LangCodeSys "" StrCpy $LangName "" StrCpy $LangNameSys "" StrCpy $RunNumber "" # init, this variable is later only set to a value in function InstDirChange # when the $INSTDIR is changed StrCpy $INSTDIR_OLD "" # extract modified files Call UpdateModifiedFiles # macro from Updated.nsh # delete files Call DeleteFiles # macro from Deleted.nsh # delete old uninstaller Delete "${PRODUCT_UNINSTALL_EXE}" # delete old start menu folder ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY_OLD}" "StartMenu" RMDir /r $0 # delete desktop icon Delete "$DESKTOP\${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}.lnk" # delete old registry entries ${if} $CreateFileAssociations == "true" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "${PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY}" # remove file extension .lyx ReadRegStr $R0 SHCTX "Software\Classes\${PRODUCT_EXT}" "" ${if} $R0 == "${PRODUCT_REGNAME}" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "Software\Classes\${PRODUCT_EXT}" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "Software\Classes\${PRODUCT_REGNAME}" ${endif} ${endif} DeleteRegKey SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY_OLD}" DeleteRegKey HKCR "Applications\lyx.bat" DeleteRegKey HKCR "${PRODUCT_NAME}" # determine the new name of the install location, # Change the old install path to the new one (currently only when the user # has used the default path settings of the previous LyX-version) Call InstDirChange # Refresh registry setings for the uninstaller Call RefreshRegUninst # register LyX ${if} $CreateFileAssociations == "true" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY}" "" "${PRODUCT_EXE}" ${endif} WriteRegStr SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "RootKey" "$ProductRootKey" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString" "${PRODUCT_UNINSTALL_EXE}" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayIcon" "${PRODUCT_EXE}" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayVersion" "${PRODUCT_VERSION}" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "StartMenu" "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartmenuFolder" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "URLUpdateInfo" "${PRODUCT_INFO_URL}" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "URLInfoAbout" "${PRODUCT_ABOUT_URL}" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "Publisher" "LyX Team" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "HelpLink" "${PRODUCT_HELP_LINK}" WriteRegDWORD SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "NoModify" 0x00000001 WriteRegDWORD SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "NoRepair" 0x00000001 # create start menu entry SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartmenuFolder" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartmenuFolder\${PRODUCT_NAME}.lnk" "${PRODUCT_BAT}" "" "${PRODUCT_EXE}" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartmenuFolder\Uninstall.lnk" "${PRODUCT_UNINSTALL_EXE}" # create desktop icon ${if} $CreateDesktopIcon == "true" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}.lnk" "${PRODUCT_BAT}" "" "${PRODUCT_EXE}" ${endif} # register the extension .lyx ${if} $CreateFileAssociations == "true" # write informations about file type WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\${PRODUCT_REGNAME}" "" "${PRODUCT_NAME} Document" WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\${PRODUCT_REGNAME}\DefaultIcon" "" "${PRODUCT_EXE}" WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\${PRODUCT_REGNAME}\Shell\open\command" "" '"${PRODUCT_BAT}" "%1"' # write informations about file extensions WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\${PRODUCT_EXT}" "" "${PRODUCT_REGNAME}" WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\${PRODUCT_EXT}" "Content Type" "${PRODUCT_MIME_TYPE}" # refresh shell System::Call 'shell32.dll::SHChangeNotify(i, i, i, i) (${SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED}, ${SHCNF_IDLIST}, 0, 0)' ${endif} # create Uninstaller WriteUninstaller "${PRODUCT_UNINSTALL_EXE}" # test if Python is installed # only use an existing python when it is version 2.5 because some Compaq and Dell PC are delivered # with outdated Python interpreters ReadRegStr $PythonPath HKLM "Software\Python\PythonCore\2.5\InstallPath" "" ${if} $PythonPath == "" StrCpy $PythonPath "$INSTDIR\bin" ${else} StrCpy $PythonPath $PythonPath -1 # remove the "\" at the end ${endif} # run LyX's configure script # create a bat-file to start configure in a console window so that the user see the progress # of the configuration and to have a signal when the configuration is ready to start LyX # this is important when LyX is installed together with MiKTeX or when LyX is installed for the first # time on a computer, because the installation of missing LaTeX-files required by LyX could last minutes # a batch file is needed because simply calling ExecWait '"$PythonPath\python.exe" "$INSTDIR\Resources\configure.py"' # creates the config files in $INSTDIR\bin StrCpy $1 $INSTDIR 2 # get drive letter FileOpen $R1 "$INSTDIR\Resources\configLyX.bat" w FileWrite $R1 '$1$\r$\n\ cd $INSTDIR\Resources\$\r$\n\ "$PythonPath\python.exe" configure.py' FileClose $R1 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "$(LatexConfigInfo)" ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\Resources\configLyX.bat"' Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\configLyX.bat" # for some unknown odd reason the folder $INSTDIR_OLD\Resources\ui # is not deleted in function InstDirChange, so the deletion has to be called # again to make it work ${if} $INSTDIR_OLD != "" RMDir /r $INSTDIR_OLD ${endif} SectionEnd # ------------------------------------------- Function InstDirChange # determine the new name of the install location, # Change the old install path to the new one (only when the user # has used the default path settings of the previous LyX-version, otherwise leave the path as is) StrCpy $String $INSTDIR StrCpy $Search "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" StrLen $3 $String Call StrPoint # search the $INSTDIR for the phrase in ${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD} ; function from LyXUtils.nsh ${if} $Pointer != "-1" # if something was found IntOp $Pointer $Pointer - 1 # jump before the first "\" of "\${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" StrCpy $String $String "$Pointer" # $String is now the part before "\${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" # rename the installation folder by copying LyX files StrCpy $INSTDIR_NEW "$String\LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR_NEW" CopyFiles "$INSTDIR\*.*" "$INSTDIR_NEW" # delete the old folder RMDir /r $INSTDIR StrCpy $INSTDIR_OLD $INSTDIR StrCpy $INSTDIR $INSTDIR_NEW # set new path_prefix in the file lyxrc.dist StrCpy $OldString "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" StrCpy $NewString "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" # following macro from TextFunc.nsh # calls Function ReplaceLineContent from LyXUtils.nsh ${LineFind} "$INSTDIR\Resources\lyxrc.dist" "" "1:-1" "ReplaceLineContent" # this is only needed for this installer version 4.18 (delete it afterwards!) StrCpy $OldString "LyX 1.6.0" ${LineFind} "$INSTDIR\Resources\lyxrc.dist" "" "1:-1" "ReplaceLineContent" # set the new path to the preferences file for all users StrCpy $FileName "preferences" StrCpy $OldString "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" StrCpy $NewString "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" Call CheckAppPathPreferences # function from LyXUtils.nsh # set the new path to the session file for all users StrCpy $FileName "session" Call CheckAppPathPreferences # function from LyXUtils.nsh # set the new path to the lyx.bat file # following macro from TextFunc.nsh # calls Function ReplaceLineContent from LyXUtils.nsh ${LineFind} "$INSTDIR\bin\lyx.bat" "" "1:-1" "ReplaceLineContent" # set new path to ImageMagick ReadRegStr $ImageMagickPath SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications" "AutoRun" ${if} $ImageMagickPath != "" ${WordReplace} $ImageMagickPath "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $ImageMagickPath # macro from WordFunc.nsh WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications" "AutoRun" "$ImageMagickPath" ${endif} ${endif} # end ${if} $Pointer != "-1" (if the folder is renamed) FunctionEnd # ------------------------------------------- Function RefreshRegUninst # Refresh registry setings for the uninstaller # Aspell ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "Software\Aspell" "OnlyWithLyX" # special entry to test if it was installed with LyX ${if} $0 == "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT_OLD}" # this is only needed for this installer version 4.18 (delete it afterwards!) ${orif} $0 == "Yes160" WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Aspell" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}" ${endif} # Metafile2eps Var /GLOBAL RegLocation StrCpy $RegLocation "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Metafile to EPS Converter" ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "$RegLocation" "OnlyWithLyX" ${if} $0 == "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT_OLD}" # this is only needed for this installer version 4.18 (delete it afterwards!) ${orif} $0 == "Yes160" WriteRegStr HKLM "$RegLocation" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}" # set the new path ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\InkNote Selector" "" ${WordReplace} $0 "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 # macro from WordFunc.nsh WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\InkNote Selector" "" "$0" ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "$RegLocation" "InstallLocation" ${WordReplace} $0 "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 WriteRegStr HKLM "$RegLocation" "InstallLocation" "$0" # this is only needed for this installer version 4.18 (delete it afterwards!) ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\InkNote Selector" "" ${WordReplace} $0 "LyX 1.6.0" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\InkNote Selector" "" "$0" ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "$RegLocation" "InstallLocation" ${WordReplace} $0 "LyX 1.6.0" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 WriteRegStr HKLM "$RegLocation" "InstallLocation" "$0" ${endif} # MiKTeX ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX" "OnlyWithLyX" ${if} $0 == "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT_OLD}" # this is only needed for this installer version 4.18 (delete it afterwards!) ${orif} $0 == "Yes160" WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}" ${endif} # JabRef ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\JabRef ${JabRefVersion}" "OnlyWithLyX" ${if} $0 == "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT_OLD}" # this is only needed for this installer version 4.18 (delete it afterwards!) ${orif} $0 == "Yes160" WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\JabRef ${JabRefVersion}" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}" ${endif} # Aiksaurus currently not needed #ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "Software\Aiksaurus" "OnlyWithLyX" #${if} $0 == "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT_OLD}" # WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Aiksaurus" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}" #${endif} # ImageMagick ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "Software\ImageMagick" "OnlyWithLyX" ${if} $0 == "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT_OLD}" WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}" # set the new path ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "BinPath" ${WordReplace} $0 "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 # macro from WordFunc.nsh WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "BinPath" "$0" ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "CoderModulesPath" ${WordReplace} $0 "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "CoderModulesPath" "$0" ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "ConfigurePath" ${WordReplace} $0 "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "ConfigurePath" "$0" ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "FilterModulesPath" ${WordReplace} $0 "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "FilterModulesPath" "$0" ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "LibPath" ${WordReplace} $0 "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "LibPath" "$0" # set the new path ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion_Old}\Q:16" "BinPath" ${WordReplace} $0 "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion_Old}\Q:16" "BinPath" "$0" ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion_Old}\Q:16" "CoderModulesPath" ${WordReplace} $0 "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion_Old}\Q:16" "CoderModulesPath" "$0" ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion_Old}\Q:16" "ConfigurePath" ${WordReplace} $0 "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion_Old}\Q:16" "ConfigurePath" "$0" ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion_Old}\Q:16" "FilterModulesPath" ${WordReplace} $0 "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion_Old}\Q:16" "FilterModulesPath" "$0" ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion_Old}\Q:16" "LibPath" ${WordReplace} $0 "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion_Old}\Q:16" "LibPath" "$0" ${endif} # Ghostscript and GSview ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript" "OnlyWithLyX" ${if} $0 == "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT_OLD}" WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}" # set the new path ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\${GhostscriptVersion_Old}" "GS_DLL" ${WordReplace} $0 "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\${GhostscriptVersion_Old}" "GS_DLL" "$0" ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\${GhostscriptVersion_Old}" "GS_LIB" ${WordReplace} $0 "${PRODUCT_VERSION_OLD}" "LyX ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" "+" $0 WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\${GhostscriptVersion_Old}" "GS_LIB" "$0" ${endif} FunctionEnd